Different Types of Family

Story by Wolvesatyourdoor on SoFurry

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Two twin eeveelutions have to cope with their father's laziness by doing all the work around their den. When it falls on Boone to do all the work, as well as take care of his father and brother's sexual needs, he has finally had enough. He realizes that there's only one way to prove that he's still a real man, and he doesn't let the opportunity pass him by.

Happy Father's Day! (at least, it still is where I am!) I wanted to do something super smutty for it! If you enjoyed, let me know :3

The water rushed along Boone's sides as he rocketed through the water. His eyes were locked on the fish in front of him, the stream's current doing nothing to deter him. The vaporeon's body was sleek and perfectly suited for swimming, incredibly graceful and lean.

When he was an eevee, he had been large for his species, with noticeable muscle and girth to his shoulders. That all changed when he evolved, when he developed this, admittedly, feminine form.

His eyes narrowed when the fish darted to the side, but he quickly snapped his jaws and caught it by the tail. The aquatic vulpine immediately broke the surface of the water, flicking his head and releasing his quarry. It landed on the grassy bank, flopping around madly as it tried to return to its watery home.

Before it could reach the water's edge, a long, green vine snapped down on top of it. It was a quick blow, one that instantly stopped it's struggling and pulled it into the air.

"I thought you weren't going to get that one." The owner of the vine, his brother Dalton, chuckled while tossing it into the basket at his side. "You're getting slow in your old age, bro. Dad's already going to be pissed we're taking so long."

Unlike his brother, the leafeon was much bulkier, his muscles very apparent even while he sat on his haunches. He amused himself by watching his brother as he went about his own work. The leafeon sat between two woven baskets, ones that he had personally created; one was half full of fish while the other an assortment of berries.

Boone grunted in annoyance and rolled his eyes, his fish tail smacking against the water's surface. The action sent a cascade of water spilling over his brother and caused the leafeon to yelp. "It's better than 'hunting' berries, at least there's a challenge to it."

They were twins, although Boone liked to think of himself as the older brother, even if their eggs were laid at the same time. His reasoning for this was he had hatched first, although only by a few minutes. The main reason he did this was due to just how much it annoyed his brother, especially when he held it above his head.

Dalton growled and turned to the side, his green tongue darting out against his soaked fur. "I'll remember that when you beg me for berries this winter. I still don't get why you only want to eat nasty, slimy fish." The grass pokemon had become vegetarian after he evolved, insisting that it felt weird eating meat now.

"Heh, and I don't understand why you whine so much on rainy days." The water pokemon's body glistened with moisture as he pulled himself free from the stream. His fur was slick enough that it didn't retain water, not that he minded the feeling of being wet. "I thought plants were supposed to enjoy getting watered?"

As if to emphasize his mention, thunder cracked in the distance. It had been overcast the last few hours, and they knew that it would be storming soon enough. That was why they were working on gathering so much food for the coming days. The clouds rolling in were dark black, the scent of rain heavy on the wind while it drifted through the forest.

His brother's nose curled up at the mention of this, and he growled under his breath. "I also enjoy sunlight," he bluntly stated, "I'd call you a magikarp, but that's an insult to the species."

"Haha, that's so funny." He said this with a perturbed look on his face, the frill around his neck folding back. "If you weren't my brother, I'd kick your ass, you know." Even when they were eevees, they would be constantly trying to one-up each other. Boone's evolution had given him a distinct advantage. When the vaporeon had evolved first after finding a water stone one day in the stream, he had constantly used his position of power to get his way.

"If you weren't so girly, I'd call you my bro. Little sis." The leafeon spit this back instantly, knowing just how angry it made him being called this. There was a time when saying it would be enough to get Dalton's ass kicked, but times had certainly changed.

Dalton grinned when his brother's face curled up in annoyance. The leafeon wasn't prepared, however, for when the vaporeon suddenly ran towards him and tackled him onto his side. The two boys tumbled head over tail as they rolled along the grass, both trying to get the upper hand on the other.

Their play wrestling only went on for a few moments as the leafeon allowed his brother to attempt to overpower him. There was no shortage of nips to each other, little more than love bites rather than full-blown attempts to hurt each other. Boone knew that this was going to end like every other 'fight' they had had lately.

The leafeon's vines extended and wrapped tight around the vaporeon's front arms, pinning them to his side. Using the momentum to his advantage, he finally ended up on top of his brother, his face inches away from his own.

"Hah! Still go it, 'little sis.'" He mocked him, his eyes narrowing at him. His front paws pressed firmly against the damp eeveelution's chest, rubbing in a slow, circular pattern that made Boone shiver. "I would think you'd be used to being on your back by now..."

Boone's face darkened as his twin rubbed him in this manner, and he huffed under his breath. It was true that Dalton's type advantage worked out in his favor all too often since he evolved.

"Shut up, you damn weed..." The less muscled pokemon took a deep breath after saying this. It was embarrassing to admit, but he liked being pinned by a dominant man, even if it was his own brother. There were times when they were eevees that he would lose on purpose, but now he was never able to overpower the stocky vulpine. "It's not fair, I always have to be on the bottom now..."

It had been like this since they first realized just what heat was. Their father had forbidden them from seeking out mates ever since their mother had been captured by a human. Because of this, they had to get a bit more creative in relieving their urges. The first time had been mere experimentation between the two, but over the years it had grown into so much more.

"Hey, you know dad didn't raise his sons to be tail raisers...but that's not a problem for you, is it, 'sis'?" Dalton's muzzle twisted up in an accusing grin when he said this.

His muzzle twitched when he felt his brother's heavy sheath pressing against the base of his tail, grinding dangerously close to his purple tail hole. The leafeon noticed his reaction, and he immediately grinned as he pulled his hips back, only to prod against his entrance with his fuzzy sheath.

"What's wrong? Come on...sis...say it. You want your brother to fuck you, don't you?" His leaf-like tail twitched, flagging up behind him as he ground his sheath harder against him.

The vaporeon's face turned a dark shade from his blush. He tried to wiggle around, even as Dalton's sheath pressed harder against his purple pucker. Boone could feel the slippery, green tip of his erection pressing out of his sheath, already grinding incessantly against his entrance. "Fuck...damn it, Dalton...dad's going t-to expect us home soon..."

Unlike his brother, he had no noticeable genitalia to speak off. It made sense biologically, as he needed to be as aerodynamic as possible when he was swimming. However, it gave his brother one more thing to tease him about. Instead of a sheath, he had a thin slit right above his tail hole that was barely noticeable when he wasn't aroused. With internal balls, he didn't even have a sac to showcase; due to this, he had been mistaken for a female more than once.

His eyes narrowed when he heard this, and he growled as his green tip pressed firmly against his puckered rear. "You know that lazy jerk never does anything on time, and besides, I can't let my 'little sis' go without a hard pounding when she's whining so loudly for me." More of his erection had started to slide out, four inches long now and dark green in coloration.

Even though the water type might have seemed upset, the feminine slit between his legs had started to puff up with arousal. His brother huffed as he pressed down harder against his tail hole before both boys groaned when he managed to slip the tip into him.

The water pokemon's ass was type and slick, his body naturally lubricated due to his type. By now, his own purple cock was starting to push free, twitching against the air. It was thin and covered in a thin, translucent layer of natural slime.

Dalton's face curled up when he felt the prehensile penis of his brother pressing against his belly. "Ugh...that always feels so weird..." He shifted his hips, pressing a bit deeper into him. "I always hated when you shoved that thing under my tail."

He knew how little Dalton liked the feeling of his almost wormy cock, and although he was bottoming, Boone allowed himself to have some fun of his own. "Awwww, w-what's wrong, big bro..." He huffed under his breath, trying to maintain his composure as his ass tightened around half of his brother's thick, six-inch cock. "Don't you like my, mmmph, cock?"

The leafeon answered this with a quick buck of his hips, making Boone yelp loudly as the second half of his twin's erection effortlessly slid into him. Dalton's face curled up in pleasure, his hefty, tan-furred balls slapping on the vaporeon's tail.

"I'd...ask you the same thing..." his eyes sparkled in amusement "but you always sound like a needy little bitch when I'm hilted in you...so I suppose that's my answer."

It was bearable for him to feel his brother's slimy shaft grinding against him when he had the vaporeon's cool tail hole clamping up around him. The dark, purple erection was easily eight inches longs, but rather thin with a very pointy, tapered tip. Virile, slimy pre was constantly leaking from the tip, soaking the leafeon's fur in the pungent smelling juices.

Boone was trying to resist, but his entire body shuddered as he gave in. His tail hole rippled around his brother's erection, unintentionally massaging it. "Fuck, Dalton...y-you're so damn thick..."

"Mmmm...you're just too damn tight...even after all the times we've done this..." He said, almost cooing under his breath before licking the vaporeon's nose. The base of his shaft had started to bulge up as his knot slipped out of his sheath. The fat orb pressed firmly against the cold tail hole of his brother, the contrast in their body temperatures apparent to both of them.

While the leafeon was content to savor this moment, the sound of thunder overhead reminded him that they didn't have long. His hips drew back a few inches before he started to thrust hard into him. Dalton's teeth gritted together as he looked into his brother's eyes, savoring the way his muzzle twisted up in exertion from having to take the leafeon's hard cock.

He only needed to thrust a few times before the vaporeon's sweet moans began to fill his ears. Boone couldn't help himself, no matter how much he hated constantly being on the bottom, he had gotten used to it. It got to the point where he didn't struggle as hard as he could, but rather accepted his lot in life.

"F-Fuck! Fuck, Dalton, too fast!" His eyes rolled upwards each time the leafeon's knot smacked against his puckered entrance. The water type's welcoming tail hole flexed rhythmically around his brother's erection, already trying to draw him deeper. Boone's tongue fell from the corner of his mouth. His hips hadn't stopped bucking upwards, grinding his shaft harder against his brother's coarse fur.

The two of them groaned and growled as the leafeon exerted his dominance over his twin. His paws planted firmly against the ground on either side of his head, and his vines never released their grip on his arms. He was actually forcing his blue ass into the air, forcing him into a position to receive him even better than before.

"Come on, sis...you know you, ahhh, love it!" His pink tongue darted out to lick at Boone's nose. The leafeon was rough, but his affection for his brother was expressed by each lick he planted on the water pokemon's lips.

When Boone whimpered and pressed his tongue against his own, Dalton accepted it into his mouth. The two eeveelutions kissed fiercely. Boone's attempt to dominate the kiss was quashed by his brother's fierce tongue, forcing it against the bottom of his mouth while he licked all around it.

Boone's shaft was starting to twitch faster, the prehensile length releasing more of his slimy pre as he began to approach his climax. By the sounds his brother was making, he gathered that he was nearing it too. The knot at the base of his shaft had swollen up considerably, threatening to tie with his purple tail hole each time it bounced off of it.

The leafeon's back legs planted firmly, and his furry sac pulled up close to his groin when he reached his breaking point. He broke the kiss as he tossed his head back, one final push of his hips attempting to force his knot into him while his shaft began to twitch.

His brother cried out when he felt the knot pressing against him, and he desperately bucked his hips against it. He was so close, right on the verge of his own climax. Their eyes met, his own filled with desperation before he squeezed up around him as tightly as he could.

Right when Boone felt his brother's warmth blossoming in his tail hole, thunder cracked loudly. The leafeon yelped as the clouds broke overhead, his knot firmly pressed to his brother's tight rim, still filling him with a copious load of green-tinted seed. The rain came down moments later in great torrents, and the leafeon unceremoniously jerked his hips free of him.

"No, no, no, no!" In seconds he was soaked, his tan fur hanging tight to his body and his leaf tail drooping. His green cock continued to twitch below him, releasing a few more meager shots of his seed on Boone's tail before his vines unceremoniously released him. "Come on, really!?" He grits his teeth together at the bad timing, ignoring his brother's desperately throbbing shaft.

The sudden pullout had made Boone yelp in surprise, his tail hole desperately clenching up in an attempt to hold him in. The rain didn't bother him as much as his brother, and he glared at him in pure annoyance when the leafeon raced over to the baskets of food laying nearby. "Seriously, you jerk?! I was just about to get off!"

"I'll fuck you again later! I'm going home!" The leafeon's green shaft dangled between his legs, giving Boone one last look at the object of his desire before he raced off into the bushes. The freshly fucked, cum leaking vaporeon let out a big sigh of annoyance and closed his eyes, tilting his head to the sky to allow the rain to wash over him.

"Arceus damn it, Dalton." He cursed. For a moment, he just savored the refreshing presence of water surrounding him, but he knew he couldn't just lay out here. One of his paws drifted down to rub his slick shaft, but his mood had vanished just as quickly as it came. Already he was starting to slide back into his vent, the uncomfortable sensation of being denied his own release starting to hit him.

The walk back home was uneventful for the vaporeon. Unlike his brother, he took his time, raising his tail high to ensure his brother's cum was as washed away as possible. Like Dalton had stated, their father didn't raise their sons to be tail raisers. It wasn't like he allowed them to pursue females, though.

He shivered when he felt warmth running down the back of his legs as his brother's essence leaked out of him. It was always an embarrassing sensation, especially due to the temperature difference. He would never let Dalton know just how much he enjoyed having his rear packed full of the warm fluid, but he was certain the leafeon knew it already.

Water ran in rivulets off of his fur, keeping his undercoat partially dry and preserving his body temperature. His frill acted a bit like an umbrella, helping to shield his face from the torrential downpour. He could only imagine how long the storm was going to last for, but the thought of their warm, dry den was a great motivator to keep moving.

Their home was located in a small clearing at the base of a number of tall oak trees. Their canopies and its location on the higher ground protecting the entrance from being flooded in instances such as this. His mood was dashed even further when he heard yelling coming from inside the den, and he rolled his eyes when he heard his brother's voice.

"Come on, you said you were going to have the fire ready when we got back! I'm drenched!"

"Don't talk to me like that. I'm not the one that decided to take their sweet time making it back here." The gruff voice of their father made Boone grimace, and he shook his coat free after stepping into the entrance to the den.

Instantly, the combined scents of the three males hit his nose. Since they were living in such close proximity, it was impossible to ignore, but he had certainly gotten used to it. In fact, he came to enjoy the mixture of scents, from his father's spicy, masculine odor to his brother's loamy, sweet scent.

Right now, the leafeon was glaring at their father. Unlike his eeveelution sons, he was a ninetales. Like Dalton he was tall and broad in the shoulders, his forearms and legs graced with muscles that were apparent even through his glorious, silky fur. Nine large tails raised up behind him, making him seem even larger than he was.

There was a pile of wood in the center of the den, but it was still unlit. The entrance to their home was small and cramped, barely allowing the three of them to fit in it comfortably. When they had still been eevees, it was no trouble fitting them all in here. Towards the back wall was a tunnel that split off in two directions, one heading towards the twin's room and the other towards their fathers.

"I wouldn't talk to you like that if you actually did what you said you would do." The leafeon's eyes narrowed, but he was cautious in his disdain. With their different types, he was naturally nervous of the fire pokemon, regardless if he was his father or not. "Boone and I were busting our asses getting dinner, and you were here doing what, Hudson?"

The ninetale's red eyes flashed with annoyance when he addressed him by his name. It always made him mad that his son took such a formal attitude around him. "I was making sure we had enough wood stockpiled for the next few days since you're such a whiner when I ask you to gather it."

"Hey dad, bro." The vaporeon's greeting barely fazed the two of them, and he just shook his head. They were always at each other's throats these days, especially when it came to the ninetales pulling his weight around their den. It had been obvious, even when they were eevees, that their mother did most of the work around here. That hasn't changed in the least when she was captured, leaving the two boys to pick up the slack. "Heck of a storm out there. Looks like we're all going to get to hang out together, isn't that great?"

The silence was unbearable. Neither men were willing to break their gaze or admit defeat. Boone looked between the two men, before letting out an exasperated sigh. "Dad, can you please start the fire so I can make dinner?"

The ninetales pulled his eyes away from Dalton after a few tense moments, before launching a weak ember attack into the kindling at the bottom of the pile of logs. The dry tinder went up instantly, crackling loudly as the fire began to build. The smoke was pulled out of the den through a small hole in the ceiling of their den, just big enough to keep the air clean but not enough to let the rain in.

"There, now stop bitching about your damn fur. You sound like a-"

"Like a tail raiser, dad?" Dalton rolled his eyes as he mocked his father's tone. "Yes, just because I don't enjoy looking like a drowned raticate, I'm a tail raiser." His tone was dry and combative, just like it was every other night. With a dismissive flick of his tail, he turned towards the fire and laid down on his side, allowing the warmth to wash over his body. "You hear that, Boone? We're tail raisers, bet dad's super proud of us for wanting to look nice."

Hudson simply grunted. He laid across the fire from his son, idly looking at the flames licking upwards as the fire began to grow.

Boone sighed to himself and shook his head as he walked towards the twin baskets Dalton had carried home. He didn't even bother anymore, the two would butt heads over the smallest of problems. While Boone preferred not to get involved in such petty arguments, his brother almost seemed to seek them out.

While the two boys ignored each other, he busied himself with preparing dinner. The fish he skewered on sharpened sticks before sticking them over the fire. Dalton's nose curled up at the scent of the meat cooking but he didn't make a fuss. With his vines, he tugged his own basket of berries towards himself.

The den was uncomfortably silent as Boone cooked. Dalton finished his own meal before theirs was ready. By now his fur had dried considerably, but he stood up and gave himself a gentle shake to rid the last few droplets from his fur.

"I'm going to bed. Night, Boone." He shot a quick glance at his twin and snorted under his breath when he walked past his father. "Goodnight, Hudson." The leafeon's tail twitched one last time when he left the room, giving Boone one last look at his tan balls.

As soon as he was gone, the mood seemed to lighten considerably. Hudson's shoulders drooped as he let out a long, slow sigh of annoyance. "I really wish that boy was more like you." He grumbled. The ninetale's ears folded back slightly and he smiled at Boone. "You remind me a lot of your mom, you know. She never had to throw a fit when I asked her to do something."

Boone let out a simple murmur in agreement while continuing to tend to the cooking fish. His tail had tucked between his legs in an attempt to hide the seed that was still leaking from his tail hole. He was thankful that the scent of cooking food and the residual smoke from the fire hid the smell of it, otherwise he was certain his father would freak out. "I wish you two didn't fight so much. You know he just doesn't like to be bossed around. It wouldn't kill you to mean it when you tell him you're going to do something..."

The ninetales moved back onto his side and got more relaxed now that the grass type was gone. Although he wasn't trying to showcase himself, Boone couldn't help but notice the fuzzy, golden-furred sheath resting between his hind legs. His balls were much larger than Dalton's were, reflecting the lack of sex he had been having. The vaporeon's tongue ran along his lips at the thought of just what they would taste like before he cleared his throat and turned the skewered fishes over.

"That boy just knows how to make me angry. He's too much like me." The ninetale's ears folded back, and he inhaled deeply as he said this. Boone could feel his father's eyes on him, and it made him feel self-conscious. "I had always thought you were going to turn out to be the man of the house, but, well...after you evolved, you really took a shine to being a house vixen, haven't you?"

Boone pursed his lips together when he gestured at him with one paw. The vaporeon knew his father had been disappointed with his feminine form; it didn't help that his relaxed demeanor stopped him from getting involved in their arguments. His face twisted up at the thought. That he simply shut up and did the work that needed to be done apparently showcased his desire to be the woman of the house. "Hey, thanks for that, dad. I really enjoy being reminded of how I look. You and Dalton certainly aren't going to do it, so I might as well so we don't live like grumpigs."

Hudson snorted and rolled further over, laying on his back now. "I had an arcanine ask me the other day when I was going to be giving my daughter up. I wish Arceus had the grace to at least give you something between your legs. Or the sense to not talk back to a man."

He could feel his face warming further. His father always knew the wrong thing to say at the moment. It was bad enough hearing it from Dalton, even worse hearing it from the ninetales. It didn't help that his father's large sheath was fully on display. After being denied his climax earlier, the water type couldn't stop himself from fixating on it.

"Not that that's a bad thing, I guess. Ever since your mom left, this den needed a woman's touch." He looked at him wistfully out of the corner of his eye, before closing them tightly. His nine, magnificent tails swished against the floor while he lost himself in thought.

It was embarrassing for him to hear. His father had never brought his femininity so far into the open like this before, or for so long. Boone's finned tail thumped against the floor of the den in annoyance - and to his embarrassment - arousal. It was too similar to how Dalton spoke to him when the leafeon had him pinned on his back. "Remind me never to stick up for you when Dalton comes complaining to me..."

To his surprise, his father chuckled before reaching a paw down towards his groin. The vaporeon's eyes were wide with shock as he brushed it against his golden furred sheath, just the barest of touches, but enough to excite the water-type more than anything. He had never seen his father touch himself before.

"I wish I had a real woman around here. It's been way too long..." He paused when he noticed the silence in the den, and he cracked an eye open to look at him. His red eyes glistened in amusement when he saw the look on his son's face, and he gave the barest of grins to display his ivory teeth. "What? We ARE all men here, aren't we? It isn't anything you haven't seen before. Unless..."

The vaporeon's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, and he slowly nodded. He could see his father's ebony black, tapered tip already poking free of his sheath. Just that touch had excited him enough to cause him to push out, and it made Boone swallow hard. He was certain his face was darkened considerably by his blush, but it was only exacerbated as his father began to sit up.

"Are you going to keep staring, or are you going to let dinner keep burning?" Hudson's good-natured tone had deepened when he noticed what his son was looking at. Boone could see his father's ears had flattened against his head, and his hind legs had tensed up.

He cursed when he noticed the dark smoke rising from their dinner, and he quickly pulled the skewers free of the flame. "S-Sorry, sorry, dad..." He grumbled, his heart skipping a beat when he noticed the form of the great fox approaching out of the corner of his eyes. Boone did his best to ignore it, but he trembled when he saw him getting so close.

"It's okay. Your mom always burned dinner as well." His voice had grown softer, a hint of a purr to it. It hit Boone suddenly that this was how he used to speak to his mate, and he stood up even straighter. A chill ran down his spine when his father's paw cuffed him in the side gently, before wrapping slowly around his form. "She would always get so embarrassed when I started playing with myself in front of her...if I ever wanted her to lift her tail, I just had to start rubbing my balls and she'd come running..."

The ninetale's hot breath billowed against the side of Boone's face, and he closed his eyes tightly to try to calm his racing heart. He couldn't believe this was happening; his father had hinted at his needs in the past, but tonight was so different. "D-Dad...?"

"You look so much like her. You carry your tail in the same way, your eyes sparkle in the same way..." His hot, wet tongue brushed against the back of Boone's neck, making him tilt his head forward with a surprised gasp. "You even make the same sounds as her..."

Hudson's paw pressed harder against his him before he forcefully pulled him up against his side. It was getting difficult for the vaporeon to think, the heat in the den growing more intense as the fire type's excitement began to build. "I...d-dad.."

"Yes, my dear vixen?" The sound of his growl rumbled in his throat, and Boone froze when he felt it. Hot and incredibly heavy, it pressed against his back, grinding against his smooth fur with practiced strokes. "You do everything else around here, I think it's about time you take on some new responsibilities. I did always want a daughter..."

Boone's immediate reaction was wondering if his father knew just what the two siblings would get up to in their spare time. He had always vehemently expressed his distaste for two men using each other for pleasure. It seemed hypocritical to him that he would be willing to overlook it just because of his son's admittedly womanly form.

At the same time, Boone knew he couldn't stop his father. It would have been lying if he said this hadn't been a fantasy of his. The tall, stocky fox was an object of desire for many women in the forest, and that didn't exclude him. "Dad...d-do you...really want me to...?"

To answer his question, the fox pulled away from him momentarily, before using his strong paw to turn him around. He was greeted by the fox's grinning face, his eyes radiating pure lust that he had never seen before. Boone could only imagine this was how his mother felt when confronted with the intimidating sight of a horny fire fox. It made him gasp when his father pressed a paw to the back of his head and pulled him closer to his groin.

His first introduction to his father's shaft was with the tip jabbing against his muzzle. It was a solid black, glistening in the light of the fire. Like the vaporeon's own manhood, it was easily eight inches long, but he had girth to it that made Dalton's seem thin in comparison. The scent of it was strong, a mixture of spices and a masculine odor that made him almost swoon with desire.

His reaction to it wasn't lost on Hudson, and the ninetales murred under his breath when he saw a hint of drool building up in the corner of the vaporeon's mouth. "I expect you to fulfill your role as the woman of the house, little vixen..." His tone dripped with desire, and his hips twitched, causing his shaft to grind harder against his mouth.

After Dalton refused him his climax, and with the heady odor of his father's junk permeating his senses, Boone knew he wasn't going to be able to resist. He could already feel his own slimy tip pushing out of his genital slit, and he whined heavily under his breath. Pleasuring his brother was one thing, but his father was a completely different animal. Still, as the pointed tip smeared a hint of his warm pre along the vaporeon's lips, his resistance faded away.

Hudson groaned under his breath when the vaporeon's mouth opened, and he slowly pushed the first few inches into his son's mouth. Boone immediately wrapped his lips around it, his long, talented tongue brushing against the underside. The taste of it filled his mouth, better than anything he had ever tasted before, and a sharp contrast to Dalton's own minty flavor.

"That's it, good girl..." The ninetales huffed above him. His paw trembled against the back of his head before it slowly ran down his back, landing firmly on his pert rump. "I used to love filling your mom's muzzle while I ate..." He cooed for him in delight and pushed his hips forward.

It was a little difficult for Boone to adjust to the long, girthy fox cock filling his muzzle. The larger male wasn't exactly being gentle with him, regardless of his belief that the vaporeon had never done this before. He squeezed his eyes tightly shut, his own purple shaft dropping out fully between his legs.

The fox's golden furred crotch was the only thing he could see, but by the crunching sound above his head, he could tell that his father was digging into the meal he had caught and cooked. Boone couldn't deny himself, and he groaned needily around his father's shaft. His nose twitched with every breath he took, and he closed his eyes tightly to savor the black cock in his mouth.

Boone nursed on his shaft as if it was the only meal he had had for days. His head tilted to the side, allowing him a better angle to bob his head. He maintained two inches in his mouth at all times, not allowing any more of it to slip out. The sound of his father's pants grew louder above his head, reinforcing just how much he was enjoying this. His strong paw never left his blue ass, rubbing small circles on his rear end just below his tail.

For a moment, Boone was worried he might discover the slimy load leaking from his tail hole. To deal with this, he tightened his lips around his father's shaft further, drawing a heady moan from the ninetales. It was clear he was trying to keep quiet, so as not to clue Dalton in on what they were doing, but it was getting more difficult for him.

"Good girl...g-good, good girl...my little vixen. Does daddy's cock taste good?" Boone nodded quickly in response, and to show his appreciation pushed his head further into his groin. He was reaching the six-inch mark, as far as he had ever managed with Dalton. He never allowed the leafeon to knot with his muzzle; he didn't have many standards, but he wouldn't allow the leafeon to do that.

Boone opened his eyes just an inch, allowing him to see how much more of the black length there was to go. He was shocked to see his father's knot was already bulging up considerably, but after remembering how long of a dry spell it had been for me, it wasn't too much of a surprise.

His own shaft was throbbing between his hind legs. The prehensile length flicked against his belly, trying to afford him some kind of stimulation. It was infuriating for him, especially when his father's paw pressed harder against the back of his head to keep him planted. Both of the men in his life seemed to disregard his own pleasure when their own was at stake. There was a certain thrill to that, however, the knowledge that he was being used as little more than a toy.

The vaporeon whined when he felt warmth leaking down the back of his throat in time with the rhythmic pulsing of the ninetale's cock. He wished he could taste his father's pre, but he still had work to do. He could feel the girth of his shaft bulging out his throat, but he wasn't done yet.

"E-Easy, little vixen..." His father's words of encouragement made him shiver, and his tail flagged on reflex. "You've already taken so much of daddy's cock, are you, nngh, sure you can take it all...?" Hudson's worrying tone was comforting to Boone, reminding him that even if his father was pent up, he wasn't going to force it on him.

Boone's answer was to steel himself, taking a deep breath through his nose, before pushing down as hard as he could. He initially gagged when his lips pressed against his father's knot, lewdly kissing it while his nose was buried in the musky, golden crotch fur. At the same time he bottomed it out in his mouth, he sucked as much as he could, slurping loudly and lewdly around his ebony shaft while his tongue wildly lashed around the bottom of it.

Hudson's stifled moan hit his ears, both surprised and incredibly aroused at the welcoming throat of his son. Boone could feel the heat of it flaring up intensely, making it almost uncomfortable for the water type. The golden-furred balls pressed against his chin began to tighten up, signaling what was about to come.

With one final, desperate buck of the fox pokemon's hips and a loud, warbling gasp, his shaft exploded down his throat. Boone closed his eyes tightly and squeezed his lips around the base of his cock as best he could. It was thick and warmed his stomach up greatly, making him twitch and wiggle around in place under him. There was so much of it that it reminded him of the great deluge outside their den, constantly filling his stomach with no end in sight.

The sounds of his father's pants were all he could hear, his eyes opening slowly as he nursed on his shaft. There was nothing he could do but take what he was given, as Hudson's paw hadn't let up on the back of his head for a moment. His initial gagging was already overcome from his determination, and while it was uncomfortable having all eight inches in his throat, there was no way he was going to release it until his father was done.

After what felt like an eternity, Hudson let out a grunt and finally released the hold on the back of his head. Boone was greeted with the sight of his softening cock pulling free of his muzzle, inch after inch of glistening, saliva covered cock appearing before his eyes. The vaporeon's tongue ran along the bottom of it constantly, cleaning off the veiny length before the tip was all that was left in his mouth. The vaporeon was almost greedy in his motions, not wanting to allow the veiny length to pull too far away from him.

He squeezed his lips tight around the pointed tip, giving it a few desperate sucks and being rewarded with one final spray of his father's thick seed. It flooded his mouth, tasting like over-ripened cherri berries. For a moment, he could understand why Dalton seemed to enjoy them so much, but with a final pull of his hips, Hudson pulled free of his mouth.

"That was...that was glorious, little vixen." The ninetales let out a long, pleased sigh before flopping on to his side next to the fire. His tongue hung from his mouth as he desperately panted for breath, his flank rising and falling quickly. After his first climax in such a long time, he looked rather exhausted. "You're an absolute natural." He chuckled and gave him a doting look, before laying his head against the floor of the den. "I should have made you do that as soon as you evolved."

Boone coughed a bit and used one of his paws to wipe his mouth clean. All he could taste and smell was his father, and it embarrassed him to no end. He had just sucked off his own dad, and very willingly at that. The worst part of it for him, however, was that he was still as hard as a rock. Rubbing against his own stomach could only give him so much pleasure, and he let out an annoyed growl.

"I'm...glad you liked it, dad." Even with his annoyance at once again being ignored, he couldn't help but smile at the ninetales. His fish-like tail swished around as he slowly got to his paws. He noticed that his father had taken the liberty of eating all the fish he had cooked, but that was okay with him. He was rather full, after all. "I, uh, think I'm going to go lay down, for a bit..."

Hudson chuckled at his son's reaction to having his throat pounded and rolled over onto his stomach once his prick had fully retracted into his sheath. "That sounds like a good idea, little vixen. Why don't you come to my room later tonight? You can let daddy pop your cherry." His tongue fell from his mouth and his eyes narrowed expectantly at the vaporeon, his tails flagging up behind him slightly. "I'm sure if my little vixen can handle taking me all the way down her throat, she can take me under her tail without so much as a whine."

Boone shuffled anxiously under his father's predatory gaze and swallowed hard. His entire demeanor had seemed to change; where he was once seemingly aloof towards his elder son, now the vaporeon felt like he was going to jump him at any moment. "Y-Yeah, sure...I can do that." He swallowed hard, before turning and hesitantly beginning to walk towards the entrance at the opposite end of the den.

He could feel his father's hungry gaze on him the entire time, and he made sure to keep his tail tucked between his hind legs. By now, his slimy, purple prick had shrunken back into his slit, making him sigh in annoyance. "Arceus, damn it..." He grumbled, before blushing harder when he picked up on the scent of cum clinging to his breath.

The tunnel towards his shared room with Dalton was rather narrow, and there was a curtain of vines over the entrance. He shouldered his way through them before sighing when he noticed the leafeon curled up on his bed of plant material, his back turned towards him.

When he heard his brother enter, he looked back at him over his shoulder before letting out an annoyed huff. "Hey."

Their room was split by a small line in the center made up of stones. The boys had decided a long time ago how they wanted to divvy up space, and neither wanted to budge on it. The leafeon's half of the room was covered in different kinds of mossy plants and vines, the small hole in the ceiling letting in meager amounts of sunlight to allow it to grow. Water was dripping in through the hole and collecting in a small basin which led to a hole in the wall that allowed it to run out.

Boone carried himself over to his half of the room and let out a sigh as he dropped onto his side in his own nest. His half of the room was decorated with polished stones and pieces of driftwood that caught his eye when he was swimming. His bed was made of the same soft moss that Dalton grew, and with his brother's help, he had managed to tie it all together with vines.

"So, what did you and dad talk about while I was in here? How you're the golden child?" His bitter tone relayed his sour mood, but Boone was just happy he didn't seem to realize just what had happened in the other room. "Let me guess, tomorrow he wants me to go out in the rain to find him a new trophy wife."

"I don't know," he shrugged his shoulders "just...kind of hung out." He didn't feel good about misleading his brother, but the last thing he wanted him to find out was that the ninetales had done that to him. If the leafeon knew just how willingly he had sucked their dad off, he knew that he would never hear the end of it. The thought of how angry the leafeon would be about his father's hypocritical nature also came to mind. "Hey, bro...do you think you could help me...you kind of left me high and dry, earlier."

The leafeon snorted and rolled back over to look away from him. "I'm not in the mood, can't you just paw yourself off? I don't want to touch your freaky junk, anyway." The finality in his voice, as well as the aggravated sigh signaled that Boone wasn't going to get any assistance with his problem.

It frustrated the vaporeon, but he was certainly used to it by this point. "Thanks, bro. I can always count on you." His sarcastic comment didn't elicit more than a grunt from the grass type. Boone rolled his eyes but didn't press the matter, instead, he rolled on his back to stare up at the ceiling. His mind was racing after all of that, and after being blue balled twice in one day, he didn't know if he was going to be getting to sleep any time soon.

Regardless, he closed his eyes and did his best to calm himself. His mind was awash with a raging torrent of emotions, thoughts creeping in constantly. He was sick of being regarded as nothing more than a submissive vixen, and the last thing he wanted was for his father to see him as only that. He was more than willing to bottom, but it had been so long since he topped another male.

His paw drifted down to his sensitive genital slit, before moving further down to touch his puckered tail hole. A soft groan escaped him from how sensitive it was, cementing his belief and annoyance. It wasn't fair, he thought, he didn't choose to look or feel this way, but he knew he couldn't deny a cock if it was presented to him.

After losing track of time, Dalton's soft snoring hit his ears. He opened his eyes to the darkness of their room and let out a sigh as he pulled himself out of his bedding. There was no way he was going to get to sleep anytime soon. With a sinking heart, he recalled Hudson's offer to help 'pop his cherry'. The heat returned to his face as he thought about that fat knot and he instinctively clenched his rear end up. If he could get that in him, he was certain he would cum.

Boone tried to be as quiet as possible while he walked past Dalton's bed. The leafeon was a light sleeper, and he had complained before about being woken up by the smallest of sounds the vaporeon made. He grits his teeth when he reached the vine curtain at their doorway, able to hear the grass pokemon stirring before his snores started back up.

He could see the light coming down the corridor of the den was coming from his father's room, and his heart began to beat faster in his chest as he approached it. His paws felt incredibly heavy as he slowly made his way towards it, his face growing darker purple by the second. "Just, accept it...Boone." He mumbled this to himself in defeat before stepping into the doorway.

Right away, he could see his father laying on the large patch of dry, straw bedding he used to share with his mother. There was a small fire going near the entrance, bathing him in the soft glow of its light. The ninetale's eyes were closed, and his flank was slowly rising and falling. It struck Boone right away that his blowjob had sapped more of his energy than he first thought.

It was almost relieving to him when he realized that he was asleep, but also disappointing. He had sounded so determined earlier; that he hadn't even made the attempt to stay up was disheartening to him. The fox's nine tails were still against his back as he slept, barely covering his furry ass.

Boone was about to leave to head back to his room before he had a sudden idea. Dalton always used his type advantage against him...the vaporeon slowly grinned. His genital slit was already puffing up as he began to slowly approach the fox's raised rear end and his breathing began to grow huskier with each step.

The only way he could get the two men to stop treating him as a female in heat was to prove that he wasn't.

The fox pokemon was almost offering himself up to him while he slept, and the water pokemon gently nosed his tails out of the way. He could see his father's fuzzy, gold furred ass cheeks mere inches from his face, including the puckered, pink tail hole resting above his low hanging testicles. The sight of it was all he needed to reach his full length, his manhood twitching with need.

Just by looking at it, he could tell that his father was a virgin. He leaned closer and gave it a small sniff, before pushing his cool tongue out and slowly running it across his rear entrance. Dalton had always been a baby about taking him and had always insisted on having his brother rim him out before they bred. It had grown on Boone after a while, and he was embarrassed to admit that he loved preparing another man's ass.

The large fire pokemon let out a deep, rumbling noise in his sleep, but didn't so much as stir from the sensation. Boone licked his lips to savor the spicy taste and aroma, before licking across his puckered entrance once more. His tongue was dripping with saliva, and he gently set one of his paws on his father's fuzzy ass cheek to hold him still. The sounds of his licks grew lewder with each swipe of his tongue, leaving his father's puckered entrance glistening with his saliva.

His nose rubbed and ground against his father's furry taint, overloading his senses with the thick musk. He was panting already, a look of rapturous pleasure on his face as his cool breath flowed over his father's entrance. He could see the entrance puckering in reaction to it, and he chuckled softly to himself. Boone could only imagine how it would react to his slimy cock. "That's it...you like that, don't you...having your son licking your ass..." He said this in a soft tone, his voice quivering with lust.

He could feel the heat coming off of the fire pokemon's tail hole; it was even hotter than his cock had been. His paw rubbed and stroked Hudson's furry rump, admiring just how muscular and firm it was. Boone had always admired Dalton's furry rump since he evolved, but since he was never able to best the leafeon, he never got to enjoy it. He murred happily to himself and pressed the tip of his tongue to his father's rear end, before pushing it slowly in him.

The ninetale's virgin ass was incredibly tight, squeezing up around the intruding tongue like it didn't want to let it go. The large fox had started to let out stifled grunts and groans in his sleep, and as Boone ran his tongue along the inside of his rear, his father snorted and slowly lifted his head. "Wha'...nngh, the fuck..."

Boone knew that he was discovered, and he let out a playful growl before yanking his tongue free of Hudson's tight ass. The ninetales yipped when he felt the slimy muscle pulling free of him, but he didn't have a chance to move away before the vaporeon mounted him from behind. Boone's paws immediately wrapped around the ninetale's larger hips, yanking him back as hard as he could until his prehensile tip pressed into his furry ass crack.

"Mmmm, hey dad...I came to let you under my tail, but..." he cast a lecherous grin at the angry ninetales as he glared back at him. Boone's limber, dexterous cock constantly poked around his father's rear, searching for that wet, tight entrance that he had gone through so much trouble preparing. "Your ass was just so tantalizing...after sucking you off, I think your little 'vixen' deserves a reward, don't you? I expect payment for all the shit I do around here."

"Boone. Get off of me." The warning growl gave the vaporeon pause, but when his tip found his entrance, the ninetales let out a shrill, girlish yelp. "S-Son, I don't know what the hell is wrong with you, but...you better go back to your room."

"No, I don't think I will." The vaporeon growled and bucked his hips forward, the pointed tip of his erection threatening to penetrate the larger fox at any second. "As you said, I do everything around here. So, I think I deserve this. Plus, what better way to prove that I'm the man of the house, just like you always wanted?" He ignored his father's growling tone and began to push towards the welcoming warmth that greeted his cock tip. "After all, our den needs a woman!"

Hudson's complaints quickly changed to a loud, uncomfortable groan when his son's prick began to slide into him. With all the pre he produced, it was effortless for the vaporeon to enter him, but the water pokemon made sure he took it nice and slow. His frill flared up and he took a deep breath when he felt the burning hot walls parting for his thin cock. "You're, mmmph, lucky I don't just shove it in...fire type ass...is fucking amazing!"

Boone leaned closer to the ninetales, planting his nose against the back of his neck and inhaling deeply. "How's that feel, daddy? How does your little vixen's cock feel pushing up your ass?" His teeth bared before he gave his scruff a playful nip, making Hudson arch his back in response. "I want to hear you moan for me..."

"I-It hurts..." He grits his teeth together as half of his manhood pushed up his virgin rear. The ninetales was horrified at how his son was pinning him down, forcefully entering him, but he was even more aghast that his own cock was starting to push out of his sheath. The irony that he was going to force this very same position on Boone was lost to him. His body was so sensitive to the touch after so long, and he groaned heavily when Boone pushed another inch into him. "Please, son...take it out!"

The vaporeon's response was curt and simple. He grabbed Hudson's scruff in his neck and tugged back on it, making the ninetale's raise his head high. With one push of his hips, he forced his father to howl out as he shoved the rest of his dripping cock up his ass. It was one smooth, fluid motion that made his hips slap against him.

Hudson could feel all the slimy pre leaking into him, filling him with an uncomfortable sensation of coldness. His tongue fell from his mouth as he tried to desperately catch his breath, his legs trembling while he tried to contain himself. "F-Fuck! Damn it, Boone!" He practically howled his discomfort, but this would prove to be a huge mistake. "That fucking hurts!"

While Boone savored the tight, hot grip of his ass, they could see a shadow moving down the hall. Both males could hear the growling coming from the entryway, and Boone grinned around the scruff in his mouth when Dalton poked his head into the room.

"Good Arceus! What the hell is with all the noise!?" The leafeon's bleary eyes blinked a few times as he tried to comprehend what he was looking at. The anger on his face was replaced with sudden, amused vindication. Even then, he sat back on his rear and used a paw to rub his eyes. "Please, tell me I'm not dreaming. Did Jirachi actually grant my wish?"

"Get back to bed, Dalton!" Hudson desperately begged his son, even as a whine broke through his words. Boone pulled his hips back a couple of inches, before driving himself back into him firmly. The ninetales whimpered when the vaporeon ground his hips against his low hanging balls, sending a jolt of discomfort through him.

"Oh, you're not. I'm sick of you two treating me like a slut. I'm just finally taking what belongs to me." Boone's growl was emphasized with the harsh slap of his hips against his father's welcoming ass. "So, guess what, water beats fire, I'm getting what I deserve."

"Ahhh, Dalton, get your brother off of me!" Their father looked towards him desperately, even while his black, vulpine length hung between his hind legs. The scent of the fire pokemon's spicy arousal was in the air, and Dalton's nose twitched at the odor.

"Nah. He kind of has a point." The leafeon smirked and spread his hind legs out a bit wider. His sheath had plumped up from the sight in front of him, and as Boone began to actively thrust, his tip pushed free of his sheath. "I always ride him about grass beating water, so don't you think it's fair he gets to play that card?" The leafeon smirked and pressed a paw against the protective layer of fur and skin around his manhood, rubbing himself at the sight of his father being sodomized. "Plus, your loudmouth woke me up, so you're going to make up for that."

Hudson's eyes widened when the leafeon's shaft reached the full six inches, his muzzle hanging open as whimpers and groans escaped him. He was so lubed up that the pain had faded to slight discomfort, and even then, the sensation of his son's worm-like cock wiggling around inside of him was driving him crazy. It seemed desperate to touch every part of his inner walls, searching for something the ninetales wasn't aware that he had. "Boys, stop this!"

"You don't mind, do you, bro?" Dalton pressed his paw against the back of Hudson's head, his musky green cock rubbing against the fox pokemon's muzzle. He groaned at the heat coming from his mouth, and already his face curled up with bliss. "Fuck, I'm going to enjoy this. I've wanted to shut you up like this for a while."

"By all means, the slut could use a cock in his mouth." Boone's heart pounded in his chest as that familiar confidence began to return to him. He remembered when he was an eevee, when he could pin his brother and take what he wanted. The knowledge that it was his father, his progenitor who had forced the boys to be his servant made it all the better. He was already breathing fast, but he made sure to keep flicking his cock around until he found what he was looking for.

When his tip nailed Hudson's prostate, the ninetales was robbed of his words. At that moment, Dalton mounted his front end, wrapping his paws under his front arms and shoving his green cock straight into his father's mouth. He let out a slight hiss of discomfort when he felt the fox pokemon's sharp teeth grazing his cock, and he slapped his flank playfully. "Watch the teeth. Just think, the faster you get me off, the faster I'll pull out of your mouth."

The two brothers grinned at each other over the top of their father, the larger fox quivering as he was spit-roasted from both ends. His cock was throbbing madly now, his hips rocking against the air while Boone continued to torment his prostate. Hudson was already gagging in revulsion from the minty, incredibly musky taste of his son's prick.

The vaporeon growled deeply and dug his claws into his hips, yanking his ass further back into his groin. His knot had already started to swell up, and it was pounding against the incredibly hot, formerly virgin rim. "B-Better catch up, bro. I'm not going to last long."

Dalton nodded and growled before pushing his hips deeper. The ninetales was getting a crash course in dick sucking, as the fat, green cock pushed straight down his throat. He could feel his father gagging around his manhood, and he pulled back out till just the tip was poking down his throat. "Fuck...his mouth is so hot..."

"Heh, you should feel, ahhh, his ass! The little slut just won't let go of me!" Boone leaned forward and licked at Dalton's cheek, catching his brother off guard from the affectionate action. The leafeon was quick to return it, however, and before he could pull back Boone had forced his tongue into his mouth. It was different than their kiss earlier in the day, the vaporeon fought valiantly, not allowing his brother any chance at being in charge.

The two kissed passionately above Hudson, their hips pounding as fast as they could into him. The squeeze of his throat around Dalton's cock was gracing him with pleasure he hadn't gotten since Boone was still an eevee. The inexperienced throat wasn't prepared for him, and he took full advantage of using his face as a fuck hole.

Hudson was trying to keep his wits about him, even when the two fox boy's knots rammed against him from either end. It was getting hard to think with his son's musky crotch in his face, every desperate, gasping breath through his nose tainted with the sour odor. The tip of Boone's cock was tormenting his prostate, circling it endlessly with the tip, the difference in their temperatures making him drool around Dalton's shaft.

Boone finally broke the kiss, a strand of saliva connecting the twin boy's lips together. When it broke, it fell onto the back of Hudson's head, making the fox's ears twitch and fold down as far as they could go. He looked into his brother's eyes, savoring the pleasured look on the leafeon's face. They had never shared a male in such a way before, and it was the happiest he had seen his brother since their mother was captured. The older boy let out a loud, resonating groan of satisfaction and pleasure before ramming his hips forward one last time.

The ninetales tried to squeeze up to prevent the fat orb from sliding into him, but with how wet he was, he was powerless to stop it. He howled around Dalton's shaft when he felt the fat knot forced up his ass, and his hind legs twitched madly when it began to swell up. This forced Boone's cock right up against his prostate, and when the first watery, chilly blast of cum began to fill him, he lost it.

Both boys could feel him shudder when he came, his cock throbbing as his own load coated his bedding. Dalton laughed aloud at this, and when his father was unprepared, he jammed his own knot into his muzzle. "Fuck, yes! Take it all, you little fox bitch!" His eyes rolled upwards in bliss when Hudson's throat squeezed up around the fat, six-inch length, his knot preventing him from pulling out. "Oh yeah! Suck my knot!"

Hudson desperately gasped through his nose when his son's warm load began to launch down his throat. The ninetales whimpered in shame from the feeling of having two fat, thick knots filling him, two vastly different temperatures of seed being launched into him at once. He could hear Dalton's panting as he lowered his head towards one of his ears and gave it a small lick.

"Oh, and by the way dad...this cock was up Boone's ass today. Thanks for cleaning it off." He grinned when his father's eyes widened at this new knowledge, and he sighed happily as he looked at Boone. "I gotta say, bro...never thought I'd see you on top again." He poked his tongue out at him, only to gulp when the vaporeon bared his fangs in his direction.

"Believe me, there's going to be some changes around here." He yanked on his knot to ensure he was tied up tight to the fire type's rim. It drew a loud yelp from the ninetales, but he ignored it. With a few awkward steps on his back legs, he threw one of them over his father's ass, forcing their asses together while he finished the tie. He could feel the ninetales' balls pressed against his own, the heat radiating off of them making him groan; in this position, his seed flowed all the faster up the larger fox's ass. "Either you lift your tail for me every now and again..." He trailed off, before smirking at Dalton over his shoulder, "or you don't get to enjoy my new bitch."

Dalton looked down at the quivering ninetales, before chuckling and shrugging his shoulders. "I suppose I could live with that...hey bro, watch this." The leafeon pulled his hips back, before mimicking his brother's turn, completing the tie with his father's face and jamming his tan-furred ass cheeks up against his muzzle. "Nnngh, always wanted to do that to you!"

The vaporeon simply rolled his eyes, before smiling when he felt the large pokemon trembling between them. "Why do you think I never let you do it? Better get comfortable, dad. You're going to be stuck like that for a while." Dalton's loud yawn signaled his exhaustion, and Boone felt much the same way. With their knots thoroughly stuck for the moment, both men dropped down to their stomachs, forcing Hudson to lay in the puddle of cum he had created.

"Night bro, night dad. Or...should we call you mom, now? You certainly don't look like a man now." Boone snickered at his own joke, his tail swishing about a bit in amusement. After months of disparaging treatment, it was nice to finally have the chance to prove he was the true man of the house.

Hudson groaned between the two boys; his nose pressed firmly against the leafeon's taint. He could see the leafeon's light, green pucker before his eyes, and he was forced to smell his son's almost minty sweet, musky odor. There was no relief for him, however, the amount of seed Boone was pumping up his ass making him feel uncomfortably full, not a single drop of it able to escape the vaporeon's fat knot.

After forcing his sons to forgo their own future so he could have an easier life, they had taken matters into his own hands. The only person he had to blame for this was himself, he realized. That he had cum from the hard fucking shamed him to no end, making him realize that he was just like the 'tail raisers' he so despised. His eyes fluttered before he closed his eyes, hoping the fat knot in his mouth would deflate soon.

Boone rested his chin on his front paws, a smile gracing his muzzle for the first time in a long time. After the ordeal of the day, he was relieved to finally have his climax, and any worries he had vanished. His eyes fluttered for a moment before he closed them, only one thought on his mind.

With the pouring rain trapping them indoors, what were they going to have their father do tomorrow?