Lament, Chapter 2

-\<FILE BEGIN\>- DISCOVERY DATE: 06/12/2012 RECOVERY DATE:: 07/12/2012 RECOVERY STATUS: HOSTILE, PACIFIED WITH FORCE ASSIGNED STAFF: DRS. ITOSHI, MANFELD, REYNOLDS -\<FILE END\>- The cells were a lot better than they could have been. When you...

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Lament, Chapter 1

I don't remember how long it's been since I found it. Lying there, abandoned and forgotten in some old farmhouse just as abandoned and forgotten as it was. Cold and lonely, forsaken and isolated. I picked it up, thinking it would make a nice trophy....

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The Black Goddess, Chapter 5

I wormed out of the ropes binding my wrists a few hours after they locked me in the cell, but it did me no good. The cell door was locked and I had no knowledge of lockpicking, but even if I did I was on a boat in the middle of the ocean surrounded...

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The Black Goddess, Chapter 4

I woke long before Cadein did, the rain pounding steadily on the roof of the carriage. For a while I considered asking the driver if he was comfortable, but I figured this was his job and he knew he was doing. The countryside was green and lush,...

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The Black Goddess, Chapter 3

In the first moments after I awoke I was sure it had been a dream. I laid in a plush bed with soft sheets pulled over me, but as I tried to open my eyes the truth shattered my illusion. Every bone and muscle in my body ached, a dull throbbing that...

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The Black Goddess, Chapter 2

"Where is the elf?" Asked a gravelly voice as I came to, a slight snarl to his words. I kept my eyes closed, pain throbbing viciously in my skull. "Could he be hiding?" Replied another voice, this one to my left. With my strength returning I...

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Wizard And Barbarian

I held my cloak tight around me as we walked through the thick morning fog, dodging around trees and branches. I shivered slightly under the cloak, and my hood did little to keep the wetness off of my flesh. My companion, Cerinn, didn't seem to...

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Mini-scene/Snapshot: Lion and Vixen

Upon the bed lay the vixen, clad in her light pink lace panties, and matching near see through nightgown. She lay upon her stomach, with her pleasantly plump rump gently swaying back and forth. The pink panties clung to every slight curve of her...

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Fortress Of Destiny, Chapter I

The town of Goldshire had always been fairly peaceful, the only real excitement happening during the harvest or whenever any of the drunks in the tavern decided they took offense with one another. Today was, unfortunately, one of the latter days. ...

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The old house, with its wildly overgrown garden, was silent, secretive, like a man huddled in a tightly-wrapped coat, as if it knew something beyond what it was willing to say in its outward appearance. "God, it really does look like some creepy old...

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The Black Goddess, Chapter 1

The door swung open quickly, sending a resounding thud throughout the abbey. I had been sitting at the desk in my small room, reading over one of the books from the abbey library when it happened, and I had nearly fallen out of my chair in shock....

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Ebon, Chapter Two

"Hey there." He said, smiling at me. A muscular equine with deep chestnut fur, he grinned at me over a beer. "Hey. Haven't seen you around here before." I said, looking him over subtly. He wore a leather jacket with a shirt for some band under it,...

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