Change of Perspective Page 18

Explosions rocked the base as Rheme ducked down instinctively as the nearby mechanized suit exploded in brilliant colors of orange and yellow. Scraps of metal flung everywhere as she could hear the whizz of shrapnel fly overhead, landing nearby. ...

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Change of Perspective Page 17

"You can't pull the plug on the project now!" Exclaims Rheme as she stands before Xenari who has her back turned to her. Xenari has her hands behind her back looking at a screen of information, "We've lost over a half a dozen men, two out of six of...

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Change of Perspective Page 16

Platforms 141895112 and 101142119 stood before the geth prime for several moments as the data they transferred was being disseminated and processed by the larger geth consensus, "Alert, data indicates that platform 141895112's repairs have not been...

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Change of Perspective Page 15

Kirisha feels the energy flowing through her geth body. It grows and grows as she 'feels' a pressure building up within her mind. Her body growing hard to move as she hears a voice she can't understand, "Initiating standby mode for platform 141895112....

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Change of Perspective Page 14

"What do I do now? How do we escape?" Azreith inquires. "I am still processing ways to do that," Kirisha replies as she is pushed into the room by her two guards who step aside to let the towering geth prime enter the room. "Platform...

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Change of Perspective Page 13

#14 of change of perspective unlucky page 13. bad luck for a cat? coincidence? i think not! seems azreith will get a nice new outlook on things mighty quick now. guess kirisha was telling the truth afterall. art is done by croft story by me.

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Change of Perspective Page 12

Tiius tenses, his mind commands his hand to press the trigger but nothing happens. His mind screaming out as he sees through the scope as shock hits his system as a blade held by a hunter geth as is driven it down into the turian's back severing his...

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Change of Perspective Page 11

"Hold your fire!" yells Azreith as two slugs hit and penetrate Kirisha's back. Kirisha tenses as her internal sensors inform her of the damage, her external communication equipment becoming damaged in the process, "Hold your fire or you'll hit me damn...

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Change of Perspective Page 10

Azreith heart skipped a beat as he looked his gaze on the geth before him. His hair stood on end as his eyes locked onto the glowing light of the geth's head. He heard the geth 'speech' a quick noise that he couldn't comprehend but could recognize...

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Change of Perspective Page 9

_"So... you are a geth... well not a geth but a geth platform? Geth are programs, and the body is just a vessel, so am I tied to this body? Or did I become a program? I could be a program, or be part of the body?"_ Kirisha thinks as she looks over...

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Change of Perspective Page 8

Faster, faster, Kirisha made her way through ruins, underbrush, taking whatever cover, she can. The hum of geth drones fly over head as she stays low to the ground. Waiting for them to pass, for ground patrols to move through before pressing...

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Change of Perspective Page 7

#8 of change of perspective now that "arch 2" is finished on croft's page. i am going to be posting the art and story here. art is done by croft croft story by me. i might be adding more story details/fixing anything i see as i post.

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