Typical Friday

"gunner...i'm getting close..." i gasp between pleasured convulsions. his ears perk at the words, pulling his muzzle away and lowering me back to his bed.

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Seeds Of Life 3 - Something Out There

gunner vasquez - cougar, female, electrical engineer. gunner hudson - badger, male, aerospace engineer. gunner ebony - black bear, herm, linguist. gunner speedy - lynx, male, metallurgist / chemist.

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Snake in the Grass (Hope part 2)

The driver of the hummer, and the gunner were with us!

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Tribal Wars: An Assault is Planned

Like a pilot or any vehicle operators, support gunners name their guns to further set them apart. a veteren gunner, like reaper, even grows attached to it. "we need to get her back. i have special ammo in it. 5.56 rounds, with explosive tips.

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WIP Red Winter - White Lotus

"gunner! contact troops front! fire and adjust!" "firing!" with that, the gunner spooled up the turret mounted m134 minigun and cut loose with a stream of bullets with a sound that split the eardrums of those around "iron man."

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Chaos of the Dark Furs Chapter 1 Black Blood in Darkness

Suddenly the gunner is sent flying backwards nocturne slashed the gunner who managed to block it with his arm but the arm was completely cut off. the gunner quickely uses his shirt to tie up the remains of his arm.

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Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 28: So Much to Learn

gunner surprised him enough that he let out a hoarse cry of alarm... but it was nowhere near as loud as tirzsark's handgun discharging.

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23 Miles from Sarmanian, Circa 198X

The gunner's voice called out from the rear of the truck, and a pair of legs emerged from the canopy.


RSH- Invasion

James yelled, grabbing onto his gunner's body armor. he pressed the specialist against the radio mount and held him in a bear hug as the vehicle rolled, watching the snow rocket past outside the windshield.

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The Outlander 1 11

The gunner trying to balance the black powder weapon on the edge of a wooden support which his spotter had balanced on the rock. sandokhan was sizing up the position and was about to make a move. "don't even think about it," the gunner called down.

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Point 89

Inside it was cramped and harriet had just enough room to spread his wings to get his grey scaled hide comfortable in the gunner's chair.
