Cop & Bull

It was a quiet night, Lutz and Bane were cursing round in the squad car making sure the streets were quiet and safe. Bane was a cadet and had just joined the NYPD. He was a little bit nervous. Not because it was in a bad neighborhood or his first night...

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The Master Cook

The kitchen of the manor house was busy. The lord was having a banquet that evening inviting all sorts of important people from the near by town. In the kitchen the master cook was busy stiring pots and pans and chopping vegetables. He had a helper...

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The Blacksmith's Apprentices

The early morning sun shone on the medieval town of Little Canton. The only sound that could be heard was that of the birds and the blacksmith's assistant making up his fire for the days work. An hour later the fire was roaring nicely and the...

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Got Wood?

It was Monday morning and Justin arrived at his new job. The wolf was starting a new career as a carpenter. As he walked into the lobby he saw that the boss was waiting for him. He was a lion and wore a short sleeve shirt and jeans. 'Hello...

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The Minotaurs Lair

Theseus found himself looking at the dark entrance into the lair. He had been sentenced to fight the Minotaur in the labyrinth. Slowly he walked into the labyrinth. As he entered he began to unwind a ball of golden string to help him find the...

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The lion with the Dragon Tattoo

Steven Colt is a hight-ranking businessman. He is a bear working in the stock market. One day he decided to head for a steam at the exclusive YMCA he was a member of. He had had a heavy day at work and needed some time to relax and chill. He stripped...

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The Bull in the Field

Kayto is a young fox that works in the rice fields of Japan. Every day he helps harvest the rice plants, toiling in the fields, muddy water up to his ankles. Usually after a while the fox finds this boring and begins to fantasise. However he didn't...

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The Bath House

The car pulled up into the drive of a large cab-logging type building. Out of it stepped four guys. Stan, a horse, Hank, a badger, Gant, a panda and Rex, a wolf. 'What is this place?' said Gant. 'It's a pit stop' said Stan 'I came here a few years...

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Sex and Bondage

Dan is a fox with a fetish. He is into S&M and Bondage and his basement is filled with toys, sex swings and equipment that some would deem bazaar. Dan also has a website which shows lots of videos and pictures of himself and others using it. One day...

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Samari Training

Sung is a young apprentice learning to be a samari. Everyday he has classes with various masters, training him in the fine arts and the skills it brings. Sung, a fox, had reached his 18th birthday a few day ago and was now about to have his first...

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Sinner, Monster, Friend

those on the other side of the screen i feel sorry for them they cant see the heart that lies under the skin all they see is the sin that somehow makes you inhuman not worthy of forgiveness or love it makes me what to throw down the glove and...

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An Era of Chivalry 12 - The End Of An Era

Chrono trigger belongs to squaresoft, finalgamer to me spring had come again to the world, and with it came james' excitement to finish his training, awaiting the final day.

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