Cursed... (part 1)

Story by yzmar13 on SoFurry

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#1 of Cursed...

First timer, wished to share this story.

Please do excuse my poor and limited English, it's not my main language.

Also, a fair warning: (R18+)

Yes, this is an adult story, with male/male action (with mild drama squeezed in between for the sake of the story), bad language and mild violence (in yiff at times), so if you are disturbed by such things, or simply get a turn off by some, do yourself a favor and don't proceed. Consider yourself warned.

That aside, I feel seriously flattered by any reader. I welcome critiques too, just don't get too harsh on me if you want me to develop. Enjoy your stay in this site.

Wolf, Human, Tiger, mm, Molesting, Rape, Sweat, Muscles, Mild Violence, Bad Language, Drama, Story Progression.



Even the name of this planet gives a thrilling sense to it, the day those... 'Beings' ever found their way to us, life have never been the same. At school, they've been told about it in History many times, how the age of man and so-called 'wars' between them to rule a bigger piece of the land ended, and - with the arrival of space ships - the new era of a different lifestyle marked fore-sought promises.

They, and even a portion of Mankind as well, called themselves Furries, a term that sounds funny at first but serves the meaning entirely. They were humanoid, that much was certain, but they had 'animalistic' features and abilities... plus knowledge and the capability of reaching our planet and winning it for their own.

Mankind didn't seem very threatened by their appearance, and quickly learned to 'coexist' with the new bundle of races splattered onto Earth (or maybe because they feared extension should they resist), and - not much of a surprise - soon the Furries began sharing their knowledge and science with Mankind, and together they sought to rebuild the surrounding planets of the Milky Way to make more room for everyone, now that the term 'space traveling' entered every dictionary.

And where does this human stand in all this?

Why would he want to stand, to begin with? He was uncomfortable enough sitting between a rhino macho that kept tapping his foot and a gazelle lady whose neck was so high he wondered how she could read the mag down in her hand. The train finally reached his station, and he stepped out, just to be welcomed by several werewolves punks, if anyone wanted to really count the number of piercing they had, it would take hours.

"Hey, a new freak!"

"Hah, yeah, let's give him his 'proper' special welcome."

Next he knew, his bag was thrown aside as he was yanked by his shirt's collar. The human fell from losing his balance, and soon kicks and stumps targeted him at random. He brought his hands up and curled his body and legs to defend himself, as he thanked the heavens they didn't tear his guts out and made do with kicks alone. His 'usual' scene didn't trigger anyone's attention around him in the station; that was expected, since 'some' furries still aren't on equal terms with the humans and detest them greatly, just as 'some' humans hate the furries, but I believe that you already know enough about that.

"Tch, just another squirm, huh? Not even trying to fight back."


The 'alpha' guy raised him up to more than his feet, and his face was so dangerously close to the wolf's snout he thought he might get his nose bitten off. The human didn't even move a muscle...

"You humans look all the same to me..."


He paused as he turned the helpless human's face a bit with his other hand.

"... with all your square-like faces and furless bodies..."


Suddenly the human was thrown to an iron drum that echoed in the station.



All the while, the human kept his profile low enough for them to lose interest in molesting him any further, and as soon as they left he got up to his feet and took his bag. His left eye twitched in pain and his vision became dark.


He closed his eyes and wiped his left, just to discover that he was bleeding from his old eyebrow scar as the wound opened again.

"Great... I'll need to wash my eye quickly."


"Oh my, are you alright, sir?"

"I'm fine, just a recent accident at the toilet opened my wound."

"I... see..."

"Can we finish this, please?"

"Oh, I'm sorry... Your name, sir?"

"Uhh, yes... Yzmar."

"... a rather odd name for a human, I must say."

The beaver-like guy at the counter seemed amazed.

"What is it?"

"Oh, it's nothing... just that I handled some humans and got a little bit familiar with their names, yours is pretty unique for a human name."

"It's because this name isn't a human name."

"Oh... really?"

He stamped the human's papers and passport.

"Then can I be so bold as to ask the origin of your name, sir?"

"I'm its origin."

"... pardon?"

"I'm in a hurry."

"Uh, sure, sorry about that... be safe, sir"

Yzmar stepped away as the beaver was still eyeing him in curiosity, another beaver drew near him from behind the counter.

"Was it just me or did I hear him say Yzmar?"

"I know... it sounds really odd, and important of some sort."

Yzmar got out of the station, taking a deep breath of the air and tried to remove more of his recent encounter's dust on him.

"Velencia," he whispered calmly, "I think this stay would be a thing to remember already."

He finished his thought while staring at the incredible 'number' of races in front of him. Wolves, Foxes, Bears, Falcons, Dragons, Bulls, Frogs, Humans, Snakes... one could mistake this place to be a fairy tale. Humans were relatively low in number, and smallest in size and body build. It made them look weak, so weak to be targeted easily for harassments and trouble.


Yzmar came back to himself and turned to a brown cat-lady in a driver uniform, her voice was... kind of cute.


"Are you alright? Your... your eyebrow is-"

"Yea, I'm fine. An old wound got opened, that's all."

"That look on your face just now, I bet it's your first visit to Velencia?"

"Yes, actually it is."

"Would you be needing a cab? It's on the house for new citizens."

"Much appreciated."


"You sure, sir? This is a factory building of FEVA, not a hotel."

"I realize that, I have a contract with them, everything is arranged."

"Well, if you say so... Wish you a grand stay."

"Thanks again for the ride, sweets."

"Sweets? Meow, you humans are just too cute~"

Yzmar walked to the iron gate, and had a word with the guard, the Dalmatian smiled as he took off his cap, saying he has been told about a new comer and been ordered to allow him in. Good, no more useless troubles, Yzmar thought.

But maybe it was too early to think that; the moment he stepped inside, and for as long as it took him to walk from the gate to the building across the field, every Furry eye locked itself on him, Yzmar knew in his heart that he was the centre of attention. And as a man of solitude and antisocial attitude, he didn't like it one bit; it could even mark him as a target for human-haters (or HH as they proudly call themselves, what a headache.)

After a lot of introductions, he was finally standing in the chairman's office, an aged purple dragon with two grotesque horns decorating his head, about 2 meters tall. He was in a light purple suit, a nice combo with his skin color, and a small stylish pipe in his long muzzle.

"Ah," he murmured in a professional way, "Mister Razorfen."

"Mister Chairman."

"What's the matter? You look... like you had an unpleasant experience."

Yzmar sighed, just remembering how sharp Furries' senses are.

"Sorry, Mister Chairman, the contract stated I come as soon as I arrive in Velencia, and I didn't want to keep you waiting."

"Lernar would be good enough, please have a seat."

Yzmar relaxed to one of the two couches in front of his office, and turned his upper body slightly to the right to face him. His papers were still in the dragon's claw as he skimmed through them. The name is Yzmar Jade Razorfen, 24 years old, male, 77kg and 164cm, quiet, timid sometimes, body built normal leaning to thin, hair and eye color green (which was a mystery for all to be his natural colors), and finally with many degrees in mechanics... the only reason Yzmar was called all the way from planet Earth to Velencia was his bloody degree certificates.

"You've quite the interesting personality and appearance, Mr. Razorfen."

"Please, Sir Lernar, call me Yzmar; formalities make me nervous."

"Very well, Ramzy."

Yzmar felt a shock, and for a second there was speechless on how he should respond. Lernar noticed his uneasiness and sighed, stood up, took off his pipe to drop the ashes and placed the papers in a drawer.

"Yes, I noticed how you used a backward version of your name."


"My apologies, did I alarm you?"

"... I'm... just shocked, sorry."

"No, I should be the one apologizing, it's not my place to question your name, but looking at your medical papers..."

"I'm sorry, could we perhaps stick to the subject?"

Lernar turned to him in an empty glare, there was no hatred in it, but his snooping behavior reminded him of the one thing Yzmar would love to forget.

"Of course, Mr... I mean, Yzmar."

"As the contract we agreed on, I came as soon as I reached Velencia. And this will be my first day on the job."

"Quite so eager, I like that."


"And - as the contract promised - all arrangements are done."

He came close and extended his scaly claw with a keychain in it.

"Your apartment is waiting for you as soon as work hours are over, but I must apologize for I didn't find an empty one; you'll be moving in with another resident, he's a co-worker too so..."

"... it's alright, I don't mind."


Yzmar stood up and bowed in high manners as he excused himself to leave.

"Uh, one more thing, Yzmar."

"Yes, Sir Lernar?"

"I want to introduce Gemik to you first."


A book came out of the shelves, and was levitating in place. Soon, a big figure of a person began to appear, around 150cm tall and his body appeared to reflect many colors as it finally stopped at light red, and the book he was holding was covering the... 'Sensitive' bits.

"That would be me!"

Yzmar freaked out and took a step back.

"Wha... What the... How..."

The chameleon gave a strong laughter, and finally managed to say after controlling himself.

"Relax, man, I'm a chameleon; I was here all along."

"You... what?"

Lernar sighed, and stepped close trying to explain.

"Yzmar, this is Gemik, the Security Manager. He's 19 but he's still your senior."

"Yo! Howzitgoin?"

Yzmar was still silent, the shock was rather surprising...

"What? C'mon, I'm being all friendly with you and stuff, say something."

Yzmar diverted his look to Lernar and coughed in embarrassment.

"He's... naked."

"I'm sure you encountered Furries back on planet Earth before."

"Yes, but..."

"Well, I guess the Furries there wear their clothes to respect your feelings."


"Not that we work 'naked' here. But for Gemik to do his job professionally, he needs to get rid of his clothes. This way, the staff wouldn't know when or where they are being evaluated and so they try to act their best all the time."

Yzmar looked at Gemik again, and he received a big smile and a wave from his hand in return.

"And more importantly, I know how some Furries feel about humans, I've seen it many times before employing Gemik, and Gemik seems the perfect person for the job."


"Don't let it bother you; he'll be 'invisible' most of the time when he's on duty so you wouldn't-"

"No, it's not about him being naked..."

"... what is it then?"

Yzmar turned to Lernar again and gazed in his eyes, Lernar - for a second there - couldn't understand that strange look, was Yzmar angry? His green eyes sent some irritating vibes.

"With all due respect, Sir Lernar, I think he heard my real name."

"... what?"

Yzmar turned to Gemik, who was by now confused in his turn.

"Real name? You mean Ramzy?"

"Manager Gemik, sir, I'm sorry but I must ask you to keep that piece of info to yourself."

"... woah, dude, what's with this serious tone? We just met!"

Yzmar bowed in full respect, insisting on his request.

"I'm sorry, but I have my reasons, I don't want it out..."

"Ok, fine, just chill already..."

Yzmar turned back at Lernar, his eyes reverted back to their usual relaxed half-closed eyes since he entered his office.

"Anything else you need from me before I turn to my work, Sir Lernar?"

"... nothing at the moment, just have it nice and slow at first."

"Thank you for your concern."

Yzmar left the office, and for a minute there Gemik couldn't understand what just happened, he soon got a bit angry.

"What the hell? Why so serious? Is he a celebrity or something?"

Lernar shook his head and went to the back of his office, glaring from his big window at the building's field.

"It's ok, Gemik, don't let it bother you."

"What?! But he just-"

"Cool it; we have high expectations for this human."

"... another human tool, huh?"

"No, I'm not like my rivals..."

Lernar took his pipe, lit it again and just held it in his hand, staring at the burning coal inside it.

"Try to understand, the man didn't 'become' human by his choice."

"... funny how you call a human 'man,' a 'pest' would have done better."

"Gemik, just..."

Lernar sighed in frustration, he turned again to Gemik and maintained his calm voice.

"Just keep a close eye on him; he's new here, and could use your assistance. Do what is best for the company's factory."

Gemik grinned in a childish manner as he vanished again, returning the book where it was on the shelves before rushing out the office.

"You know me better than that, Boss!"

"Thank you for your hard work."


"Wouldn't that do the trick?"

"For now, yes, but soon the temperature will rise again and the thin container won't hold up."


"Just do as I told you, add another layer and try again."

"At once!"

Yzmar moved to another location inside the facility's workhouse, scanning carefully along the engines as he walked his way... he stopped, glared at one engine and shouted.

"You! What are you doing there?!"

The panther turned to Yzmar in shock.

"What? I'm just oiling it for easier movements."

Yzmar rushed to the panther, turned around a bit and grabbed a set of tools.

"That might be so, but the leaking oil might hurt other gears!"

"What do you suggest I do then?"

"We'll replace some parts. Here, let me help, just hold this in place."

Gemik was, all the while, keeping a close eye on Yzmar in every move he made; Yzmar appears to be the leading type, he has good senses to calculate the outcomes, not just the parts but the engines and equipments as a whole. Since the second he stepped inside the workhouse, he didn't pause even once to think of what should be done, it's as if he was a lone bee in its own hive, teaching other bees how to work.

"Outstanding, isn't he?"

Gemik smiled at the comment a fox made to his fellow lion.

"Yes, 'incredibly' outstanding, may I add?"

"Indeed, he didn't stop one instant!"

"If he keeps this pace, he'll save us a lot of tests, time, effort and materials. This guy can't be human!"

"Haha, why? We all know that not all humans are dorks."

Gemik suddenly appeared behind them and smiled devilishly.

"Really? And what'd happen if we all knew that you two are slacking?"

"Sir Gemik! We're so sorry, we'll be back to work at once!"

The fox rushed to his position as the lion concentrated more on his engine. Gemik turned invisible again and stared back at Yzmar.

'This human...'

Gemik's thoughts were unconsciously resounding in his mind the more he sees Yzmar moving from one co-worker to the next.

'He looked so dry and emotionless back then, but he's so alive at work... strange, yet appealing...'

Yzmar's existence made a big attraction to the Mechanics Department; people from other departments within the factory were watching him in their breaks all the way from the windows around the workhouse's 4th floor. Even when everyone seemed to lose their composure at times, he alone was moving regularly from one engine to another. And even though the workhouse was so big it housed more than 30 engines, Yzmar somehow seemed to memorize the engines' status and kept checking on those who proved troublesome without losing his way.

His fellow mechanical co-workers got fund of him quickly, and even though it felt embarrassing to be corrected all the time, they loved having him around; Yzmar's ideas and suggestions didn't go wrong, not even once, just to prove his superb awareness in this field. Still, this didn't mean that Yzmar was proving himself to everyone, as other departments' workers began to get jealous; the rating and evaluation of the Mechanics Department went sky-high just because of one lousy human.

Not just in other departments, in the Mechanics Department itself was that part of workers who didn't like it to be corrected by a freshman, let alone being right all the time in what he suggests. In just a day period, Yzmar wasn't aware of how many human-haters he just attracted.


The bell marked the time for lunch break, and the equipments and computers all got turned off one after the other as the workers stretched in fatigue, walking their way out of the workhouse. Yzmar felt all beat up all of a sudden, he worked for 3 hours only but soon he felt his heart racing again...


He staggered, his vision pulsed as it got dim.

'No... not again. Did I overdo it?'

He knelt down on one knee and clutched on his chest, alone in the workhouse in the middle of all the engines ...

'Breathe... just remember to breathe...'

Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale... Yzmar kept a steady breathing, and soon the pain went away.

'Finally... damn it... damn it all!'

He punched the ground in anger.


He recovered his calm self again, he stood up and inhaled strongly, rubbing the now throbbing fist as he walked outside the workhouse in his turn. Gemik returned visible and stared at him as he walked out, with a puzzled look on his face.

"... I think my job will get harder from here on out."


"So your name is Yzmar?"


"Wow, you sure surprised everyone in there!"

"It's nothing big-"

"Nonsense! You were really awesome!"

"Ugh... yeah..."

Yzmar was sitting on one of the benches in the field as other workers drew near him in excitement, he knew that changing his seat to another bench will only drag more attention, so he remained where he was and tried to block any questions with simple answers.

'Just stay calm, all this nuisance is because you're new.'

Soon, a bunny came close, a face that doesn't appear to be a worker. He was around Yzmar's height (without the ears) and thin, wore suit trousers and a long-sleeved white shirt with a long black tie.

"Yzmar, I take it?"

"... that's me."

"Claus' the name."

He offered his paw, but Yzmar spaced out for a bit.

"Err... shake paws-I mean... hands?"


The bunny smiled warmly, his paw still waiting to him. Yzmar sighed and returned the handshake.

"I'm in the Information Department, I saw you work today; you're pretty good."

"Umm, thanks... I guess."

"Would you like to join me and my friends on lunch? We're sitting at the shaded spot over there."

"Thanks for the invitation but-"

Suddenly, the bunny yanked Yzmar's hand up forcing him to stand. He whispered quickly.

(You seem to be bothered by many, just come along and they'll leave you.)


He soon flashed in happiness.

"You're coming? Great, let's go; I'm sure everyone's so eager to know more about the only human in the factory."

"W... what? I thought I was the only human in the Mechanics Dep-"

"Nope, you're a rare catch alright!"

The bunny began walking hastily, still dragging Yzmar behind him as he walked a little faster to match his speed. The bunny looks young, he was dragging him while looking at him in pure happiness, this bunny sure sounds playful and innocent, it made Yzmar wonder how old was he.

There were a group of different furries gathering under the shade of a huge tree in the field, the spot was rather close to the main entrance to the factory, but it was one of the few spots with greenery in them. Claus let go of Yzmar's hand and rushed to the rest, shouting and waving. Yzmar sighed as Claus turned to him and beckoned for him to hurry, he scratched the back of his head and began walking towards them.

"This is the guy, eh?"

A silver-manned wolf with dark black eyes looked at him up and down, as if analyzing him. He lolled his tongue a bit, licking his maw from the sides.

"Looks... fresh..."

Yzmar felt some kind of paralysis at that comment, the wolf was sitting but he would easily reach 185cm should he stand. His built was normal, not too thin nor fat, he wore a baggy trousers and was topless, though he kept his bracers, necklace and hand watch.

"So I take it you don't mind joining us for... 'Lunch,' human?"

A smack threw the wolf's head forward, almost cracking his neck.


"Damn, even your head is as hard as stone."

A falcon, heavy in build and big in size, was behind him swaying his feathery hand to ease the pain. He was brown with black and white lines in his feathers in some places, he wore a gym suit and leather gear on his claws sense shoes won't do much.

"Silver, don't go on scaring our guest now."


"Something other than your neck will be 'almost' if you don't pipe down."


A rather fat brown bear was sitting on the ground near them, he was in plain normal cloth and a marvelously fitting jeans. He chuckled in amusement as he scratched the back of his neck.

"You never get enough from his smacks, Silver... makes me think maybe you like being smacked."

"Wha-Hey, fatso! Who'd ever like something like that? And you, Flok, seriously... my head is spinning now!"

An owl began patting Silver's shoulder like an adult would do to a child, the owl was all white except for his black beak, a gold-framed monocle was fixed in his right eye, his appearance was normal, just a plain pair of trousers with a long-sleeved white shirt, maybe he and Claus work in the same department.

"Now now, Silver, you poor thaaaaang~?"

Silver was clearly resisting the temptation of eating the owl right there, he tried to speak calmly in an irritated tone.

"I thought I told you not to treat me like that, you bastard..."

"OH RLY?!"

Silver instantly pounced at him, but the owl reacted relatively quickly; looks like this chase is a usual cat-and-mouse thing. Silver kept chasing after the owl while the other kept running with a chuckle that he couldn't hide. The rest just stared at them and laughed it out, Yzmar turned at them again, noticing a tiger between them, the only one who seemed to mind his own business. He was big, body and built, around as tall as Lernar, he had quite the pack of muscles, but not that much, his fur color was orange with wild straps of black across all his body. He as well was topless, with his shirt hanging over his left shoulder, he wore blue shorts and sport shoes, putting one foot over the other knee as he drank a soda bottle. In the middle of the commotion, he turned to Claus.

"Claus, why did you bring him here?"

"Huh? Why not?"

"You know I don't like humans."

"Neither does Silver, but he's taking it good-"

"Forget Silver... you still didn't answer my question."

Claus' ears went down in a sad expression.

"Why would you hate him that much?"

"Why do you care? I just do."

The tiger returned his attention to his soda, while Claus stood there, not really sure what to say. Yzmar was all the while silent, it's better for him not to get mixed up in all this. After all, he'd like to be alone instead. Seeing this as an opportunity, Yzmar bowed to Claus.

"I'm sorry, but I guess I'm not really all that welcomed."

"Huh? No... w-wait!"

"It was really nice to meet all of you... well then-"

"I'll have none of that!"

Claus yanked Yzmar from his arm as he sealed it with both hands and his body, squeezing it not to let him break free.

"Don't worry about what Tu-"

"Really, I don't care... Please, just let go."


Flok turned to the tiger, who doesn't seem to be bothered one bit of what's going on.

"Aren't you being too hard on the new guy?"

"And who are you, his guardian?"

"Stop being overly judgmental-"


The tiger threw his bottle far, clearly annoyed but said nothing. He put his elbow on his knee and rested his chin over his paw, sighing... Claus remained silent in his turn, unaware of releasing Yzmar's arm. Yzmar tried to walk away slowly, but Claus immediately noticed.

"Ah, where are you going?"


"Please, he didn't mean anything bad-"



"Going to the toilet, I'll be back."

"... oh."

Claus stood there, watching Yzmar go, he then turned to the tiger, gravely pissed off.

"What the heck was that for?"

The tiger didn't even turn to him.

"How long will you keep this up?"

"Leave me alone, Clause."

"Not all humans are like that, you know."


Claus was shocked, and stammered in his thoughts, his anger rose even higher and those words hit him strong. Silver and the owl stopped their chase as they heard him shout at Claus.

"Wha... what on Velencia are you saying?!"

The tiger stood up, being really annoyed.

"Not everyone saw such good fortune with humans like you did, ok?!"

"... wha-"

"Educated, taken care of, lucky and stupid rabbit like you, what would you even know about humans?"

Flok pulled the tiger's shoulder aggressively, stopping him. Turbo didn't even try to fight back.

"Hey, that was uncalled for, totally senseless!"

"To Hell with you, too!"


"It's about time this childish rabbit opens his eyes and see-"

"I said enough! Shut up!"

Claus was by now shaking in his place, it wouldn't be any surprise if he started wetting himself after what he heard.

"Is... You're jealous of me, is that it?"


"Did your jealousy turn to anger against all humans?"

Claus' voice was shaking hard, tears began forming as he gripped his fists to control himself.

"What does that have to do with you, Claus? It's not like that at-"

Claus turned away and sprinted off from the rest, despite what he said, it seems nothing would be able to enter his mind right now. The tiger just shrugged and sighed, but suddenly found Flok's hand locked around his neck, closing a bit too tight.

"You've gone too far this time! Unforgivable!"

He eyed Flok, threatening him as he raised one paw, showing his claws.

"You wanna die, feather face?!"

"Why did you do that to Claus?"

"What's it to you?"

"I'm unlike you; I care for those I call friends!"

Flok released his neck, and firmly walked away, looking for Claus in the field. Silver and the owl returned to the tiger under the tree.

"Wow, what happened? We heard you shouting and suddenly everyone's gone... even the human isn't here?"


The tiger just sat back at the bench, not bothering to explain anything. Silver stretched his arms up and exhaled in exertion.

"Oh well, whatever happened, I'm sure things will get back to normal, they always do with this strange group."

"OH RLY?!"

"Don't... Start... That... Again."

"Why not? You weren't successful in any chase, it's getting really fun."

"Bahh, I'm going to the washroom, I'm sweaty a bit."


"Please, make way."

"Awwwww, the poor human wants us to 'make way,' how interesting."


A bunch of furries were blocking Yzmar's way out of the toilet, three bulls were 'bullying' him by blocking his way out. One bull got closer and bowed to level his face with Yzmar.

"Actually we can 'make way' for you, human... but you need to pay."

"... pay?"

"Oh, yes. Payment comes first though."

The bull grabbed Yzmar from his neck and shoved him to one wall. Yzmar grunted in pain at the sudden movement, opening one eye as he looked up at his capture's towering figure.

"What... what are you doing?"

Suddenly, Silver showed up, poking the other two bulls.

"What's going on here, why block the washroom?"

"Oh, we're just teaching our new friend a lesson."

"... that... 'new friend' of yours, wouldn't be a human, would he?"

"Right on!"

The bulls chuckled uncontrollably, Silver just evaluated things in his mind... 'hmm,' he thought, 'this should prove to be an excellent setting.' Silver got through them and entered the washroom, finding a third bull locking Yzmar's neck to the wall as he eyed him in total dominance.

'Wow that is quite a hostile fellow he attracted... heheh, wonder if I...'

The bull noticed Silver getting inside.

"Hey, Silver! Look what I've got!"

Yzmar turned his eyes to meet his, and to Silver's surprise, Yzmar didn't even plead for help yet, nor did he even put any fight or struggle (not that it would be successful). Silver just smiled to himself and drew near them.

"You wouldn't mind if I take my... 'Payment' first, would you?"

Yzmar opened his eyes wider, not believing what he just heard. The bull laughed out loud.

"Hahah, sure thing, he's all yours!"

With a swift move, the bull pulled a little at Yzmar, turned him around, then shoved him again to the wall, but this time Yzmar was facing the cold wall, the bull forced his hand to keep him from struggling. Silver just moved behind Yzmar as he whispered in his ears.

"You know? I'm not really fund of you, myself."

"Wait, Silver... what are you-"

"Shhh, shshsh!"


Silver closed the gap between them, his paws were on Yzmar's legs from the front, he then moved his hips slowly in a rhythmical pace, striking his butt. The bulls couldn't stop staring, smiling and laughing at the sight. Soon, it hit Yzmar what Silver was about to do to him.

"Wait, no! Silver, don't-Urgh"

Silver's paws reached to Yzmar's balls, groping them hard.

"I told you to 'Shhh,' human. Just let me enjoy you a bit more."


The wolf moved his paws slowly up, sliding them under his t-shirt as he explored his thin body.

"Your body is miserable, but you sure have a silky skin, Yzmar. Damn!"

"Silver... please, stop this."

"I'll stop, don't worry... just not yet, though."

One paw kept exploring his chest and abs, while the other slid back down, inside his pants. Still moving as slow as possible to tease him, his paw wondered a bit inside, fishing for its target.

"You know? The first time I discovered having a thing for humans, it was because I wondered how their 'tools' look like."

His hip strikes were harder now, even though both of them were still having their pants on, the bulls began panting at the hypnotizing beat and were already hot down there, pawing off with loll tongues. Silver was moaning too, making it feel real to them as he kept his 'humps' slow but strong. Yzmar, however, began feeling his heart racing again.

'Oh crap, not now, not in a time like this, please.'

The bull seizing his movements felt him beginning to struggle.

"Hey now, he's not even half through with you yet."

Yzmar began coughing, but it didn't stop anyone from continuing this insulting abuse, his heart beats began to hurt, his chest is getting hotter as his heaves and breather became difficult.

"Hah, *wolf whistle~* he's getting hot; he's actually enjoying this, the sadist idiot!"

"Silver-*grunt~*... Silver, stop!"

"I ain't stopping, buddy, what are you going to do about that?"

"Stop, you bastard, stop or you'll die!"

"Die?! Who's gunna kill me? You? Or your Grudge, maybe?"

Everyone began laughing harder at Silver's comment. And it just made him get more enticed; he opened his pants and forcefully pulled Yzmar's down enough to reveal his butt.

"Mmmmm, I'm SURE this one would be just fit!"

Silver held Yzmar's butt cheeks with both paws, forcing them open. He rammed his hips forward, mooning and dropping his head back in a loud moan, but still not inside him; sliding and rubbing his dick just between the crack. One of the bulls shot his load in his hand from just watching this.

"Silver-*gasp~* I'm serious, you bastard! Don't!"

"Oooooooh, this is going to be so-!"

"What's going on here?"

Suddenly, everyone stammered at Gemik's voice, the bull who came rushed inside one of the toilet rooms quickly to wash his genitals, the bull holding Yzmar released him quickly as Silver raised up his pants and Yzmar's before the last bull move from the washroom's entrance. Gemik was on the other side, in a darker red suit, he was clearly disturbed and could already guess what was going on.

"Sir Gemik!"

Yzmar immediately dropped down to his knees, still facing the wall, supporting his body with one hand and clutching on his chest with the other, gasping and wheezing all the while.

'Breathe... breathe, just breathe... blast it...'

Gemik stepped inside, crossing his hands and darting his eyes on every possible corner, sniffing the washroom.

"What's this smell, it reeks here... what did you do?"


Silver stumbled, and then gave a silly smile.

"I'm sorry, Sir Gemik, I think it's me... I'll shower right away."

"No, it's not sweat that I smell, it's..."

"We didn't do anything, just toying with the new guy, right? Right?"

Yzmar pushed himself a bit, standing on fragile legs and turned to support his back to the wall, still wheezing... He took some time to recover before answering.

"It's... *wheeze~* true... sir..."

Gemik turned to Yzmar in shock, fully aware of what Yzmar is doing.

"They were just... 'Toying'... yeah... *cough~*"

Silver turned to Yzmar in surprise; the human is actually playing along; Yzmar wasn't angry, nor was he sad about what was going to happen, he was able to put a weak smile while his body still shivered like a leaf. Gemik's temper began rising slowly.

"If that is true, then why are you breathing heavily like that?"

"Sir Gemik... *cough~* They just... scared the shit out of me, that's all."

"... what?"

"I get... scared easily... *sharp breather~* But I'm fine now, they meant no harm, really."

Gemik was now darting in Yzmar's eyes, this wasn't the reaction he was hoping to get.

"I want you for a word outside, you're finished with the toilet, no?"

"Yes... yes, I am."

"Ok, come now. The rest of you, I must ask you to take better care of him from now on, he's your partner now, or am I wrong?"

Gemik gave Silver a special piercing look, Silver felt his spine freeze and just smiled again, nodding.

"H-hey, why are you being so hard on us like that? He's our partner of course, no question there."

"Then I'll be off with him now."


"C'mon, say it."


"It's not hard, just get through with it."

Turbo was scratching the back of his head in nuisance as Flok brought Claus back and forced them to make up. Claus was avoiding eyeing Turbo in his face, and the tiger didn't seem to be ready for apologizing yet.

"Look, I didn't mean to hurt you with what I said."


"... Flok was right, I was driven by my own-"

"It's ok."

"... eh?"

"I know what you said, but I was being stubborn on my part as well."


"Forgive me."

"... sheesh... what are YOU apologizing for?"

Soon Silver came back, his arrival broke the awkward moment everybody was feeling, but he brought with him another awkward case. He was silent, his head was fixed down and his eyes were spacing out in thought.

"... Silver?"

Silver jolted after hearing his name, looking at everybody as they were wondering about him. The bear, however, was long asleep under the tree.

"Huh? What?"

"Is something troubling you? You don't look so good."

"Err... no... it's..."

"And... just what's that between your legs?"

'... oh shit.'

Silver just realized that his baggy pants had a wet 'dot' between his legs, looks like his arousal was great to leak pre. He looked back to everyone and they were confused even more by his strange behavior, Claus was spacing out by himself though, and his mind wasn't really with them.

"Uhhh... no, wait... it's not what you think..."

Soon, Yzmar too arrived, everyone was surprised that he actually came back as he said he would. Turbo gave a disturbed glare as he sniffed a bit, then smiled.

"Oh... a faint scent of Silver on him... I see."

Flok turned to Silver, his blood began boiling.



Yzmar came to Flok, poked his hand, and shook his head without saying anything. Flok simply backed off, while Silver instantly panicked.

"Hey... you didn't tell Gemik, did you?"


"Hey, we were only... no, I was only fooling around, honestly. I wouldn't have done it, I was about to release you anyway."

"... Silver."

"You told him, didn't you? You freaking-"

"I didn't."

Silver stopped when he was about to march his way with his claws out, he was taken aback by Yzmar's reply. His jaw hanged open for seconds when he finally pulled himself together to talk.

"You... you didn't?"

Turbo was, by now, glaring at Yzmar in confusion; there isn't any good reason for Yzmar to cover for what Silver did. And should he have opened his mouth, Silver could have easily gotten a big felony in his career records. He rolled his fist tightly to contain his temper.

"I'm just thankful that you didn't do it, Silver?"


"Or else you would have been as good as dead."

"W... what?!"

That almost-threatening sentence was all it took for Turbo to step close and towering over Yzmar, Yzmar fixed his sight to the tiger's, his eyes still half-closed and his face didn't show the least hint of fear or backing down.

"One thing that puzzles me, human."

"... what's that?"

"Why would you cover up for him? He tried to rape you, didn't he?"

Silver shivered and looked at Turbo, uncertain why he's starting the flame again after it was finally down.

"Answer me... human."

"I'm not obligated to answer, am I?"

Turbo slowly put his left paw on his shoulder and grabbed firmly, fixing him in place as he drew his rolled-up right paw in a punch. Flok got alarmed by that, but one glare from Turbo made him stay where he was.

"And... what if I told you that you won't move very far from here without answering my question?"

Yzmar trembled a bit at his grabber, but his face stayed the way it was; half-closed eyes with no fear in them. He remained silent for a bit, and Turbo didn't seem to mind him thinking about his options. Suddenly, a bell rang twice, the owl looked up and snickered.

"Wops, there goes our breeeeeeeaaaaaaak~?."

Yzmar smiled, as he slowly placed a hand on Turbo's left wrist, encouraging him to release his shoulder.

"In that case, I'd say you better let go, or we'll be in trouble... both of us."

Turbo's fist shivered hard at Yzmar's challenge, he would have thrown a punch to his face if it wasn't for Flok to finally interfere, insisting they both stop this right away. The owl went and playfully kicked the bear awake.

Turbo grunted, pissed off for being unable to relieve this hatred and anger in his heart at the moment. He released Yzmar with the violent push, dropping him out of his balance to the ground, then went to get his shirt on again for work. Yzmar got up, cleaned himself from the dirt, and noticed Claus all this while being awfully quiet, unlike when he first pulled him in.

"Claus, was it?"

"W-what?! Yzmar! ... you're back?"

Claus got back to his senses again, turning to Yzmar, surprised that he's here again.

"It was a pleasure meeting you all."

"Uh... n-no... I'm sorry, it didn't go as I imagined it would."

"Don't worry about it, I had fun."

Claus' face got a little brighter.

"I... heheh, I guess we're a strange group of friends, aren't we?"

"Yup, 'we' are a strange group, alright."


"I believe I didn't really introduce myself properly yet. I'm Yzmar, I work at the Mechanics Department, and I hope we can all be good friends."

Claus cheered up a bit and closed his eyes in a smile.

"Nice to meet you! We'll definitely be good friends in no time!"

Flok sighed out in a smile and dropped his shoulders down to relax, things are finally getting cheery again.

"Well, we'd better hurry up to our departments. Take care, everyone."


Yzmar was walking the streets by now after a 'long' day full of different encounters with different furries. He tripped on his own foot as he fell down, his bag crushing him as it followed him to the ground.


He remained there for 3 good minutes, reflecting at what happened in his first day on the job. He sighed and shook it off, reminding himself that it's just because he's new, things should get calm in time.

'God, must the apartment be THAT far from the factory? I don't have a car, which means getting to my job on time will be tough.'

Finally reaching the building, he dragged a foot after the other on the stairs...

'Dammit, and it has to be on the 4th floor, no less.'

Reaching the door of the apartment, he stood there for a bit, catching his breath as he double-checked the number of the door. He slid the key inside and turned the lock open, while only one word resounding in his head.

'... BED~!'

He opened the door and stepped inside, crushing the bag on the floor near him as he skimmed the place. It was a living room, with a glass table in the middle surrounded by two leather couches. There was a naked tiger who wore a short towel around his hip, behind him was a nice and decorated fireplace. And then there was...

Yzmar's mind stopped for a second, then got back to the tiger part. He focused on it and it was actually a furry standing in there.

"What the hell!?"

Both of them freaked out at each others, Yzmar instantly recognized the voice, it was that tiger from before, none other than him.

'Oh for fuck sake...'

The tiger got pissed off again and tried to contain his anger, while Yzmar calmly closed the door behind him.

"How, the HELL, did you open the door? Forget that, Why are you..."

"Err... Hello? My name's Yzmar? I'm your... ugh... roommate?"

"For real?! Is this a sick joke?!"

"... believe me, I wish it was..."

They stood like this for a minute, both of them clearly uncomfortable and bothered. Turbo smirked to himself in anger, raising one paw to his head.

"I better stop taking a bath... I mean, seriously..."

Yzmar tilted his head in confusion.

"Why is that? You planning to disturb me with-"

"Shut it, you fuck! Who cares about you? It's just that every single freaking bath I take is followed by a crisis... it has ALWAYS been like this for me."

"Say, I never really got your name..."

"Why would you care about my name?"

"Well, for one, we're roommates now... though I hate to admit it..."

"... Turbo."

"... Turbo?"

"No, it's Tigger..."

"Ok then, Tigger it is."

"You MUST have a death wish!"

Turbo began to snarl, baring his fangs in anger.

"Hey, now... calm down, I'm sorry, you just confused me there."

"Dammit, you're not just a human, you're dense too!"

Yzmar sighed as he took his bag up again on his shoulder.

"Can we continue this again tomorrow? I seriously need to rest."

"What's stopping you, freak?"

"Err... there are clearly only two bedrooms, so I was wondering which one is mine."

"The eastern one is yours..."

Turbo pointed at the door and sighed, Yzmar looked at him for awhile, puzzled... Turbo noticed him not moving yet, and got angry again.

"What now?"

"Umm, that's not east you're pointing at."


"... alright alright, no need to shout."

"Just get out of my sight!"

Turbo went to his room and slammed the door, Yzmar sighed to himself and went to his room, not bothering to close the door behind him; he was too tired to actually unpack. He threw his bag aside, rubbed his sour shoulder from the heaviness of his luggage and simply threw himself in his turn over the bed covers.

"I'm gunna have to ask for another apartment."

He soon lost himself in a calm sleep, a calm sleep that didn't continue more than 5 hours. At around 10pm Yzmar jolted up from his bed, his head is all sweaty and his breather is getting heavier and heavier.

"... *grunt~* ugh, no..."

He stammered near the edge of the bed and fell, crawling to the door's frame. His left hand dug deep in his chest, trying his best to maintain the pain.


He made it out his room, falling again. This time, he didn't bother standing and just kept crawling on one hand and two knees. He made his way across the living room to the door near the fireplace, he pushed it open and entered the kitchen.

'... need...'

He kept crawling around the food table, making his way across the oven to reach the fridge. Just 3 feet away from the fridge, his heart burst out again sharper than ever.


He dropped at that spot, still supporting himself with two knees and his forehead this time, digging in his chest with both hands, his mouth began drooling and his body is starting to give in to the pain.

'Breathe... please, just breathe... oh God, please...'

His heart began beating faster and faster, his vision went darker, the pain his chest sent to his brain was unbearable, the blood pressure in his head was too great his eyebrow wound opened again. It felt like his body has finally entered a state of life and death, he carefully leaned himself to the fridge, using his shoulder and head to balance himself as he stood again with his legs. He finally reached the handle and flagged it open.

The other door in the living room opened as Turbo got out of his room in jeans and white undershirt, pissed off.

"Hey, what's the deal here? Why are you screaming like a vile beast?"

He went to his room and didn't find Yzmar in it, he returned out and got inside the kitchen, finding Yzmar near the refrigerator. He was laying his back to the oven and placing an entire ice template to his bare chest, over the spot where his heart is. His shirt was off and near him, drenched in sweat, and his body was still sweating more, and appeared red.

"What's with you?"

With hard gasps to breathe, Yzmar turned tiredly to Turbo, who entered the kitchen and closed the refrigerator and eyed him from above, demanding an answer.

"I'm sorry but-*wheese~* but could you give me a glass of cold water?"

"Can't you do it yourself?"

"... please?"

"... ugh."

Turbo returned to him again with a glass in his hand, kneeling down.

"Here's your glass."


Yzmar bowed his head forward and closed his eyes.

"Ok, go on..."

"... go on what?"

"Go on and splash my head with it."

"... you want to catch a cold or something?"



"I'm sorry... please, just do as I say. I'll clean the kitchen afterwards."

Turbo shrugged to himself, and with one big swing, he splashed Yzmar's head entirely with cold water. Yzmar gasped hard, shivering at the cold water dripping from his head and shoulders.

'Come on... breathe... that's it... phew.'

He returned his back to the oven and sighed in relief.

"Thanks, I needed that."

"... for what?"


Turbo stared at him as Yzmar closed his eyes and began to breathe normally, he stood up again, returning the glass near the sink, and with his back still to Yzmar, he asked him.

"Could you answer my question now?"

"... what..."

"Why did you cover up for Silver?"

"... wouldn't anyone have done the same?"

Turbo turned to Yzmar, still doubtful.

"No... maybe a furry, yes. But human filth would never-"

Turbo stopped as Yzmar began chuckling now, his eyes are still closed.

"What's so freaking funny?"

"You... *pant~* you still talk like that... human and furry, furry and human... it's starting to get really stupid."

"S... stupid?!"

Turbo was still holding the glass on the table when he was talking with him, the glass in his paw cracked before he remember it being there. Yzmar sighed, ending his chuckle with a serious stare at Turbo, he got up again now that his body is responding normally, still dripping in cold water and sweat.

"Why? Is it not stupid?"


"Listen, I don't know what this hostility you bear towards me is coming from. But I assure you that we just met there in the factory."

"... you think this is about something you did to me?"

"If it isn't, then it sounds more childish to take all your anger at me."


Yzmar looked at Turbo, and the tiger got freaked out as the water sliding from his head got mixed with the wound on his eyebrow, making his blood draw countless lines on his left cheek. Yzmar closed his left eye and held one hand over his wound, as he stepped closer to the sink, where Turbo was standing, and began washing his face.

"Humans, Furries, Cattle, Plants... be it what it may, it doesn't matter."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying, as long as you have 'reason' then you are a person. Regardless of your race or origin, I respect anyone and everyone that has a person inside him."

He closed the running water and turned to Turbo with half-closed eyes and a bored gaze.

"Someone like you who shuns a person from the first glance for God knows why... You're not acting your age at all."

Yzmar left the kitchen, leaving Turbo standing at the same spot he was in, he reached all the way to his bed and turned off the lights before remembering his shirt back at the kitchen...

'Uh great.'

He went to the door and was surprised to find that Turbo followed him; he was standing at the door, shirtless, with Yzmar's sweaty shirt.

"T... Turbo?"

Yzmar couldn't tell what Turbo had in mind; the lights in the room were dim and reflected nothing from him except his yellow eyes. Turbo said nothing, he just barged in, thrusting Yzmar's stomach with the paw that held his shirt, but it was clearly a deliberate punch that got Yzmar bowing in pain.

"Forgot something?"


"And just so you know, I'm not even talking about your shirt."

Turbo didn't stop there, he drove his arm even more and raised it, getting Yzmar off his feet and tossed him to the bed with a hard bounce.

"I think a little fragile human forgot his place, I'm just here to remind him of it, and it WON'T be pretty."

"Turbo, what the hec-*cough~*"

Turbo walked to the edge of the bed, snatching Yzmar's shirt and forcing it in his mouth.


"You dare talk back to me, huh? DO YOU DARE TALK BACK?!"


"I'm gunna make sure you remember your place."

Turbo leaned forward, applying his weight on top of Yzmar's chest with his arm as he removed his trousers. Yzmar got startled and began struggling harder, just to receive another hard punch on his stomach.


"MMM-*muffled cough~*"

"Heh, Silver said you didn't even try to struggle at first, but here you are resisting pathetically like a poor squirm... are you perhaps afraid of my length?"

Yzmar seized his struggle and eyed Turbo in anger, breathing fast from his nose as he rolled his fists tight.

"What's this look for?"

He left his trousers alone and slapped him, Yzmar looked at him again in anger and got slapped twice more, but that didn't stop his glare.

"I don't like that look, GIT RID OF IT!"

Turbo reached for Yzmar's head and pulled at his green hair, receiving a muffled cry in return, Yzmar closed his eyes in pain and finally seized struggling. Turbo went back to his pants and removed it, kicking it aside as he began unzipping. Yzmar looked at his face and was struck in horror, Turbo was seriously angry, his stubbornness refused to be the one at fault and needed someone to blow up some steam.

The tiger's rod throbbed to life in an instant, as finally the pants were down to his feet. Turbo panted for a second, looking at Yzmar's penis still retracted.

"Let's get you all nice and warm, shall we?"


Yzmar twitched and shivered hard as he felt a moist thing brushing his underbelly, Turbo literally tasted his skin, coating it with his spit, his rough tongue was sliding about his body as he slowly got higher and higher, reaching his stomach. His arm repositioned itself, taking both Yzmar's hands up his head and his other paw caressed his side. Yzmar quivered and jolted, unable to block this sudden ecstatic feeling, he didn't like to be raped like that, nor did he like it when Silver did it to him, but his body failed him back then, and it's failing him again here. Soon, his own penis began emerging, Turbo raised his head and glared at him.

"Finally, and here I thought your little guy was dead."

Yzmar was still chocking on his own sweaty cloth, but Turbo wasn't holding it in place anymore, he tried his best to cough it out as Turbo placed one knee on the bed. His tongue got to work again, playing over his chest between his pecs, he soon strafed too close to the right nipple that made Yzmar arc in shock, his other paw began playing with the left nipple, Yzmar's penis finally became alive and got hard.

Yzmar was at last successful in spitting his shirt to the side, panting from being shocked, tired and maybe even ecstatic.

"Tu-*pant~* Turbo, no! Ugh!"

Turbo dragged his other knee over the bed and was now on top of him, he lowered himself until he was lying over him, closing the gap by spreading his knees to the sides. Yzmar grunted at his weight and coughed hard as his chest got pressed by Turbo's muscled abs, the tiger was strong, and his body felt like a block layer of concrete over him... only smelly and sweaty and hot, now that Turbo began to get excited as well.

"Argh, Turbo!!"

"Shut up!"

Turbo lowered his head in a deep kiss, Yzmar shuddered in disgust and tried to turn his head away to break the kiss, but Turbo's fangs were strong and were enough to halt his head's movement. His tongue intruded inside, dancing and covering the inside walls with drool and sweat. Turbo's body became hotter and his musk got stronger in the room.

Not only their tongues were locked together, but Turbo's scurfy dick was busy rubbing itself on Yzmar's penis whenever he jerked his butt in and upward. Unable to block this abrupt attention, Yzmar soon moaned in disgust and helplessness as he reached his peak quickly, splurging hot ropes between their bodies that got meshed between their belly and chest. Turbo broke the kiss and was still looking at Yzmar furiously, panting in delight and utmost dominions.

"I'm going to give you something that will always... ALWAYS remind filth like you of their place!"

Using his free paw, he reached out to Yzmar's legs and pulled at them to be over his hips, breathing hot air in Yzmar's face and wet chest as he did. Yzmar didn't believe what was about to happen, or at least he didn't want to believe it. Turbo was about to fuck him ruthlessly.



Turbo laid back over him, crushing his lungs once more with his sweaty body, driving out all the air inside. Yzmar coughed hard and grunted, his abuser reached with his other paw under his body and clutched him tightly to his own. And then there it was...


Turbo kissed him again hard, muffling his scream as his big driver poked its head, only the head, inside his hole. Yzmar breathed faster and harder inside Turbo's mouth, tears uncontrollably sliding down his face from the pain. His hands struggled against his captor ever so strongly, but it isn't like a big, well-built tiger was about to lose to a weak and skinny human. Yzmar's eyes were still strong, but they were now pleading Turbo to stop instead, Turbo's fuming glare never eased one bit, not even for a second, taming this stupid creature under him was a must at this point.

He began sliding more inside, jerking all his body forward over Yzmar as cum and sweat made mushy noises between them. Yzmar arced in pain, his privates are being intruded inch after inch, it was too dark to see anything other than this black hulking figure on top of him as it moved in sluggish paces, taking pleasure in dominating him as it glared in threatening yellow eyes. Yzmar's struggles suddenly seized completely, his eyes went half-closed again as his body got extremely tired to do anything anymore. His body finally surrendering to the tiger, begging only for this tormenting sexual assault to be over quickly... but, from the looks of things, this beast of a tiger was having all the time in the world to screw him as he pleased, just a toy in his paws.

Turbo halted, then moved backward, almost getting his dick out, only to thrust it again inside slowly but firmly, enjoying every arc he feels under his body, and every muffled cry and scream that get swallowed inside his muzzle. This torture took only half an hour, but for Yzmar, it was like a nightmare that would never end. Turbo's pace got faster and stronger, the entrance is now relaxed and his throbbing dick is lubed enough for him to get to the next step. He hugged Yzmar to his chest so tight that Yzmar opened his eyes in a shocking pain, his limbs almost cracking. He breathed strongly to get some air in his lungs, but all he breathed was Turbo's sweat and body musk, his brain began getting foggy. Just as he almost closed his eyes again, Turbo thrust again inside him forcefully and hugged him tightly once more, and again... all the air he struggled to breathe was from Turbo.

Turbo began seriously fucking the life out of him, everything that Yzmar tried to do, tried to think about to ease his pain, Turbo was there. The pounding got faster and faster, it made loud squashes and made the bed rock and creak. The tongue in his mouth never stopped for a second to give him time to rest, it wrestled ruthlessly inside his mouth as Turbo's rock-hard dick pierced brutally inside him, and Turbo was panting inside him in his turn... it was a vicious experience, the tiger was raping him inside out; raping his body, raping his mind, raping his senses, raping his soul... he was raping his entire being, like a broken thing that surrendered the instinct to survive, it felt like hours have passed when it was only a little close to 40 minutes full of cruel and merciless dominancy.

Suddenly, Turbo halted out of him, trembling strongly. And with one powerful thrust inward, his whole dick dived inside Yzmar as Turbo roared inside his mouth. His dick filled him with burning hot sperms as it shot once... twice... thrice... it kept on going, Turbo was still pulling out a bit, only to thrust again strongly with a splatter. He soon pulled completely out and began rubbing his still shooting dick against Yzmar's penis, forcing it back to life again. Yzmar twitched and squirmed under him, Turbo was giving him yet another frottage, Turbo's dick covered him with hot cum shots again, and the moistness of his dick made Yzmar's penis tremble in its turn and shoot once more, only fading quickly this time, and after like 10 more seconds of unloading, his dick decided it was enough.

Both of them were panting heavily inside one another, the smell of cum, sweat and musk filled the room, and the bed felt so awfully uncomfortable with all the humidity around it. Turbo broke the kiss slowly, many trails of drool leaked from his still opened muzzle and landed on Yzmar's chin and neck. Yzmar didn't move a muscle; his body didn't give him strength to do anything other than to breathe heavily from his still opened and drooling mouth. Turbo got up from Yzmar, their bodies parted in a loud squishy sound but Turbo was still over his body, staring down at the skinny and fragile body that was under him, all covered in sweat and seed. Anyone would have mistaken it for a dead corpse if it wasn't for the chest heaving up and down, his face showed several tear lines, but Yzmar's green eyes were fixed upward in distress. Turbo, content with doing this much, got off of the bed and took a look at his own body and chest as it dripped with both their fluids... he sighed in his own thoughts as he just took a bath this afternoon.

"I'm going to need another quick wash."

He turned his head to glance at Yzmar, he didn't move a muscle yet, his chest is still heaving, a faint sound of inhales and exhales but that's it. Turbo grinned at him.

"Serves you well, freaky human."

Still, no movement, not even a reply...

"... hey, dirt bag."

Still no reply.

"Hah, don't tell me you blacked out."

"... Turbo."


"I'm sorry... *pants~* but you might-*cough~*... die within the... next 24 hours."

Turbo blasted in laughter, his body was still dizzy from all the fucking he just did and his body was swaying until he supported himself by the wall.

"You're totally strange, you know that? Silver said you were sprouting something like that back at the washroom."

"... you better consult a doctor."

"No, YOU better consult one. You out of your mind? Did my fucking reach your brain cells too?"

"I don't want you, the one who saved my life at the kitchen, to die because of me."

"If you're trying to threaten me, you're doing one hell of a job."

"Turbo, I'm serious..."

Turbo's expression changed back as he noticed that Yzmar didn't even move yet, his head was still facing the ceiling and both his arms are still the way they were when he limited their movements... but he was talking with him in a calm and reflective tone, even after being raped.

"One of the reasons I hated you is this shitty attitude of yours."


"Me? Die? Because I didn't stop when you told me to? Even now, you're talking in puzzles, and not explaining yourself, just like what you did with Silver. Or is it just mere nonsense?"

"... will it make you satisfied to know?"


"Fine then, I covered for Silver for two reasons; one, he was a co-worker so I thought of the best outcome for the factory, not for myself."


"Silver is a fine mechanic, losing him will only do harm to the factory."

"Just because of that?"

"Isn't that enough?"

"... why does the factory as a whole concern you that much?"

"Why not?"

"I mean, hell, you go work there and get your cash out every month, why bother with shit like that? You were inches of being raped by him back there, and you thought of the 'factory' instead?"

Yzmar remained silent for a bit, then gave a weak chuckle. Turbo could not yet bring himself to understand this human; he came across countless humans who were dirt-bags or lower, but this one was strange, everything about him was a mystery.

"I suppose it would indeed leave a normal person puzzled."

"Why then?"

"I guess it's just me, Turbo... I just care for the factory, I want to care for something... I want to build something successful... in my... li..."


"Ever experienced how it feels when you give your all but receive pain in the end? ... well, that's the story of my fucking life."

Turbo felt suddenly like shit, or maybe this feeling was way worse. Yzmar's expression didn't change, but a lone teardrop trickled down his eye and quickly got mixed in all the drool and sweat that covered his face. 'What's going on?' Turbo thought, his heart began sending strange vibes to his mind, 'This human is... nothing like any other human... no... he's nothing like any other person I've ever met in my life, not even furries act like this... why? What's so different about him?'

Yzmar took a big breathe, puzzled in his turn that his heart didn't act up in the middle of this crazy ride, then called out.

"Turbo... I'm so sorry... but please, consult a doctor soon."

"... you said there were two reasons, what's the other one?"


"... You're pathetic..."

"... Turbo?"

"Just lay there and pant as you leak of me on the bed, that's your place alright, that's where humans like you belong."


Turbo closed the door behind him, leaving Yzmar lying on a messy mixture of fluids and smells in the darkness of his own room. Yzmar didn't move for awhile, repeating the words 'I'm sorry' again and again, but Turbo was long gone to a quick shower in his bathroom.

"Phew, thank the heavens it's Saturday tomorrow, I won't have to worry about waking up early after this."

Turbo stared at the soap in his paw, still remembering how Yzmar's touch felt in his hand; his body was skinny and with no muscles at all, but still it was so beautiful in his eyes, it felt like silk to his paw, and tasted like candy to his lolling...

'What the heck!?'

He shook his head violently and began rubbing the soap all over his body.

'... shit, why is my heart racing like this? Am I...'

He stopped, his mind bringing Yzmar's image again in his thoughts, remembering how he towered over him before he moved off the bed. His paws let go of the soap, rubbing his body hard as he got under the hot shower. He stood there although the soap and dirt long left his body, just feeling up the hot stream hitting his face and fur as he raised his head and closed his eyes.

'Fuck... it just HAD to be a human...'