A Tale of Ponies and Wolves
Ah another multi verse you are familiar with. no the story i am going to tell you does not involve princess twilight and her friends. as a matter of fact the pony verse i am going g to show you, they don't even exist. let me explain.
Time Before the Verses
It was a complete accident that we found the verses.
The First Verse: Establishments
There's an old saying. "A message hidden within the stars is there for all to see." History lost access to who wrote that. History lost a lot, when the gates were closed. It even lost the knowledge of what stars were. Being in a place that had none,...
The Bond (Extended Verse)
Heaven's waiting for you and I I offer my hand, take me now my love With this band, a symbol of my never ending love Mated, here and now, this moment ours to hold Forever until the end of time With you I share, my love, my life Hold me dear to...
To Fight the Anti-Verse
#1 of to fight the anti-verse an introduction to a commission presented to me a while ago by 22nd nameless one, before he found ways here. i hope he, and all enjoy. "ninja, we are approaching the port now. how's everything looking on your end?"
Unimportant Verse 18
#18 of unimportant verse about important people every day, i learn to say "i love you" in a whole new way. and every day, i fall short of being understood.
Unimportant Verse 17
#17 of unimportant verse about important people cover me, crush me, compress me. squeeze me down until i fit in your pocket. let me jangle among your keys, or slip between bills in your wallet. forget me, let me fray, let me fall apart.
Unimportant Verse 16
#16 of unimportant verse about important people i live my life in eternal terror of the completeness of your own.
Unimportant Verse 15
#15 of unimportant verse about important people mi glutos mian amon por vi. mi glutos mian amon. mi glutos mian amon por vi kaj frandos la ekflamadon de magnezio, gxuos la oferbucxadon, gxojos la auxtolizadon de sekretaj cxeloj.
Unimportant Verse 14
#14 of unimportant verse about important people between our houses, there is a simple fence - not a chasm, not a wall. chain-link, waist high, bedecked with sweet-pea and set about with violets.
Unimportant Verse 13
#13 of unimportant verse about important people every time i seek to change my life, myself, my love, my name, every time i try and broaden my range in this shitty, all-encompassing game, i hesitate.
Unimportant Verse 12
#12 of unimportant verse about important people when a light so far above me shines down, i lose my footing, stop, look around, and for once, see my way lit before me. through you, i learn how i move.