I Didn't Mean To...

As a teenager i ended up gravitating towards felines and other animals that we supposedly disliked.

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Ultimate Furry Crossover - An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Background Information 3: The Magical Realm

Similarly, on a galaxy-wide scale, they can manipulate gravitic forces, hurling meteors and even small planets at those who sufficiently displease them.

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Tool species

They do make friends, alliances and give loyalties like anyone else but they are a tools species and will gravitate to those who need their services. sexually the tools match most the common races in the galaxy.

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The End?

Though given how violent things could become particularly in this age it wasn't surprising to see the more powerful predators gravitating toward a place where they could hunt to their, and their instincts, content.

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Into Darkness: Prologue

It is during this time that your genetic code will be rewritten to accommodate for the temporal, spatial, gravitational, thermodynamic, chemical, and psychological particularities of life on erebus.

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Fallout Tales of the Wasteland Bitch Part 10

It's smaller more delicate inner claws started fondling her pinching and scratching her, two of the claws gravitated to her breasts nipping at before grasping and twisting her nipples. hard.

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Inferno High - Chapter 20

Think of it more like a plane that can exit and re enter our atmosphere and glide at twice the speed of our gravitational pull." "that's like eighteen meters a second." [alex] "actually it's like fourty miles a second.

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File #17

Warrior file #17 captains log; stardate: 181202.12 lieutenant commander muraco, yusa and myself have managed to establish contact with the warrior after we disabled the particle synthesis generator, which was creating a heavy gravitational

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Office Hours

A student came in, her voice soft and questioning, asking after the recent problem sets charlton had assigned - something about celestial mechanics, kepler's law, gravitational constants.

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Containment VII

Her gravitational diffusors were offline. she felt centripetal force slam her against the side of her cockpit. she howled in pain as the force began to crush her.

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Ch10. Lesson Four. Knowing Your Role

Real horses would gravitate to another herd. or the older stallion would pick a mare from the herd, and that one would raise the young foals. i'd found a book on fur psychology.

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Their gravitational tech was far beyond anything i had seen in my travels.

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