Visella's Dragon- meeting

Story by donshada on SoFurry

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Visella's Dragon- meeting

Visella was strangely independent and confident for her time, when she was eighteen she knew how to wield and fight with a sword when others would have her sewing and stitching with a needle. She had a strong body as well as a cunning mind, she would always over power and out maneuver the men her age in the training arena, not to mention that she could hunt better than most of them. So whenever someone presented her with a challenge she would take it on no matter how dangerous it was.

One day when she was at the training field on her way to a sparring match she had an odd feeling that something was going happen. Good or bad she didn't know, but what Visella did know was that she would get to have some fun today. Her master (training master) had set up this match between her and the new knight in training who just arrived. This should be interesting. I haven't had a new challenge in a while. She thought to herself.

When she arrived at the ring someone called out to her.

"You there, maiden I'm looking for someone. Could you help me?" a young man asked her.

"And who would it be that you are looking for?" she responded.

"My challenger, a man with the surname of Dirathest."

"It is not a man you seek, but woman." Visella said with just a hint of annoyance in her voice."I am your challenger."

"So you are my challenger, what then is the contest? Sewing?" he laughed not trying to hide his amusement in the slightest. "You probably couldn't even last a day in the forest, even with the help of a man." He stated arrogantly.

I'll chop your head off for that you basterd. Visella thought with rage so great she was surprised she didn't actually do it. "Would you like to make that a bet?" she growled at him through clenched teeth. "I will go and survive in the wild for..." before she could finish the young man cut her off.

"For a month. If you can handle it," his voice was dripping with arrogance and sarcasm "then I will kneel before you beg your forgiveness and accept whatever price you demand." She won't do it she can't after all she's only a girl. He thought happily to himself.

"Fine." Visella said."I accept your challenge and will do the same for you if I fail." Her anger was unmistakable.

"I understand that you enjoy having something challenging to do, but I think that you're only doing this out of anger." Visella's master said wisely. "You should have calmed down and thought it through before accepting."

"I know I should have, but I didn't and I'm not backing out now." She said trying to reassure herself more than her master.

"I would expect nothing less than that from any of my students, especially you. Now go prepare your equipment."

When Visella woke up the next morning she got her equipment and headed straight for the village square. There she met up with her challenger.

"So you're not going to admit defeat without fighting first I see." He said a hint of amusement in his words.

"No. I'm not, and when I get back I'll expect you to be groveling at my feet." She didn't bother to hide her resentment towards him. Then she headed off into the forest, flipping him off as she strutted away.

As Visella was walking through the woods she decided that she would make shelter in one of the caves at the base of the mountain.

This is just great, she thought to herself I have to stay out here for a MONTH! Why did I agree to this? Oh that's right because I never know when to say no to a challenge!

It had been three days before anything interesting happened. Visella was getting bored so she decided to explore the mountain cave further than she had when she set up her camp. As she walked down the cave she noticed a side tunnel. Strange there's heat coming out of it. Visella was truly surprised at the phenomenon since the air outside of the cave was that of a cool fall morning. She started through the side tunnel, marveling at how smooth its walls were. It's as if the rock were melted. That might explain the heat. Visella deep in thought, not noticing that the tunnel was expanding until she found herself in a large cavern. Looking around she saw torches randomly placed along the walls and a roaring fire in the center with so many pillows on one side that if she were to crawl through them she would surely be trapped for the rest of her life.

This is amazing. Visella thought as she looked around.

Thank you. I do pride myself on having a presentable home. A warm low voice said in her mind. Then everything went black. They don't usually faint until they see me. The voice said to himself. Oh well.

Visella started to wake up. Half awake and half asleep she forgot where she was. "I must have hit my head pretty hard. Man I've got a headache from hell." She moaned to herself.

Actually you did hit your head. The voice sounded in her head.

"Where are you?" she asked frightfully "What are you?"

I my dear am right behind you, and if you want to know what I am turn around.

Visella turned her head slowly peering over her shoulder. The site that befell her was...

"You're a dragon!?" She was so terrified that her scream was probably heard by anything within a one mile radius. She did what any other rational person would have. She ran like the devil himself was chasing her.

Oh come on am I really that scary? The dragon asked with his mind as he reached to pick up the maiden that had wondered into his lair.

Visella thought to herself (or so she believed) I will never be as scared for the rest of my life however shot it will be as I am now. She was wrong. This she knew as soon as the dragon picked her up. Then as soon as he was looking her right in the face she started pleading. "P-p-p-please d-d-d-don't e-e-eat m-m-me. Please I don't want to die. Please. Please. Please." She was sobbing now thinking. I can't believe this is the end. I'm going to die!

Please just stop whining it's annoying the hell out of me, and I'm not going to eat you. Now tell me, why you are in my lair.

Visella told the dragon her story, stuttering the entire time. When she finished the dragon seemed to be chuckling.

"W-w-what's s-s-so f-f-funny?" she would have been angry if she wasn't so scared.

You humans are always trying to prove that you are more dominant than the others of your race. It amuses me. And for the last time I'm not going to eat you!

"I didn't say anything about you eating me." She said in a panicky voice.

No, but you still can't stop thinking it. Less commonly known fact about dragons, we can read minds.

"Well that sure does explain a lot. Hold on if you can read minds, have you been going through mine?" she asked in fear, for there were things she didn't want him to know.

My dear I have not gone through your head, no matter how much I'd like to. And know that you have brought it to my attention what is that you would want to hide from me?

"Nothing!" Visella said a little too quickly. "I mean I have some very private thoughts, that's all."

Now I'm interested. You should not have brought it up, because now I'm going to push for it.

"No, please don't" she begged him. "I'm not too happy that I thought about it."

You may as well tell me. I'll find out soon enough regardless of whether or not you tell me. The dragon warned.

"I was wondering if I could if I could just um..."

Just ask already, I am becoming impatient.

"Could I..." she thought about what she wanted to do and immediately the dragon understood.

Is that all?

Visella nodded. Yes. "Will you let me?" she asked tentatively. And then to answer her question the dragon rolled onto his side, and then set her down in front of him. Moving along his underside she reached along him towards his sheath. She slowly moved her hands over and around his balls. They felt hot on her massaging hands, then she gathered enough courage to start to lick them, getting her a moan of pleasure from the dragon. She continued to do this for quite some time, licking rhythmically up and down the dragon's ball sac, she even started to suck on the skin just a little. The dragon had not been pleasured this way for good sum of time so he was in pure elation, letting out moans of pleasure as Visella continuously licked his genitals. Then when she noticed that the dragon's huge cock had come out of his sheath and become hard she started to lick it instead. Starting from the base of his gigantic four and a half foot cock, she moved up slowly. The dragon could not contain his pleasure nor did he want to. His member throbbed a bit letting out some of his pre. Visella lapped at it eagerly. The taste was like nothing she had ever known, it was so delicious that she started sucking on the head of the dragon's member wanting more. While she sucked the dragon, she used her hands to rub his dick as quickly as she could. The dragon roared with delight as she pleasured him further. After a while of this Visella felt the dragon's cock start to throb, and then the dragon began coming. His first burst was sent straight down her thought into her stomach. His second stream of thick hot cum filled Visella's mouth and gushed out onto her chest. And the third load nearly drowned her there was so much. The dragon eventually stopped coming. When he did Visella licked him clean.

Do you mind if I repay the favor and help you clean up? The dragon asked her.

"Not at all, please do." So the dragon went about licking his cum off of her.

"Thank you... I forgot to ask you, what is your name?

My name is Dragelious, and before you thank me again I have a question of my own. Would you like to stay with me?

"Thank you Dragelious, I would stay with you for forever if I could."