Heritage (Hologis Life 01)

Story by Hologi on SoFurry

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#1 of Hologis Life

The first story about Hologi, and how he searched for his ancestry ... and found a big, brutal dragon :3

For years he had wondered about his heritage. About why exactly he had a few spots with scales on the left half of his body. And why the fur on that half of his body was in a different shade. Then, one year ago, Hologi found out: He was part dragon. One quarter, to be exact. Hologi went over a hill, and there he saw it: a big rock, right in the middle of nowhere. It had a big entrance, but no door, and no lights were to be seen inside the cave. But still he was sure: This was the place his grandfather lived at.

For months he had dug through old documents to find this place. The "address" - if one could call it that - of the dragon that was most likely Hologis grandfather. As he approached he noticed a little mailbox next to the cave entrance. He didn't understand why his grandfather would live like this, in a cave in the middle of nowhere. Granted, Hologi didn't know many dragons who lived in the city, but he chalked that up to simply not many dragons living in his area. But a cave? He wondered what kind of man his grandfather was. At the same time he couldn't help but wonder how his grandfather might look. Many dragons aged a lot slower than other species, so it was possible his grandfather was still a good-looking, young lad - possible even looking as young as Hologi currently was.

As he entered the cave, he started to shiver. His short pants and buttoned-up shirt had been warm enough outside, but in there, it seemed very cold, almost unnaturally so. Maybe it was just a cave that led deep down to colder areas, the thick stone walls making it so the heat from outside couldn't get in? Or maybe it were Hologis natural instincts, warning him not to go deeper. But if it was his instincts, he wasn't listening. He continued, down into the cave, pulling a small flashlight out of his pocket to light his way.

For more than an hour he continuously walked down the dark, cold path; almost losing hope to find his grandfather here, almost deciding to return to the surface ... and then he saw a literal light at the end of the tunnel. He walked faster, getting new energy from the hint of success. As he came closer, he saw that there was a giant grotto, lit up by hundreds of torches that were lining the walls. A small river was flowing through the middle of the "room", and scattered on both sides of the river was furniture - a table with chairs, a TV, a Desk with a PC, even a seemingly functional kitchen, and a giant bed. The latter of which intimidated Hologi. He knew that many dragons grew quite big, but since he himself was average size for a lion, just like his hybrid-father had been, he figured his grandfather wouldn't be much bigger. But going by the size of the bed the inhabitant of this cave was bound to be at least twice Hologis' size.

He slowly walked through the grotto, looking around him, but he didn't see anyone. Yet the PC was still running, playing some kind of video. And yet, as much as Hologi looked around, he didn't see anyone.

He should have looked up.

A short swooshing sound, and suddenly Hologi felt himself grabbed by the dragon that had just flown down from a ledge right above the grotto's entrance.

"What kind of idiotic does someone have to be to try and sneak up on a dragon?", the 14 feet tall dragon snapped. "I - I wasn't-" "Don't try and lie to me!", the dragon interrupted. "Think you're the first idiot who heard some story about a dragon hoarding treasures and came here to steal some?" Hologi took a moment to take a deep breath in, suspended in the air by the hands of the dragon which held onto his arms. "Please, listen, I was looking for you." The dragon raised the ridges above his eyes. Hologi couldn't help but look over his probable grandfathers body, which was clad in nothing but a loincloth. The first thing he noticed was that his scales had roughly the same color as Hologis own. Secondly, just as he had thought, the grandfather didn't look that old, he looked as if he was maybe a few years older than Hologi; but with the ageless appearance of most dragons, who could tell?

"Are you gonna spit it out yet or are you gonna ogle me a bit more?", the dragon asked with a smirk. "Ah, sorry", Hologi shook his head, "I am here because I recently found out that I'm a quarter dragon." "So? You think I'm gonna show you how to be a big scary lizard? No." The dragon's eyes widened with excitement. "But I'm gonna show you something else." The dragon carried Hologi to a slightly darker corner of the grotto, and with a few quick movements, he had bound wrists with two chains that were hanging from the ceiling. Hologi shook his head. "Please don't kill me. You don't understand, I am-" "No, you don't understand", the dragon interrupted, "I don't care who you are, and I don't care what you want from me. All I care about is that I didn't have something to fuck in weeks, and now a cute bitch like you came strolling in here." Hologis eyes widened in terror. "N-no...", he whispered. "Yes." With one strike by his claws, the dragon had cut through Hologis pants, leaving only tattered remains that fell from the Lions body onto the floor below. "But - but that would be incest!", Hologi screamed. The dragons face changed, from pure lust to an ... amused expression. "What?" "I came here, because all the documents I dug through - everything points to the dragon who's been living in this cave for the last four years being my grandfather!" Hologi looked into the eyes of the dragon, hoping to find a hint of regret or maybe even something like familiar affection. "Huh", the dragon replied. "I fucked a lioness once? Maybe. Fucked many girls over the years." He started to grin and looked into Hologis eyes. "But I don't care." Hologis entire body started to shiver. "You don't ... don't you understand? You are most likely my grandfather!" "No, you don't understand", the dragon replied while ripping open Hologis shirt. "I don't care if you're my grandson, my son or even if you were my brother. I just want to fuck someone."

He lifted his hand, touched Hologis chest, slowly stroking down over his abs towards Hologis sheath. "And you are cute enough to fuck." Hologi again shook his head, tears started to run down his face. "Please, please don't..." One swift movement, and Hologi screamed in pain because of the sudden intrusion of his ass. The dragons bellowing laughter filled the grotto. "Really? One finger makes you scream like a little bitch?" He wiggled the finger in Hologis ass around a bit, causing wave after wave of pain riding through Hologis entire body, one pained yell after another coming out of his muzzle. "Please stop! AAAAAH! PLEEEAAAASE!" The dragon giggled. "As if ... although ... your ass is really tight ... don't tell me ... you are a virgin?" "No!", Hologi yelled in pain, "Well, I am not, but..." "But your ass is", the dragon said while nodding. "Damn, you look so gay, I thought you had spread your cheeks for every guy who looked at you twice!" Tears rushed down Hologis face, the dragon was still wiggling his finger around in his ass. "Pleeeaaase, please, please stop! It hurts! Ah!" The dragon responded by twirling his finger around even more, prompting even more and louder screams by his victim.

Suddenly the dragon pulled his finger out of Hologis ass, prompting one more agonized scream. "I wonder ... if one finger up your ass makes you scream so beautifully ... what would two do?" Hologi was crying too much to speak, so he could only shake his head. "Well, we won't find out today." Hologis eyes widened. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down, before he asked: "Y-you a-are letting me g-go?" The dragon giggled. "Nah." He ripped the loincloth from his body, exposing a thick, throbbing erection, the dick being at least as big as Hologis forearm, if not bigger. "I just don't want to stretch you out too much before the real fun begins." Hologi shook his head, staring at the dragons giant erection, thoughts racing through his head. That thing would never fit, it was so thick it wouldn't even get in, would it? The dragon took Hologis ankles, lifting them up, lining his throbbing dick up with Hologis ass. The lion tried pulling at the chains that held his wrists, but no amount of pulling would make them any looser. "Ready or not", the dragon whispered with a giant grin, before slowly, but powerfully pressing the tip of his dick against Hologis tailhole. "Nonononono..." At first, it was just pressure. Then slowly came a little amount of pain, before one powerful thrust by the dragon forced his dick through Hologis tight hole. "NAAAAAAAAH! NOOOO AAAAAA! PULL IT OUT! PLEASE!", Hologi screamed while tears rushed down his face once more. The dragon held the position for a moment, taking in the sweet screams of his victim, before slowly pressing on, forcing his dick deeper into Hologis ass. The lion closed his eyes and clenched his teeth, yet his agonized screams still escaped his muzzle with every half inch the dragons dick advanced inside him.

Then the advancement stopped, Hologi felt the dragons dick pushing against everything inside his belly, the pain was unbearable. He cried and despite the dragon not moving anymore, the lion still yelled out in pain every few seconds. The pressure inside him only seemed to build up instead of decreasing over time, but the pressure of the massive dick against Hologis prostate, despite the pain, made his body betray him. A warmth filled his privates, and in the next moment, his sheath started to open up, his own erect penis slowly emerging from it. And the dragon laughed loudly. "Really? The bitch is getting hard from being ass-raped for his first time? Wonderf- Oh..." The dragon stared at Hologis dick, his eyed widened, a smirk in his face. "Really? You're a quarter dragon, no wings, no spikes on your tail, barely any scales - but you got a dragon-cock?!" His bellowing laughter filled the entire cave. "I gotta say, no idea if you're my grandson, but if you really are, I can't say that I'm not proud. That size is definitely above average for a lion!" Hologi only whimpered, his body shaking from the pain, his eyes again closed. "Open your eyes", the dragon said. Hologi shook his head. "Open your fucking eyes!" The dragons yell alone was enough to startle Hologi so much that he involuntarily opened his eyes. "You are really in pain, right?", the dragon asked. The lion nodded, while the tears on his face slowly started drying up. "Then the best is yet to come", the dragon responded with a grin. "Look at my cock." Hologi shook his head. "Look. At. It." Although the dragon was still grinning, his voice was threatening. Hologi raised his head a bit, looking past his own, now fully throbbing erection, and saw the dragons dick, and despite the heat in his body he suddenly felt very cold.

The dragons dick was only halfway in.

"Oh no ... please no more ... please!", the lion begged. The dragons grin widened, and with one powerful thrust, the rest of his enormous dick was pushed into Hologis hole. "GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" The long and agonized scream of the lion echoed from the walls of the grotto, and the dragons grin grew even wider. And then the real torture began.

The dragon quickly pulled back, almost entirely out of Hologis hole, the sudden movement increasing the already unbearable pain; and then he shoved his entire length back in with one swift movement. "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! AH!" And the dragon continued, moving his hips in a quick pace, pulling quickly almost completely out before shoving his entire length back in even quicker, again and again and again. Tears rushed down the lions face, his pained screams again and again filling the cave.

Then Hologis dick started pulsating. He noticed it despite the pain, shaking his head between screams_._ No, that can't be, not like that, that's impossible!, he thought. "NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" And then, as the dragon once again buried his dick deep inside the lions ass, Hologi came, thick ropes of cum shooting out of his dick, landing on the dragons chest, the dragon stopping surprised. Jet after jet of jizz pumped out of Hologis cock, while his entire body shivered and pain and pleasure rushed through his entire body. After the lions orgasm had stopped, the dragons bellowing laughter again filled the cave. "So the little bitch, crying and screaming, but look here - cumming from having a mighty dragons cock buried in you!" He grinned and looked down on his chest, his grin slowly disappearing. "But I don't like having someone else's jizz on my body." Hologi shook his head. "I ... I'm sorry ..." He mumbled while panting heavily. "That won't do", the dragon replied, the grin appearing back on his face, which made all of the pleasure disappear from Hologis body replacing it with intense fear. The dragon let go of the lions left leg, grabbing his still erect penis, squeezing it slightly, causing a pained moan from Hologi.

And then he started to jerk the freshly orgasmed cock off. "No - NOOOOO!", Hologi yelled while wave after wave of intense pain rushed through his penis. "Pleeeeaaaase STOOOOHOHOOOOOP! NOOO AAAAAAAAH!" And then the dragon continued to fuck Hologis ass, faster and rougher than before, while still jerking him off. When the dragon had for the first time buried his entire dick in Hologis ass, the lion hadn't thought there could be a worse pain. Now he knew better. Waves of agonizing pain ran through Hologis body again and again, from his ass as well as from his dick, the lion screaming almost every second. After an agonizingly long time of this, the dragon went faster and faster, squeezing the lions dick tighter and tighter and seemingly burying his own dick even deeper in Hologis hole.

And then, finally, the dragon made one last, powerful thrust and moaned loudly while he came, pumping shot after shot of his seed into Hologis body while he squeezed the lions dick so hard that the pain forced the lion to scream louder than ever before. Finally, after pumping more than a dozen loads of jizz into the lion, the dragon pulled out and released Hologis dick from his grip. An overflow of cum followed the massive dragon cock out of the lions hole, while Hologi hung there from his wrists, panting heavily, his face covered in tears, his entire body shivering, mis muzzle whimpering.

"See?", the dragon asked with a grin. "Wasn't so bad. I mean, you even came before I did." Hologi shook his head. "C-can I g-go now?" The dragon laughed. "Well, I could use a permanent bitch in here", he said, after which Hologis eyes once again widened, "buuut ... nah, I got what I wanted. Bugger off. And if you ever step into this cave again, I'll call some friends and then we'll show you the limits of what an ass can take."

After the dragon released him from the chains, Hologi stumbled toward the entrance. He wanted to run, to get out as fast as he could, but his legs were shaking and his entire body was sore and exhausted. After more than two hours, he finally made it back to the surface, but it was dark. How long did he rape me?, the lion thought. He shook his head and started to walk home through the darkness.

He went into that cave to find his grandfather. He wasn't sure if he did, even though much pointed to it. But he didn't care anymore. He just wanted to get home, take a shower and forget the pain.

And one day, he might forget that pain. But he did not know yet that this was only the first time for him to be ravaged. But it would indeed not be the only time.