Song of the Space Finch part 3 of 4

Dave and susan jumped to my side. the rest jumped away, disappearing. dave and susan hissed and glared at captain fellows. "what? get out you creepy pests! or should i crush you?" she leaned forward with a nasty snarl. dave and susan jumped away.

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That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 3: The One I Love (part 4)

"stamp on the ground, jump, jump, jump, jump. moving all around. tep tep da dow, stamp on the ground. jump, jump, jump, jump ,moving all around. we're jumping all around" we heard over the amps of the dj. "oh my god!" hayden said.

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Daily Tale 07/28/14: Parkour

It was easy enough, except for the last jump. he'd never made such a jump before. deciding to go against his better judgement xavier decided to go first to show off how pro's did it.

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A Freefall Fuck

He started to take the jump, but i guess he freaked out at the last second. he jumped, then turned around and tried to grab the plane." the eagle couldn't help wincing at the thought.

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Crisis Chroinicals

Marxeen jumped and swung. peggy jumped up and blocked the attack. peggy blasted marxeen, she smashed into the building. peggy looked up and leaped towards her other. marxeen jumped away and threw her scythe at peggy.

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Noble six-chapter 4- Scarabs, hordes and mental issues

To make it final, i jump on the back of the warthog and jump into the chaingun turret. the rookie jumps in the driver seat.  'you can drive?' buck asks. the silent marine shrugs. 'all right then.' buck jumps into the passenger seat.

Song of the Space Finch part 4 of 4

I really made you... jump or whatever... into space?" a nod. "and your jumps are just like the ftl jumps... only tiny?" i nodded, she seemed to work through things quickly at least. "you... you could have died?"

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Fox Tale

Ayden joins several other males in a high jump, how high the foxes can jump turn then land. the goal of the high jump was to jump as high as the fox can and midair turn and land with their tail held high.

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Marching songs #3

#3 of marching songs cadet marching songs the flying fortress (a on the march song) they took the flying fortress up to 40000 feet up to 40000 feet and he ain't gona jump no more and the lord said "glory

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Ren's display had indeed started counting down towards jump. "our thanks again, tannman. ch-42 out." he keyed the internal mic. "ten seconds to jump. hope you're strapped in, boys."

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Chapter 1: Rucidia Island Pt.1 of 4

_strange that i enlisted in the airborne troops, where you jump out of perfectly functional planes_. this is also his first combat jump, but then again just about all the soldiers are about to make their first combat jump.

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