The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War CH 11

Also, i will be taking the holidays off,starting in two weeks, i won't be posting until january 10th or so,i have already set up patreon and wattpad with autosubmission, so look up the ultimate guardian, and remain up to date.

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The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War CH 13

Spyro took another week to recover enough to fly again. He had spent a lot of time with his grandmother, who told him everything about his parents. Michael had returned a few days earlier, informing them that he had managed to kill another dark master...

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The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War CH 14

Cynder woke up to a flash of light through the window. She looked out of it to see Michael take off, his armor flashing in the morning sun, Trica and Aura following. She laid her head back down with a sigh. She was happy to have some personal time with...

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The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War CH 12

Cynder woke up to a quite hospital, Ember was sleeping peacefully with Flame curled around her. She looked around to see Trice and Michael, covered in bandages, were also asleep. Aura was sitting on a couch next to the bed, and looked up when she saw...

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The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War CH 15

Deep in a cave on a distant planet, three dragons walked on the slick stone, ducking and dodging the various rock features that dotted the cavern. They each emanated a glow, but it only pierced a few feet of darkness in front of them. Dark magic seemed...

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Spyro Christmas Special

[transmission detected] [source: the ultimate guardian] [location: 5683699578-23-a-1] the wind howled outside the entrance of the cave. cynder was curled up next to the fire.

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Balance Of Power CH 5

Spyro woke to the normal hustle and bustle of the village, Cynder was already gone, she had spent most of the last thirteen days in the archive, reading through thousands of years of lineage. Spyro got up and stretched, then excited the empty room they...

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Balance Of Power CH 2

For the next four weeks, the group explored the city, studying its ancient designs, and messing around. Michael returned with Trice, they had their armor on, and they were covered with dust and grime. "He's not here" Michael spoke. "Where did you...

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Sunny walked along the halls of the Jade Mountain academy, the other dragonets greeted her with smiles and hellos, and she smiled back at them. _Wonder what Starflight's being read today_ She thought, _probably something about Pantala._ She entered the...

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Balance Of Power CH 6

Spyro watched as some of the drakes already fly back to the tribe, a group of dragonesses were waiting excitedly for their drakes. Spyro noticed the ones that had decided to wait for next year were still laying with the rest, the drakes that were...

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The Legend Of Spyro: Perils Of War CH 5

The six dragons flew over the city, gliding over the airstreams. Cynder felt Spyro's fire magic wear off, the familiar warmth leaving her system. They landed in front of a massive structure, it was obviously a palace, its massive doors were closed....

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The Legend Of Spyro: Perils Of War CH 4

"Your... parents? Oh, your Spyro!" the green dragonfly said "That's me" He answered, and Cynder chuckled The dragonfly flew back inside, then they heard a latch slide and then a voice called them inside. They walked into the house to see a bunch of...

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