Breakhorn Hunter II

Story by Oridian on SoFurry

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#4 of Breakhorn (Series)

Nerlin gets distracted while at school, then discovers a new use for his mouth.

_This story can be read independently. It is the fourth chapter of a series, but you do not need to have read the preceding chapters first. _

"Nerlin, are you feeling alright?" someone asked.

Nerlin snapped his attention back to the table, where a dozen or so other fledglings were sitting with him in the canteen. "Hm? What was that?"

The young dragon sitting right next to him--a grey-scaled fledgling named Indry--gestured towards Nerlin's food. "You haven't eaten much. Are you feeling sick or something? Or does your stew taste bad?"

Almost everyone else at the table had finished their meal, but Nerlin was the exception. His stew was still only half-eaten, but this wasn't because he was feeling sick or because he didn't like the food. "It's fine. I was just...enjoying it slowly," he explained, although this wasn't the full story.

"Sure, but you should enjoy it faster. Everyone else is done," Indry replied. Jumping to his feet, he flicked open his wings and stretched them, revealing dark violet highlights under his flight surfaces. "Hey, hey! Skyball?" he suggested, raising his voice so that the whole group of fledglings could hear him over their own conversations.

"Yeah! Let's go fly," agreed another of the fledglings.

"Rematch, same teams from yesterday," said someone else. Still busy chatting, most of the other young dragons stood up and headed towards the school's field, detouring briefly only to return their cutlery as they left the canteen.

"Hey Nerlin, eat faster and come join us!" Indry said, and then he too headed out of the canteen, leaving Nerlin as the only one left still sitting down at this table.

"Uh, maybe later." Nerlin made no move to finish the rest of his food. Normally he enjoyed playing skyball--it was a team-based aerial sport that relied heavily on the flying skill of each player, and he was pretty good--but now he had a different thing on his mind.

Glancing around, he searched the canteen but found no sign of the person he was waiting for--Pyxis, one of his classmates. Pyxis had lent Nerlin her textbook during their earlier class, but then she'd run off before he could return it. Where is she? She said that she would meet me in the canteen, unless I misheard her?

Nerlin looked to the wall, where a clock was displaying the time; recess break was almost half over. He could just scarf down his food and go join the other fledglings for their skyball game, but then Pyxis would have to eat all alone whenever she finally turned up. Not that it's my problem. Although I was the one who invited her to eat, and she did say she would meet me here. But that was just a general friendly invitation which I would have extended to anyone. Except if that's the case, why am I still waiting here for her as if this was something special?

Nerlin took a small sip of his stew, which was now getting cold. He wasn't obligated to wait for Pyxis. There would surely be other opportunities to return her textbook, but the textbook wasn't really the point. The point was that he liked seeing her and enjoyed her company? What was up with that?

And where was Pyxis anyway? Had she suddenly decided not to eat anything during recess? But...she said that would meet me here... Maybe she got injured somehow, or trapped in a locked room, or kidnapped. Nerlin snorted. No, that was just his imagination being ridiculous. The far more likely event was that Pyxis had just completely forgotten about him, or perhaps she was even deliberately avoiding him.

Before Nerlin could contemplate his solitude any further, a familiar blue-scaled fledgling came running into the canteen. Nerlin grinned at the sight of his classmate, and he unfurled a wing to wave her over. So she didn't forget me!

Pyxis slowed to a halt and looked around. When she spotted Nerlin, her neck frill perked up and she quickly trotted over to the table where he was sitting. "Hey, Nerlin! You're still here? I thought you'd have finished your food by now--ah...!"

Not watching where she was walking, Pyxis slipped on a puddle where someone had spilled stew. Her forepaws tangled up and she fell onto her belly.

"Are you alright?" Nerlin asked. He stood up to go help her up, but Pyxis hurriedly scrambled back to her feet. Her neck frill went flat and she looked mortified.

"I... I... That was embarrassing." Pyxis hurriedly tried to wipe her chest clean. Even under the brown of the stew stain, her blue scales appeared to be tinting to a faint purple as she blushed. Silently she went to go sit opposite Nerlin, her gaze lowered as she watched her steps. "Let's pretend that didn't happen..."

"Mistakes happen to everyone now and then." Nerlin reached into his flight harness and took out Pyxis's textbook, handing it to her. "Here, this is yours. I didn't get a chance to return it after class."

Pyxis took the book and pushed it into the chest pouch of her flight harness, ignoring the faint stew stain on the pouch. "Thanks. Sorry for just running off like that. I had to, uh, use the washroom."

"Yeah, that also happens to everyone now and then."

Pyxis bobbed her head. "I'll just... I'm going to go get food." Standing up again, she headed for the food stalls.

Watching her go, Nerlin took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. Glancing down to his food, he took another sip of his stew; it was completely cold, but he didn't care. It was difficult to explain exactly why, but talking, sitting with, and even just seeing Pyxis made him happy.

Nudging the bucket handle with her nose, Pyxis picked up her meal by carrying the handle in her jaws. Although dragons had dextrous forepaws, walking and carrying things at the same time usually require the use of either their tails or their jaws to hold the object being carried, which in this case was a portion of stew poured in a bucket.

Walking back to the table, she sat down with Nerlin and the two fledglings ate together, occasionally making conversation. Nerlin finished first, but he waited for her as she kept slurping up her stew. Suddenly there was a short bout of cheering which briefly drowned out the general chatter from the other fledglings still in the canteen.

Both of them turned to see the source of the commotion. Out in the school field just next to the canteen, one of the teams had just managed to win a match of skyball. Pyxis nodded towards the field, where the two dozen or so dragons were landing to choose new teams for the next game. "You want to go join them?" she suggested. "I'm still not done with my food."

"That's alright, I'll wait for you to finish and then we can both go play," Nerlin replied.

"Hmm..." Pyxis made a noncommittal noise. "I'm not very good at skyball. I'm too scared of crashing to play as fearlessly as you do. It's fun to just watch the game, though."

Nerlin nodded agreement. "It is."

After a few more minutes, Pyxis had finished her meal. "Ok, I'm done." The two fledglings stood up to go return their eating utensils.

Nerlin grabbed his food bucket's handle with his jaws. He should have been paying attention to where he was walking instead of staring at Pyxis, because now it was his turn to embarrass himself by tripping up on the puddle of spilled food from before. "Oh nooo!" As he tumbled to the ground, the bucket clanged around his head, and Nerlin wanted to die of embarrassment. "Arrrgh... How did I...? Of all the days I wasn't paying attention, it had to be today! Look at me! I'm an idiot bucket head."

He straightened his paws out and shoved himself back to his feet, and Pyxis helped him pull the bucket of his head. "I guess it really does happen to everyone," she said. Her neck was perked up, and it looked like she was trying to avoid laughing at his misfortune. She giggled once. "Hehe. Sorry, I shouldn't be laughing at you."

"Just laugh so at least one of us gets some enjoyment from this. You're right! This was very embarrassing." Nerlin shook his head repeatedly, but stew had gotten over his head and neck. Whereas Pyxis's fall had left only a small stain on her scales, there was no way he could go back to class looking like this. "Now I need to go wash up!"

Pyxis nodded. "Agreed. Drak Beritae will kick you out of class if you turn up with your head covered in stew. I'll help you return your bucket; just go to the washroom and rinse yourself."

Nerlin let out a long sigh, but then he ended up chuckling, which made Pyxis giggle, and then they were both laughing. A few of the other fledglings still sitting at nearby tables turned to stare at them as they laughed together, but Nerlin couldn't stop and his amused laughter made Pyxis laugh too. When they finally stopped, their gazes met for a moment, then Nerlin glanced away. "I'll just go find somewhere to wash this off. Guess I won't be playing any skyball today."

"Shame, I do like to watch you fly. See you in class, then." The warm smile on Pyxis's face made Nerlin's hearts leap in his chest, and in that one moment he completely forgot all his embarrassment.

There wasn't much time left in the recess break. Nerlin knew that the other fledglings would be going to wash themselves up after their skyball game, so he purposefully avoided the washrooms closer to the classrooms. It was bad enough that he'd fallen in a puddle of spilled stew, without also having to put up with the inevitable teasing and mocking he'd receive if they saw him with stew dirtying his head and neck.

Nerlin went to a washroom which was usually deserted, and he stepped into the first cubicle and closed the door. This was a toilet embedded in the cubicle's floor, but more importantly there was a hose he could use to wash his scales.

Grabbing the hose, Nerlin turned on the water. He closed his eyes and aimed the hose nozzle over his face, his whole head, and then finally the upper portion of his neck, letting the water wash away the food residue left behind by his close encounter with the ground. It was just a quick rinse to clean his scales, and he stretched his neck out so he wouldn't get his flight harness wet

Turning off the water, Nerlin returned the hose to its holder in the wall. He was about to leave the cubicle when his nose suddenly detected a strange smell. Sniffing the air, Nerlin tried to trace the scent; it was an earthy, strong odour which seemed vaguely familiar. Hmm, that's weird. Where have I smelt that before?

After a few seconds of sniffing around, Nerlin had found the source of the odour. There was a patch on one wall which seemed slightly wet, but the liquid didn't appear to be water. Did someone urinate there? That's not even close to the toilet. Nerlin turned to look at the cubicle's toilet, which was embedded in the ground. Although this doesn't really smell like urine. Unless...uh...

Abruptly Nerlin recalled where he'd smelt that scent before, and he froze up. It was the smell of a female dragon in heat--a specific odour which certain perfumes tried very hard to mimic. Immediately Nerlin felt his body reacting to the smell as his nose picked up on key pheromones. Warm surged into his underbelly, and his phallus throbbed and threatened to push out of his genital slit. He knew he should have moved away from the wall, but he couldn't stop breathing in that delightful, enticing smell.

Dragons didn't segregate toilets by gender, so it wasn't surprising to think that a female had used this toilet previously, but to think that that person had been in heat? Who had it been? It could only have been one of his schoolmates, since teachers and other staff had their own washrooms. Nerlin immediately thought back to his classes, trying to recall if any of the female fledglings had been acting unusual.

Caden had been snarky and dismissive, but that was how she always acted. Jarzyl had been cheerful and excitable, but that was how she always acted. Pyxis had been... awkwardly cute and shy... but that was how she always acted...

Nerlin stopped himself right there, before his thoughts went any further. _No, no, why am I even thinking about this? So what if someone was in heat? It's just biology._Going through heat cycles was a natural process which happened to all female dragons once they began approaching adult age, but while in public they covered up that deeply arousing scent produced by their bodies so that no one else would know they were fertile. Had someone done that on purpose as a prank? Knowing they were in heat, a female had left this mark behind so it would serve to tease anyone else who tried to use this toilet cubicle. Or perhaps it had been an accident--an unintentional thing which had been unnoticed or forgotten.

Nerlin swallowed, and he finally snapped his head away from the wall. It was all natural biology, but dragons weren't dumb animals following their instincts. Or maybe he was, because his phallus was now slipping out of his genital slit and extending to full length.

Without thinking about it, Nerlin leaned back on his haunches and reached a paw down to stroke his erection. His paw pads gently slid down his soft but rapidly hardening flesh, sending a tingle of pleasure running up his spine. It felt good, really good.

Slowly at first but then with increasing speed, Nerlin began to rub himself. Blood rushed into his phallus, rapidly bringing his erection to full stiffness. Nerlin used gentle strokes, his paw pads just lightly sliding over his reproductive organ.

Pleasure began to course through his body, coming in a constant flow brought about by the smooth, frantic movements of his paw. Muscles in his underbelly soon began tightening up and preparing for a rapid, intense finale--it felt better, and even better, and then it got so irresistibly good that Nerlin knew he was about to climax...

And then he stopped, snatching his paw away just before he went too far. It had barely been a minute, but he was already on the verge of ejaculation. That was fast. Felt really good, though. Nerlin stared at his erection, watching his sensitive flesh throb and twitch with each beat of his hearts. He grabbed his penis again, and even the slightest motion of his paw would cause his phallus to tingle with pleasure as nerve endings blissfully responded to his touch.

"Why am I even doing this?" Nerlin wondered, but the answer was obvious--because it felt good. He hadn't planned to masturbate at school; even home sometimes didn't feel private enough for such an intimate act, yet it was impossible to deny the intense pleasure the act provided. Nerlin contemplated stopping, but he couldn't go back to class with his penis all rigid and sticking out of his slit. So he might as well finish what he'd started.

His penis was one of the few parts of his body that wasn't covered in flat, smooth, rigid, scales plates. Nerlin slowly slid his paw down the exquisitely sensitive flesh. His penis ran almost completely straight, with a slight upwards curve over its whole length. Right at the base there was a spherical bulge--as Nerlin slid his paw over his knot, he received a fresh surge of that tingly, delightfully tempting pleasure, and muscles in his groin automatically twitched in a strange way he couldn't control. Still in the grip of his paw, his knot throbbed and inflated slightly. Oh, that was nice... His body desperately demanded more, but he held back to try and draw out the experience.

All it would take was a few more strokes, and Nerlin knew that he would slip over an overwhelming cliff of pleasure. He made the lightest of squeezes to his knot, and the pleasure made him gasp softly. "Ah...!" Pleasure led to more pleasure--that gentle touch caused the muscles in his groin to clamp down, and even more blood rushed into his knot, forcing it to engorge even further until it had swollen to almost double the size of usual. If he'd actually been mating with a female dragon, his knot would have served to lock them together and ensure he could only ejaculate while penetrating deepest. His penis was so sensitive now--Nerlin didn't even dare to move at all, as he balanced right on the edge of an orgasm.

His paw was still lightly wrapped around his knot, and even the slightest of movements could set him off. Squeezing his knot would make him instantly climax, but even the motion of letting go might be enough to tip him over the edge. His penis twitched slightly in time with his heartbeat, and for a moment Nerlin was absolutely certain that he was about to ejaculate.

Shockingly, he didn't. For a long, wonderful moment Nerlin enjoyed the tempting sensations that threatened to intensify into a full-blown orgasm, but then somehow he managed to hold back. His arousal dropped just enough where he wasn't on the verge of a release, and cautiously he took his paw of his sensitive length.

Nerlin used his paw to rub the side of his genital slit, though he avoided touching his phallus itself. He still felt incredibly sensitive, and his knot was only gradually beginning to deflate. As he kept touching himself, Nerlin discovered that the portion of his phallus which was below his knot was just as sensitive, and even a few caresses there sent him quickly on the way back up to orgasm. What am I doing? Is this really the appropriate time and place to be exploring myself? But that feels so nice!

Nerlin glanced to the cubicle wall, which there was that patch which smelled of heat. Those were real pheromones, not just some imitation perfume--their effectiveness at getting him heavily aroused was unquestionable. He leaned closer to take a sniff, but then he changed his mind and moved away. It just felt...strange to masturbate to the smell of one of his classmates. What if it had been someone he hated, or worse, someone he liked?

Feeling impatient all of a sudden, Nerlin balanced on his hindlegs and grabbed his phallus with both forepaws. With his right paw he began furiously stroking his whole length, while he used his left paw to repeatedly squeeze down on his knot as firmly as he could. It was a technique he'd discovered which would rapidly push him towards orgasm. And now that he was already so close from his earlier efforts, it took only seconds to bring him back to the brink.

For just one moment the firm pressure on his knot helped force out the blood and made it shrink, then internal muscles clenched down hard and no matter how much Nerlin tried, his squeezing only seemed to make his knot swell up even further. His whole body felt like it was buzzing from excitement. _Oh, oh, that's so good!_This time Nerlin snatched his paws away at the last moment, trying to find the exact limit of pleasure before he would have no choice to ejaculate. The sensations made him clench his paws and grit his teeth; his penis throbbed, and Nerlin found himself bucking his hips involuntarily.

Suddenly he had an idea--it felt good to rub his paws up and down his length, but that wasn't how dragons normally mated, right? Nerlin rolled his hips, trying to imagine the proper motions for sex. He tried to hold his forepaws still and thrust his phallus against his paws, but he couldn't do much without the risk of losing balance.

And then, he had a second idea--much better, or much worse. Bending his head down, Nerlin stretched his head down towards his groin until his phallus was right in front of his muzzle. Instead of using his paws, he could...try using his mouth.

Like any dragon, Nerlin often used his tongue to clean his scales, so he knew he was probably flexible enough for this to work. Nevertheless, he hadn't actually tried such an act of self-pleasure. It was something that he had heard the other young dragons joke about--one of the male fledglings had been teasing a female (or flirting?), but she'd told him that since he liked to talk so much, he might as well use his muzzle to satisfy his own needs cause he had "less than zero" chance with her.

Nerlin (and the rest of the class) had laughed at her audacity, but now he found himself curious. Staring close at his own erection, Nerlin looked over the long, rigid length of his own penis. Well, this is a new first. And then he darted his tongue out and licked the tip of his erection.

His pre ejaculate tasted slightly salty, but overall the flavour was mild. Flavour?! I now know exactly what my own penis tastes like, and I can't ever unknow that. Nerlin snorted with amusement, and he could feel his breath blowing across his erection. Stretching his neck a bit further, he stuck his tongue out again and let it slide down his length. It was confusing, but not unpleasant. He could taste himself, and he could feel his penis against his tongue--warm, rigid, and slippery. The feeling of his tongue against his penis was pleasant, but not much better than how his paws had felt.

Cautiously Nerlin slid his muzzle down to envelop his own phallus, and then things felt much better. It was as if warm, wet, softness was encapsulating his erection--an entirely different type of stimulation from that his paws had provided, and one which was surprisingly effective. "Mmh...whoa..." The sensation made him moan, and Nerlin shuddered at the feeling. Closing his eyes, he left his body dictate his motions while his mind sat back and enjoyed the ride.

He bobbed his head up and down, then gently he started to hump his hips. Thrusting his phallus into his mouth repeatedly, he quickly started adjusting his posture and motions to maximize his pleasure. He quickly learned that scraping his teeth against his penis was to be avoided at all costs, but his tongue felt amazing. His hips couldn't thrust anywhere near as fast as his paws could stroke, but still it felt even better. It was instinctual to just buck his hips.

Nerlin suckled on his own length, feeling it stiffen and twitch in his maw. He swallowed every now and then, feeling the slick mixture of his saliva and pre-ejaculate slide down his throat. For a moment he let his fantasies take over--ignoring the feelings from his mouth, he imagined that it was someone else pleasuring his length with their muzzle. Pyxis with her beautiful, beautiful blue scales, crouched down in front of him and eagerly trying to coax out his seed...

His pleasure began spiking again, signalling the imminent arrival of his orgasm, but he was too engrossed to stop now. Tail swishing from side to side, Nerlin stretched his neck until his nose bumped against his genital slit. Deep, rapid thrusts made his uninflated knot slip in and out of his muzzle, and Nerlin wrapped his tongue around his knot to provide even more sensation. This action made repeated slurping sounds which were almost amusing. "Mm... slrp... slrp..."

For a third and final time, a flash of intensity made muscles in his underbelly clench up. Nerlin went still, keeping his muzzle fully around his erect length as his knot began to inflate. He could actually feel his own heartbeat, each pulse pumping in more blood which forced his knot to engorge. His tongue was still wrapped around the base of his penis, serving as a shield which kept his teeth from poking into that most sensitive part of him as it pressed against the end of his snout. Instead of denying himself as before, the pressure from his jaws squeezing on his knot triggered something he couldn't resist. Warm satisfaction began pooling deep inside his body. I can't believe how good that feels... No stopping now. I'm going to...

Then a thunderbolt of pleasure rocked through his form, and every muscle in the young dragon's body went stiff. "MMMHHhhh!" Nerlin groaned, but the sound was muffled by his own erection in his mouth. His legs snapped straight and locked up, while his tail curled from the sheer intensity of the moment. It was pure, unstoppable ecstasy that wiped away every thought and emotion except for pleasure.

Warm, salty, viscous liquid exploded inside his mouth, but Nerlin only just barely noticed. Powerful waves of pleasure blew his mind away, and he couldn't resist--each wave forced all his muscles to clamp down hard, firing a wonderful burst of warmth out from deep inside his underbelly, all the way up to the tip of his penis. So much semen shot out into his mouth that it dripped out and dribbled down his chin, but Nerlin couldn't have stopped himself even if he'd somehow wanted to. There was no fighting those rewarding, toe-curlingly satisfying sensations which made him convulse and jerk.

It seemed to go on forever, but finally the pleasure faded away and Nerlin gradually started to come back to his senses. Opening his eyes, the fledgling let his phallus drop from his muzzle and uncurled himself. Did I just do that? I did. Well, at least it felt really good.

The haze of arousal had finally lifted, and now all that was left was clean up. Reaching for the water hose, Nerlin washed his saliva and seminal fluid off his penis, and then his own chin and muzzle. What a mess! Now that its job was done, his phallus was slowly deflating and retracting back into his genital slit--Nerlin hurried this process along by physically shoving his penis back inside his underbelly, then clenching up his muscles to keep it contained. He carefully ran a paw over his neck and snout to try and make sure he'd gotten every trace of his ejaculate.

Opening his mouth, Nerlin used the hose to rinse and wash his mouth, clearing away that distinctive taste of his own semen. This had been a new and yet rather pleasant experience. Previously when he'd rubbed himself with his paws or played with himself in the tub, he had never realized just how much fluid he ejaculated. Nerlin idly wondered if, after some practice, he might be able to fully contain all his ejaculate inside his mouth and possibly even try swallowing it--that would certainly make clean up even easier than before.

After washing himself clean, Nerlin aimed the water spray at the floor to sweep all his semen down the drain. After some contemplation he also sprayed the wall, clearing away that spot of urine, mucus, or whatever bodily fluid it was which smelt so strongly of arousal.

Taking a deep breath but smelling nothing, Nerlin put the hose back and unlocked the cubicle door. He quietly left the cubicle, but there was no one else in the toilet--through his entire experience, he hadn't heard anyone else enter the toilet at all. He washed his paws in the sink. Gazing at himself in the mirror, he raised his head and checked that there really was no evidence of his self-pleasure left behind on his throat or snout, dirtying his red scales.

Reaching for his flight harness, he pulled out a pocket watch and immediately realized he'd been here much longer than expected. Recess break was ending right this minute, and he had a class to be in. Nerlin turned and ran, leaving the toilet behind and heading back towards the classrooms.


This story also has a companion story, readable HERE.