
After lunch break, the next few hours were rather uneventful. Well, classes are always boring and will always be, no? Not when Gerrald isn't around. Call me biased or crazy, but any school period, to me, without the bear is just boring. Yes,...

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To catch or get caught?

Kane slams the files on the table. For intimidation or just out of annoyance, he can't be sure. He can't believe he have to work overtime just for him, that little arctic fox in front of him. But work is still work, it still has to be done...

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Tick. Tick. Tick. My ears flick to the sound as I slowly regain conscious, prying my eyes open while my head is throbbing away. Tick. Tick. Tick. Ugh... where am I? I can't see anything much... other than a door in front of me....

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"Yeah, and you refused to tell me what happened until a few days later," Jo says, "You can be pretty stubborn at times, you know." "And it seems like I failed rather miserably, huh I mean, I AM the cause for your next scar. I have no right to...

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Love under the Christmas Tree

Note: This is my first yiff story, so go easy on me, yeah? I won't go for disclaimers here, you should have read the tags, but this is not an extreme yiff story anyway. ---- This time of the year is here again. This place is snowing. Soft...

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I rest my head as I listen to his breath, feeling his chest rise and fall. For a moment I wish that he isn't wearing a shirt, then I'll be able to immerse in his grey, warm fur. I sniff at his shirt, taking in a slightly musky smell along with his...

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Yes, it was that time of the day again, I thought to myself as I walked down to the gym. As expected, the one that I've been looking for was curling massive dumbbells only suitable to the large ursine family. He was not only a polar bear, but a huge...

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The voice (Day 1)

"Do you believe in ghosts?" the teacher said, tapping on the projection screen, "This is the topic of the day where we will venture into the world of supernatural. Some people believe in such existence with varying reasons, but there are no right or...

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I grin as I trace down that muscular pectoral with the tip of my claw right to that brown nub, before I stop and circle my claw around it, watch as he squirm under the touch of my claw. Finally... it has been so long... I had no idea when it...

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First for everything

I felt my phone buzz as I waited outside the train station. I was leaning on the parapet while watching people move up the escalator. I flipped it around unlocked my phone. I stared for a moment at a simple text that displayed 'See you soon' before...

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Deal (2)

The days after _that_were awkward to the maximum... or at least that was what I'm feeling. Neither Alric nor Chloe said anything after that awkward day. I'm not sure if Chloe was ever gonna hold up to her end of her deal, considering she was a little...

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[Request] Second chances

"Oh crap," the pink wolf muttered softly to himself as he rushed to class after the bell signalled the end of his break a few minutes ago. Maybe he shouldn't have stopped for a moment to ask about Louis... but the rust coloured canine looked troubled...

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