A Wish come true Part 1.

Story by Shadowman098 on SoFurry

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This is my first time ever writing stories like this, so please bear with me. It's a work in progress. I'l have my stories break off into sections for now until i feel comfortable writing entire stories.

I never really thought that anything in life would ever change for me and I'd always assumed that this was how it was supposed to be. I'd only ever allowed myself few emotions and gave up on all others, especially when it came to love. I let go of that years ago. More often than not, I would feel Lonely, depressed, and abused. It had begun to make me believe that there wasn't anyone out there for me, that I would always be alone. Hell, my own mother once told me, "Some people will always be alone, Dakota, all we can do is accept that and move on with what we do have in life."

Living under the influence and control of my traumatic past and the government all my life taught me to build a wall. I shut everyone out, believing that no one would ever be there for me; no one would ever care; no one would ever understand me; and that no one would shed a tear or loose sleep over me if I were to disappear or pass away into the deep void that is my empty heart, or into the darkness that is death. I've grown lonelier and lonelier over the years, wearing a mask to hide my true emotions and always feeling alone even when I'm surrounded by those that say their my friends. On the outside, as I let everyone see me, I am a bubbly and charismatic individual who'll be there for anyone. On the inside, underneath all the impossible dreams and shattered remains of who I was, is a lonely and depressed creature, one who simply wants someone to be there for me, without the lies, and abuse that I've always received. If only I'd known. This wouldn't last forever. My dreams would come true, and in ways I could have never expected.

_ Damn. What the hell am i going to wear?_ I look into the mirror of my small bathroom, staring at the rings under my eyes. Another long night, with none to accompany me but my hand and my pessimistic attitude. _you know? who'd care anyways... Its not like anyone notices me. _With the decision made, I took a quick shower, and threw on my regular outfit: some jeans, a white T-shirt, and a plaid dress shirt along with some black shoes I'd had for years. I combed my hair, and with everything ready waited for mom to get up so I could go to school.

**Hey beautiful, you have a text message* * At the sound of my buzzing phone, mom wakes up and finishes getting ready. I look down at the text while I waited. It was from Neptune.

"heyo." I'd been talking to this guy for a short time now, we both liked each other and I was hoping things could work out. Don't get your hopes up. Remember what happened last time. Me and Neptune had met at a furry convention center in Colorado. The first time I'd seen him, I'd wanted to ask him out but was too scared to do so and missed my opportunity. The second time We'd seen each other, was by mere accident. I was at another Convention, this one for Anime.

"Hey Cutie" He absolutely loved it when I called him that. "What's up?" Within seconds he responded. Mom finished getting ready and we started heading out the door. I didn't see his response until I was in the car. When i did see it, my face blushed bright crimson red. Is he serious?

"Well... Tiger, I was meaning to ask you. Are you available this weekend? say Friday at eight? I would love to see you and well... if your up for it, I think I can make an exception the rules we set in place. I would love to see that magnificent dick of yours in person."