Life of a Mithra: Part III~Coffee Break

Story by Brianya on SoFurry

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#23 of RP Adaptations/Collaborations/Main Series

RP with Jonas Katt

It was a special evening in the coffee room and the Mithra had found the most exceptional coffee in the world, A coffee cat! Some would say that the taste would melt in the mouth, others would rumor it bitter. But for Alexa, the coffee cat was nothing more than food for her coffee fetish. Clad in her skimpy dress, she would shed her silk white matching pairs to indulge the coffee bare naked with a throbbing cock. "I do like my coffee!"

The tabby cat was waiting in the coffee room, of course. Where else would a coffee cat wait? How the mysterious feline managed to gain entry to the sealed room before the fleshier feline was a question worth asking, 'twas true. But none would ask, for instead the fleshier feline would spend her time shedding silk while the coffee cat would spend his unfastening a pair of fitted slacks and before sliding his shirt up over his chest to expose his sleek-furred and stripe-dappled chest. With the removal of his bottoms would come into view a far fuzzier cock-holster, the very tip of a tapered pink cock peeking forth with dozens of tiny, nub-line spines ringed around its head. "Injections, even?"

With the sight of stripped coffee, the mithra couldn't help herself but to throb harder. Her 9 inch humanlike cock standing up with each throb, the shape being commonplace for a hybrid like her. Still, the view of the coffee was tantalizing, even in it's naked form. Usually coffee looked rather untasteful and rocky before it was dressed up. But the coffee cat was an exception. Without further ado, Alexa stepped forward. About to indulge in the tantalizing coffee, with a plan to receive creamer and give it right back. "Injections make it better."

The feline sat perched atop the edge of a rounded table in the center of the room as was perhaps fitting for a coffee, his eyes tracing over the fleshy cat's feminine figure as well as along the impressive length of curious and equally-fleshy cock that she sported. He lowered a paw between his furred thighs to stroke a fingertip 'round the rim of his split-wide sheath, coaxing forth a few more inches of growing girth until a steady slide produced the entirety of his own cat-burred member, a slight bulge at his base housing another set of tiny spines though the comparative spread of that portion didn't come close to rivaling a canine knot. All in all they were about the same size in at least one intimate way. "Something about you seems more keen on being a stir stick." He teased with a snicker, his own cock giving a gentle throb and oozing a droplet of precum down its spiny tip. "Not the best way to get some coffee inside of you~."

The mithra giggled at that remark, stepping forward while the coffee cat waited. She too grabbed her cock and stroked it until it looked a little bit fatter, letting go and stepping forward. Finally she pressed her lips against the coffee cat's, suckling on his succulent lips for a taste of his flavor. Each second, her cock throbbed harder, her hand lowering and grabbing the cat's base with a murr. "I like your flavor.

Jonas definitely had a hint of coffee flavouring to his lips. The light, airy aroma of coffee about his fur. The latter had to be purposeful, the former quite coincidental. His paws moved to grasp the mithra's hips and pull her closer to his frame, squishing the pert swells of her breasts to his toned and soft-furred chest while his thumbs stroked in soft circles around the portion of her flesh where underbelly rose forth into a hefty cock. "Mmf. I do have a good flavour." He crooned coyly before stuffing out his tongue and rolling the slick, rough muscle along the underside of the catgirl's own. Just once. Her hand would be able to feel those tickly barbs at his base, their multitudinous features pressing out somewhat when he flexed.

Alexa couldn't help but purr out as she exchanged saliva with the coffee cat, her feet tapping the ground energetically, toes curling as she felt up the base of the cat's cock. Those barbs making her shudder as she ran her finger along them. She leant in once more, pressing her lips against the coffee's suckling out a little of the deliciousness with loving eyes. Bucking her hips forward and grinding her smooth cock against the coffee cat's barbed one, expelling soft moans as she went limp for a moment.

Jonas let out a playful growl and nipped at the fleshy feline's upper lip, his hands roaming upwards along her sides to jab his thumbs in against the cushy pillows of her breasts and knead playful lines around her nipples without ever touching them. He'd drawn her close enough that their twin cocks could kiss in harmony themselves, his barbed one oozing a fairly slow but steady trail of precum to trickle down over the catgirl's fleshy crown and coat it with his coffee musk. Even his tail join in on the fun, flicking about curiously before dusting along their twin tips and gathering some of the sticky mess which had begun to coat them in its luxurious fur. ""

The mithra couldn't help herself as she ground harder against the other feline's cock with her own, the whole length getting covered in sticky pre. The nip at her lip causing feverishness in her kissing, the thumbs teasing her breasts in such an efficient way that her nipples hardened almost spontaneously. The ever present arousal, causing her to flick her tail around too, tickling the fuzzy cat's sides.

The coffee-tabby's paws weren't content to just tease one part of the deliciously creamy kitten who had come so keenly before him. Oh no, they left those breasts eventually.. nipples never having receiving the slightest hint of physical acknowledgement and left to wallow in their own needy arousal. His soft hands made their way down to the mithra's hips once more, one sliding back and one forward, his rear paw wedging its digits between the cheeks of her butt and teasing playful circles around the hot flesh of her puckered tailhole with its index finger while his thumb scritched up at the base of her tail itself. His other paw cupped her mound and began to hump and grind against her more feminine sex with his palm, all the while purring as he suckled the flesh-cat's lips and rasped his tongue within her maw.

Alexa would moan abruptly in surprise as her tailhole and the base of her tail was toyed with. Raising her voice louder with a moan as her mound was ground on with a fuzzy palm. The moans muffled, however, by the fuzzy cat's maw. She bucks her hips against the palm that was stroking on her hole, shuddering in pleasure.

Jonas ground his middle finger fairly firmly along the mithra's likely-sodden slit while that singular digit beneath her tail began to press playfully inwards at her tailhole, causing that ring to say 'Ahhhh' before drawing his touch back for more circular rubbings. "Mmhf.. what kind of a coffee cat at you? Mm? Is your favourite brand that of a tail or a mound?" He crooned.

Alexa shudders again and moans out, curling her toes as her pucker convulses and her slit is teased with a strong finger. "Ahhh...yes....I am a twix flavored coffee...."

Jonas actually let out a snort at that, the coffee cat laughing as he leaned in to ruffle the mithra's hair with his face. Both hands were occupied, after all! "Well, 'twix and 'tween or not, you'll have to choose one to receive your complimentary cream... That is, unless you truly wish to sample with your stir stick." He purred.

Alexa purred as she was made to make a hard decision, hard indeed. She panted and grabbed her stick, nodding to the coffee cat her decision. "One sample with a stick and a load of cream on the side!"

Jonas quirked a brow in surprise, the fluffier of the felines clearly having expected one of the former options. "You don't think that this coffee has enough cream in it already? Alright, alright..." He half-laughed and mock-sighed as he drew his paws up along the fleshy feline's hips and sides before finally making contact with her nipples just long enough to give her a playful backwards push with his palms. He hopped down from the table's edge and slowly sauntered around, his tail giving an upwards flick as he leaned forward and placed his paws upon the table's surface, legs spreading just a hint to show of his own hot-fleshed tailhole, submissively-flagged tail above and pair of proud hanging orbs below.

The mithra purred as she stepped forward, gazing at the tailhole for but a mere second before grabbing the coffee cat's hips and positioning her smooth cock against his tailhole. With a deep breath and a murr, she forces the slick member in his tailhole, blushing with a lewd face as her cock slid all the way in slowly. "Not enough cream..."

Jonas purred himself and peered back over his shoulder as the feminine feline approached and took possessively hold of his hips, his flagged tail flicking gently above the toned cheeks of his rear before finally he felt the lewd kiss of her pre-soaked crown pressing against his silken wrinkled. Doubly lewd given that most of that precum was his own. "Ahhh..." He half-sighed, half-groaned, but stayed perfectly relaxed as the catgirl pressed, his ring slowly, begrudgingly parting to swallow up the crown of her cock and then each and every slow, steady inch after that, only the softest of suckling twitches interrupting her deepening passage. "Eesh.. you wanted my tail from the start, didn't you?" He teased.

Alexa grunting as she pushed it all the way in, quickly trying to pull back out and going back in slowly, her face red with lust as her tongue stuck out. "Your tail is the main course!" She giggles as she pulls out again, and presses back in.

Jonas playfully tightened up as the feline drew back, suckling at her juicy cock with the hot walls of his tailpipe before relaxing again when she was ready to pump forward against his willing ass. "Mmf.. maybe I'll have you let you serve me for multiple courses a day." He rumbled lowly, staying relaxed this time and merely flicking his tail to let her give him a good few quick, deep pumps. Jonas's tailpipe was too good for the other cat, it appeared, for all she could seem to muster was a drooling lean against his back with her twitching cock hilted up his ass whilst his hot, fleshy walls rippled possessively around that crowned flesh.

Alexa tapped her foot as the coffee cat's walls squished around her cock, sliding it in real deep with as much force as she could muster. The sensation from the creamy insides of the coffee cat creating such a pleasureful feeling, with love she leaned over and drooled all over his back, eyes rolling back as she rutted that tailhole. A throbbing cock inside, calling forth all the cream it can spare, buildup upon them.

Jonas butted his fuzzy rump back against the mithra's shapely hips, ensuring that the contact of her body against his bottom squashed his toned cheeks inwards and outwards to squish just that last quarter inch of cockflesh into the warm, welcoming suckle of his precum-coated tailhole. "Rrrl.. you do seem to like dipping your stick into some coffee..." He rumbled playfully back to the drooling skincat, his own feline cock throbbing and dribbling a little puddly on the table where it hovered above it, a wobbling line of that thick, rich fluid connecting the tip of his cock and a few inches down along its length to that puddle spreading below.

The mithra shuddered frequently as she slid her tan cock in the cat's ass, almost blushing as she saw the puddle of cream forming on ther floor. Seeing it made her heart pound harder, sliding in her cock one last time and throbbing inside, injecting a couple cups of cream into the coffee with a few mighty splurts. Each throb made her moan and each time she moaned she swayed her tail and curled her toes.

The coffee cat kept nice and relaxed for the mithra.. letting her have her sloppy way with his lightly-trembling tailhole. His walls suckled quite naturally at her flesh, of course, and he was quite the tight feline tail.. not often taken, presumably, not that he had any negative preconceptions about the process. Above all his flesh was hot and the precum that the other half-cat was pouring into him quickly frothed with the friction of her fucking, lewd, sloppy slurps issuing forth before long that sounded rather like an excited breeding instead of an undertail stuffing. When finally came HIS stuffing he let out a luscious purr and lidded his eyes, peering back lazily over his shoulder to the panting, moaning mithra as his tailpipe got to work squeezing and rolling around her shaft with his muscles, milking that hefty cock of every drop of rich, likely-potent cream that he could squeeze out of it.

Alexa couldn't help but shudder again as she was milked by the cat, groaning softly with each squeeze of the tailhole. A muffled grunt escaping her lips as she "injected" the last of her cream into him. "How was it?" She said while panting.

Jona's guts rumbled lowly as he eased himself off of leaning over the table to lean back gently against he mithra instead, letting her breasts press firmly to his back so he could plant a kiss to her nose over his shoulder. "I feel lighter now. And heavier. Strange how cream does that." He snickered with a wily grin. "It's been a long time since I've had my tail stretched.. it felt fanciful to be sure~."

Alexa would reach down and grab at his elogated feline cock, "And now it's time for me to suck you dry from your stirring stick. All coffee needs to be consumed!"

Jona's cock was quite greedy-needy and sensitive, the coffee cat letting out a muffled 'Urk!' when it was grasped. "O-Oh? No stuffing your tail with cream in retaliation? You are quite the greedy thing, aren't you." He teased with a snicker as he leaned against the table's edge again, the cat's cock perhaps withdrawing a few cool inches from his rear. So cold and uncomfortable in comparison~.

The mithra pulled out of the cat with a string of cream, her face forming a smirk as she eyes laid on the coffee cat's. "You can have me suck you dry or stuff me, your choice." Her tail flicking gently behind her.

Jonas peered down along his back to the underside of his still-lifted tail as the the mithra unsheathed from his tailhole with a lewd, suckling 'splort'. An oozing trail of thick, delicious seed ran down his crack and along the seam of his orbs before dripping onto the floor between his legs. "Well, if you want every drop of my cream you'd better start off by slurping up what's on the table and floor..." He crooned out playfully with a wink, stepping a little awkwardly out of the way to let the other cat get to work bending over and doing that...

Alexa would drop to the floor and lick at the few puddles of coffee creamer, murring as she raised her tail up high when she leant down to the cream.

Jonas didn't have to be a scientist to understand the advantage of easing down onto his knees behind the down-dropped catgirl, one of his hands taking hold of the base of her lifted tail and giving it a firm, possessive tug while his other paw grasped the spined base of his cock and nudged its equally-textured tip right up against her tender tailhole before surreptitiously beginning to press his pre-slicked and tapered tip between her silky wrinkles and nice and deep into her tush.

The mithra would widen her eyes at the penetration of her rump, following with a rolling back of the eyes. Her supple tailhole sucking on the barbed member as if it were pulling it in. A moan following in it's wake, "Ohh Coffee!..."

Jonas slipped both of his paws to grasp nice and firm at the mithra's hips, drawing her back against his hips as he greedily sheathed himself in her heated rear. By now he wasn't all too gentle with her poor tush, pressing slowly but firmly up her ass until his barbed, expanded base was grinding past her parted wrinkles to greedily grind his hips against her furless ass. "Mmh.. nice butt, coffee-slut~. It rhymes.. hff.. by the way..."

Alexa looks back at the coffee cat with an erotic face, moaning loudly as the barbs sent her ass on a pleasure rollercoaster. Her cock throbbing back up and leaking pre down its side within seconds. "Ohh! I coffee....haaah!" She curled her toes and wiggled her hips around your cock.

Jona's first withdrawal was painfully slow.. the furred feline wanting the mithra to feel each and every barb as they expanded and dragged lazily back along her twitching walls. "And I love your sexy ass, coffee-lover~." He purred out lowly, a dull vibration ruffling his fur and undoubtedly rattling his cock and bards as they stroked along her flesh. The moment his very tip threatened to tug back past her ring he shunted himself back into her willing body, thwapping his hips against her ass with an eager clap before beginning to roughly rut her bubbly, delicious ass.

The barbs were a little too thrilling as they speed up forcing the mithra to slump her torso down to the ground as her arms quivered beneath her. Drool coming forth from her mouth as her eyes rolled back and pantsy moans escaped her maw, the coffee cat being more stronger a brew than she thought.

The coffee cat had several targets that he could tease if he so wished -- in fact it was a target rich environment, what with those lovely breasts of hers wobbling with his thrusts, their perky nipples, her drooling cock and her equally-drooling cunt beneath the hot slot where he pounded. He was a focused cat, however, focused on giving her a proper ride on his own cinnamon-stinging stir stick, his paws only tightening their possessive grip on her hips and slamming his hips more firmly into her ass, railing her back and forth so fast that his barbs could be felt neither coming nor going -- only present all at once along the entirety of her well-fucked tunnel.

Jonas finally shifted one of his paws from the tight, possessive grip that it had held over the mithra's hip one to press it down against the back of her head as he learned over her body, using the added leverage of his new positioning to pound her hips downwards towards the ground where her chest lay squished. "Mmhff.. gonna fill you full of my cream soon..." He purred as his barbs began to swell, his thrusts slowing somewhat but the sensations that they delivered growing far, far stronger..!

The mithra gasped deeply for air, screaming out her thoughts as she was had. "Do it! oahhhahhhh! Fill meeee!" She moans louder, her face laying against a mix of her own drool and coffee cum.

He wasn't the kind of coffee cat to deny a lady her request! He let out a sharp grunt as he hilted beneath her quivering tailbase and ground his fat, barb-laden base back and forth along her tender tailring, his equally-rich tip pulsing within the depths of her bowels as his balls drew up towards his fuzzy sheath and a torrent of thick, rich, sticky coffee-cum flooded the mithra's ass, her tailpipe billowing with his own several cups of sticky, virile seed.

Her ass milked every last drop with it's tight hold, she groaned with rolled eyes as her belly bulged from the intake. "Ohhnnn...." The warm cum inside her quickly made her Jonas panted over the fleshy cat as twin dribbles of cum trickled from both of their tensing tailholes to splatter droplets onto the floor below. He remained hilted up the mithra's ass for a good few minutes to ensure a full load of coffee-cream had been delivered to her belly before slowly, carefully drawing back, his barbs still extra fat and sensitive as his tip finally tugged free with a purr of satisfaction from the furred feline above. "Mmh.. there you go... Coffee delivered~..."

It took a few minutes for Alexa to catch her breath , panting with great fufillment she purred. "Can we do this often?"

At that he nudged the raw tip of his cock back down to kiss her oozing tailhole, the coffee cat purring as he gave it a few playful pokes. "Probably~."

Alexa shuddered at the pokes, "Once in a while is good?"

Jonas Katt let out a laugh as he angled his tip up to graze against her tailbase and between her cheeks instead. "Too raw for sloppy seconds? Poor, poor girl..."

Alexa started to throb once again, "No, I just want to suck the rest of your coffee out now."

Jonas quirked a brow at that as he eased himself back to seat his striped bottom atop his heels. "Oh? Want to slurp it out of my tail-musk'd cock? I bet a second round under your tail would have it coming up out of your mouth anyway." He teased, his shaft messy and coated in cum but still very much alive.

Alexa turned around and grabbed the coffee cat's cock, giving it a couple of strokes and snorting its musk. "Ahhhhnnn!"

Jona's cock practically squished with cum as the fleshy cat squeezed and stroked it, her hands able to feel those bristly barbs that had been teasing her insides so very, very recently. "Uff.. not so rough with your coffee you coffee-snorter~. Still sensitive!" He laughed. He did have a definite masculine musk about him. Especially his cum, of course! Whether it also held a hint of coffee to its scent.. well, that could be interpreted~.

Alexa giggled and lowered her tongue to the tip, running her tongue along it very slowly and gazing into the coffee cat's eyes.

Jonas reached down to grasp the bases of the mithra's feline ears as she licked, a few jolts of pleasure shocking down his spine and making him twitch as he peered down into her eyes in turn. "Tasty?"

The mithra huffs and takes another long lick, "Delicious!"

The coffee cat laughing and giving a playful tug to those ears as he humps up against her face. "Good!"

Alexa closes one eye and chases the cock around with her maw, finally clamping down on it with pouty cheeks and sucking on its tip. "MMnf!"

Jonas remains still so that she can chase around that messy cock, her face getting coated in his seed before finally the warm, wet embrace of her maw elicits a happy purr from the cat. "Mmh~."

Alexa bobs her head on the barby length needily, suckling on it as if it were a coffee flavored ice pop.

Jonas let out a soft sigh as he released her ears to lean back on his paws, just relaxing and letting the other cat clean his messy shaft. "Good way to wind down..."

Alexa pulls off for a moment and slurps her saliva down, returning to the cock and bobbing with more passion. Her cock throbbing with each schlick of her tongue.

Jona's cock twitches and spurts a string of precum out onto the mithra's pretty face, the coffee cat letting out an amused laugh before the feline bobs back down again. "You trying to get me to cum again..? Feed you my coffee cum, mmh?"

Alexa murrs with the precum on her face, murring happily as she bobbed and nodded harder. "MMmmhmmm!"

Jonas winces and tilts his head back with a hot, pleasured huff, his barbs beginning to bristle out once more and thicken up his cock. "Mmff.. well you're doing a v-very good job of.. working towards that goal, you know..." He purrs.

The mithra shudders and picks up the pace, digging her hands into your thighs. "Mwell....mmnn....I...mmmf....need work..."

The coffee-tabby didn't need much encouragement! It would have been hard to stop it at this point. He winced one eye shut and seethed past his teeth as his fingers clenched against the ground, his toes curling before his orbs drew up for a second time and a hot and heavy blast of seed poured forth into the mithra's maw. It wasn't quite as impressive as the first beneath her tail, but it was still a good few mouthfuls of hot, sticky, virile coffee-cat cum!

The mithra murring around the cum spewing cock, gulping down the coffee flavored liquid needily and without pause for breath. Her hands trembling beneath her as she swallowed all the cream, letting little escape her maw. With a deep breath, she releases the clean cock from her mouth. "Ahhh! My daily cup!..."

Jonas huffed out heatedly, needing a few second to get over his second load dumped into the fleshy cat before him. "Y-Yeeaaah.. a healthy d-dose of coffee for a budding young feline.. hff..." He laughed with a tired but amused grin.

Alexa giggles and lays on her back, "Now i'm ready for work, maybe I should swing by often for a pick me up..."

Jonas flops back onto his back, too, but lifts one of his feet to press it against the underside of her cock. "Maybe you should, but you probably need a shower before work.. you stink a little strongly of coffee, you know~.

The mithra sniffs herself and lets out a murr, "Nope, I like this smell..."

The coffee cat rolls his eyes but smiles, sniffing the air along with her. "It is a good smell, but others might get jealous! Oh well."

She hugs him, "Reminds me of you, so I will wear it! See ya, my coffee cat!"