Bird Prey

Story by Isiat Squire Carcer on SoFurry

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#27 of Fox & Shadi One-Shots

A follow up to Bird Show;

Taking place several months later, Shadi goes for a wander in Isiat's homeland, and stumbles across a beast hiding in a ruined fort. After all, Isiat did warn her to stay on the path.

THIS, is the piece that originally was supposed to go the this picture, but due to delays, it's a few months late :P

Regardless, if you like reading about poor little lionesses getting conned into being a good breeding hen for an Ovi-gryphon, read on! This is by far my new favorite piece I've done!

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The wind that whistled through the massive, ancient pines at the foot of the Ulthorth valley was brisk... Not quite cold, but not warm either, which for a region known for its snow capped mountains that seemed to literally touch the grey sky above, was a rare occurrence to say the least.

It certainly was nothing like her sandy desert home had been. Everything here seemed so lush and full of life, and yet the overall gloomy weather, towering trees that reached hundreds of feet into the air, and the strange wildlife that lurked in the shadows in places that the sunlight had never touched seemed at great odds with just how green it all was.

They must have been hiding out here for what felt like months now, and yet this land still surprised her. Shadi's feet kissed the soft, mossy ground beneath her as she padded down the worn deer path, her bow gripped tightly in her paws. The little curvaceous lioness had grown bored with just sitting around Isiat's home all day, and simply decided that she was going exploring.

He'd insisted she take the bow anyway, even though this particular valley was deemed to be 'relatively safe'. Considering the creatures that lived here, and how perilous traveling just to the next town over in some parts of these kingdoms could be, relative could mean a lot of different things.

Relative to say, Black-leaf creek valley, for example, with it's dire-wolves that could bite a horse in half, and it's shadow-cats that bent the light and used their natural camouflage to appear where they were not, it was almost what one might call 'safe' here.

Relative to the foothills on the far edges of the mountain ranges she found herself in, where your biggest danger was perhaps tripping on an exposed root, it was very dangerous.

Relative to the summit-forts that dotted the peaks of the mountains, and routinely endured stinging blizzards and gail force winds along with storms, hail the size of melons, and snowfalls that could turn into an avalanche at any point, it was almost pleasant!

Relative could mean just about damned near anything to these strange people who chose -willingly- to live here. Why anyone would want to be sheltered so much from the warm sunlight and so far from the oases that dotted her homeland, she would never fully understand.

"Just don't stray too far from the paths, and make sure you're back before sundown. I don't want to be explaining why I let you get eaten by a wolf on my watch." He'd told her, though he confessed, wolves didn't oft come up here, as farms on either end of the warmer region tended to draw their attention, and the guards posted there usually drove them away. The worst she might encounter would be more likely to be a spider if she went exploring the old valley forts that sat long abandoned by their ancient builders.

The trees that dotted this region were mostly newer growths, perhaps a few decades old at most, but it had still driven them up at least a hundred feet up into the sky in their constant struggle for sunlight. The forest floor that she traveled upon was covered with shrubs, bushes, thorny vine plants, and trails made by local game that seemed to dart back and forth at random.

It was one such trail she followed now, tracing the deer tracks that had only recently been pressed into its surface, perhaps an hour old, if that. She was a princess, used to being waited on hand and foot, even by Isiat, but in truth, part of her enjoyed the thrill of hunting for her own meals. There was something satisfying about shooting at something that wasn't a straw target at a hundred paces, and then taking it back so her loyal 'protector' could carve it up and cook it to protect her from her hunger.

A grin crossed her muzzle at the thought. He'd always fucked her good when she managed to bag a fawn since they'd gotten here. Today would be no exception. Even as the thought crossed her mind, so to did a sense of something... else. Something different. There was something about this area that just seemed at ends with the rest of the woods around it, and a strange, sweet aroma hung in the air.

The temperature was unusually warm for early spring, enough that she could get away with just a long sleeved tunic and a jacket rather than a dozen layers of woolen clothes. Even a sparse few flowers had begun to bloom, which was surprising considering how few hours of real sunlight the valley was basked in each day.

If anything, it seemed far more pleasant and less oppressive than the rest of the surroundings here. Why, She thought with a little grin on her face. ...Relative to the rest of this place, it's almost nice. The little joke drew a pleased chuckle from her, but it quickly faded when she heard running water just ahead of her.

Sure enough, the deer she'd been stalking's tracks disappeared in the narrow creek that split its way through the thick bramble, running down the valley between the trees. With a quiet curse, she unstrung her bow, and slid it back into the leather tube across her back to protect it from the warmth and moisture that permeated the air.

She continued down the path cautiously, just incase the deer was still somewhat nearby, but after a half an hour of searching, she finally gave up, the little tan lioness, giving her massive tail an angry swish. Her version of an angry swish knocked down a small sapling that was in the way.

"Bah!" She huffed, picking up a rock and tossing it as hard as she could into the bushes. It disappeared between the brambles and ferns with a swish of moving leaves, and a dull, metal 'Clang!' as it struck something hard.

Shadi froze, crouching low to the ground as his mismatched green and brown eyes scanned the trees for any sign of just what the hell had made the noise. After a minute of silence, she cautiously moved forward, pushing aside the branches by the river so she could work her way deeper into the woods.

Isiat had warned her not to leave the trails, but really, how much more lost could one get? She could just work her way back to the river, and find her way home from there. The sun was still plenty high.

She was just... Curious, was all. Yeah, curious. Of course, you know what they say about curiosity and felines... She thought briefly, but Isiat had said it was fairly safe here... She'd be fine! Besides... She had her bow, and her little dagger. She could hold her own well enough, and run a damned sight faster than anybody could chase her through these trees. Probably.

But her curiosity had been roused, and she cut her way through the underbrush until she burst into a clearing just behind the trees, her eyes going as wide as saucers.

A massive iron portcullis stood before her, tall, elegantly carved walls an easy thirty feet tall were just... there! Right there! Not sixty feet from where she had been standing by the creek, and she hadn't even seen this place, so thick were the trees and the overgrowth covering the walls. Moss and creeping vines covered the once grey slabs of the fortress as she crept toward it, eyeing off the gate.

The great iron bars blocking the gatehouse had long since rusted and jammed closed, but age had taken its toll, and some of the rows had rusted through or fallen entirely from disrepair, and it was easy enough to squeeze herself through the gatehouse and slip her way inside, sneaking through the waist-high grass and ferns.

The fortress itself wasn't as big as she had been hoping. No grand stone castle awaited her, no gold-lined paths or elegant fountains with busts of godesses frolicing. No... The fort was... Very underwhelming. A few rotted wooden buildings, a long since disused well, and what looked like the remains of a stone watchtower that had collapsed in on itself. Those were all that she could see between the four solid stone walls that surrounded her.

Once more, Shadi felt her excitement sputter and die, and she let out a long sigh, kicking a pebble at her feet. The grass grew thinner towards the well in the center of the fort, stone pavers just visible underfoot. The grass had over the years, forced its way up through the thin cracks between them. It tickled the soles of her paws as she walked over.

She folded her paws behind her head, sucking in a long breath as she rolled her neck, trying to brush off her disappointment when she smelt it again. That funny aroma that she'd had stuck in her nose all morning, but it was much more distinct now... Musky and earthy, like a tropical rainforest after a summer downpour... It sent an odd warmth through her, like she'd smelled it before, an almost longing building up in her mind, but for what she couldn't say yet.

She turned, about to leave, when a quiet snort disturbed the calm in her mind, like a horse chuffing at people as they passed its stall. She turned, looking for the source of the noise, her large, fennec like ears swiveling back and forth. There! Again, from the old building over by the wall!

For it's apparent age, the structure seemed remarkably sound, build of thick logs cut from the native timber, and crawling with torn creepvines and moss as if something routinely used the walls as scratching posts. Once upon a time, it might have been a longhouse, or perhaps a stable? She couldn't rightly tell, working her way along the barely visible paths towards one side that had a large, empty double door frame in it. Certainly a stable then, given how close it was to the gate.

And if there's a threat, I can just run back to the gate and slip out again. She reassured herself. The odd aroma seemed to be getting stronger. Something was certainly living in there, and the longer she tried to decipher in her mind just where she knew the scent from, the more.. Pleasant it seemed to get. She felt more at ease with each breath, even if she didn't yet realize it, as if her body was certain she was not in any imminent danger.

Padding quietly up to the doorframe, she slipped inside, hiding in the shadows of the building quickly. Again, the soft chuffing sound came from the far end of the building, and Shadi's eyes struggled to make out details as she peered down its length, tip-toeing ever so slowly forward. She stared into the darkness, before one of her boots knocked into something metallic beneath her foot. It was a quiet sound, just the slightest rasp of steel against stone, but as she stared into the dark, it sounded as loud as a thunder clap.

The darkness was suddenly staring back at her.

Two vivid, golden eyes transfixed her from the end of the stable, glinting in the darkness as the large beastie slowly stood, unfurling itself from its curled up position upon a bed of torn fabric and straw. A shaft of light broke through the ceiling where the roof had split open from weather, and Shadi almost jumped as a large, black, taloned forepaw crossed into the beam of light, the creature taking a predatory step forward towards her.

It was massive! Easily twice a horse's size, it prowled forwards with a feline grace, and briefly, Shadi glimpsed a tan, spotted pelt, and a long, feline tail that swished behind the creature. Two massive, brilliant golden wings passed through the beam of light as it drew closer, and Shadi also saw the ebony beak that adorned the creatures face.

A gryphon! A wild gryphon! The only gryphon she'd seen before was Horus, and this thing was easily again half his size, clicking its beak as it passed beside her, close enough that she could have reached out and stroked the mighty creature's softly furred flank. Almost unconsciously, she watched her hand rise, and slowly, she dragged her fingers through the gryphon's thick pelt of soft, shaggy fur and downy feathers.

It was warm to the touch, and flowed between her fingers as the creature moved around her like water, one part of her mind yelling at her to run, and the warmer, fuzzier part urging her to stay. How often does one get a chance to be this close to a wild beast? If he was going to hurt you, he would have by now after all! She reasoned, and with a soft smile on her face, she was inclined to agree.The yelling part of her mind was muted, and she scratched at its flank some more.

A deep, bass like rumble filled her ears, sending vibrations along her arm as she stroked over the beast, and after a moment, she realized the gryphon was purring. What a friendly fellow... She amused herself at the thought. For the fearsome warmounts that the people of this land rode into battle, up close and at heart, they were basically giant house-cats that could fly.

Her mind was in a foggy sort of haze, and a brief panic rose in her, but a short, sharp chirp from the gryphon silenced the thought, distracting her mind.Why did I come in here again? She pondered blankly, but her thoughts gave no answer, just more of that pleasing aroma and pleasant feeling that left her body warm from her toes to the tips of her ears. Almost unconsciously, she slid off her jacket. It was getting warm in here after all. She didn't need it on right now.

Her fingers scratching firmly against the gryphon's leopard spotted flank, and she watched with fascination at the way the beast's muscles rippled and twitched beneath her touch. He was muscular like a thoroughbred, and yet as sleek and smooth as a soaring eagle, like any bird of prey should be. She idly stumbled forward a step, and set both of her paws on his side, tracing the patterns through his fur up and along his body, over the powerful curve of his shoulders.

His wings seemed to blend seamlessly into the rest of his mighty stature, for she had no doubt now it was a he, especially the way he was acting towards her... It reminded her of Horus almost in a way, when the silly bird was trying to be sweet. Her fingers brushed across the transition between the soft pelt of his fur and the feathers of his massive wings, watching as he crooned softly and spread the meters long appendage out for her inspection.

With a giggle, she ducked underneath its shadow, tickling the pit of his wing with her fingertips before she came to his front, her paws gliding across the hard bone of his beak, tracing the soft ripples in the glassy obsidian bone until she felt a whuff of air blow from the twin slits of his nostrils.

"You're no fearsome beastie, are you. You're just a sweetheart." She giggled as he poked her hip with his beak, the wickedly sharp end of it causing absolutely no concern in her mind. She felt more at ease than she had in months, her tail swishing lazily behind her. "I'm surprised nobody has come here to tried to put a harness on you." She giggled, her voice as lighthearted as a sparrows song.

Why am I being so friendly? She thought, but again, no answer was forthcoming, and the thought soon vanished into the foggy haze of her remarkably pleased mood. A quiet purr started up in her chest as she pet the big ol' birdie, her tiny little figure barely coming up to his belly. He'd been hunching down to accommodate her attentions, appearing far less large and threatening than he really was, like a playful cat, poised to pounce.

His beak nudged against her hip again, pushing her towards the back of the stable, and Shadi couldn't help the little giggle that passed her lips. "Oh what? Going to show me your house now?" She teased him playfully, letting him guide her further into the back area of the stable while she giggled and purred for this gentle giant she'd found. Her thoughts felt a little sluggish, but that was okay. She was safe here, she was sure. She was just feeling happy, and what was wrong with that? Also, it was getting a little warmer still... Perhaps it was just being insulated from the cold outside in here, and the body heat of the gryphon?

Again, the thoughts fled from her without so much as a hint of concern that something was amiss. Behind her, the gryphon let out a low, playful sounding rumble from deep in his chest, and nudged her further along into the back of the stable.

Now that her eyes had adjusted to the dark, she could see a large pallet in the back, made of blankets and feathers and fur that the gryphon had evidently dragged into place here, and with an excited squeal, she quickly jumped forward, letting herself hit the down covered nest with a loud purr, rolling over onto her back as the gryphon approached. Now that he was standing fully, he dwarfed her, and yet she still felt no fear at all of him, her tongue poking from between her lips as she panted softly. It was very warm now... And that scent clung to everything here, her tail twitching erratically.

Was... Was it coming from the gryphon maybe? She felt faint, shaking her head in order to try and clear it, but it did nothing at all to help her groggy thoughts. Maybe... Maybe she was in... She lost her chain of thought, and instead, pressed her head against her beak.

She let out a long sigh, her eyes rolling back for a moment as she went limp against the nest, her only sound a steady, pleased purring. It was warm. Unconscious of her actions, she stripped her shirt off, trying to cool her body under the gryphon's intense gaze. Her tongue hung out, and her expression had turned.. Odd, like the lights were on, but there was nobody home.

Osiris, for that was his name, and no other was lord of this valley but he, was pleased. The gryphon chirruped, watching as the small feline's eyes blankly followed his prowling back and forth, utterly under the influence of the potent mix of pheromones he emitted. She blinked up at him and purred, laying back on the nest he'd prepared as she worked to tug the rest of her clothes off as well. She was desperate to get away from the warmth that filled her body and her core with fire, making her sweat as if in a fever. Her body was trying, albeit, fruitlessly, to fight off whatever strange condition had overcome her senses.

Shadi, for her part, just felt warm. Far too warm. She needed to get out out of these clothes, and within a minute, she'd stripped herself bare, sliding the pair of panties she'd worn down her ankles before kicking them away. Her eyes fell indistinctly on the gryphon, who had been staring at her this entire time. He utter a low, warbling chirrup, and somehow, Shadi understood just what he wanted.

Slowly, almost groggily, she rolled herself over onto her belly, before pushing herself onto her paws and knees, purring drunkenly all the while. It was obvious to her now! He wanted to mate her... Part of her vaguely remembered doing this before, but... She couldn't pin the thoughts down in her head. They slipped from comprehension as soon as she thought them. Everything did. All that was left of her was a shell of the princess with the mind of a simple creature.

Osiris gave another quiet chirp, gesturing with his beak to the left. Obediently, Shadi shuffled to the left, looking at him with a mixture of vacancy and adoration. He squawked one more time, gesturing to the right, and once more, the feline obediently shifted her body to the right, utterly under the influence of the gryphon's thick scent.

She was nothing but a hen to him a this point. An obedient little clutch keeper. He chortled sweetly at her, like he would have a female gryphon, but this was so much easier that courting the females. Drakes of his line had evolved the ability to secrete pheromones long ago, to easily seduce prey and females foes alike into a trancelike state of euphoria.

It made hunting almost unsporting, but it had helped his kind repopulate easily... After all, their genes were diverse and adaptive. Any avian or feline would do, really. A certain few others, as well, but felines were best, and this one before him here...

Slowly, for he was in no rush at all now that she was under his control, he lay down beside her, folding his legs beneath his chest, and spread one wing out over the feline, dragging her towards his flank with the large appendage. She mewled sweetly as he did, just happy to have the attention of the bird, before lazily, he half rolled onto his side, and lifted his hind leg into the air.

Shadi murmured as the massive gryphon exposed his prized possession to her, the thick, bulging sheath and heavy sac hanging behind it furred with a soft, cream colored fuzz like downy feathers on a chick. He gave a soft chirp, and obediently, Shadi went down to nuzzle her cheek along the edge of this virile male's sheathe.

Why am... So warm and soft... He smells divine... He just wants a lick is all... Shadi's thoughts were a jumbled mess at best, and testingly, she let her tongue poke between her lips, dragging the wet organ over the base of his musky sac and up across the leng length of his sheathe to the tip of the black, pointed gryphon cock that was beginning to slide free.

Her senses were flooded at that first taste, the warmth in her core igniting like a pyre, her womb clenching tightly as those thick and rich pheremones of the breder overwhelmed everything else in her mind. All to eagerly, she went down on the few inches of gryphon prick that peaked from his sheathe, and suckled like a kitten at its mothers teat, drinking his syrupy and oddly sweet precum like a good whore.

Osiris let out a warbling, crooning rumble that dropped in pitch slowly, ending like a contented sigh with a low huff, his head leaning down to rest upon the nest as his prick swelled and throbbed inside the feline's tight and warm muzzle, smearing her lips and tongue with his flavor and his scent. He marked her as his hen, lest any other gryphons found her in this state later and tried to stake their claim on her. They'd know just who's hen she was, and think twice before messing with the property of the biggest drake in the valley.

Shadi almost gagged when the avian and feline hybrid beast bucked his hips, simultaneously resting one of his fore-claws upon her back to hold her in place, as if he knew what he was doing, shoving her bodily down upon his maleness that was just growing longer and thicker by the moment.

Lords he's thick but... Mrhmm... Shadi's thoughts were as much as a mess as the arousal coating the inside of her thighs as she rubbed them together unconsciously, her drug addled mind utterly forcing her to submit to whatever this big bird wanted her to do. She nursed on his cock attentively, rubbing along the girthy base with both of her paws, barely able to stretch around the circumference of the feral male.

And still, inch after inch of that solid pole of fuck meat slipped from the gryphon sheath until Shadi's eyes were watering from the exertion of trying to fit her delicate muzzle around him. All she knew was lust and desire, and the urge to serve this mighty beast. He didn't want to hurt her after all... And he was mighty attractive, as gryphons went. A pretty bird, as she had used to coo at Horus.

Finally, the Gryphon relented, using his long, curving talons to peel her back off his birdhood, earning a desperate whine from Shadi, who purred and immediately turned herself away from him. She flagged her tail unknowingly, the little drugged feline no more in control of herself than a sparrow could control the weather. Her mind was that of a feral beast. She was in heat. And this big gryphon had the tools to sate her body. That was all that mattered in the world. Not her father, not Isiat, not the plots to assassinate her.

She looked over her shoulder at him with a low growl of desire, pressing her round, perky breasts down against the nest while her ass raised into the air, wriggling enticingly back at him and showing her willingness and eagerness to be bred. She displayed herself to the beast unashamedly, for what feral beast felt shame at their desires, and teasingly, she fanned the scent of her heat towards the drake with her tail.

Osiris growled, the noise deep, powerful, dominant. This was his domain, and it was only right that the females within it submitted to his desires. What other creature could hope to possibly best him? Not the horses men rode, for they were bound to the earth, not the eagles in the sky, for they could not best his strength and majesticness, nor the dragons in the hills, for their scales were cold and hard, and unpleasant to touch.

He stood slowly, deliberately making her wait, even as his prick throbbed between his thighs, pushing out to its full length like an obscene rod of obsidian made for one purpose and one purpose only. To breed.

He reared up behind Shadi - His pheromones had already done all of the preparation she would need, priming her in season body to accept his clutch, and it was without preamble or any kind of tenderness that he gripped around her delicate waist with his forepaws, lifting himself over her while the bulk of his body pushed her tail aside.

Shadi let out a whimpering gasp, but not ever for a moment did she consider lowering her hips when the massive drake pushed himself over her, probing along her asscheeks with a few short, experimental thrusts to line himself up. The tapered and barbed tip slid between her heat slickened labia easily, and drawing back, Osiris shoved himself forwards, intent to give the needy feline just what her body was craving.

Her pleasured yowl echoed out across the valley as he speared her on his feral gryphon cock, shoving forward and forcing her heat-enflamed sex apart into a lewd O. He shifted, shuffling forward to bury himself further and thrust again, driving another inch into the feline's over-tight cunt as his syrupy precum splattered against her womb, mercifully slickening his intrusion.

Snuggly secure and with her walls squeezing around his thick, throbbing shaft, he slowly began to pull back. Shadi yowled as the barbs around the tip of his shaft made her squirm, her walls clenching even harder in response to the sudden pain. Her body both seemed to love and hate the sensation, spilling out her arousal to help ease his passage while deep inside of her core, instincts from her ancestors sprang to the fore, triggering her body to begin ovulating, her body temperature spiking sharply as her breeding instincts kicked in.

Osiris didn't care much about that, focused only on pounding himself into the snug little lioness underneath his mighty frame. Gripping her waist tightly with his talons, he thrust again, listening to her feral snarls and moans of pleasure as he screwed the poor, hormone drunk female into the nest.

Shadi's forearms were barely able to brace herself for the assault that the gryphon launched upon her eager and fertile body. Claws extended, she dug into the soft bedding beneath her, barely holding her own against the onslaught of the far too large gryphon prick that was battering against her womb like a ram, stretching her out in ways that wanted to make her scream and moan all at once.

She came like a firecracker going off, suddenly and violently as she kicked out one of her hind legs, attempting to scratch at the male, and immediately dropped beneath the drake's weight on her back. He stopped, growling as he lowered his beak down to the scruff of her neck, taking a firm, yet careful hold, and allowed her to readjust herself under his watchful gaze, her legs still trembling from the force of her orgasm. Slick precum and feline honey dripped down onto the nest from where they were joined. Meekly, she lowered her head again, wriggling and clenching her muscles around the Gryphon buried inside of her.

Satisfied that he once again had his hen's submission, Osiris let out what almost sounded like a crooning purr, rocking himself forwards once more until his cock-tip kissed her womb, dark, ebony flesh meeting the soft pink of her insides as he probed against her innermost sanctum's barrier.

That was what he wanted. It was where he needed to be to ensure he gave this hen a healthy clutch to bear for him. Crying out with a feral skree of domination and triumph, he began to take her again, faster now, dragging those pointed barbs of his over her sensitive inner flesh, raking her cunt and causing a steady stream of preseed and cat cum to drip down her thighs and onto the nest beneath her.

Shadi's mind was a jumble of thoughts, and not a one of them coherent. She'd all but reverted back to a feral version of herself, growling and moaning underneath this beast of a gryphon that had decided that she was his. Her thoughts all went back to the same thing. Breed. Nothing else mattered, and nothing else went through her pheromone moulded thoughts. Just the primal desire to fuck and be bred and to continue her line. She let out a feral cry of pleasure and pain as the Gryphon on her back grew rougher in his treatment, dimpling and pounding against her cervix eagerly.

Their cries intermingled, a warbling screech of victory and a feline yowl of pleasure as he finally breached that last barrier to her core, the barbs of his prick flaring outwards to lock him in place within the snug confines of her womb. Panting like a racing hound, the gryphons cock swelled and throbbed, the first ropes of his virile cum flooding her passage, seeping into the feline's sling like womb as he drained the seed that had been pent up for weeks into her rippling and milking cunt.

The gryphons cum had some useful properties for things other than breeding however, something that Shadi would have remembered if she'd been of a mind to do so, but as it was, she let her chest fall to the nest, her ass held aloft by the impaling spire of black flesh that was hilted almost entirely within her. Meanwhile, the milky mess in her womb eased her muscles, relaxing and stretching her womb to accommodate his copious filling.

And Shadi let the gryphon fill her like an eager little hen, feeling warm and satisfied, even as her belly began to swell outwards from the sheer volume of cum from the creature of the sky above her, and almost absently, let one of her paws rest upon the faint bulge, purring contentedly as she absentmindedly pet across her swollen belly. Every pulse felt like a shot of warmth splashing against her insides, and damned if it didn't feel good...

Orsis let out a series of quiet chirps as his prick continued to throb, preparing the feline's womb for what was to come next, and gently, he shifted from side to side. Gushes of his cum spilled backwards out of the lioness's taut womanhood as the pressure forced it out of her clenching body, dribbling messily into a small puddle beneath her, quickly soaking into the nest in an obvious dark stain.

He felt a rolling his his loins, and knowing it was time, slowly began to rock his hips in short, gentle thrusts, tugging at the barbs against the inside of her womb that held him in place. It was time for the little lioness turned hen to get her clutch, and do what he'd lured her here for. He rumbled, lowering his beak to brush almost affectionately against Shadi's cheek as she panted, a soft, chittering purr her only response. She barely even knew what was going on any more, just that she felt numb and pleasantly full. Dopily, she smiled, purring at the gryphon again. Nice bird...

Osiris would have been grinning if he could have articulated the expression with his beak. As it was, he just continued to gently roll his hips, putting almost all of his weight onto his hind legs as his wings flared, a firm, round bulge appearing at the base of his bird breeder as he continued to thrust gently, encouraging it onwards.

His forepaws on her hips tightened their grip, holding her firmly as the bulge in his prick reached her labia, adding almost another inch of girth to the already stretched lioness. Shadi howled in response, trying to turn about and dig her claws into the male, but he held her fast, rocking the oblong lump of the first of his clutch against her cunt until with a wet pop and a satisfying lurch, it squeezed past her outer lips and into her heat-swollen body.

Shadi groaned in dismay as the gryphon bred her, feeling the firm pressure of the egg as it traveled upwards along her birth canal, the one paw resting on her belly tracing it's obscene path into her like a lump moving beneath her skin. She followed it under her fingertips, the leathery shell moving through the gryphon's cock, inch by inch pushing towards her womb, and her already forced open cervix, pinned in place by the male's flared barbs.

She whined as it reached the ring of muscles, doing her best to squeeze down, but a sharp pain from the barbs made her gasp, the breath leaving her lungs in a rush, and in that instant when her guard dropped, the deal was sealed. The weight of the large egg settled heavily in her womb, already stretched open and resting in a bed of the avian war mounts copious load of cum.

Shadi groaned as the foreign weight came to rest inside of her, feeling the visible lump it left in her previous flat tummy, and let out a soft whimper of distress, her mind understanding and yet, still unable to process just what was happening to her, or why she was enjoying it so much. The fire of her heat felt quenched, and yet still the male rocked into her, pressing a second egg against her sex while he preened and chirped softly, evendently enjoying emptying himself completely.

She gasped as the second pressed inside of her already stretched and humming sex, groaning in distressed and confused bliss. The sensation was... alien, yet familiar, as if she knew it, but she couldn't pin from where. It didn't matter anyway. A third slid into her as the second parted her cervix to admit itself to her womb alongside the first. Reality seemed to fade, her little eyes clamped shut as the little feline huffed and panted, kneading her claws into the nest beneath her as Osiris forced his clutch into her.

She tore up clumps of cloth and down as he bred her, and she groaned and whimpered whenever another egg reached her womb, feeling her belly swelling outwards bit by bit, the stretching and pressure adding up to an uncomfortable mix of feeling bloated and pleasure. Oddly enough, there was very little pain, and she remained holding herself up with her rear in the air like an obedient little hen. After all, this was why she had come here, wasn't it? She didn't remember. Didn't care. It felt good to be bred, and full, and she whined when she looked beneath herself to see her belly almost touching the floor, her naval having popped outwards sometime around the eighth? Or had it been the ninth?

Beneath the sleek and soft, but matted fur of her belly, she could see the outline of the eggs in her womb, fighting for space as each new one forced a gush of the gryphon's cum out of her, making way for his other precious cargo.

She must have been underneath him for a solid half an hour, but her only measure of time was the feeling of fullness that came with each new egg being forced into her. She couldn't tell any more. Time became irrelevant. It may as well have been days for all she knew. When his barbs finally did retract, he gave one last thrust, forcing a thick glob of cum into her belly to act as a seal against her womb while her cervix contracted again, closing to seal in his clutch.

Shadi purred, sagging forward as his shaft popped free from her still clutching sex, leaving her dribbling cum down onto the nest as she rolled onto her side, taking the weight off of her gravid belly. She could have easily passed for an overdue set of triplets, her tongue hanging lazily from her muzzle. But she was a good hen... yes, that was it. This was her place. She murmured happily as the massive sire of her clutch lay down beside her, letting her rest against his flank as he lay his head back on the nest to rest.

She wouldn't be going anywhere. She was a good hen after all. The last thoughts faded from her mind, replaced with a sense of pride and purpose, and a sense that she was floating through space. She'd had somewhere to be with someone, and she knew she too had a name, or at least she thought she did... or had, anyway, but it didn't matter now. All that mattered was her clutch, and the fully belly her drake had given her.

Isiat cut through the underbrush, growling as he hacked his way through the ferns and bushes, leading the way with a torch in one paw and a machete in the other. The trail he'd followed left off the paths, and he'd spent a day looking for signs of Shadi's tracks, but by now, she'd been missing for close to a week, and he was growing frantic.

He'd searched these woods what felt like a hundred times when he finally came across the ruined watchpost at Creeks End, abandoned for at least a few decades after some harsh storms had collapsed most of the main tower.

He crept inside slowly, guided by the light of his torch when he heard a quiet moan from the stables, and dammit if he didn't know that moan well. Just what the hell had Shadi gotten herself into. Bandits? There was no light from any sort of fire, he was simply being guided by his torch, which he doused when he heard it again, a softer, mewling cry of pleasure, along with the chittering of a gryphon, echoing from the stables.

He slipped towards the old, dilapidated building, sword drawn and raised as he prowled through the shadows. He crept forward slowly, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness within as he followed the sounds towards the back of the stables, but what he saw was... Not at all what he had expected.

Shadi was laid out on a bad of blankets and cloth arranged into a large nest, the great shadowy figure of an alpha male ovi-gryphon behind her, golden eyes flashing in the darkness. They locked on Isiat, stopping him in his tracks, and the bird's beak parted with a growl in warning, but it didn't move away from Shadi, who was curled up and laying against his side, as naked as the day she was born.

She huffed and moaned quietly, panting for each breath as she lay, spreading her legs and digging her claws into the fabric of the nest while her sex opened up, a dark, shiny black egg as large as both his fists closed together rolling out of her to join the other half dozen already in a small clutch between her thighs.

Her hair was strewn back, and she made a sweet chirruping mewl as the massive gryphon brushed his beak across her cheek before another wave of contractions hit her, and she grimaced, panting once more as another egg was pushed from her body to join the clutch in her lap.

Isiat watched, his eyes glued on the errotic scene before him... He'd heard of feral gryphons occasionally picking up a stray female, but this... Shadi's purrs reached his ears again as she let out a soft, pleasured moan, her chest heaving as she deposisted the last of the shiney, dark eggs on the nest beneath her, smiling at her little clutch happily.

The gryphon seemed all too pleased at this as well, as he stood, nudging Shadi's ribs softly, and almost obediently, she mewed, shifting onto her paws and knees, before her tail flagged off to the side, her eyes seeming to have a glassy and far away look about them, like she was under some sort of spell.

Isiat could only watch as Osiris, for this had to be that brute of a bird, padded around behind her, and looked directly over at Isiat in the shadows, with those fierce, golden eyes glinting. Shadi's tail twitched, and folded across her back, her clutch just in front of her eyes, with her rump raised. Osiris took her waist in his claws, climbing up and mounting the tiny feline under him, making her moan out in bliss as his thick, ebony cock found home, thrusting deeply into her freshly clutched cunt.

Isiat could only watch in concern and with arousal clearly tenting his trousers as the woman he loved was fucked silly and bred once more by the mightiest drake of the valley. He sighed, sat down, and undid his trousers, stroking his cock slowly as he watched the bird breed her over again. There was nothing he could do to free her right now anyway. She'd have to wait - Even with Horus, he wouldn't be able to fend off the alpha beast.

Osiris had been a mount of legend who'd been released to the wild a long time ago. The steeds of his bloodline were considered some of the finest any of the riders could have for a companion. Isiat wasn't too worried now. At least he knew where she was. She looked like she'd been well taken care off, but gryphon's were attentive to their hen's need.

No, Shadi would have to wait until Osiris left to go hunting before Isiat could steal her away again, but by then, that belly of her's would be well and truly swollen with Osiris's next clutch. He sighed, rubbing his thumb across the tip of his dappled vulpine maleness, spreading his tails out behind himself to get cozy for the show.

In front of him Osiris gave a keening screech as he hilted himself within the tight feline under him and held there, snugly secure with his barbed flared inside a tight, feline snatch. He flooded her belly with his voluminous cum, making her let out her own cry of bliss as she creamed herself beneath the comparatively massive male above her, his obsidian shaft throbbing in time with the gushes of creamy white seed that spilled onto the nest from Shadi's swollen sex.

A few moments later, he started to slowly and gently rock his hips as Shadi brought a paw to where they were joined, mewling and moaning as she traced the first bulge's path into her belly as he began fucking his newest clutch into her waiting womb to replace the one she'd just finished laying. She purred all the while, groaning and nuzzling against his beak beside her head.

It was going to be a long few days. Isiat shrugged off his pack, groaning as he finished himself onto the floor of the stable, panting and grinning as he watched. May as well get comfortable...