Sunshine Days - Chapter 3

Jonathan had to get away from David. He was starting to feel suffocated by the pup's constant presence, his perpetual exuberance, and the uncomfortable intimacy that was imposed on him. It was only his second day at the camp and his patience for David...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 9

Jonathan and David had caught up with the rest of the group after a short burst of speed. Jonathan's previously sore feet were now practically howling with pain as he trudged on. David walked with the perky bounce in his step that he'd started with at...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 8

Jonathan rubbed his eyes vigorously with his fingers, trying to work out whatever was causing the sharp, stinging sensation in them. He knew rubbing them was about as effective as scratching a mosquito bite but it was still worth the momentary...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 11

That night, Jonathan and David walked back to their cabin under the orange glow of the lamp posts. The silence of the night was punctuated by the hum of insects, the sound of air conditioners kicking on, and the loud chatter of cubs from distant...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 10

After their brief stop by the river to wash off, David and Jonathan walked along the trail for a while in silence. Jonathan kept his level of sight at the ground, scanning at least five feet ahead for any rattlesnakes that may be hiding along the dirt...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 16

Just like jonathan had seen the light go out of david's face from time to time, all the joy had vacated the older bull terrier's face and left him with an expression that shook the young pup.

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 38

_Taken from The Redding Journal, June 18 2005_ _Local Pastor Arrested for Drunken, Disorderly Conduct_ _A well-loved and respected pastor faces public intoxication and possible cub endangerment charges after they were arrested Thursday evening at an...

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Winter Help - Chapter One

Just touching the big bull terrier was exciting. he was everything i imagined i wanted to be - confident, strong, and handsome to boot. he seemed so comfortable with his place in the world, and i couldn't even imagine what my place was.

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 29

Pastor Durham couldn't have been in a better mood that evening. While everything else seemed to be falling apart around him and his congregation, at least one thing had finally become manageable. Every year since he'd taken up responsibility in...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 28

As much as he truly wanted to loathe the bull terrier, he was always reminded of how good david was to him. david took a chance on him when no one else did. being around david had always made him happy.

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 25

The next day, Jonathan awoke more tired than when he'd crawled into bed the night before. He and David had returned to the cabin sometime around 1 in the morning with the knowledge that they'd have to be awake in less than six hours. He wasn't sure how...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 24

Jonathan was pinned down on the couch by David's weight, unable to move away though he didn't really have any desire to at that point. David was giving him a long, sloppy kiss, one that had plenty of tongue and youthful exuberance to match his lack of...

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