The Porn Note, Chapter 4: THIS IS THE POLICE

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#4 of The Porn Note

A delayed upload of the fourth chapter of this series, the Porn Note, done over on Patreon. It seems that Malcolm's work at the church was noticed, and now, he has to get away from Sys-Sol before things get worse...which, of course, they do.

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The Porn Note


By Draconicon

Malcolm leaned his back against the front door, the mouse trying to think of how he could get out of this. The idea that someone had actually called the cops on him was still rattling around in his mind, and what guilt he'd suppressed so far was coming back in a hurry. How the hell could he justify what he'd just done? Making an entire congregation go at it like teenagers, or like porn stars... Don't think about that now. You have bigger problems.

"Hello?" Knock knock. "If there's anyone that's still sane inside, please respond, or we will be forced to open fire."

Like that.

The mouse shook his head. He couldn't let them just bust down the doors and start shooting, and he couldn't let the congregation just wake up, either. So, he had one real choice. Bluffing.

He opened the door an inch, just enough to look at the cop and hopefully not enough to trigger the motion sensors of the turrets. The rather tall horse on the other side looked down at him, and Malcolm realized that things were worse than he thought.

They weren't security, but more of the Sys-Sols. Not the recruits that Rashii bashed down in school on a regular basis, either, but the fully integrated, mechanically augmented Sys-Sols that enforced the will of Lord Jonah and the System as a whole. He knew some of them were augmented with weapons, others with restraints, but all of them had a plethora of boosting cybernetics, making them faster and stronger than any normal person. If they were here, they weren't just putting together a quarantine.

All of that rushed through his head in little more than a second before he was forcing a smile.

"Uh, hello, sir."

"What is the status of the church and the congregation, civilian?"

"Oh they're fine. Real fine. Nothing going on back there."

Stop talking, stop talking. Just answer the question, and -

"You're a witness, then?"

"Uh, you could say that."

"What is your purpose here?"

Knowing that they wouldn't buy that he was here to worship, the mouse shrugged.

"I was just studying. That's...that's all."

"Where are studying at?"

"System University 23."

He barely stifled a wince as he automatically gave the right school. The next thing they'd want would be his -

"Student badge."

"I, uh, left that at home."

"Hold still for scanning, then."

Craaaap, he thought, seeing the stallion's eye already flickering over to a more mechanical mode. If he stood still, they'd match him, know exactly who he was. His file would show where he lived, and they could track where he'd been. Back to the gym and the orgy there, and from there to the bus and the rabbit's behavior on it. All the cameras would back up the evidence that they'd have, and he'd be locked up in a cell in less than an hour after they backtracked it all.

So, he did the only thing that was left to him. He slammed the door in the stallion's face and threw the lock shut on the other side.

"Citizen! Open the door!"

"Fat fucking chance of that..."

He ran off behind the coffee bar on the far side of the room, flicking the notebook open and moving over to a fresh page. What was out there? What could he use? This thing was the Book of Porn, so he couldn't just make them fall down, but...what if...

An old porn video that he'd seen years ago came to mind, and he looked back at the door as it shook in its hinges. It was a long-shot, but maybe, just maybe...

The guns that the soldiers have been setting up aren't auto-turrets, but auto-fuckers, with long cocks and extendable shafts to reach all targets. They subdue their targets through fucking and stimulation, and the Sys-Sols around them are set as preferred targets.

"Please, please, please work..."

The mouse heard another thunk through the door, and then another, before everything went quiet. He waited, half-expecting them to blow the doors off the hinges, but there was nothing of the sort.

Could it...really have worked?

Keeping low, he crawled towards the door, every second expecting something to explode over his head or Sys-Sol weapons to fire through the wall. They had so many different options for taking people down that it wasn't even funny. But the closer he got to the door, the more faith he had in the notebook.

Finally, he reached the door, and cracked it open. What he saw was exactly what he wanted.

The four Sys-Sols had been grabbed, the turrets extending more than a dozen different metal tentacles towards each of them. It was like something some ancient animated porn come to life as he saw the horse and the three dogs with him getting fucked up the ass with the different tendrils, occasionally arching their backs from what sounded and looked like electric shocks. Despite the desperate situation, the mouse couldn't help but smirk a bit at what he'd managed to cause.

It worked. The book had saved him, and now, he had a way out. Much as he wanted to stare at the now-naked officers, he knew that he only had a limited time. Even though the people outside the church weren't paying attention to their soldiers getting fucked - just like the people in the locker room hadn't paid attention to the gangbang - other people could always come along and try and break it up. For that matter, the soldiers were struggling against it, probably because he hadn't written down that they wanted it.

Malcolm threw the doors open and ran down the steps. The Sys-Sols shouted at him to halt, one of them even managing to point their arm at him and get off a couple of shots, but fortunately those went wide. The bullets cracked through the concrete, leaving little mini-craters as they went, and they forced him to take a turn left when he wanted to run straight.

Okay, different route, different bus stop. Move, move, move!

The other vehicles were loading up, the other Sys-Sols jumping in before chasing after him. He knew he had a little time - he'd run down an alley rather than a street - but they'd catch up sooner or later. The cars had more speed, and their hoverjets had greater power than the civilian models. They could hop the buildings and jump from street to street, rather than having to go around.

He looked at the notebook, considering writing something else, but he couldn't think of anything related to cars. Nothing sexy, at least. Shaking his head, he kept running, trusting to the alley to keep most of the Sys-Sols off of him, at least.

It ran for a couple of blocks before it came to an abrupt end, and he was lucky enough to come up behind a dumpster and see one of the hovercars waiting on the other side rather than running out into the open. Malcolm stutter-stepped to a halt, dragging himself behind the dumpster and squatting down, taking a couple of deep breaths. Even that bit of running had winded him.

Making sure that there were no Sys-Sols following him on foot, he slowly peered around the side of the dumpster. The car was already emptied, so they'd been here a while. Blocking off escape routes, he imagined. There were three Sys-Sols stationed there, two of them foxes, one of them a tigress. He couldn't tell what they were augmented with, but he did see that they were wearing riot armor buttons. One touch of that, and they'd be encased in a rapidly hardening metal shell, hyper-light and exceedingly durable. If those turned on, even if he made them horny enough to fuck, they wouldn't be able to unless high command declared the riot over. At least, that's what they taught everyone in System History class.

Okay, they have to get out of here, before they see me, and before they get worried enough to turn the riot shell on.

That was going to be tricky. He looked around, hoping for some inspiration, but there wasn't a lot. They were in a trashy alley with some hover platforms that led from ground to windows along the sides of the building, though half of them didn't work. There was the car itself, there was the dumpster, there were a few rats and a wild dog in the alley...

And there were the Sys-Sols themselves.

He hesitated, looking down at the notebook. It was one thing to start doing something silly when he had a pretty good idea that people would enjoy it. Was it really right to start doing something to people that were just doing their jobs?

A sudden siren up above cut his moral questioning short, and he flipped the notebook open. The answer would have to wait until he didn't have a really good chance of getting his head blown off.

Sys-Sols is doing a new training routine. Instead of cops chasing a subject, you are looking for streetwalkers that aren't part of the System. The tigress suspects one of her fox colleagues is working this system, and needs to figure it out. She'll do this by examining their asses for use.

No sooner had he closed the notebook than he heard a scuffle on the other side. He leaned around the dumpster again, and despite knowing it would work, it was still a shock seeing it happen.

The tigress had already flipped one of her colleagues to the ground, keeping him pinned with a black boot on his neck, while she delivered a jab and an elbow to the other fox's gut. As he slumped forward over her arm, she spun him around and pressed him against the wall. All the while, she was grinning.

"Alright, scumbags. Let's see who's the whore here. Get those pants off! Now!"

It was almost comical to watch two Sys-Sols get treated like little boys getting drubbed down by their mother, though it was a little bit more than that when they started to get erect as soon as they were naked in front of their superior officer. The tigress took her boot off of the one on the ground, shoving him up against the wall by his fellow officer. She tapped her hands together, a bar extending from a piece of wrist armor.

"Okay, boys. Let's see who's been selling their ass, and who's been abiding by System law."

Oh, my, god...this is just like a porn script...

He shook his head, keeping to the wall as the tigress just leaned forward and jammed her rod right up the ass of the fox on the right. The officer yelped, going up on his tiptoes, but almost immediately started oozing pre. Malcolm honestly wasn't sure if that was because of the situation or if the fox honestly had some...inclinations towards that, but he didn't care. He just sped off, trying to keep out of view. It didn't help his building erection when the second fox yipped even higher, and then moaned.

However, there was one big problem. He was out of the alley, but now he was back on the street, which meant that people could see him, and that the Sys-Sol hovercars could land around him much more easily. The mouse joined a crowd of people leaving work for lunch, trying to blend in as the Sys-Sol followed around up above. The hoverjets of the bigger vehicles beat down on his head like a bunch of pathetic fists, making him feel like he was getting shoved into the ground every time that they passed by, and it wasn't much better for the crowd around him.

Block after block he followed the crowd, not even sure where he was going, just hoping that it would get him away from the church. He didn't dare look up to see what was on the signs, just in case one of the cameras on the cars was looking in the right direction to see him. The last thing he needed was to give them a clear shot. The most they could have now was a blurry thing at the door, and they could only enhance it so much. If they ever got a clear one, they'd know who he was, where he lived...everything.

He'd been following the group through four intersections when he heard a different sound in the air. Malcolm looked up, casting his eyes about for the source of the whirring sound, and finally found it.

It was an archaic thing given new life by mechanics and not a little bit of magic. A product from the old days, the helicopter still had a sense of grandeur as it floated over the streets. It was painted pure white, and projected a bubble from it that completely surrounded it, much like the cars did, but bigger. As the door to the side opened, a white stag leaned on, standing on the landing strut. He wore white robes, and looked...annoyed, rather than anything else.

Everyone, Malcolm included, gasped and lowered their eyes. It was the only thing that they could do before Lord Jonah.

What's he doing out here?! Is he seriously getting this involved?

Had to be the church. The leader of the whole System wouldn't be out in the open like this without some big reason, and having his soldiers and a church turned upside down with sexual perversion probably counted for that. He shook his head, trying not to be conspicuous as the stag held a megaphone to his lips.

"Ladies and gentlemen. I apologize for the disruption of your day, and I promise that you will return to it shortly. However, there is a terrorist in our midst, and I require your help to find him."

It took everything Malcolm had to not bolt there and then. He knew that once the crowd started looking, there'd be no hiding. He was one of the few rodents around, and probably the only one that looked like whatever reference they had. Maybe he could write something, but...what could he do that was quick?


The thought came quickly, and he pulled his notebook open. Even though some people glared at him for writing while the head of System was talking, he didn't dare wait. He just wrote.

Lord Jonah will strip for the crowd and enjoy it.

It would be sexy, but more importantly, it would get him out. The stag couldn't speak while stripping, and that would give him time to run and -

Lord Jonah didn't stop...nor did he start to strip. Malcolm stared at the notebook, then at the stag, then back again. Even when he wrote the sentence again, nothing happened.

"This terrorist is responsible for the rape and violation of over one hundred people, in one afternoon. He is to be considered armed with devilish powers, and a threat to the System as a whole. If anyone finds him, they will report him to their Sys-Sol representative, and then inform me. My personal line is open to anyone with information on this terrorist, and we will see him brought to justice soon."

What the fuck is wrong with this thing?! It was working just fine a minute ago, and now -

"Our sources say that this terrorist is a mouse, with a small build and slight frame. He attends System University 23, and seems to have a nervous air about him. If you see anyone with this description, inform us immediately."

So far, he hadn't been seen from above, but Malcolm could feel some of the eyes of the crowd turning to him. He glanced out of the corner of his eyes, seeing a mole on his left mouthing something like 'isn't that a...' while the gecko on his right was already reaching for his communicator. He had seconds, if that, before someone spotted him.

He wrote the first thing that came into his head.

It'd be so sexy to be the invisible man, running up and down and jerking off, and not having anyone see me as long as I was doing that...

Desperately hoping that the book was only refusing to affect Lord Jonah and not just dead, he unzipped his pants, grabbed his cock, and started squeezing. From the first jerk, he heard a gasp around him, and realized that he'd disappeared. Not physically, but everyone around him just thought that he was gone, that he'd disappeared.

There was no time to waste. He ran out of the crowd, across the road, and into another crowd, never taking his hand off of his dick. It was almost impossible to move quickly, considering that he had to hold his pants and the notebook with one hand and his dick with the other, but he didn't dare stop. He swore he could still feel one pair of eyes on him, all the way up in the sky, but he didn't look. If he looked, he'd be too terrified to keep moving. If he saw Lord Jonah watching him run away, dick in his hand, then he wouldn't be able to keep running. Nor keep jerking off, for that matter.

He reached another street and turned, and turned, and turned again, going so many random directions that he wasn't sure if he would ever be able to find his way back. His breath caught in his throat, and his dick started to feel raw from how hard he was jerking it, then slowing down, and jerking it again to keep it hard. This invisibility was his only safety, and he wasn't sure how long it would last if he took his hand off. He hadn't set any sort of command on that, and he -

A sudden car shooting out in front of him brought him to a halt, and the mouse had to stumble backwards. He couldn't drop the notebook, and he was about to hit the ground when he threw out his hand to catch himself.

The gasps around him told him that the spell was broken. He was visible again. Malcolm slowly turned around, his cheeks burning as everyone around him stared at his exposed dick, and despite his fear, his cock twitched, drooling down onto the ground. Men and women just stared at him like they were frozen, some of them managing to stutter, and one even getting out a laugh.

His brain locked down in fear, Malcolm yanked up his pants and ran. He threw himself back in the streets, crawling under the hovercars, and then ran across the block, through a fake park with a bubble of clean air to the far side. He started coughing as soon as he got to the other side, but slammed his fist against the nearest taxi. The hovercar door opened, and he slipped inside.

"System University 23, block 5...please..."

"You got it. Just need your badge."

He almost handed it over before he realized that would be another source of a paper trail. Malcolm blushed, looking down at the notebook, and shook his head as he gave in, writing down another command.

The taxi driver will take nudity as a payment, and will not talk about me.

"You know, actually."

The chubby orca in the front turned around, smiling at him. He adjusted his sunglasses as he looked the mouse up and down, and then chuckled.

"How about you just take off those pants and sit with your ass on the edge of the seat? Lean back enough, I'll call it square."


The mouse wasn't sure how to feel about it, but it was the only thing that he'd known for sure would get him back. Maybe he could have gotten the orca to just like him with a sympathetic story, or maybe he could have gotten away with just showing off his dick for a bit, but he'd been in a hurry. He needed to get home, he needed to make it safe, and...

He sighed, shucking off his pants and leaning back. Looking up at the mirror, he could see the orca adjusting it so he could look down, and even the mouse could see his own hole as he looked up at that. He blushed, shaking his head as he looked elsewhere, trying not to think about what might be going through the taxi driver's head on the way back.

Just get home, and you can start figuring out a new way out of this mess.

It took almost three hours to circle back to his house, but Malcolm was just glad that none of the Sys-Sols were waiting for him there. He pulled his pants back on, stepped out of the cab, and leaned over by the driver's side window. Mostly for the clean air, but also to thank the driver.

"Sorry about not having anything else."

"Heh. How about you turn around and let me get one more good look before you go, then?"

The mouse wanted to refuse. After all, he was out in the open now, rather than in the taxi. Anyone could look out their window and see what he was doing, and if they looked at the wrong time, they might even call Lord Jonah and the Sys-Sols in...

But at the same time, he felt a bit of a debt. Even though the taxi driver had done this because of the Book of Porn rather than out of the goodness of his heart, the orca had still gotten him all the way back to his apartment without running into any of the patrols or other problems. It was a long ride, but a safe one. was just getting looked at, after all. It wasn't like anything else would happen.

Blushing, the mouse turned around and lowered the back of his pants, showing off his backside to the orca. He felt the driver's eyes on his ass, and was about to pull up his pants when he was suddenly grabbed.

His cheeks went bright red as he felt his ass cheeks pulled apart, and he looked over his shoulder just in time to see the orca spreading them, squishing his fuzzy white ass cheeks together before pulling them apart again. Hot breath played over his asshole, and he shivered.

"What...what are you doing?!"

"Getting a good look. Besides, there's a lot more I'd like to do besides look at this, but if that's all I'm getting..."

Dense as he was, Malcolm could still tell when he was getting an offer. Maybe the book was wearing off, maybe the driver was that much of a pervert, but whatever it was, the orca wanted to do more of his own volition. He wasn't used to this sort of thing. Not even Taj or Rashii took the teasing to this level. What was he supposed to do?

The orca seemed to take his confusion for consent, and leaned in, dragging his tongue all the way from the mouse's balls up to his tail base, and the soft, warm feeling of it dragging between his ass cheeks left him squeaking. Malcolm covered his mouth as he realized what he'd just done, but the orca was already smirking and chuckling.

"Heh, you like that, huh? Maybe I should come up for an hour or two. Wouldn't hurt to have a friend in the dorm, huh?"

Gods, oh, gods...



Malcolm slammed the door behind him, his face feeling like it was burnt down to the bone from how much he was blushing. His ass was slimed up like crazy from the orca's tongue - the driver had gotten that thing in_deep_ before he'd been able to come to his senses - and his cock was throbbing hard in his pants. The mouse shivered as he slid down the doorway, his entire body shaking from the idea of what he'd just done.

There'd been no chance that he could take the orca up to his apartment, but he was too shocked to say anything to stop what was happening outside. Before he'd gotten his tongue under control again, the orca had tongue-fucked his ass for a good minute, and he could still feel it.


And it had him hard as a rock, too, which wasn't helping his thinking. He wanted to just sit down and jerk off, and there was literally no time for that. Whimpering, he shakily reached out for the Book of Porn, and flicked open the pages.

He didn't know how long the time limit of the book were, but he knew that it seemed to work best with specific ideas. Malcolm wrote each command as specifically as possible, ending each one with the limit that it would last and keep working until 8:00 AM the next morning. He wanted to make sure that none of the little tricks and traps that he was putting together would end up fading away just before someone snuck into his apartment.

The mouse let himself be as thorough as he could possibly be, for the first time totally unleashing the perversion in the back of his head. Anything that he could think of that would keep him alive and safe for the rest of the night, he wrote down.

If I start breathing polluted air, I will get aroused and cum within two breaths.

Getting beaten up will turn me on until I say otherwise, rather than hurt me.

The ropes for the curtains are now snakes, and they'll coil around and trap anyone that tries to come in through that side and molest their crotches.

My bed is a bondage trap for anyone but me, and will strip them of weapons and armor as soon as they touch it.

The floor is lava.

He paused, and scratched that last one out. That wasn't sexy. Snuff wasn't sexy either, and molten goop wasn't something he could play with.

In the end, he covered three separate pages with traps and conditions for himself and the apartment. Everything he could think of, he'd accomplished, up to and including giving himself a much more muscled body, all due to the superhero kink he'd buried a long time ago. Admittedly, it came with a stupidly tight latex costume that already had him sweating, and showed off his bulge like there was no tomorrow, but at least he'd be strong enough to fight back against the Sys-Sols if they came knocking.

He sighed, flopping down on his bed as he shook his head. The whole day had started out so fun, and now it was fucked to hell. Even if he survived the night, what was he supposed to do? Lord Jonah himself had put out a call for his arrest. What was he supposed to do against that?

Hoping for some advice, he started to reach for his communicator just as it started beeping for him, instead. It was an unknown number, too, not belonging to any of his teachers or his friends. After hesitating for a few seconds, he touched the button.

"Hello, terrorist."

The End