Starfox: James's Confession

starfox james mccloud?" "look at how small he is! man, that's disappointing..." "i bet he doesn't get laid much..."

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Wolfger in StarFox 8

Memories of my childhood, my babyhood, my time at the starfox team, everything. i started to figure, "i'm i in my mind?" then i figure, "nah! that's impossible!.... oh is it?" then i turned to the next door on the right. the scary one.

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Fay's new hardware

The crew had managed to find a genuine medical professional willing to risk arrest and possible execution to help starfox.

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Long before writing this i had read a starfox-themed story called "skin tight," posted on another website.

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Chapter IX

"well then i'll be happy to inform you that for your conduct starfox will receive 500,000 credits." "five hundred thousand!" fox shouted his muzzle almost hitting the floor.

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Chapter III

starfox was puzzled until they saw it appear out of thin air behind the enemy. "jeez a ship that big can stealth!" falco exclaimed. no one answered as they watched the alien vessels spine light up blue until it reached a peak.

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Starfox Misadventures: Chapter 2

#2 of starfox misadventures starfox misadventures; part 2 fox sat in his bedroom aboard great fox, looking out the window into the blackness of space. he could just about see the planet corneria from where the ship was drifting.

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Chapter 2

He was foxes mentor and the reason starfox was still a mercenary group so that fox's fathers work and and his best friends memory would not fade with time. peppy was tall for a rabbit yet still no more then 5'3 without those huge ears.

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Kazufox Interview #1

\_kazufoxs interview with starfox and starwolf\_ ---- ~location: a friends apartment~ ---- \*kazufox\*: hey, this is kazufox and ill be meeting up with team starwolf and team starfox, minus slippy. \*everyone\*: yay!

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Chapter IV

Legacy of the precursors chapter iv starfox left the general's office and walked out of the building. then falco exploded. "he wants us to find that thing!" "you heard him." fox retorted as they headed back to the great fox.

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Halo: Left Behind, Chapter 4: Why We Fight

The warrior swiveled his helmet to the assembled party and twitched so subtly that only the superior eyes of the starfox team caught it.

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Halo: First Contact, Chapter 4: Diplomacy

Meanwhile, starfox journeyed into the city nearby, they being the logical choice.

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