Eggs and Buns

Trissie slowly surfaced from her deep sleep enveloped in warmth. The source of such was instantly recognizable. One of her arms was draped around the trim midsection of her home for the last couple nights... or...

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Seen sighed as she stretched, getting out of the cramped space of Bart's car. The cat had invited the otter and two of his more 'regular' friends to a day at an adult water park for some special event. The focus of...

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Sidi worked at kneading a mound of reclaimed clay, homogenizing the mix of bodies and removing any possible air pockets that had formed in the process. They had texted Kelle that they would be unable to respond for...

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Thinking with your Lower Head

Tariel tucked his lower set of arms down against his torso. The dragon-fox fidgeted, palms against his waist to ease them into the drooling toothless jaws wrapped nearly to his navel. ...

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Hungry to the Core

Forest swallowed again and again, lips pursed around the fluffy mass of cookies and cream bliss vanishing into his body. His arms were wrapped around his belly, white fur exposed from his button-up needing to be...

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On the Table

Caudle was seated on the edge of a table that normally stood around his waist height, looking not quite himself if one was only familiar with the bat when he was working. His trademark glasses were set on a shelf in...

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Behind the Knot

Cody stood atop the bedding between the bodies of the two regular sized anthros who were spending the night at he and Kobalt's home. It was nearly four in the morning and it was rare he got an opportunity like this....

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Morning Routine

Razz felt something going on with its shaft as it woke up. This was very normal for the cacomistle, considering the member in question. Its bedding was tossed all about, despite the fact it had hardly moved in its...

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Smoothed Over

Strawberry lounged on their bed, idly gazing over their phone screen. The fox was, as was common, dressed in fairly femme clothes, a miniskirt and halter top. However, they were foregoing their usual stocking and...

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A Flat Coil Curved

Caudle trembled. Every iota of his mind was struggling over one single question: Remain passive? Or wrap his arms around the weighted mass that covered his face? His boyfriend's tail weighed down the center of the...

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Apex City - Work For It

Arci walked along the edge wall of the rooftop at night. First month in Apex City and the short skunk was just about familiar with her patrol routes. The local superhero and supervillain presence was divided between...

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One Cock Two Cock Ram Cock New Cock

Zed opened up the room to his hotel, the broad bull smiling down at the married couple in his bare, naked glory. "Come on in, my dears..." He stepped away from the door to let them past, resting his hands on top of...

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