Don't bully a fox

Don't bully a fox. By Raven fox: A human teenage boy who loved to bully foxes, picked on the wrong one. Who happens to be a gypsy. "Hey flag ears, you're blocking the light!" Teased Ronald a human with a couple of his friends. The three humans are...

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Eva, where am I?

Eva, Where am I? by Raven Fox: A human male driving down a stretch of highway gets abducted. He be-friends a female skunk taur on the ship he's on. She's their prisoner, he helps her escape. Prologue, unknown planet at a city. The female...

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Who am I?

Who am I? By Raven Fox: A male Black anthro wolf wakes up under a house with no memory. He finds out that his name is Paul from a tag he's wearing and a good fighter. Paul be-friends a fennec vixen who's five years younger than him. They go to search...

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Kathryns' story

Kathryn's Story by Raven Fox: Kathryn is getting a examine done to her. She tells her doctor growing up on the home world and the eighteen year voyage to earth. A few members of Yiffstar wanted a sequel from "I love you Kathryn." I hope this is good as...

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Miranda, I love you

Miranda I love you By Raven Fox: A human male from the twenty first century ends up in the twenty fifth. Humans have made contact with an advanced race and none of the humans have any interest in him but a female anthro mink. Year 2020 at NASA...

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Fall and rise of a hero

The fall and rise of a hero by Raven fox; An anthro male fox from 1943 ends up in the present. He crush on a female German fighter pilot gets him trouble with politics. He ends up as a mercenary of a rebel nation. Troubles happen at a nation, but a...

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I love you Kathryn

I love you Kathryn by Raven Fox; A guy has an unsuccessful hit done on him by his girlfriend for his wealth. An albino vixen saves his life. He falls in love with her, regardless of her handicap. Ontario Organ at an apartment "Reed, where are...

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The adventures of Lisa the vixen. Got to save the Earth

The adventures of Lisa the vixen: Got to save the Earth by Raven Fox; The LSS Night wing flies to Earth to stop the LSS Nasal. The Nasal is parked over New York City using the city as a shield. The LSS Night being an older ship can't fly in the Earths...

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The adventures of Lisa the vixen. Lisa where are you

The adventures of Lisa the vixen: Lisa where are you? By Raven Fox: The LSS Night Wing goes to Firer; fleet command talks to Lisa and knows more about her. On the way back to the Night wing, her shuttle crashes on Firer. High Earth orbit, LSS...

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The adventures of Lisa the vixen. Return to earth

The adventures of Lisa the vixen by Raven Fox: Return to Earth: The LSS Night wing returns to Earth. A science member transports an Iraqi insurgent onboard the Night wing. Lisa has to maintain self control because the visitor onboard is the same guy...

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The adventures of Lisa the vixen. The begining

The adventures of Lisa the vixen: Beginning's by Raven Fox: A fighter pilot crashes on a training mission, after the crash his aircraft is set on fire with him trapped in it. An advanced ship on a mission studying earth transports him during the fire....

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I was single and now I am married to a vixen.

I was single and now I am married to a vixen by Raven Fox:A guy trying to start a new life in another state ends up on a starship married to a vixen. Lynnwood Washington 2010. Jared looked at the crowd glaring at him with hate. "I didn't do...

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