Episode Two - Paws for Effect

Story by summerlong on SoFurry

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#3 of Undersourcing - Welcome to the Show!

Whelp. Hopefully I'll get the next one out faster. Here's hoping. Sorry for the long wait, I hope you enjoy, and thanks, as always, for reading!

Proofread by SkyWing

Standard boiler plate: This is fantasy, not real. Simple rule of thumb, do not do things to people without their consent in real life. That is bad. No more to say there than that.


"Aaaaaaaaaaand we're back!" Edris said, bowing to the camera. "I'm sure you're all as excited as I am to get to the fun, but first, we have just a little bit of housekeeping to take care of." He swept a hand toward the wheel upon which the remaining contestants were bound. "Firstly, I'm sure you noticed that the hen is missing. Unfortunately, as she and her plans didn't seem to be getting any interest, we decided to cut our losses and ship her off to the farm. Either for milking or egg production, I don't remember which. Can't say I wouldn't hate trying some good old-fashioned chicken milk from Lust Farms, mm-mmm!" Giving his belly and over-exaggerated rub, the brown lizard licked his lips and winked. "There, ad complete, you owe me, Alvin."

"Next, per suggestion, the kangaroo pony and weasel milk-cow will be treated as a single contestant to be made into a pair of milk ponies! Whether you're looking for something to pull heavy loads, a leather bound fuck-toy, a fresh and ready beverage without having to settle for the farm's product, or any combination thereof, all you need is a milk pony!" Stopping for a moment, Edris turned his head toward the sound of shouting from offstage. "Ah, right. What I meant to say was that the farm's milk is vastly superior. Buy it. All of it. You'll love..." He let out a deep sigh. "...you'll love sucking down their cream."

He coughed into his hand.

"Moving on! The rest of the contestants are still fair game, with Miss Bendy-snake taking the lead BECAUSE I SAID SO DAMN IT!" He coughed into his hand again. "Also, a bit of good news! To make up for losing the chicken and merging two others, we've brought in two new contestants!"

From the darkness offstage, Muriel walked in, pulling a pair of wooden stocks mounted on wheeled platforms behind her. One set of stocks held a stout, angrily-snorting male boar, while the other held a tall, lanky, female German shepherd staring up at the hyena with a look of nervous anger. Both were on their knees, their arms, wrists, and necks secured in the holes in their respective stocks. They each also had a muzzle fitted with a ring gag locked in their mouths, with additional fingerless mitts covering their hands.

Beginning with the boar, Muriel gave his platform a one-eighty degree turn, showing off his plump, round rump, as well as the massive red butt-plug stuffed under his tail. A small chastity cage was locked over his cock, snugly held in place by a ring locked around his over-sized nutsack. The cage occasionally saw a drop of pre-cum drop from the tip, likely due to the plug buzzing away at its highest setting.

Giving the nice, vulnerable ass a sharp swat, causing an enraged, gagged shout from the other side of the stocks, Muriel moved on to the anxiously glaring dog. She smiled as the bitch tossed fearful, muffled obscenities her way, ignoring the threats and protests while turning her platform around to match the boar's.

Tantalizingly slowly, the German shepherd's taut rump came into view, the base of a large black butt-plug visibly nestled between her cheeks. Instead of a cage, she wore a full chastity belt locked around her waist. She was clearly straining to cover herself with her long bushy tail, failing to do so as its tip was firmly held to the back of the stocks by a tight cuff. Even bent over, the dog's petite A-cup breasts were barely apparent.

"Take a good look! Both very nice, yes? Well, good news to you all, I don't have a specific plan for either of these new slaves. Suggest ways for them to be used, and if they win, I'll use the best one! Or perhaps I'll use all of them! Less 'You got your peanut butter in my chocolate!,' far more 'You got your piss slave in my paw slave!' We'll figure it out." The lizard flashed a toothy grin. "We are professionals here, after all. And speaking of paw slaves, Sebastian and Del, why don't you both come on down!" He threw his arms up in a wide flourish, somewhat awkwardly continuing to hold them up while he waited for the ferret and the white cat to run over.

"Did we win?" Del asked, excitedly hopping in place, getting a condescending stare from both lizard and ferret.

"No," Sebastian answered, rolling his eyes. "He just called us here because he thought we needed the exercise."

"Oh. Aw." The cat's ears drooped back, flat against his head.

"Right, since sarcasm is wasted with this one, I'm just going to talk to you," Edris said, walking directly up to the ferret. "Your lucky contestant is the wolf paw-slave. Same deal as before, you'll be given a work room with everything you need." He handed a clipboard to the ferret. "And here are some requests. He'll be less restricted than in the initial plans, but there's still a pretty good set of kinks in there, so have yourself some fun. Now hop to it!" he finished, gesturing toward the wheel holding the contestants.

"So..." Del asked, pausing briefly, "Did we win?" He held totally still, wearing a wide, unsure, awkward smile. The ferret and lizard exchanged a quick glance before looking back at the cat.

"Just... just follow me," Sebastian answered, letting out a sigh as he motioned for the feline to join him at the wheel. Grabbing onto it, he gently spun it downward until the big, muscular wolf was hanging belly-down a short distance from the floor. He and Del grabbed hold of the wolf's broad chest with one arm, setting about freeing his ankles and wrists from the wheel with the others. Once the wolf's limbs were unbound, they both caught his body as it fell, pulling his ass free of the lubed post with a loud squelch.

The instant his footpaws hit the stage, the wolf sprung into action in a desperate bid to escape whatever nightmare he'd just woken up to. He specifically targeted the cat, the smallest of the two nearest targets, and lunged forward, grabbing the surprised feline in tight headlock. Using Del as a shield, he reached behind his head, angrily ripping off his gag and throwing it against the floor. "You fucks are gonna let me outta here now or I'll rip this little piece of shit's head off!" the wolf shouted, threateningly palming his hostage's head, digging his claws into his scalp.

Edris was more amused than impressed, holding his arms behind his back, showing a smug smirk and a single condescendingly raised eyebrow.

Standing off to the wolf's side, Sebastian wore a more neutral expression, simply looking the snarling future paw-slave up and down.

Keeping his hold on the cat's neck, the wolf took a few steps back, totally unnerved by their silence. "I'm serious! I'll kill him! Follow me and I'll fucking kill him!" He took a few more steps back, trying to scan the stage and the room for any possible exits.

"Oooh, I like him! He's feisty!" Del said, further confusing the wolf with his chipper response. "Mind if I play rough, too?" he added, slapping his palm down on the wolf's caged, otherwise exposed crotch. Grabbing hold of the fat balls dangling below, he lightly squeezed them, gently grazing the tight scrotum with his much sharper feline claws.

Letting out a loud, whining grunt, the wolf buckled at the knees, though he managed to maintain his hold on the smiling cat's neck. Making good use of that momentary distraction, Sebastian dropped the clipboard and sprinted behind him, his long, thin body weaving in an almost serpentine fashion, moving with an unexpected speed and agility. Leaping upon the wolf's back, Sebastian quickly pinned his free arm in a half-nelson. He sat atop the wolf's rear, wrapping his legs around his waist while tightly grasping him around his throat.

Between one of his captors squeezing his balls and the other choking him out, the wolf had a difficult time keeping up his end of the fight. All too soon, he was beginning to feel light-headed from the partial choke-hold taking its intended effect. Letting go of his hostage, who in turn mercifully let go of his junk, he focused everything he had on trying to get the ferret off his back. The wiry mustelid had no trouble avoiding his clumsy grabs, easily ducking every swipe, holding on until the wolf finally gave up, falling to his knees in surrender.

Maintaining his hold, Sebastian leaned forward, whispering directly into the wolf's ear. "I've beaten you. You are my inferior. I claim you as my omega. I am your alpha. You obey my every command. Do you understand?"

Submissively folding his ears back, the wolf briefly stopped panting to make a grumbling whine and ceased all struggling. He placed one palm on his thigh, cupping the other over his nutsack, grudgingly waiting for a command from his new superior.

"Alright then," Sebastian said, letting go of the wolf and getting back onto his feet. "Del, please get the clipboard. Omega. You will follow behind us." The cat happily scrambled to do as he was told while the wolf made another reluctant grumble. "Do. You. Understand?" the ferret continued, over-enunciating each word.

"Yes... sir..." the wolf said, clearly displeased to be taking orders.

"Good boy, let's go," the ferret said, holding his arms behind his back, grinning as he walked offstage. Climbing to his feet, still mildly panting, the wolf reluctantly followed after him, his head and tail both hanging low. The cat watched on with a wide smile, surprised, yet pleased that he was already obeying their orders. He skipped off after them with the clipboard, a small bulge apparent at the crotch of his jumpsuit, clearly eager to get started.

"Well," Edris said, clearing his throat, "That was certainly... something. Certainly fun to watch, wasn't it? Indeed it was. In any case, that is all I have for you lovely folks. Remember to vote for the snake, and I look forward to tallying the votes for the snake next time around. Until then, enjoy the show!"

  1. Female kangaroo, Female weasel, Milk Ponies.
  2. Male rat, Living Canvas.
  3. Female snake, Double Stocks. <- Pick this one - Edris
  4. Male otter, Mobile Urinal.
  5. Male wolf, Paw Slave.
  6. Female chicken, Living Coat Rack.
  7. Male raccoon, Chandelier Urinal Slave.
  8. Male lion, Kitten slave.
  9. Female weasel, Milk Cow.
  10. Male toucan, Dog Toy
  11. Male boar, Viewer's Choice.
  12. Female German shepherd, Viewer's Choice.


Arriving at their designated training area - a small, clean, brightly lit room, lightly furnished with a few chairs, tables, and cabinets full of supplies - the cat made a beeline for the cabinets while Sebastian ordered the wolf to kneel in front of the chair. The wolf obeyed the order without question, though not without grumbling under his breath as he did so. After telling the lupine slave to stay in that position, he joined his partner by the cabinets.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Del whispered, leaning in close to the ferret. "How'd you get him to obey you so easily?"

"Simple," the ferret answered, giving a slight shrug, "I read through the backstory in his file, and saw he's a dedicated old-world wolf, a part of one pack or another for most of his life. I figured dominance and hierarchy would be a big deal to him, so I rolled with it." As he spoke, he sorted through one of the cabinets, picking and choosing items from the list of suggested supplies.


"It's not THAT impressive. Everyone has triggers to exploit if you know how to look for them."

"No no no, I'm surprised you read someone's file!"

"And I'm surprised YOU didn't..." Raising an eyebrow, the ferret looked indignantly at the cat. "Wait, why're you surprised?"

"Oh, well, you kinda have a reputation of being the laziest trainer here, so, yeah."

"I guess that's fair. I try to avoid undue effort where possible. Here's the thing, though, work smarter, not harder, right? Twenty minutes of reading saved us hours, maybe days of trying to break him the old fashioned way. So. Yeah." He tapped his right temple with the tip of a long, blue dildo. "Lazy, but smart."

"Awesome, I'm not going to complain about jumping straight to the fun parts!" Del excitedly hopped up and down, showing an increasingly large bulge at his crotch. "So can we start playing with his paws now?"

"Ah, no, not yet. We're just exploiting a cultural quirk here, not using a magic spell. He'll only obey as far as he wants to. It gave us a good head start, but we still need to ease him the rest of the way into his new role, like if we were squeezing him into a bitchsuit."

"Ooh! We're putting him in a bitchsuit?"

"What? No, I was using a meta... Nevermind." Shaking his head, Sebastian shoved a set of four black, latex tubes into the cat's arms. "One of the requests was to use these instead. Now, if you're done fucking around, how about we get started, hm?" Not bothering to wait for the cat's response, he strolled over to the grumbling wolf. "Alright pup, raise your arms."

Hesitating, the wolf eyed him warily, eventually asking, "Why?"

"I'm sorry, I think you misunderstood me, omega. I am your alpha, that's all you need to know. Now raise your arms."

Glaring at the ferret, the wolf nonetheless obeyed, raising both arms straight up, holding them still above his head.

After identifying the two arm-sleeves from the bundle of latex sheaths he'd been given, Del kept one and handed the other to the ferret, letting the rest drop to the floor for the time being. Both he and Sebastian pulled their sleeve over one of the wolf's arms, completely encasing them, from the tips of his claws up to his armpits, in loose-fitting latex.

"Good boy, now get on your back," Sebastian commanded, giving a slight swirling gesture. As before, though the wolf was clearly reluctant, he still obeyed his alpha's order, promptly sitting on the floor and lying down flat on his back.

Grabbing the discarded latex leg-sleeves, Del handed one to the ferret. Once again, they pulled the loose latex onto the wolf, this time encasing his legs from his ankles to the tops of his thighs, leaving his footpaws completely exposed.

Using a small remote, Sebastian pressed a button, triggering all four sleeves to tighten, immediately sealing themselves to the wolf's body. While they hadn't tightened enough to cause any pain or damage to his circulation, they would not be coming off anytime soon either.

Experimentally flexing his latex-gloved fingers, the wolf was grateful to find that they still possessed their full range of motion. Less promising was the fact that his claws were now effectively blunted by the smooth material.

While the wolf was distracted, inspecting his limbs, Sebastian readied the final piece of his wardrobe: a stainless steel chastity cage meant to cover his sheath, with a removable sounding rod attached at the tip and a base ring to lock everything in place around his scrotum. Placing the sound at the opening of the wolf's sheath, he lightly probed it around until finding the piss-slit of his hidden cock.

"No! Not again!!!" the wolf shouted, scooting backward to get away, the poking into his sheath more than enough to grab his attention. With another click of his remote, the ferret triggered the magnetic strips in the four latex sleeves to lock together. In an instant, the wolf's forearms were pinned to the shins of his bent legs, forced his body into an arch, thrusting his belly and crotch into the air. He let out a small whine from the discomfort of his new position, additionally folding his ears back when he saw the ferret looming over him.

"Another outburst like that, and you'll regret it. Now stay still," Sebastian said, kneeling back down by the wolf's crotch. He resumed probing the sounding rod about in his sheath until again finding the piss slit. Firmly pushing the rod inside the thin tunnel, he grinned when the wolf let out another whine, feeling his urethra being penetrated for the first time. Eventually, the main cage came to rest snugly atop the wolf's sheath, after which he made sure to lock the base ring around his nutsack, securing it all in place. Hopping back to his feet, he released the wolf with another click of his remote. "Good, now that the prep work is done, get on all fours by the chair and hold still. I'm gonna fuck ya."

"Uh, you said we were gonna ease him into this, didn't you?" Del said, leaning in to whisper his concerns to his partner. "Not that I'm complaining, but isn't that kind of of a jump?"

"What? No, we gotta ease him into the paw stuff. He was pretty much a designated omega his whole life, which amounts to being the bitch-boy to those packs. Getting fucked is pretty much par for the course for him."

"Really? Wow. You really did read his entire file, huh?"

"I did. And I'll thank you to stop being fuckin' surprised by it," Sebastian said, flicking his partner's short, pointed ear. "Right now, between the two of us, you're the one looking like a lazy piece of shit." He tossed the cat a small notepad. "I'm taking first dibs, so go do some reading hm?"

Seeing that the wolf had indeed gone onto all fours in front of the chair, his tail hiked up, exposing his tailhole, Del had to give an impressed nod. He happily hopped onto the chair, smiling ear-to-ear as he kicked his feet up, resting them on the kneeling wolf's back. Slouching back into his seat, he slipped out of his work shoes, letting them fall to the floor. Once his paws had been freed, he made a show of wiggling his toes near the back of the wolf's head.

Growling lightly, the wolf was about ready to shake the cat's paws off, or worse, turn around and bite, when a stern growl from the ferret warded him off.

"Bad boy," Sebastian said, dropping to his knees behind his omega. "I'm your alpha, he's your beta, so you'd best treat him with the same reverence you show me, got it?"

"Yes... master..." the wolf replied, slightly baring his teeth, though he kept his head still, facing straight ahead.

"I'm the beta!" Del gleefully exclaimed, giggling to himself. Sinking back in the chair, he started flipping through the notebook. "Hey, his name is Claude?"

"Yeah, why?" Sebastian was barely paying attention, far too interested in fishing his half-erect cock out of his jumpsuit.

"It's kinda funny, isn't it? For what he'll be doing? You know, Claude sounds like clawed? Like the C-L-A... W?... W-E-D? Clawed, like a-"

"I get it, hysterical." With several strokes of his swelling, tapered prick, Sebastian was rock-hard and ready to begin. Grabbing hold of the wolf's ass-cheeks, he spread them wide, exposing the greasy, pink hole - conveniently slick and prepared from his time posted on the wheel - nestled between them. He poked his cock against the fleshy pucker, ginning at how it fluttered when the wolf nervously jerked forward. Suddenly remembering his toy's chastity cage, Sebastian paused a moment to give his remote another click.

Claude shivered slightly, wincing as his cage buzzed to life, both stimulating his trapped cock and making sure it wasn't able to swell out of his sheath in the least. As a reflex, he clenched his tailhole even harder, especially when he felt the ferret's tip prodding against it once more.

Grabbing hold of the wolf's waist, Sebastian gave an insistent pump of his hips, pushing the first inch of his cock through the tight ring. Despite his desire to ravage the presented backside, he remained calm and collected, pressing forward with a constant pressure. He smoothly slid his way in, centimeter by centimeter, all the way until his cock had been successfully sheathed to its root inside the welcoming ass.

Over his years as an omega, Claude had learned to enjoy getting taken up the rear. To a point. He was straight, sure, but there was plenty to love about getting his tail stuffed. He may have even enjoyed his new alpha - whomever he was - filling his rear, were it not for the cage. Being stuffed in that little prison, vibrating like crazy, somehow pleasuring him without providing any pleasure... In the short time since it was turned on, he felt like he was going to explode out of frustration. He found himself wishing his alpha hadn't commanded him to remain still, as he wished more than anything else to find a way to get that damned piece of metal off his crotch.

Del, meanwhile, continued to flip through the notebook, his tongue absentmindedly lolling out the side of his mouth. Glancing downward, he couldn't help but notice the pink tailhole gripping the ferret's cock as he slowly pulled it back out. He leaned to the side to get a better view, ending up placing his right footpaw on the back of the wolf's head. Forgetting the notebook, he rubbed at the bulging crotch of his jumpsuit, eagerly licking his lips as he watched the ferret thrust back in, proceeding to fuck the wolf at an excruciatingly slow pace.

As much as he wanted to cut loose and pound the silken, gray-furred ass raw, Sebastian was well aware that, in the long run, getting the wolf all pent-up and desperate at the start would make him far more malleable. At the same time, submissive though he was, the wolf was almost guaranteed to fly into a rage once his new role was fully explained, if not sooner. Sebastian wasn't worried either way; so long as his toy-in-training wore those sleeves, he posed little to no threat. For the time being, he was pleased to make the most of the smooth, rhythmic thrusting of his hips.

He managed to keep up that patient pace for what seemed like hours to Claude, and like days to the cat, who had eventually fallen asleep with the notebook resting open atop his short muzzle. A quiet, frustrated snarl rumbling forth from the chaste wolf alerted Sebastian that it was time to move on. Gripping his hips even harder, he abandoned all restraint, thrusting his pelvis increasingly fast until his hips became a total blur.

The sounds of rapid, wet sucking and smacking woke Del from his nap, pleased to see that things were finally happening. Placing his other paw alongside its mate on the back of the wolf's head, he licked his lips as he watched the ferret's cock piston in and out of the stretching tailhole.

Unable to last much longer at his new, rapid pace, Sebastian soon climaxed deep inside the wolf's rear. Giving several short, especially hard humps, shooting out multiple spurts of cum each time he slammed against the flexing ass-cheeks, he let out a long, pleasured sigh. After taking a moment to enjoy the increased sensitivity of his afterglow, he pulled his cum-covered length back out, letting it idly throb in the air.

"Alright, your turn, Del," Sebastian said, keeping his eyes on the wolf, waiting for him to lash out.

"Woo!" Del exclaimed, accidentally kicking the back of the wolf's head as he hopped off the chair. He quickly moved to fish his cock out of the jumpsuit, momentarily stopping when another low growl sounded out.

Keeping his hand on his remote, Sebastian grinned.

"Please, sir... Master..." Claude said, both growling and panting. His eyes were wild, showing the same reluctance and anger as before, though frantic desperation was increasingly evident. "Please take it off... it hurts..." he said, pulling at the cage with his gloved hand. "Vibrating too hard... I'll do anything... please take it off."

Had Sebastian been anyone else, he might have been disappointed by the wolf's fast surrender. Instead, he was delighted that things were going so smoothly. Grinning even harder, he decided to see how far he could go. "No, that won't be coming off anytime soon," he said, knowing full well the self-cleaning cage never needed to be removed. An internal mechanism recessed in the sounding rod would even evaporate any pre-cum or urine it encountered. Strictly speaking, the only reason it was removable at all was if an owner wanted to upgrade to a bigger size. "If you're looking for relief, I can offer you the next best thing." Pulling the chair around, positioning it a couple of feet away from the wolf's head, he took a seat and kicked off his shoes. He said nothing more, only flexing his toes as his omega looked on in confusion.

"...Master? What do-?" Claude attempted to ask, only to be interrupted by the impatient feline behind him giving a single, brutal thrust, instantly burying his smaller - though still impressive - shaft most of the way into his backside. Initially, he growled again, fading back into a needy whine as the cat began fucking his ass, making him remember the cage tormenting his trapped flesh in every conceivable way. "...Master..." he groaned, "Please make it stop..."

Smirking, the ferret reached over with one of his bare, musky footpaws, holding it only a couple of inches from the wolf's nose. "This is pretty much the everything you're going to need to know for your new role, here on out. There's only two ways for you to get any kind of relief now, one of which is for you to start licking." Despite his need, the wolf couldn't help but flash an indignant look. "I'm not messing with you. I don't know how it works, but the more enthusiastically you service paws, hooves, or... whatever bird feet are called-"

"Talons!" the cat interjected in the midst of his humping.

"-talons. Talons? Isn't that the claw part?"


"Sure, let's go with talons. I'm not sure how, exactly, the cage works, but it can tell how enthusiastically you service those paws, and will proportionally die down in exchange. While it's obviously not an actual release, for now, it's the best you'll get. Now, if you sincerely want some of that relief, you'll listen to your alpha's command and lick."

His defiance rapidly fading as the cat gave him an aggressive prostate massage, making that little cage feel ever smaller, Claude eventually acquiesced. Closing his eyes, wincing at both the discomfort and humiliation, he leaned in, sticking his long, flat tongue out. He winced again the instant he made contact with a salty toe-pad, tasting the ferret's overwhelming musk. About to pull away in disgust, he held himself in place when he felt the cage, indeed, calm its vibrations ever so slightly. Claude gave a few additional tentative, experimental licks, trying however he could to ignore the taste. As before, the cage further quieted itself, which in turn spurred him on to make several long, sloppy licks along the ferret's soles. Sensing his dutiful efforts, the cage fell completely silent, earning a delighted sigh from the wolf. Unfortunately for him, that brief pause caused it to hum back to life, starting his torment all over again.

"You have to keep going or it'll restart," Sebastian explained, thoroughly enjoying the long, wet tongue instantly getting back to work bathing his feet.

All too quickly, Del's blinding pace brought his climax crashing down, squealing with glee as he spent his cum alongside the ferret's, giving the wolf's ass its second filling. The moment he was finished, he fell forward, draping his slinky body along the wolf's back, then fell asleep.

Much to Claude's annoyance, the feline began snoring like a wildebeest directly into his ear. He refused to let it distract him from his task, distasteful as it was. All told, if he was being honest, compared to some of the things he had to do as an omega - occasionally being scented as a bitch in heat and tasked with servicing his entire pack until it wore off, for instance - it was somehow better. Given the choice between a paw or a cock stuffed in his muzzle, he'd most assuredly prefer the former. His eyes grew wide, suddenly realizing that, while distracted, he had gone from licking to sucking on the splayed toes, if nothing else, pleased that his little prison remained offline.

"Alright, I think we proved our point there," Sebastian said, yanking his paw out of the wolf's mouth.

Surprising even himself, Claude lunged forward, desperate to keep the cage from starting back up. The ferret was faster on the remote, another click snapping the magnets in the latex sleeves together. His arms were pulled underneath his body, sticking to the shins of his bent legs, dropping him to his chest and guiding him into a partial cannonball.

The sudden shift roused Del from his nap, shouting, "I'm up!" as he rolled off his back and onto the floor, yanking his softened cock out of the mildly gaped hole. Ignoring the cat, Claude stared up at his alpha, letting out an annoyed whine when his cage predictably began buzzing again.

Taking a moment to wipe his saliva-soaked footpaw on the carpet, Sebastian rose from his chair and headed back to the cabinets. He perused a number of items, eventually taking out a long, thin cane, then knelt by the wolf's side. With some effort, he rolled the confused wolf onto his back, making sure the new position kept the bare, rough-padded footpaws vulnerable and on prominent display.

"I told you there were two ways to get the cage to stop, this is the other one." Before the wolf could ask any questions or simply beg for more relief, Sebastian brought the cane done across the presented footpaws, hard enough to cause some slight reddening, but not enough to cause any real damage.

About to full on howl from the unexpected pain, Claude instead sighed when, yet again, the cage ceased vibrating. Ever since arriving wherever he was, however long it was ago, he had been kept totally chaste without exception. Even after such a short time of repeatedly getting riled up by the torturous device, just feeling it turning off for a moment was almost as good as an orgasm. Though it didn't stop the pain, curling his toes as a reflex, it was a strangely welcome trade-off.

"If you couldn't figure it out, in addition to pleasuring the paws of your betters, if someone else tortures your paws, that will also provide you relief," Sebastian helpfully explained. Taking the initiative to show exactly what that meant, he whipped the flexing paws several more times, often waiting to strike until the precise moment he heard a buzz. By the time he was done, the paws had gained a healthy red glow, a number of lines evident, especially on the pads.

"Torture can mean more than one thing too!" Del said, sitting at the wolf's other side, holding a large feather he had just retrieved to the sore appendages. While the ferret sat back and relaxed, he went to town tickling the paws, sending the masculine wolf into a round of raucous, unwilling laughter and giggles. Following the same pattern as his partner had, Del waited just long enough between rounds of tickling for the cage to buzz on again, driving the paw-slave-in-training into a frothing frenzy.

It wasn't until the cat descended into his own paw-crazy frenzy, seemingly trying to fit one of the wolf's overly sensitive footpaws into his maw, that Sebastian decided it was time to move on. Waving his partner off, he gave his remote another click, releasing the magnets keeping the wolf's limbs pinned together. His arms and legs heavily dropped to the floor, only to pulled together behind his back when the magnets reengaged, snapping them together, putting him in the same belly-up, back-arching position he had been contorted into a short time prior. Remaining silent, Sebastian grabbed another chair, and placed it beside the wolf while Del hopped back onto the chair at his other side. They both kicked their paws up onto his soft bellyfur, relaxing as the hum of the cage started again, and waited for the inevitable protests.

As if on cue, the squirming wolf asked, "Master? Masters? I can't... hnnnn... I can't reach you." Neither of his masters paid him any mind, too busy enjoying their warm, furry footrest. "Come on! I'm... hnnnnnnnnnn... I'm playing your game here, come on!..." Growing increasingly irritated, he gave a small snarl. "Alright, I'll do whatever you want, now STOP FUCKING AROUND AND-" A loud, crackling shock from the cage interrupted him, causing him to give a shrill, pained yelp.

"Just wanted to show you what happens if you forget your place," Sebastian said, grinning downward. "While we take a break, you can learn what it's like not serving paws for, let's say, an hour. After that, you can have all the paws you want. Sound good, pup?"

Still slightly dazed from the shock, Claude lightly panted, saying, "...yes...master..."

"Good to hear!" Aiming his remote at the ceiling, Sebastian triggered a large flatscreen TV to lower from the ceiling. "Feel like watching the game? Maybe the pony races?" he asked Del.

"Oooh! There's a haunted tentacle mansion punishment that was added to the lower levels, can we watch that?"

"Sure, sounds good to me," Sebastian answered, slouching back in his chair, running the wolf's fur through his toes with Del doing much the same, the duo almost jousting for space on the presented belly.

Claude could only whimper, bracing himself as he counted the seconds, twitching with barely controlled desire while his masters watched their show.


A little over an hour had passed by before the ferret remembered to check his watch again, having been completely absorbed by the sight of a small group of males - a bunny, a cheetah, two foxes, and an otter - trapped in that haunted mansion, fleeing from a tentacle beast with varying degrees of success. In that time, Claude had been driven to the brink of madness by the unceasing storm of raw, pent-up lust. When his limbs were released, he instantly flipped over and got ready to pounce, visibly twitching as he waited for the okay from his alpha.

Giving an approving nod, Sebastian was quickly assaulted by the wolf's tongue treating his pads and arches like they were lollipops. Growing calm, Claude let out a high-pitched sigh as the cage mercifully shut back down. He shuddered, almost as if experiencing a form of denial-based climax. His head seemed to be clearing the longer he worked, his eyes refocusing themselves while he clutched the ferret's ankles, liberally bathing his musky appendages with his long, moist tongue.

Having been given plenty of time to recover, Del gleefully took the opportunity to give the kneeling wolf his next fucking as he worked. So focused was Claude on the ferret's toes, that he barely even realized he feline prick had been shoved under his tail until it was already in up to the root. Disinterestedly shrugging his shoulders, he let his beta do whatever he needed, not letting it distract him for a second longer.

Del was more patient about it on this go-around, holding himself back to enjoy some slower, smoother thrusting. Gradually building himself up to a climax, he steadily sped up, drooling all over the wolf's back as he sent even more spurts of jizz deep inside that well-used tunnel. With that finished, he and the ferret moved on to another round of abusing the wolf's paws, this time leaving him totally unrestrained and accepting while they had their fun. Once they were done with that, they spent some more time relaxing and watching TV, resuming their use of their omega as a squirming, writhing footstool.

In the hours that followed, they systematically repeated the full process over and over and over, utilizing repetition to cement the wolf's new role in his mind. Along the way, they switched roles, taking turns between who got to do the fucking and who got to receive the tongue-baths, after which they gave his paws some more abuse with the vast assortment of items stored in the cabinets. From spiked wheels to riding crops, and even a cattle prod that Sebastian had to confiscate when the cat kept unintentionally shocking himself, almost everything was tested out.

The day wore on in that fashion well into the late evening, right up until the combined rumbling of their stomachs meant it was well past time to get some food. Handing the cat a handful of bills, Sebastian sent him out to the nearest eatery in order to retrieve meals for the three of them. He was content to do a bit of reading while he waited, instructing the wolf to lie on his back in front of the chair. Placing his footpaws on either side of the thoroughly conditioned wolf's muzzle, he turned down the intensity of the cage. For the time being, so long as the wolf continuously inhaled his musk, the cage would leave him alone. It seemed like a good reward, giving the paw-slave a nice respite while also allowing him to focus on his reading.

Though he was a tad disappointed when the cat returned a short time later, a pair of large bags in each hand, he was easily won over by the aroma of burgers and fries wafting in behind him. In an instant, they were both tearing through the bags as the wolf watched on, resting his chin on their paws, hungrily licking his lips.

This was another ritual from his pack Claude knew well; waiting for the alpha to eat before he could get a turn. Much to his delight, as soon as they were finished eating, the cat placed a large container on the floor, opening it to reveal a large portion of chicken and rice. Not bothering to question his small bit of luck, he dug in, stopping every few seconds to nuzzle the ferret's paws. In short order, the food was all gone, leaving one very satisfied wolf kneeling before them.

"Want some dessert, Claaaaaaude?" Del asked, grinning ear-to-ear, revealing an open jar of peanut butter, which had been spread all over the fur and pads of his foot.

"You're seriously... giving me..." With a deep sigh, Claude ceased talking as he smelled the extra-musky peanut butter, feeling himself being drawn toward the delicious treat. He gave a couple experimental licks before fully giving in, bathing every inch of the giggling cat's paws, aggressively getting in-between the splayed toes as he cleaned them bottom to top. The presence of a thin layer of dirt from the journey outside deterred him briefly, though for the most part, he was past the point of caring about that small quibble.

When all was said and done, and the cat's fur was restored to its bright white sheen, Sebastian decided to call it a night. Giving a loud exaggerated yawn, he got up to lay out a futon. After ordering the wolf to climb aboard, he and Del hopped on as well, each taking a side, aligning themselves so their paws were right back in his face. At the same time, they both grabbed hold of one of the wolf's legs, resting their heads against his as they rapidly drifted off to sleep.

Though Claude considered making a run for it the instant they both started snoring, his training and his own nature prevented him from following through. Besides, even if he could get away, the cage would just start again, and he wouldn't get terribly far. Growing accustomed to his place in his bizarre new pack, he soon nodded off as well.


The sound of his cage humming the next morning roused him from his deep slumber, whimpering until he remembered to stay silent. The ferret and cat were both stretching, sharing idle chit-chat while getting ready for the day. Aside from stating that they had some exciting plans for the day, they didn't share any more details, only taking turns in the shower before taking him back to get him cleaned up.

Once they were all some degree of presentable, they headed out of the room, then out of the building. Claude followed along, his ears submissively folded back, terrified of being seen nude and stuffed into a humming cage out in public. As they made their way to a large park, it became quite evident that his fears were unfounded, since virtually everyone was wearing some degree of bondage gear. The only ones that had any sort of modesty were stuffed into bitchsuits, and he didn't exactly envy them.

Guiding the wolf to a bench, Sebastian ordered him to kneel. Del, meanwhile, wandered off elsewhere, stomping about near a water fountain for several seconds before taking a seat on the bench, holding his muddy paws in the wolf's face.

"Ugh... you seriously... can't expect me to lick that... right?" Claude incredulously asked, groaning when the smiling ferret answered him by ratcheting his little prison back to its peak intensity. Closing his eyes, he leaned forward, thinking of nothing but peanut butter as he cleaned the mud off the cat's feet. Strangely, it seemed to work, making the dull, dusty taste bearable, if not palatable. Throwing himself into his work, he did his best to give a perfect cleaning, clearing away clump after clump of wet dirt, sighing as the vibrating of his restrained cock ceased.

"Hey everybody!" Sebastian called to everyone within earshot. "We got a paw-slave here that needs some practice! So anyone that needs cleaning, come on over!"

All at once, a small crowd gather around them, making the wolf break out into a vivid blush as he realized he would not only have an audience, but he'd be expected to serve them all as well. Submissively folding his ears back, he finished cleaning the cat, who promptly slid off the bench to make room for a tall, buxom mare, who eagerly presented her hoof.

Despite burning with embarrassment from the hooting crowd, Claude obediently leaned in, giving the horse the same enthusiastic tongue-lashing that he had given the cat. The hoof was a distinct change of pace, with its bony ridges and fleshy underside, but if nothing else, he was pleased it was comparatively clean. And if the mare's whinnies and nickers were any indication, he was doing a respectable job navigating the appendage. Once she was satisfied, she gave the ferret her thanks and got up to rejoin the crowd. Her place was soon taken by a bright-red male cardinal, who insistently shoved his scaly, orange-gray foot in the wolf's face.

Though Claude gave a small, annoyed growl, he got back to work, minding the sharp talons as he gave the bird his cleaning. Before he could react, a tiger puppy-slave, his hands and footpaws encased in latex mitts, burst through the crowd and mounted him with the large canine dildo fused to the cage encasing his sheath. Wrapping his arms around the wolf's chest, he easily speared the fake cock under his tail, earning a startled yelp as he humped away in a near feral frenzy. Ignoring the crazed tiger, he focused his attention back on the bird's feet.

Before long, the cardinal decided he was done, getting up to be replaced with a female spaniel. Claude went in to do his usual cleaning, finding himself wincing at the powerful aroma coming from the paws. It seemed the long-furred canine had just slipped out of her shoes after going for a run, and her sweaty musk instantly overpowered his senses. He wasn't entirely certain if he liked it or not, though it didn't deter him from doing his job.

Just before the wildly thrusting tiger could knot the toy inside Claude's rear, his owner, a female crocodile, finally came over to drag him away. The tiger cried out in frustrated lust, going deathly silent when the croc said he'd need to be punished. Claude paid them no further mind, as the cardinal from before soon took the tiger's place stuffing his tailhole.

Claude quickly lost track of time from the procession of paws, claws, and hooves. He ended up experiencing every species he could imagine, from kangaroos to gazelles to otters to bulls to bunnies to one especially horny pelican, with both sides of his body. Often, instead of taking his tailhole, those at his rear would settle for a pawjob, essentially fucking his feet or between his toes.

His tongue was practically numb by the time his masters called it quits, thanking everyone for their time and pulling him to his feet for the walk home. He was in something of a confused daze as they walked, though a quick scratch behind the ears and a kindly spoken, 'Good boy! You are, without a doubt, the best omega this pack could ever hope for," from his alpha made it all worthwhile.

Leaning in close, Del whispered to the ferret, "So, I guess we should drop him off for sale, huh?"

"No! What're you, dim?" Sebastian incredulously shouted back, laughing heartily at the cat. "We were given five more days to get him ready! We're basically getting a paid vacation with the single greatest subby pup ever, and you just want to get back to work? Nah, fuck that. We're gonna have ourselves a whole lot more fun, and after that, I'm buying him for good. You in?"

Giggling at the wolf breaking out in another bright red blush, Del couldn't help but agree.