Evil Rises- Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Twenty Two "A Death In The Family" By Furry Sith Lord Will parked the jeep in the only available spot next to my grandpa's house. We solemnly got out and I tried to prepare myself to explain the news about father to...

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Secret Agent Bear

Secret Agent Bear Have you ever stood inside a closed freezer, as the cold temperatures caress your fur, and you think to yourself. Boy this feels wonderful! You might be a polar bear like me....

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Raised By Wolf- Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight By Furry Sith Lord "Friend?" Shinto asked as we waited for Baron the next day. We waited an hour or two then I decided that Baron was not coming so we had to head home. I held Shinto though he was being a bit fussy as we...

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Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight "Shocking Developments" By Furry Sith Lord "You've been quiet all evening." Oziah said as he and Lou were walking back to Lou's dorm. They had dropped off Eastwood and Oziah wanted some time alone with his son. His...

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A Grandpa's Love

A Grandpa's Love Not sure if you can call it a blessing or a curse but either way it changed my life forever. What is it? You may ask. When I was old enough I joined the army! It started with a promise that if I joined the service then the...

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Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven "Revelations Now" By Furry Sith Lord Lou had called my dorm room and franticalled shouted about how everything had better be perfect. His father had arrived on the campus and he was terrified that things would not go...

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 07

Episode 07 "The Negative" By Furry Sith Lord Movin in like lightning, You never know what they're gonna throw at you, Don't give up! Just Stand Your Ground. The Fight is Tough, But We're Behind...

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Ol One Eye

The Story of Old One Eye I sat in my cage and a scared rare white fur tiger watched me with tears in his eyes. I had been talking to him trying to get him to relax but deep down I knew it would be difficult. He had been sold as a slave by his...

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Roni, Lyon's Father

Lyon's Story He had always been a bully but then that was how he was raised. His family was wealthy and while not as rich as some of the others, it was enough that his own father expected him to one day be the Alpha of their company so he...

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Other Furs Description

a collection of stories set in the White Fur Brother's series. A group of short stories of charaters that may or may not be part of the main stories.


Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Six

Chapter Six "Tutoring and Revenge" By Furry Sith Lord Uncle Jon was true to his word and he found me a tutor. I met Justin as he slithered up to me and introduced himself. He seemed bashful and did not look me in the eye but kept...

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 06

Episode 06 "Toying Around Pt. 2" By Furry Sith Lord Previously On Power Fur Rangers After contaminating the water supply, the citizens of Gold City have turned against The Power Fur Rangers. The Evil Emperor sent Gollip with a new...

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