Sins of the Flesh: Part 01 The Auction

The sole purpose for each slave sold at the flesh club is for the entertainment of their master or mistress. each specimen is specially selected, conditioned and groomed for this purpose.

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My Angel of Mercy Chapter 1

sold for 140 million!" that was it. he was sold. his new life was going to be hell... or so he thought. his new owner loomed over him. he was a big black jaguar. _prick._ zaine felt something in his right arm. his vision started to go dark.

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I Sold My Soul To Play The Blues, Ch. 7

I kissed Natan on the nose, and he kissed me back. Then he moved his hand-paws to my lower teats, cupped them, and began to caress my nipples with his thumbs. I smiled at him and he smiled back and... my stomach grumbled. "Natan, we should really...

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I Sold My Soul To Play The Blues, Ch. 6

I walked to the bathroom and got in the shower, Natan getting up from bed and following me. I couldn't believe I was in heat, and that I'd let Natan fuck me three times, and that I might be pregnant now. Might be, I reminded myself. After all, it...

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I Sold My Soul To Play The Blues, Ch. 5

We lay back and rested a bit then Natan stirred himself, reaching over to me with a hand-paw and gently cupping my right upper-middle teat. He fondled it, lifting and caressing, and ran his fingers over my nipple, making my teat grow warm and my nipple...

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I Sold My Soul To Play The Blues, Ch. 4

The hovertaxi arrived and we got in. "Take us to Ta's restaurant," said Natan. We headed into the heart of town. Traffic was light, mostly buses and taxis, and I got the impression the town wasn't very big. We pulled up to a vast sprawling complex,...

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I Sold My Soul To Play The Blues, Ch. 3

I woke up to bright sunshine on white window curtains and lingered lazily, half-aware, until I noticed I was staring up at an unfamiliar ceiling, down an all-too-familiar white-furred muzzle with a black nose at its tip. I reached down beneath the...

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I Sold My Soul To Play The Blues, Ch. 2

The hallways of the hospital lab building smelled of fresh wax, dog, and men's and women's locker rooms. That, and the sulfur smell of Lewis Star. I guessed my dog nose was just really sensitive. Even walking was strange for me - my feminine...

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I Sold My Soul To Play The Blues, Ch. 1

I was playing the blues at the Crossroads when I met the devil, and he made me an offer I couldn't refuse. The dark night air was thick with smoke as I drew out the chords, laying down my latest riff blood-hot, straight from the heart. The crowd was...

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I Sold My Soul To Play The Blues, Ch. 10

A cutting putdown rose to my lips and i stifled it, remembering all at once that i had sold myself, to a yenta, not so very long ago. quite the bargain, i was... to the old me back on earth! ten million tax-free dollars for him.

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I Sold My Soul To Play The Blues, Ch. 9

Natan said "Damn. He's here already. Lets get some clothes on." He pulled on his shorts and I dithered a bit, wanting to wear a dress that at least covered my teats, but it was a warm day outside and I went with the shorts, in the end. We left our...

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I Sold My Soul To Play The Blues, Ch. 8

I awoke curled up next to Natan, laying in his strong arms. He was sleeping soundly. I gazed down at his furry body as his chest slowly rose and fell, and it occurred to me that I actually had a boyfriend in this world. And that I didn't want one....

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