Maid in Waiting prt2

Black Hat was still standing there over Flug, breathing heavily. Had the scientist just heard correctly?! Slimy, green, translucent drool dripped from the demons mouth as he licked his sharp teeth again. His eye narrowed as he glared at his target. ...

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Murder City: Chapter 2

_The city wasn't always like this. Like every city, it had its crimes, but it also had its police department. There used to be a balance in Hoffning. If furs were bad, they were sent to jail. At least, that's how it was before Onyx came around._ _Onyx...

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Megalopolis - A Midnight Rescue

He lowers his gaze towards the heart of the city again and grimaces, "in fact, i know they will label me a villain for what i'm going to do. and maybe i am a villain, but what they are doing is more villainous than anything i would do."

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A Change in Plans

To enemies the figure was well known as the Devil's Serpent, the Silent Striker and even once compared to the half god Loki but none of which it dared to take as a name. The agent's designated number on file was 89DR but most call it Agent 89. Stepping...

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Cleaning Up

"your first job's a super-villain." "great." raz leaned his ear against the window and looked outside. "you guys do many super-villains?" "this is only my third." brike laughed. "this part of berlin ain't really a hotbed of super-villainy."

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Red Shadow

#3 of supers, heroes and villains random bit of a thing i was toying around with. it's mostly a one-shot, not meant to be a setup for another story, just a thing to show there's other stuff going on in the world.

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You Ruined Me

Inspired by a writing prompt found on pinterest constructive criticism is appreciated the six heroes burst through the door into the villain's lair, weapons at the ready.

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DC Criminal Profile: Berserker

Defense Council Criminal Profile The following individual is currently in custody in the United City high-security correctional facility. This individual is considered to be extremely dangerous and should not be approached by any unauthorized...

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Gravity: chapter 9

He was respected and revered to be the baddest of the bad, the worst of them all, but the entire villain syndicate knew he had lost his scientist, and they were starting to have their doubts.

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The Rise of Hypno Bear

"and i have seen you use each and every villain you encounter for sex! you don't just twist the minds of villains, you turn them into your sex toys!" "it's not like that..." i protested.

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Working with Criminals 5: The Escape

The heroes and villains stared at the sudden invasion, most of them caught off-guard. nemean had held out his hand, silently keeping the villains from doing anything stupid, while the lord in lavender was seething. "so.

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