The Shadows In White Places

Second volume in the 'Enchanted beyond Science' trilogy (Yes, there's one more to come =^.^= ) Whatshore stared into the half lidded eyes of species one, her pupils were slitted and gleaming as if awake. But who pays eighteen thousand for a...

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Contest for Territory (Submissive Ending)

Some dominant/submissive male/male action. ^^ i wrote two versions of this since i felt sympathy for both sides, and i let you choose which to read. or read both. hee hee. :3_ --- the young cougar had just established his own territory.

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The Team Prt. 1

The cougar was worried, apparently the coach was really mad after all. You see last Saturday when they were playing the coach had called a run play but Bass thought he could get away with shotgunning it. He had changed the play at the last moment,...

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Jen & Gar: A quick correction

I'm not used to writing dom/sub scenes so any tips on how to improve would be greatly appreciated. thanks and enjoy! unlike many college students, jen actually lived in a dorm room that was normally shared amongst three girls.

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Domination and Submission - A new life

Story by Joshua\_Rabbit Copyright June 2006// All characters and situations are fictional and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. This Short Story is NOT INTENDED for anyone under the age of 18 (or 21 in some states...

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Doe's new life

This was it, I had finally arrived in Virginia to be with my Master but I knew that the sight of Master would cheer me up. I had slept most the way to Virginia only to wake up and find that my 'heat' had started. I instantly made a decent attempt...

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The Good that Comes from Car Trouble

The Good that Comes from Car Trouble By Duffin Caprous Disclaimer: Just so I don't get sued, this story has adult situations and homosexual sexual intercourse. So, if you're under 18, don't read this story, it might warp your precious little...

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The First Day Blues

This is the first part in a series which I hope to continue if I get good feedback. Just a heads up, this story takes place in an obviously fictional time where humans are rare to the point where most furs go their whole lives without ever seeing one...

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Mistress Sin

The stone floor was cold against Natasha's alabaster skin; her hands were tied behind her back tightly and her legs were tied in a position so that her haunches were sitting on her calves. Her hair was braided and tied into a rope that was...

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Part One - The Naked Lunch

Vietnam '69 - Year of the Cat By Wakboth Part One - The Naked Lunch * * * It was the June of 1969, and the Summer of Love had come and gone. The Vietnam War was going strong, despite attempts at peace, and there were still almost half a...

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Looka and Miw Chapter four

Chapter four- it gets seriously nasty... er. She looked up at Looka. His face plain with pleasure, but she looked into his eyes. She had seen that same look only once before. On the slave markets, the look of despair, fear and pain. What troubled...

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Looka and Miw Chapter three

Miw smiled and shrugged her shoulders at him. "Fine, walk around naked." Chapter 3- the dirtiness begins Looka looked at her surprised and shock, as well as freak out a bit. "Huh?" was all he could muster to say. She looked at him crossly. "Well...

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