Lesson III

Time is not life, and life is not measured by time.time is not life, and life is not measured by time. this is a lesson i learned early on in my twelfth year upon this existence. for as a human species we like to understand our surroundings.

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Chapter1: the fight

His eyes were turning white he felt the power of life he looked at his hands to see more power than ever an image pops up of amber being raped in his eyes he started to get angry.


Paying for The Past

Chorus: he's sacrificing his future, his life is going fast. to settle his bill, he's paying for the past. he really doesn't have very long to live. he's done all he could do, and given all he can to give.

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My story of furries....

It was one day like no other when I heard my friends talking about something called furries. This was just last year when I was 13,now I'm 14. They weren't my actual friends but I had walked passed overhearing them. So after school was out I went...



A leech in my mind that does not take away, but instead creates a nuisance. Heartless am I without love and one to hold dearly; there is no substitute for the happiness that love itself gives. The sensations and feelings of ecstacy are irreplaceable...

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Angela Thomas 6

Heh, best to let them not know my sad life. most are not interested anyways. they just want to hear happy stories of their favourite team winning a game...then talk to them about life lessons that are kinda unrealistic.


never forget

Well as you grow, ones you've come to know or love will always one day fade away. But the ones you truly loved will never fade away, not even after death. As long as they live in your heart, they are alway there.

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A cedar wood box...

Look at the little marionette Dancing on those silver strings See the joy it's dance brings? With grace it moves across center stage It really was quite all the rage And the wizard behind the curtain, The grand puppeteer! It is for him the...

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Poem #79: Upon a Star

_Upon a Star_ Sometimes I look into the sky And wish the stars were always there To see me and reassure me Because I do Find reassurance in the stars. They twinkle and burn bright A million little lights Watching over me. Yet the sky is...

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Poem #78: Toast

_Toast_ The edges are strong but weak Crumbling into tiny pieces That scatter across the plate. Red hot metal burns Its marks and its heat into The soft bread Making it harder And crumbier The soft butter Melts into each pore of wheat...

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Poem #74: Wading

_Wading_ Going through a breakup Is like wading through a sea Of french fries Before it begins, You think it will be delightful Almost like a dream come true. It is unpleasant while you are wading And even though you like the taste Of french...

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Poem #72: Our Questions

_our questions_ life doesn't just give us the answers to our questions we have to wait for our minds to find the answers that it seeks. and this takes time. time that not everyone is willing to spend on just waiting for answers to appear.

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