Lifting the Heart - Chapter One

Story by Arawn on SoFurry

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The warm brisk summer light shined brightly and bounced off the Arcanine's red and black fur. His eyes burned a fiery emerald green. He stood about five feet and seven inches with the body of a swimmer He wore a black tank top that looked tight, a pare of black shorts that on the sides of his legs had a green strip on them. He was sitting in a dimly lit pub as he saw other furons walking here and there, ordering a drink or two. His name was Jason Lakota Anderson a freshmen at Roseberry college in a small town named Bismore. He was just stopping by at the Pub called "Wolf's Den" To say hi to one of his buddies, get a drink and go back to the college to get a dormitory and his class schedule for he had just recently moved here after getting busted for a DWI, stupid two legged always trying to be alpha leader. He smiled and waved to his friend that had at last arrived. Alan was his name, a young fox mixed with wolf.

"Hey man, I hear you got in rolled in that college right?" He asked smiling and patting his friend on the back. "Good job Jason, its really hard to get into that college, got to have brains in order to get in to that college he laughed loudly.

"Well it seems that you have to have all brains to attended a college these days" Remarked Jason as he laughed. "But I hear there are bareskins at this college, which sucks." He mumbled softly. He had a thing of being with bareskins or humans.

"Ah it won't be that bad." Replied Alan smiling. "Just think of them as us, that always works for me, some have attitude, some don't." He smiled again. "Well you better get going, don't want to be late on your first day." He said glancing at the clock.

Doing the same thing Jason gasped. "Ah shit, see ya man." He grabbed the backpack that sat beside his chair and then rushed out of the pub after slapping a check down for the bar tender and dug in his pockets for his car keys. The car was a 93 red Volvo really hard to get car these days. He at last got inside and turned on the air conditioner and sighed deeply. The stereo played some strange tune, of course the last person that was in his car was his younger brother when he stayed the night at his parents place over in Long Beach.

The drive to the college took about half an hour, which means I really was late this time. When he at last arrived at the college he parked his car at the last slot in the lot and got out locked the doors and rushed into the entrance of the school. The school looked almost like a Gothic medieval castle, he liked it. He saw the near by council office and walked inside and recognized Chalet Timber. "Sorry I'm late." I said seeing that death glare she placed on the vixen's face.

"Here is your class schedule, and a pass, don't want you looking bad on your first day." She said looking at him. "And your dormitory number is 405, you'll be sharing with Alex Lupin a wolf." She said smiling.

"Thanks ma'am." I said and then glanced at my schedule shown below.

Chapter one of Lifting the Heart


College Classes of 2010-11

Mr. Jason Lakota

7:30 - 8:30 Monday Receiving

8:30 - 9:15 Latin

9:30 - 10:15 Calligraphy

10:30 - 11:30 11:15 Singing&dance

11:30 - 1:30 Lunch

1:30 - 2:15 Latin

2:30 - 3:15 Game&Craft

3:30 - 4:15 Martial Arts

4:14 - 6:00 After School

Jason sighed and began to make his way down the long empty halls in search for room 4093 Latin class. He looked around and saw the door with the number he wanted and sighed with satisfaction that he had made it.

"Well good morning Mr. Lakota." Said Professor Averon.

He paused in mid walk as he blushed softly. "Sorry for me being late sir, rush hour and all." He said slowly walking towards the professors desk and laid down the pass.

"Well lets not be late again shall we?" He said nodding.

"Ugh, humans.." Jason muttered under his breath as he then took the last empty seat. Thank goodness he choose the right seat, for he just now noticed that there that humans sat on one side, and fursons sat on the other. The lesson began with the normal Greek alphabet, time seemed to go by fast, because Greek was one of his favorite topics. Suddenly while on the way out, I bumped into a furson that growled softly as all of his books fell to the floor. "I ugh, am sorry man.." Jason stuttered and bent down and began to pick up the fallen books.

What Jason did not know was, the wolf was taking a good long look at his butt as he smiled and then bent down and began to help him. "Its alright, I guess I wasn't looking where I was going." He said and then got all of his books back in his bag. "My name is Alex Lupin." He said smiling offering a paw to shake.

Jason gulped a little. "Well then I guess we are sharing rooms then." He said showing him the room number with a smile on his muzzle.

"Awesome gives me a chance to get to know ya more." He said laughing. "Well then we share the same classes for this school always compares roommates with the same class schedule.

Jason smiled as his skinny jackal tail began to wag a little. "Sweet man, well we better get going then to ugh.." He took out his schedule.

"Calligraphy." Answered Alex having memorized the whole sheet of paper. "Then after that sing and dance." He paused a moment and then asked. "So your an Arcanine.." He laughed a little.

Jason slowly rolled his eyes and fallowed the wolf to the next class, time seemed to slow down after that. It seemed like hours before at last the bell for lunch. He sighed as he waited in line seeing the same thing like he did in the rest of his classes, humans separate from furs. It was odd, like blacks and whites, back in the old days before furs were even real. "Hey Alex, why does every one slip in two sections?" He asked as he then got his plate and found out that they were having stake and the humans were having hamburgers.

"Oh, we don't get along very well, and its a school policy." He said shrugging off the question. "Its just a common fact, when the goddess and god first placed us on this earth, they forgot that the humans would have a problem with us, and did not know what to do, but sit and wait to see what would happen.," He paused for a moment. "Thank goodness they decided to let us live in piece with them and not start world war three or something.

Jason nodded as they both sat down. He took a strong bite right out of the medium rare stake, his favorite. He nibbled at it softly and looked up at Alex who sat there with a fork and a spoon for his soup and crackers and his stake chopped up neatly and in the soup.

Alex had his spoon half way up to his muzzle when he then saw Jason glancing at him after he stared a little bit at Jason. That red feeling of strong blush came over his face as he looked away at the crowd of furs that chatted about everyday life.

"So.." Jason said not knowing what to say.

"Where did you use to live Jason?" Asked Alex wondering, for he caught a scent of another place not like California, a scent he had long forgotten, fresh pine trees, wildlife... the serenity of the moons silver light bathing you in the darkness.

"Well, I use to live in a preserved forest in Alaska, the place was called Tongas." He paused for a moment in deep thought. "The place was beautiful, untouched by two legged.." He sighed and looked at Alex who seemed deeply interested in the story. He caught sight of them icy blue eyes again, them deep blue eyes. It almost reminded him of the tall mountains that he use to see back in Alaska.

"Why did you move?" Alex wondered, for most people don't like smog and other pollution that Cali is providing these days, but hell most of the world was dieing anyway.

Jason's eyes widened a little and he lowered his ears. "Because...because..." He sighed deeply. "I'll tell you tonight, I don't feel like talking about it in front of everyone." He said at last and heard the lunch bell and got up as fast as he could and emptied his tray and handed it back into the tray deposit box and then headed to his next class which was Latin again, he did not want to be late this time.

Alex sighed softly and began to fallow Jason but only in his shadow. He could not figure it out weather he upset Jason, or something in his past pained him.

Jason sat in his first spot that had his name already on it, odd since when did college start as third grade again? But then he noticed laughter in the back, he glanced and saw a German shepherded along with a fox slapping paws together as a high five. But how did they know my name, teachers more then likely. He growled softly as the teacher cleared his throat and glared at me, that death glare like the councilor.

Time once again ticked away and schooling was at last over and was time to bed down in the dorms. Jason was more then glad to do so, for the work he did later that day was hard, hard and tiring. He walked into the room that read his number and went to the bathroom. He sighed and looked at himself. There he saw was an Arcanine, nothing more. White mane, red and black color pattern. Was college really this easy, or was it really this hard?

Alex sighed deeply as he glanced around the room, his heart beat strongly as he saw no one else in the hall way. He had to get to his dorm before the pig skin fetchers came. He sighed and rushed over up the stares and away from the empty halls of the castle seemed so vacant for everyone retired to their dorms already for the night. He sighed as he had at last reached the dorm that read his number he saw that the door was already unlocked so Jason must already be there.

Jason sat on one of many chairs at the laptop that he got from the school bored as a free gift for attending and having a high grade average from his high school years. He was hard at work on most of his homework which amazingly was half done, he just had to finish one assignment on Sing&dance class. He sighed softly as he looked at the list of things to do, the last thing he had to do was find a piece of music that inspired him of love and life. He thought deep, and he thought hard, and he did not notice Alex behind him yet for he was such in a deep thinking mode that his head began to hurt.

Alex laid on the bed silently as he watched his partner hard at work. "Poor guy..trying so hard." He said in a low volume voice.

A few hours had passed and Jason was done, he had a sheet of music ordered for a perfect piano solo to perform called "Lullaby" originally performed by Marc Allen from a rare CD called "Wolves in the Wild" He yawned and glanced at the clock that read 8:30 in the morning. Wow that late hu..He walkd into the bathroom and did some personal business and then came back and then saw Alex laying in the bed snoring softly. He smiled softly and walked over to him and nudged him. "Hey man, wake up." He said softly and saw an icy blue eye open.

"Hey..." Alex moaned softly as he laid there looking up at Jason seeing the Arcanine, that beautiful face, the white main, the red and black furred body. hm..'have you ever thought of being with someone of the same gender" Asked Alex at last glancing up at Jason, a small tent of blush showed on his black furred muzzle.

Jason was almost caught by surprise, he thought he would never hear someone as cute as this wolf with black fur like him would ask something like that. "Well, um...its kind of hard not to like someone as hansom as you.." He said laughing softly winking. "I guess you caught me red handed so to speak. He said glancing at his paw seeing that it was red even though half his body was red and black.

"Yea know, red and black are my two favorite colors." Alex smiled softly laying there in a Venas pose now as he wagged his tail flexing his muscles body seeing if he can turn on Jason.