College of Celestials - Prologue - Cradle

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#1 of College of Celestials

Dante Demont was struggled with choosing a path for his future. He was perfectly content to coast through life until something forced him down a certain road. Never, in his wildest dreams did he ever imagine that the passing of his grandfather would have propelled him into an ancient war between the gods and a fight for not only his future but the future of all mankind.

Author's Notes: Yes, at long last, we are returning to this series. This is a reboot of High School is Hell. I struggled with continuing the story where I had left it off for a number of reasons and finally decided to reboot it after all this time using the skills I've obtained and modernizing the subject.

Hope you enjoy!

College of Celestials - The Zodiac

Prologue - Cradle


To my dearest Dante,

By the time you read this, I am likely long gone. No matter how much we like it, there are forces outside of our control. That is a mere fact of existence in this world of ours. While death can be staved off and some modicum of immortality achieved, time is cruel and it is in our very nature to constantly change. Do not fear death. Do not fear the Reaper. Change is a great part of life and dying is just another change we undertake. I can honestly say I am not scared, merely excited.

Few of us get to choose when we die and that is the greatest power any of us can ever possibly posses: the power of choice.

Remember to choose well, Dante, and may this diary help you make the right choices in life. I made some poor choices in my short time on this world. Some would even be called 'bad' or 'demonic' but other times, I like to think that I have made some good ones as well. Having a son and consequently my dear Shaun having you was certainly one of my better ones.

However, I fear that with my selfish choice to finally let go, I will have thrust you into a world that you are ill-prepared for. This was my choice and I hope you will not hate me for it. I can only hope you will forgive me and hope that the contents of this diary will help you in the trials to come. I wish I could have stood beside you through the trials and tribulations that await you but sadly, I cannot.

I can only offer my advice.

And share my experiences as a Godhunter.

_ _


November 17th, 11:00 AM, Angelton Cemetery

Virgil Demont was well-loved.

Everyone in Angelton, Maine adored him. Philanthropist, popular public figure and often considered to be the heart and soul of the small town, Virgil's passing was a colossal blow to the entire town. So much so that his funeral went on for three days with groups of people having to schedule when they will say their final farewells before the white, gilded coffin was interred into the ground forever.

Dante couldn't get the image of his grandfather's gently smiling features out of his mind. If he didn't know any better, Virgil would have looked like he was just gently sleeping. No amount of fantasizing or wishful thinking would make this sorrowful situation as just another of Virgil's famous pranks. His grandfather was a joker and had an excellent sense of humor but even he would never prank the entire town into going to a funeral for him just to make fun of them.

To the twenty-one-year-old's right, barely holding it together, was his father. 46 year-old Shaun Demont had adored his grandfather and losing him so suddenly had devastated him. Shaun had a hand over his eyes, fingers grasping his skin tightly beneath his glasses as he couldn't bear to see the coffin slowly lowered into the ground. Shoulders shuddering with each sob, Dante watched his dad break down. He gripped his dad's hand for support and Shaun bowed his head, the dark brown hair the two men shared cascading over his features. The fingers felt cold like the life and energy had been drained from them.

Rain pelted the smaller, more private congregation that was saved for the last day. These were all of Virgil's close friends and family. Everyone else had gone home, draping black over certain parts of their homes and even hanging 'We'll miss you Virgil' or 'You're with the angels now' banners all over the streets of the small town. Ave Maria was played but it was drowned out by the heavens roaring in agony at the loss of one of the greatest men that ever walked the earth.

Dante closed his bloodshot green eyes, trying to block out the tears that came streaming down his face and were subsequently washed away by the rain. Part of him imagined that the rain would carry his tears into the grave with his grandpa, symbolizing some part of him being buried alongside the great man that had helped make him the man he was today.

He let out one, ragged sob and bowed his head. Some god or deity had to listen to his prayer even though he didn't really believe in any deity; a consequence of being partially raised by his atheist grandfather. His own dad leaned more towards Christianity but Dante had taken the 'pragmatic' approach to religion. Still, he hoped that if there was a deity out there, they would at least see Virgil for the kind, loving and generous soul that he was and not who he believed in.

The song ended and Dante opened his eyes. A shower of roses flew from the hands of mourners, tossed down into the coffin as a final farewell to the beloved icon. The rose in his own hands felt so light and hollow. All that he wanted to say could not be expressed in the single flower but he felt that it was oddly fitting. A beautiful, crimson flower with velvety petals but the sharp thorns that reminded him of the pain such beauty brought.

It was bittersweet.

"Rest well, grandpa," he whispered and held out the rose, allowing it to tumble off from his fingers and into the grave below. "I love you."

The Godhunters

Before I go into the specifics of what Godhunters are and the broader world that I have been exposed to, allow me to tell you about the true nature of the world. I know I have often been vocal about my atheism and while I am proud that you have taken upon this doctrine, know that my stance when it comes to gods does not come from some lack of faith but rather a sense of disillusionment with regards to people.

In my travels, I have been exposed to all facets of human existence; both good and bad. People can be cruel and kind, charitable and selfish, primal and evolved at the same time. These contradictory natures often makes me wonder how gods could be so different.

You know that in my younger years I often traveled and was exposed to various cultures and beliefs. I still fondly recall the days when you would excitedly run up to me after one such trip and ask me to tell you stories of my adventures. Would that I could have told you the truth back then instead of concealing the harshness of this world.

That truth is that the gods aren't different from mortals. They can be contradictory, hypocritical and outright fickle. Is this because we mortals simply cannot understand them or their greater plan? Is it because the teachings and myths formed about them are based on mortal understanding and have been twisted by human nature as time went on? Have these creatures' pure intentions been corrupted by the politics, desire and sin?


It is because gods are no more different from mortals.

There are no gods. Just mortals.

_ _


November 21st, 2:00 PM, Reaper Law Offices

The office was more like a vast library than what you'd expect from a lawyer's office. Dante had to admit that he had rarely visited the Reaper Law Offices on any other occasions but work since he never really needed legal assistance. He did recall visiting it twice in his young life - first when he was ten years old and his grandpa had taken him to visit the only lawyer there and the second when he was eighteen and legally allowed to work and his grandpa had gotten him a job here as a clerk. Now, after class, he would pop in and do a few hours of work and get paid for it.

Not that he really did much.

Angelton was a relatively small, harmonious town and didn't really need a lawyer's services. However, Mr. Reaper clearly had enough business somewhere as Dante was never bored. Most of his job as a clerk really involved sorting files and cleaning up the relatively big office. The Reaper Offices was located quietly right next to the town hall in a squat, nondescript, red-bricked building protected by an iron-wrought gate that rather large wolf motifs all over it.

Today, however, Dante wasn't there for work. Amidst the walls of books sat a single mahogany table with a white marble stone top. Jacob Reaper, the town's only lawyer, sat at the desk leafing through will that Virgil had left them. One wouldn't expect someone as young as Reaper to be a lawyer in town that was barely on the map but here was the black-haired late-twenties man with the dark-blue eyes. While he stood only a few inches taller than Dante's own 5'7'', behind that desk, Reaper seemed immeasurably tall. He just had this air of authority about him despite being so casual.

"Alright," said the lawyer in his gentle tenor. "First of all, thanks for coming in, both of you." A gentle smile appeared on Reaper's lips. "I know it's only been a couple of days since the funeral but Virgil was insistent that his will be executed as soon as possible."

"I understand," croaked Shaun Demont, his voice hoarse from crying and lack of hydration. "Dad was always the kind of guy you never say 'no' to. If he wants something done, he gets it done."

Jacob laughed softly, getting this distant look in his eyes. "Don't I know it."

There was a warmth that Dante got whenever he heard people talk about his grandfather. The kind, warm words didn't just come out of respect for the dead. They were genuine words of affection. These little sparks of light cut through the gloom and darkness that currently shrouded his life.

"You knew my grandfather?" he asked. 'I didn't see you at the funeral."

Jacob nodded slowly. "Sadly, I couldn't make it. I was making arrangements for him and organizing his estate. As you can imagine, your grandfather was very well-liked but at the same time, he developed quite a reputation. To my chagrin, several people have already expressed interest in his money not even a few days after they heard of his passing."

"You're kidding."

"I wish I were." Jacob set down the folder in front of him. "Thankfully, I'm able to fend them off. For now. I'll do what I can within the limits of the law but please be prepared for people to accost you for things that they claim to be 'theirs'. If any of these come to you, don't be afraid to come to me. I'll do what I can."

Shaun let out a long, tired sigh. Contrary to his weariness, his hands curled into tight fists, his knuckles turning white "Couldn't they just let my dad rest before they started coming in. Jackals... the lot of them."

"When there is something someone wants badly enough, not even God can get in their way," Jacob sighed. "But let's put such horrible thoughts out of the way for now. I called you here today to read you his will."

Dante glanced about, a little surprised that it was only him and his dad in the large office lined with bookshelves. "It's just us two?"

"Yes. Virgil named no one else in his will."

That was odd. While both Shaun and Dante were only children, Dante knew that his grandfather came from a rather large litter of kids. He recalled he had at least two great-uncles and one great-aunt that he knew about. They would've had kids as well. His grandmother also had her family. He had to wonder why they weren't named in the will. Then again, perhaps that was why distant relatives were now coming out of the woodwork to claim what was 'theirs'.

"I'll start," Jacob announced. "'I, Virgil Alexander Demont, of sound mind and body, hereby write this will and with Jacob Samuel Reaper as my witness, do give him permission to execute its contents to the best of his ability and to the fullest extent of the law.

'To my son, my dearest Shaun, the joy of my life and the man whom I have watched grow into adulthood and filled my heart with pride. You have stood by me this entire time, anchored me in reality and responsibility despite my reckless ways. While I spent most of my youth traversing the world and carelessly taking from everything and everyone, you are the only truly good thing that I have given back. Your charitable soul, kind heart and pragmatic view on life is what made me realize that life is not about what you take from others but what you give back.

"It is with this in mind that I bequeath unto you my entire fortune, my land and all of its contents."

Jacob stopped for a moment and flipped to another page. "Everything is itemized in the next dozen pages."

"Dozen!?" Shaun exclaimed.

"Your father had a lot of stuff," Jacob laughed softly. "You know that he spent a lot of time traveling the world. Even when you were born, he still traveled and did a lot of exploring."

Shaun got a sad look in his eyes but his smile made it a bittersweet moment of recollection. "He'd be gone for months and then come back with all of these souvenirs that he'd spend telling me all about. His place is basically a museum."

"Virgil has already set up for a lot of those artifacts to be sold to various museums and collectors," Jacob said. "In terms of hard cash, he currently had about 2.7 million in his account. Last I checked, his land was worth about 5.8 and that's just the land itself. The house is worth about half that much. We can get an appraiser and inspector to value it if you intend to sell it."

Dante blanched at the amount. They basically nearly had ten million dollars. That was far too much. His dad worked as an accountant at the town hall and could easily support them but with that much money, they could be set for life!

Shaun shook his head. "I grew up in that place. I don't know if I want to sell it."

"I understand. Regardless, your father is selling off those artifacts that he collected. He said - and I quote..." Jacob lifted the will again. "'I'm not giving a cent to those vultures who claim to be my family and were never there for me. I'm not giving them the opportunity to take anything that I worked so hard for and deprive my son and grandson of their inheritance'." Reaper placed the page back down. "Suffice to say that over the next few months, some collectors and representatives from museums will be on their way to collect some things from your grandfather's home. I've got an itemized list of what will be sold. That should easily net you a few extra million given your father's extensive past."

Shaking his head in wonder and fighting back tears, Shaun said, "Good ol' dad. Always thinking three steps ahead."

Jacob offered to read out the list but Shaun refused, just asking that the rest of the will be continued. The lawyer had to leaf through at least three dozen pages before he finally got to the part about Dante's inheritance.

"To my grandson, the future of the Demont line and the distant dawn that I will never be able to see. I apologize that I will not be able to see you at your fullest potential, married or witness the joy of your own children but I can at least leave you with what I have learned. Your brightness is infectious and I hope you take that light within and share it with the world. To you, I give my very special box."

Jacob reached down behind his table and took out a a large, wooden box about half a foot in length and then half again as wide. He placed it on the table. The surface was mostly red but there were patterns of black burnt into the frame looking like they were depicting various legends and myths. A very intricate lock that looked like six concentric circles was placed at the very top of the box, preventing it from opening.

"This box is very special to me," Jacob continued reading. "I protected it with my life and now I charge you with safeguarding it. The key to the lock is simply understanding that a life spent well is a life that outweighs an immortal existence. Within it is the most valuable thing I can offer in my old age: knowledge and experience. Guard it well, my dearest grandson, for wisdom is the greatest weapon any man can wield in life and on the battlefield."

Dante gripped the box gently and lifted it into the air. There didn't seem like anything was inside it but as he regarded the lock more closely, he could see that there were various symbols and runes engraved on the circular lock. Each circle could be rotated so that one of the symbols aligned with the single arrow that pointed inward from the outer edges of the complicated lock. It was clear that a certain combination of the six symbols would lead to it unlocking. Some of the symbols he recognized from old occult and astrology books he had read.

Then again, this was exactly what he'd expect from his grandfather.

"Grandpa always loved to send me these puzzles," he laughed softly. "Every week, he'd come up with a new puzzle or scavenger hunt that he'd challenge me to do. Said it'd keep my mind sharp."

"I remember those," chuckled Shaun, somehow managing to crack a smile. "He used to say that a sharp mind can -"

"... cut better than any blade," finished Dante with a smile growing on his face. "Just like grandpa to leave one last puzzle for me. Bet it's really hard."

"I'll leave it in your care, then," Jacob said, returning to the will. "There's just some more legal jargon here so if you'll bear with me, I need to read it out..."

The Cosmic Struggle

It all comes down to power, my dearest Dante. He who wields the power dictates the path of destiny be it for themselves or others. You could argue that gods have incredible power over the forces of nature and higher concepts but the greatest power they truly possessed was the power of choice. It was they who could decide the path of countless others because they held all the power.

Always remember that the power of choice is what the Godhunters gave to humanity. As Prometheus gave fire to mankind, so too did the Godhunters give the power to control their own path in this vast cosmos to mankind instead of leaving it to the whims of a chosen few. Call it a form of democracy, call it a heretical act or call it outright defiance of those superior to us. Whatever you may want to call it, the Godhunters rose up against the gods so that they could give the power of choice back to those that desperately needed it.

The ancient Godhunters proved to the world that, ultimately, the gods are just mortals and that, united, humans and mortals alike could stand up even to the might of the gods.

How did they achieve this? How could mortals manage to wrest the power of choice from the deities that used and supposedly created the cosmos?

Well, that comes down to the Celestial Cradle.

_ _


November 23rd, 3:45 PM, Angelton Community College

Attending Angelton Community College as a thus-far undecided student had left Dante attending a lot of 'general' classes that were designed to gear him towards a specialty. For the last three years, however, he had yet to find that specialty and had been bouncing back and forth from one major to another. High school friends and classmates had either already graduated or were about to graduate and Dante was still stuck trying to figure out what he wanted to do for his career.

It was fairly obvious - especially now - that his dad's good job and grandfather's money had given him the luxury of choice. 'Perpetual student' was the best way to describe his current career and given the amount of money Virgil had left him, it was conceivable that he would be able to stay in relative comfort for the rest of his life.

But was that something he really wanted to do?

Dressed in his favorite black, leather jacket, Dante idly listened to the lecturer go on about how to use Microsoft Excel. This was community college, after all. He wasn't going to train to be the next Einstein or make some groundbreaking discovery somewhere. He wasn't even entirely sure if he could make a decent career with the qualifications he was supposedly getting. Most, if not all jobs required at least a Bachelor's Degree and pretty soon, the requirements were going up to Master's. No one would give him anything more than a deadend job with what he got out of community college.

"Then again..." he mumbled to himself, as he opened his notebook and idly doodled on the margins. "Not like there's really anything here in Angelton that would need anymore more than an associate's degree."

Serendipity struck as his phone quietly vibrated in his pocket. Careful not to let the lecturer see him, he flicked out his phone and checked to see who was messaging him. The name that appeared was not one he had seen or even thought about since he had graduated from high school.

Flash Goldman.

The typical jock and football star back in high school, Flash came from one of the richer families that lived in Angelton. There was a whole district dedicated to the mansions where the more opulent residents of the town stayed. Most of them were empty for the majority of the year, only occasionally being visited during the summer for those residents who wanted to escape the heat or during the fall when the leaves were changing. Other than that, only the janitorial and maintenance staff would pass through the gates to keep up the gardens and clean.

Flash had attended the same high school as Dante and for the most part, they remained apart as they ran with different social circles. But in their final year, Flash was risking not graduating. Unlike other wealthy parents, Flash's dad wasn't going to pay for him to walk during the ceremony and insisted Flash get a tutor. Dante - as one of the top students - was that tutor. They became pretty good friends but it only lasted the six months or so for Flash to pass and then go off to college out of state.

Then all contact dropped.

"What if I left?" Dante whispered to himself. He never really considered it before. Whether it was a conscious decision or not, Dante had always envisioned living the rest of his life here in Angelton. Virgil's death changed everything. Shaun would happily pay for him to expand his horizons but could he take the loneliness? Could he leave his dad in such a vulnerable state?

That didn't matter. The college year was just starting. Dante would have at least another 11 months to decide. Six if he wanted to enroll in a college out of state. That was a decision to be made much later. That rounded him neatly back to the stimulus that started him on that tangent: Flash.

"Hey little dude! I'm in town. You doing anything?"

Flash was only about half a foot taller than him but had been built like a tank given his role as the star quarterback of the admittedly mediocre Angel Beach Hellhounds. The Hellhounds barely won any games but they really tried and Flash - given he came from money - had the luxury to train and build his body. All the girls absolutely loved him and many of the guys wanted to be him. Dante never even gave him much thought until they were forced to cross paths.

He chuckled softly as he recalled thinking that Flash would be one of those stupid, overconfident, wealthy jocks who would get by on his looks and money and pay his way through life. But he was surprised to learn that Flash was actually quite down-to-earth. The classes he was failing was AP Mathematics and AP Physics, college-level classes that anyone would have headaches trying to understand. Apparently, he wanted to be a teacher. The red-haired jock genuinely tried and with Dante's help, he passed. Didn't get amazing grades but he still passed.

Once again checking to see if anyone saw him texting, Dante quickly typed a response.

'In class right now. Will be done in 15. Free for the rest of the day. What up?'

Flash responded almost immediately.

"Sweet. Let's hang out. Wanted to catch up. Catch you in fifteen."

With a shrug, Dante confirmed the time and fifteen minutes later, he was leaving class, slinging his backpack over his shoulder and heading out of the drab, pastel white buildings that was the community college. The ever-present cool, gentle breeze danced through his short-cropped brown hair, tussling it into a youthful disarray. It wasn't hard to spot Flash either. The bright red convertible parked out in front was hard to miss.

If it was at all possible, Flash had gotten bigger in the three years since they had last seen each other. The jock looked fitter, leaner and like a professional football player. Nowhere near a bodybuilder but his long-sleeved shirt was clearly straining against his meaty arms and his traps were forcing the collar of his shirt apart. What should have been a normal neckline for the same shirt had a shockingly deep plunge.

A few of the fellow college students had come to chat up the youngest son of one of Angelton's most wealthy residents giving Flash the opportunity to flash his million-dollar smile. The moment he caught sight of Dante, he lifted those silver sunglasses of his to reveal the bright, blue eyes and freckles that he never quite grew out of. That broad grin fit comfortably on his lantern jawline and he waved Dante over with a big, meaty arm.

Dante padded over, keeping his head low as many of the other students stared in awe at him. Compared to the gargantuan man, Dante's compact, slim form must have looked downright pencil-like.

"Hey little dude!" exclaimed Flash, slapping Dante's back heartily. With that same motion, he pulled Dante into a big hug, reminding the shorter of the two that Flash was a hugger.

"H - H - Hey Flash," stammered Dante, struggling to breath against the bigger man's thick pectorals. "L - Long time."

Flash pulled away, grinning brightly. "Yeah. Way too long. So how you been?"

"Been better," sighed Dante as Flash opened the door for him. "I don't know if you heard but my grandpa just died."

Flash slipped into the driver's seat and started the car. "Yeah. It was one of the reasons I came back. I still remember those days your grandpa let us stay at his place to study. I remember us passing out in his library and waking up to him cooking breakfast for us."

They veered away from the curb and Flash drove them down the single main street in Angelton, lovingly named 'Angel Street'. The large boulevard was wide enough to fit four lanes - two on each side - and was decorated by old trees that formed a gorgeous canopy over the street itself. Older shops flanked both sides of the street, making for a pleasant walk down a rustic, red-bricked avenue even in the dead of summer. More modern facilities were positioned on the streets that branched out of the major streets including the community college. On one end of Angel Street was the town hall which was flacked by Reaper's office and the church. The other end fed up to gentle slope to the 'Ocean Walk Street' which offered a breathtaking view of the sheer cliffs and beaches on the eastern face of the town.

"I remember those days," Dante laughed softly. "He was the one that actually managed to get you to eat four eggs!"

Flash groaned and rubbed the back of his head. "I could barely stomach two and then he'd just keep feeding me! Kept saying that I needed my protein and eggs were a good source!"

"Oh yeah? How many eggs are you up to now?"


Both men laughed as Flash's convertible glided down the streets. Dante wanted to shift the topic away from his grandpa as much as possible. Virgil's passing still stung but he knew there was nothing he could do about it so he had to move on.

"So what brings you back?" he asked. Secretly, he prayed it wasn't because of Virgil's death and Flash was just late.

"I actually got a teaching job here!" Flash exclaimed with a bright grin. "Well, student-teacher. I'm in my last year of my teaching course and that involves me spending the year actually in the classroom."

"Really?" exclaimed Dante, eyebrows shooting up in surprise. "Why would you choose here of all places?" Realizing how that sounded, he quickly corrected himself and added, "I mean, I'm sure there are better schools down in California."

Flash shrugged absently. "Yeah, there probably are but this is where I grew up and studied you know. I know how the kids are here and this is my home environment. I might go back to California to find a school but this is where I'm comfortable. Plus, I missed you guys!" He ruffled Dante's brown hair just like he used to back when they were in high school. "Anyone else stuck around?"

Dante glanced off to the side as he settled his black hair though that was a fruitless endeavor as the convertible's downed canopy ensure that the wind just messed it up again. "A few people here and there. But most people moved out."

"What made you stay?"

A very good question. It just seemed natural to not have any ambitions to move out of Angelton simply because he was so comfortable. Why go out into the wide world living as a poor college student when he always had a grandfather who constantly challenged him and his dad who loved him? Why risk it?

"Honestly, I don't know," he admitted. "Though seeing what California did to you, I'm kind of tempted to see if there's anything there for me." He poked Flash's arm and had to marvel at the hard muscle there. "Tell me that isn't a spray tan."

"Naw, man," Flash said, flexing a bicep at him. "All natural. And California's not all that. It's very shallow."

Curious, Dante draped one arm over the car door and tilted his head to the side. "What do you mean?"

It took a second for Flash to say anything as they veered away from the main road. "Well, you know how Flint has always been kind of rebellious of my dad?"

Flint was Flash's older brother and was the polar opposite of Flash. Three years made a big difference as Flint got the brunt of their father's controlling nature and obsession with maintaining a perfect image. From the horror stories Flint told the boys when they were hanging out, Ethan Goldman had tried to groom Flint into this perfect, All-American heir to his vast investment fortune.

But then Flint got a taste of freedom and he_loved_ it.

Flint got into a lot of trouble, often rebelling and getting caught either doing drugs or sleeping with some guy he shouldn't be. The older of the two brothers veered so far away from Ethan's plan than the Goldman patriarch spent a fortune trying to clean up the messes the overtly gay, effeminate and trouble-making son would get into. Dante liked to believe that Ethan genuinely cared for his son on some level as he always bailed out Flint from whatever shenanigans he got into but the pragmatic side of him knew it was all to maintain his image. News outlets would go be sharks smelling blood in the water the moment Ethan disowned Flint.

Thankfully, Ethan was a little more relaxed with Flash and had taken a moderately hands-off approach to them after Flash hit middle school. Still, Flash had alway been cautious not to cross too many lines with his father. Everything he did was on his father's dime after all.

"All of that stuff is just on the surface," Flash said, waving a hand absently before returning it to the steering wheel. "It's not really Flint. It's just him being the opposite of what our dad wants. Everyone in California is like that. They are always trying to impress someone. It's not the same here, though."

"Probably because there's no one to impress," Dante mumbled softly.

"Huh?" came Flash's response.

"Nothing." He glanced over to his friend. "So you're thinking of leaving California?"

Flash shrugged his broad shoulders. "Finishing school there, of course. But after that? I dunno. I like teaching but I might work at a school while looking into getting my personal training certification. Angelton is missing a good gym."

That was true. Given the relatively low population, there never was a need for an actual gym. Though it was big enough to warrant having its own high school and community college, Angelton never had its own gym. The gyms from both educational facilities were open for use by anyone after classes.

"You might make a killing with that," Dante commented with a faint smile.

"Yeah. If it gets popular enough, I might be able to open up my own franchise. Thinking of opening up branches in Devil _'s Peak_and_Starwalk Valley._"

The two other cities made up the tricity area around Angelton with Devil _'s Peak_ being situation deeper inland and Starwalk Valley being further south. Each of them had their own facilities as well with Devil's Peak being the biggest of them all. Dante had briefly considered going to college there as it was a dedicated college town. The college was built at the base of the mountain there and then came the town. History would state that it was in Starwalk Valley that civilization started in this part of Maine.

"Then the rest of the world?" he teased.

"Come on, man," laughed Flash. "I'm not not like my dad. I'm not out to make millions."

Funny that millions were mentioned given that Shaun Demont had just inherited millions. While no where near as sustainable as Ethan Goldman's fortune, it was still a sizable amount. Theoretically, they could buy a mansion in the 'rich district' if they wanted.

The roads quickly became flanked in thick trees and underbrush as they started cutting through the forests of Maine and leaving Angelton proper behind. A few roads here and there that swerved off into private properties located deep within the thickets. Commonly known as the 'Emerald Suburb', this section of Angelton was mostly dedicated to legacy homes and families who couldn't_quite_ make it out to the opulent district but still wanted their privacy. There were a lot of doomsday preppers in there as well.

Within moments, the thick forests gave way to the 'Golden Hills' as the suburb was called. Gentle, grassy slopes and little mounds immediately sprayed out between them in all directions with the road spreading into smaller tributaries for each individual property. Massive houses were perched on top of each hill, large fences blocking the boundaries of their properties. Amongst these hills was the Goldman property.

Flash's home for the first 18 of his 21 years of age was protected by a large, white-brick fence with iron spikes decorating the top to deter thieves. The two-storey mansion had a massive 7 bedrooms, each one being simply enormous. Each of the members of the Goldman family had their own room including Flash's seldom-seen mother. The remaining three were reserved for a library, Ethan Goldman's study and a game room/arcade. This was not including the parlor, lounge and vast dining room that they had.

Dante still remembered gasping the first time he stepped into the enormous entrance and seeing that huge spiraling staircase leading to the second floor. Even though he hadn't seen it or been inside for the past three years, he still held that sense of familiarity with the property when Flash pressed a button to cause the gates to swing open. It took a whole twenty seconds to drive up the hill and park the convertible out in front of the house itself and another ten to mount the steps up to the actual door.

"Feels kind of weird not to have a butler opening the door for us," Dante commented, as Flash inserted his key and pushed the doors open.

"Yeah," laughed his red-headed friend. "Things were way different back then." He pushed the door open, his footsteps echoing in the empty manor. "Dad actually gave a shit."

Sensing the resentment there, Dante asked, "What's your dad up to these days?"

"He's off in England doing something with medicine or some medical research that he's investing in."

There was a thick, dusty aroma in the air; a clear indication that the manor hadn't seen any form of habitation in a long time. Dante recalled when Flint would drive into town every month or so and loudly announce some form of celebration or party that everyone would want to attend. Strangely, those have faded in recent times.

"What about your brother?" he asked. "Where's Flint now?"

"Rehab down in Florida. Somehow managed to stick with it. Or at least they haven't let him escape."

The irony was not lost on Dante. Flash was born into wealth and opportunity but his family was dysfunctional and distant. Yet Dante was born into moderate wealth and his family was extremely close. Virgil had a fair amount saved up - as was shown in the will - but he never spoiled his kids or bought them a lavished mansion. Shaun and his now-deceased wife, Sally, had bought their own home with their own money and they had raised Dante without any handouts from Virgil. Flash and Flint always had their dad to bail them out.

"Do you ever regret it?" Dante asked, shutting the door behind him. "Growing up here? Away from the parties and popularity that Flint had growing up in California."

Flint grew up mostly in California where Ethan Goldman's business was primarily stationed. Angelton was where their mom had been born. Ethan met her during a conference once and apparently, after a crazy, drunken night, got pregnant with Flint. Ethan tried to set up roots in Angelton but always had to go back to California. Where Flint mostly grew up in California, Flash grew up in Angelton, raised by his mom.

Until she left for good.

Flash stopped halfway up the stairs to turn and look down at Dante. "If I were to pick between growing up here or California, I'd pick here. The only thing I'd regret is that I didn't meet you sooner."

Dante's eyebrows shot up and he immediately looked away under the pretense of adjusting his large, circular glasses. It gave him a few precious seconds to compose himself. "Dude, that's so cheesy. I'm nothing special."

The bigger man's footsteps indicated that he had started moving up the stairs again. "You say that but I'm pretty sure you're the only one in our graduating class that hasn't turned to drugs, gotten arrested, pregnant or a combination of all three."

"Now that's not fair. Mel still lives in town and I'm sure he isn't into drugs, has never been arrested and he hasn't gotten anyone pregnant."

Melvin Crocker was Dante's best friend during middle and high school. The stereotypical acne-plagued nerd now helped run the only collectible and comic book store in town. His dad, a gym teacher at the high school, never approved of his course in life especially as Mel got an Liberal Arts degree that couldn't get him into any field. Admittedly, Mel made a killing doing commissions online which were mostly of the perverted nature.

Dante decided to omit that part of the story to Flash as he headed up the stairs.

"Yeah but that's your influence," Flash said, taking a familiar left towards his bedroom. "Everyone I know is fucked up. I was lucky to have met you."

Dante felt a blush coming on and quickly rubbed the back of his neck to caught the blood to go somewhere else apart from his cheeks. "I just tutored you for six months. I didn't do anything special."

His host and burly friend stopped in front of the door leading to his room. "You totally changed my life, Dante. Your grandpa too. If it weren't for the two of you, I'm fairly sure I would be shooting up or waking up from a hangover on the streets of Hollywood right now. You guys actually showed me what a healthy relationship could be."

"You're exaggerating."

Though it was nice that Flash gave him so much credit.

"Maybe," Flash chuckled. "But you guys really helped steer me in the right direction. I mean, if we had actually met earlier -"

"You might've ended up a 'perpetual student' like me with no career prospects and stuck in this place," Dante finished, crossing his arms behind his head. "Come on, Flash. You've got a career and you look damn good too. That's all on you. I did nothing."

Flash turned towards him with a sly glint in his eyes. "You think I look good?"

Despite his best efforts, that blush crept in and burned his cheeks. "Well... uhm, yeah! I mean, you were already pretty good looking three years ago. California just accentuated everything. You could be a supermodel! All the girls would be all over you!"

"Right," laughed the crimson-haired stud as he opened his door. "The girls. All of them are either fake, mostly plastic or both. It is so gross when someone totally changes who they are because something went viral. Do you know how many girls I've met who can't be bothered getting an actual job because 'they're keeping it real' and trying to become the next viral star?"

"We don't get that here."

"Exactly!" Flash exclaimed, throwing a hand into the air. "Everyone here is realistic! I don't have to deal with pissy little punks who think that they 'will get discovered' or can skip school because 'the lighting is just perfect'. God..."

Dante peered past his friend towards the familiar room beyond. Flash's bedroom alone could swallow half of his dad's house easily. Posters of famous football players were slightly bleached from exposure to the sun and trophies from various events Flash had won were still mounted on a nearby trophy wall. The enormous king-sized bed in the race-car red that Flash loved stood untouched compelling Flash to quickly grab the quilt and dust it off, sending a gray cloud into the air.

"I'm sensing that your desire to do your student teacher training here isn't just because you're homesick," Dante said, pulling up Flash's old desk chair and sitting down on it. He crossed one leg over the other and adjusted his glasses, pretending to be a psychologist. "Why don't you tell me how that makes you feel?"

Going with the joke, Flash slumped into his bed, back first and placed his hands on his chest like he was lying down on a therapist's couch. "Maybe it's because this place is comfortable or something but since I grew up among the kids over here, I kind of know that kids really should be. Those posers down in the west coast are either trying to be 'gansta', living the 'thug life' or so busy looking at their cell phones that I'm surprised their thumbs don't have arthritis!"

"Do you suppose you're just trying to running away from a challenge?"

Flash propped himself up on his elbows. "What did you say?"

"The way I see it," Dante said, channeling his grandfather somewhat. "You have a strong opinion of what kids should be but instead of facing the challenge of changing the next generation in a state full of fakes to be more genuine, you've come running back here when you know half your job is already done. Angelton doesn't produce the most ambitious people, after all. It won't be hard to inspire them."

His friend gave him a sour look. "You know that's bullshit. Flash Goldman doesn't run from a challenge. I just want a break from the fakes, is all." He slumped back into his bed. "Need to be reminded that I'm not one of those California Chads... and that I was on the fast-track to being one if you guys hadn't set me straight."

"Uh-huh," was all Dante could manage as he recomposed himself again. "And you hate your father, don't you?"

A grin crossed Flash's face and grabbed a dusty pillow before telling Dante to 'shut the fuck up' and throwing it at him. Dante laughed as the pillow hit him square on the chest and send a blast of dust into his face. He coughed and waved the dust away.

"Seriously, Flash," he spluttered. "It's good to have you back."

Flash sat up and grinned. "Thanks, Dante. Good to be back." There was something in his eyes that told Dante there was more the blue-eyed Adonis wanted to say but it was too painful to utter. Instead, Flash jumped off the bed and clapped his big, vascular hands. "So! Shall we get to tradition?"

Dante smirked and pulled out his phone. "I'll order from Tortellini's if you get the videogames."

"No shit! That place is still open?" Flash grinned from ear to ear. "Do they still have...?"

"That creamy beef and bacon tortellini you love? Hell yeah!"

"Shit, bro! Order up!"

The Celestial Cradle

The Celestial Cradle is the start and end of all things, the Alpha and Omega, the Genesis and Apocalypse, Birth and Death all rolled into one. No one truly knows where the Cradle came from or how it was formed but it within it lies the potential for everything.

When activated, the Cradle bestows god-like powers. It bends the very laws of reality and imposes a set of rules upon those around it, changing their very nature. This is how the gods were made. Mortals are cut from the same cloth but when a mortal is exposed to the Celestial Cradle, they are transformed into something else entirely.

If mortals operate on a system where 1+1 = 2, when exposed to the Cradle, that very same mortal will operate on an entirely different formula. 1+1 could equal four, five or seven for all we know. It is seemingly random what abilities it grants. An simple man might be granted omnipotence while an already wealthy and powerful woman might be granted power over something specific such as a certain type of bee. Thus far, it is unknown exactly how the Cradle distributes power but we know two things.

The first, the more 'gods' exist, the more the specific the powers tend to be. While there can be some level of overlap between deities, the abilities are almost always unique. The same goes for the inverse. The less gods are present, the broader the abilities the Cradle can grant.

Second, deities have two choices once they 'attune' themselves to the Cradle. They can either draw power from their selected portfolio or maintain contact with the Cradle to maintain their divinity. Refusing to do either will lead them to eventually dying and disappearing, 'starved' to death one could say.

And that, my dearest Dante, is the very nature of the gods we worship.

_ _


November 18th, 10 PM, UNKNOWN

A dome of stars turned and twisted above. An enormous bronze device turned and and twisted, seemingly scanning the cosmos for some sort of sign. A golden circle served as the focal point of the device. Cogs ticked and gears turned an twisted before coming to an abrupt halt. Several stars overhead suddenly began to glow, eerie lights tracing between them to form brilliant constellations. The golden device twisted and settled on one constellation: Leo.

"The last Godhunter is finally dead."

The booming voice seemed to come form nowhere and everywhere at the same time, echoing across the chamber.

"This is our time to finally claim the Celestial Cradle_._"

The device changed again, this time turning to the Ares constellation.

"And how do you know this?" demanded another voice.

Again, the device switched back to Leo.

"I found his obituary."

Another shift and this time, Cancer was highlighted.

"Wait. You knew the identity of the last Godhunter and didn _'t share this with us? You_ knew_where the_ Celestial Cradle was and didn't tell us? What were you planning, Leo?"

Leo was again put to the center. "The same as you, I suspect. I know we all agreed we would not chase down the Godhunters to extinction but I know_each of you have been scouring the globe for the_ Cradle_._"

Sagittarius had his turn to speak. "Then why tell us now? If you knew the Godhunter's identity, you could easily have just pounced without our knowledge and claimed the Cradle for yourself."

Libra was next. "Because he wants us to throw ourselves at whatever traps and plots the Godhunter has arranged so that his competition will be eliminated and then he can claim it for himself. Is that not right, Leo?"

Once again, Leo had to answer. "I do not deny this. The question is, what will you do with this information?"

Gemini chose to spoke, his voice echoing unlike the others. "Before you act, you should all know that I have long detected that there are still other Celestials active. If this news were to get out, we would be attracting their attention as well."

Libra spoke again. "This true. We have lost track of other mythologies outside of our own but if we start displaying our abilities on levels during the Golden Age as we fought the Godhunters, they will suspect something."

"It could quickly turn from a simple drop in the ocean to a tsunami that shakes the world," added Aquarius. "It was the war between the Celestials that initially formed the Godhunters. Now that the last of them has passed, we should not inspire another generation to take up arms. If anyone here were to make a play for the Cradle_, they should do so_ discretely_._"

"That may not be an option," came the warning from Taurus. "I tracked the last Godhunter for a long time until I lost him about two decades ago in the Caribbean. He didn't use any of his foul trickery or magicks to elude me."

A mirthful, almost childish laugh came from Scorpio. "To be fair, Taurus, it is not too hard to elude you."

Ignoring him, Taurus continued. "There is another. Someone protecting the Godhunter. Going in there unprepared and with little information is dangerous and we are already few and far between.

Pisces let out a chirping noise akin to a chicken clucking. "Is that the Bull showing restraint or is it cowardice? Did this mysterious Celestial truly scar you that much? Ha! If you will not take this opportunity, I will."

"Who is to say you even know where to go?" Leo asked after a bit of clanking from the machine. "Only I possess this knowledge. I will give it to whomever is willing to sign an agreement with me."

"Typical Leo," sighed Capricorn. "Always trying to be the leader. Very well, what are you after?"

"The Cradle_. Bring me the_ Cradle_. Do not use it and I will make whomever gives it to me my lieutenant. I shall be king and they, my right-hand._"

"Unreasonable!" barked Cancer. "What gives you the right?"

"I have the information."

"But the way I see it," countered Virgo, speaking for the first time during the entire exchange. "You need us as much as we need you. You are unwilling to pursue the Cradle because of all the unknowns. No telling what traps the Godhunter has set and of course there is this mysterious Celestial that turned their back to their kind and protects the Cradle_. You are a leader, Leo, but not a doer._"

"Those are my terms."

There was a sudden disruption. Every star in the planetarium suddenly blinked, flashed and twinkled. A charge like electricity sizzled through the air. The machine and its device stalled, the cogs falling still for an entire minute before it suddenly twisted towards Libra.

"The Cradle_..."_

A laugh came from Sagittarius. "Well, well. Seems you have lost all leverage, Leo. It seems that some hapless mortal just activated the Cradle and could very well be a Celestial now too. We could have a fledgling god in our midst."

Leo was suspiciously silent.

"They are in Maine, on the United States of America," announced Pisces. "How fortuitous! I shall fetch the Cradle and kill these gods before they become too powerful."

The device suddenly twisted towards Virgo_._ "Not before I do, my dear Pisces. I happen to be in the neighborhood."

"What? What are you doing up there?"

"The weather is quite pleasant around this time of year. Do prepare to kneel before me. Your god will be back shortly."

November 23rd, 7:00 PM, Goldman Residence

Despite having only ever hung out with Flash for six months four years ago - with a few of those weeks spent growing accustomed to one another - Dante easily found himself slipping back into the same routine as he always did with his sporty friend. He ordered two pizzas from their favorite Italian place in town, spent the rest of the afternoon out in the pool and when the food arrived, lounged about in the fading sunlight eating food, exchanging stories of the past few years.

"Todd Summers?" laughed Dante. "Really? He became a model?"

"Yup," exclaimed Flash with a mirthful laugh before shoveling half a pizza into his mouth. It took him a few seconds to chew it and swallow. "He claims it was one of those 'I got discovered' moments but really, he was working a car wash trying to make rent when a modeling agency finally got back to him after months of trying to find someone to represent him. Now he's pretty damn popular down there. Sells a lot of underwear. He's got the looks for it."

"I'm surprised he didn't go into porn," Dante snickered. "He was always boasting about who he slept with."

Flash held up his thumb and forefinger about an inch apart. "He was this close."

Once it became too cold to stay outside for much longer, they both took a shower - separately, of course - and then went to the theater room to watch a movie. Flash had to download a few new streaming services as he hadn't been to the house for so long but once they were set up, they sat down and watched their favorite genre - cheesy horror. Neither of them were ever really scared and just laughed at the attempt to scare them, all the while talking over the dialog.

"Did you hear that Coach Mitchell left?" Dante asked.

"Yeah," Flash said, holding back laughter as the woman on screen screamed while she was chased down a hallway. "One of the reasons I chose _Angelton High_as my student-teacher school. Heard Mitchell left and thought that'd be a good place to start training. I know the assistant coach is going to need help and I'm sure he'll like the help of an alumni."

"Not to mention someone as well-off as you." Dante turned back to the screen. "God knows, the high school probably could use some 'donations' to keep up with the place."

Flash groaned both for the prospect of using his own money to maintain the old gym and equipment and also from the clearly fake blood being splattered on screen.

When the movie was over, the boys found themselves hungry again and decided to do something that they hadn't really done when they were studying together; cook. Flash drove them to the local market before it closed, grabbing a few essentials.

"You learned how to cook?" Dante asked.

"Kind of had to," answered Flash, dropping a few items into the shopping cart. "I didn't exactly have a nanny or a personal chef that I could pack in my suitcase and take with me down to California. No way I was going to stay at our place either. It's a two hour drive to campus!"

That reminded Dante of one of the other faces he recalled during high school. "Speaking of cooking, did you know that Wesley Burns actually got caught selling meth?"

"I'm not surprised," scoffed Flash as they wheeled the cart towards checkout. "That guy was always trouble. Didn't he bully you for a bit? Even tried to threaten you with a knife once."

"Yeah." Dante ran a finger over the seashell necklace that he had around his neck, currently hidden beneath his shirt. "He wanted my necklace. Well, that's not true. First of all, he wanted my jacket but then saw my necklace, called me a 'girl' for having it and then tried to take it."

"The necklace your dad made for you that day on the beach," Flash observed. "It's really awesome that after all this time, you still won't take it off."

He shrugged as he tucked the necklace back under his shirt. "It's a good memory. A good necklace."

Once they paid for everything, they returned to the manor where Flash proceeded to prepare some burgers, something he picked up during his time sleeping in the dormitories of his college. Dante naturally helped, adding his own flare to the meal.

"Kind of weird to be cooking in here," he admitted. "I mean, before you always had your staff make the stuff for you." Dante laughed softly and shook his head as he cut up the red onions, trying to keep the stinging onion-odor from his eyes. "I always felt weird having food made for and brought to me."

"Sorry about that," Flash admitted, flipping the burgers on the stove top. "I was just a kid. Really didn't know any better. Was a really asshole too. Kept saying I wanted to be strong and independent but didn't even give any thought to the people slaving away to give me the shit I took for granted."

Dante smiled, glancing over his shoulder at Flash's broad back. "You've really changed, you know that?"

The former quarterback let out one, derisive laugh, his broad shoulder rising briefly before falling lower than before. "I sure hope so."

There was clearly something bothering his friend and more than anything, Dante wanted to help him. Being so disconnected from the rest of the world and having not spoken to Flash for years cast doubt into his ability to assist.

That was when his phone buzzed.

Already distracted with Flash's strange behavior and now his vibrating phone, Dante wasn't paying attention to where his knife was going. The sharp tip sliced his palm and with a gasp, he dropped the knife. Flash was immediately there, grasping his wrist and lifting it to eye-level so he could see.

"You okay?" asked the towering man with genuine concern. In the light of the kitchen, the soft yellow lights cast a golden halo around Flash. He looked downright heroic. Perhaps it was because of the sudden adrenaline or rush of pain but Dante's heart skipped a beat.

"It's just a scratch," he said, replied, taking his hand back.

"Scratch nothing!" Flash exclaimed, turning around and rummaging through one of the nearby cabinets. "You cut your palm. That'll be hard to heal as is. You're also bleeding!"

He glanced at his palm and grimaced as a stream of crimson began leaking from his palm and down his wrists. "Yeah... okay. It might be a little bad..."

"I've got some gauze and disinfectant somewhere here," Flash said, glancing around from cabinet to cabinet. "Keep it elevated, above your heart, and stay still."

Dante offered an affirmative as Flash dashed out of the kitchen in search of the first aid kit. With a sigh, Dante held up his hand over his head while simultaneously reaching for his phone to see who was calling him. Half-expecting it to be his father, he was surprised to find that it was his boss and the only lawyer in town; Jacob Reaper.

'Did you manage to solve your grandfather's puzzle?'

Curious why the family lawyer would be interested in the puzzle box, Dante quickly tapped a reply with his thumb.

'Not yet. Why? Is someone after it?'

It took a few moments for his boss to respond. In that time, Dante heard Flash crashing about upstairs.

"You okay up there?" he shouted, not entirely sure if his voice could even carry that far into the rest of the house. With the majority of the house being empty, his voice actually echoed well and Flash managed to hear it and respond an affirmative after a bit more crashing. Shaking his head in wonder at how someone who fell apart at the sight of a little blood could ever be quarterback, Dante returned to his phone.

Jacob had responded.

'Of sorts. I'm expecting some petitioners to start coming in and a few of them are quite interested in that box. Do me a favor. Once you open it, come see me as soon as you can.'

Curious why any would-be relatives or claimants to the will would be interested in his grandfather's last puzzle, Dante shrugged and confirmed with Jacob that he'll see him as soon as he learned how to open the box.

He wandered over to the entrance hall where he left his backpack hanging in the coat closet. Still holding his other hand up to keep the wound above his heart, he fetched his bag and brought it back to the kitchen. Inside, snuggled between his laptop and books, was the mysterious box. The golden lock at the top of the box continued to elude him with its mysterious symbols and six concentric rings.

Upon closer inspection, he recognized that one of the rings had what appeared to be symbols of the various star signs associated with the Zodiac. The twelve slots along the ring was a testament to this. Following this were other symbols he couldn't recognize. One of the rings had either Chinese or Japanese characters, he couldn't tell which. He recognized the alpha and omega symbols on another ring. The rest just seemed like strange shapes that he could not identify. Surely they meant something.

"What was the clue that grandpa left me...?" he asked.

'The key to the lock is simply understanding that a life spent well is a life that outweighs an immortal existence.'

Before he could give it more thought, Flash came bursting back into the kitchen. "Found it!" cried the red-haired student-teacher. "Had to go through Flint's bathroom. Hard to think he'd be the only one with medical supplies around here."

The sudden reappearance of his friend startled Dante, causing him to jump and knock the box off the table. Reflexes took over and he immediately lunged for it, snatching it from the air before it could crash and clatter to the ground. A sigh of relief escaped him though this was quickly followed by a sharp intake of breath as the wood of the box pressed against his open wound.

"Whatcha got there?" Flash asked, helping him back to his feet.

He set the box down back on the kitchen counter and held up his hand for Flash to see his wound. "My inheritance. It's a puzzle box. You remember how he always loved to send me these puzzles."

Flash's expression brightened. "Oh yeah! I totally recall that time he got us stuck in that Chinese Finger Trap and challenged us to go through this obstacle course together." A reminiscent smile touched the taller young man's expression. "I think that was the first time we ever really got in sync."

"I'm pretty sure that was his intention," Dante laughed, recalling the memory of being tugged along by his index finger as the much faster and fitter Flash pulled him along an insidious obstacle course Virgil had created in the very big back yard. "I was just starting to tutor you and I thought you were dumb as a brick..."

"And I thought you were some anti-social nerd," Flash finished, taking his hand and grabbing a disinfectant from the first aid kid. "How far we've come, eh?"

"Yeah..." Dante sighed and turned his gaze away from Flash, allowing the bigger man to treat his wound. He couldn't dwell on how much Flash has changed but he still remained the same indecisive, skinny, no-future resident of Angelton. His attention was focused on the box as the outer ring began turning on its own.

"What the...?"

Flash stopped wrapping Dante's hand in gauze to peer onto the box. "Whoa... What did you do?"

"Nothing," Dante confessed, shaking his head. "I just caught it when I dropped it."

"You don't think it's because you dropped it that it started moving?"

Shaking his head, Dante recited his grandfather's clue. "Grandpa said in his will that 'The key to the lock is simply understanding that a life spent well is a life that outweighs an immortal existence.'"

'A life spent well'. That struck him as odd phrasing. Normally, the adage went 'a life well spent' But his grandpa has specifically said 'a life spent well'. It implied that he was spending a life in exchange for something. A stinging sensation came from his hand as Flash applied some disinfectant.

"Wait..." he whispered, regarding the blood that had already started to crust over in his hand.

"What're you thinking?" Flash asked.

He regarded the box again as the intricate lock settled into a particular configuration. "What if... my grandpa wasn't talking about 'life' as in the time we spend on this Earth. What if he was being a little more literal? Like what if he meant 'blood' instead of 'life'."

His friend grimaced. "Dude... that's some pretty dark shit. Your grandpa was never into voodoo or black magic."

Dante held out his hand over the box, gently squeezing his palm so that blood could seep through the coagulating layer and drip towards the edge of his hand. "My grandpa was always an enigma. Who knows what he was thinking?"

A single drop of blood fell on the box. To his surprise, the crimson of his own life fluids seemed to fade into the crimson wood of the box. Completely contradictory from the supposed lacquered finish of the box. The moment it was fully absorbed, the dials on the lock began changing and turning.

"Holy shit..." breathed Flash, leaning in closer. "Virgil... how did you manage this?"

The cogs and dials came to a stop and Dante immediately went to try and lift the lid of the box. It would not budge. The moment his injured hand touched the wood, however, he could feel the hungry frame sapping at his blood like someone was _drinking_straight out of his wound. He immediately pulled away as the dials on the lock began turning again, seemingly twisting and turning until it fell to a stop. Again, he tried the lid but it still wouldn't move.

"How much blood does this need?" he lamented.

"Too much for you to give," Flash said, fetching a knife from the counter. "Here, let me add mine."

Dante rolled his eyes and held up his bleeding palm over the box again. "It was only a drop, Flash. It's not going to kill me."

Flash seized his wrist and forced it away from the box. "You say that now but this could be some demonic shit. I've never heard of anything needing human blood to unlock it. This is downright satanic!"

"Don't talk about my grandpa like that!" Dante snapped, wrenching his hand away. "For all you know, it's some sort of really complicated DNA scanning thing. Maybe it's reacting to my blood and no one else's."

"Well we won't be able to find out unless we try, right?" Flash challenged, holding the knife towards his own palm.

"Don't do that!" Dante lunged for the knife before Flash could slice his palm which, in retrospect, was a poor idea. Flash instinctively jerked away and Dante seized the knife, trying to pull it away. The blade pressed against Flash's cheek and bit into the flesh. Both young men immediately pulled apart from another with Dante's eyes going wide as saucers.

"Oh god! I'm sorry!" he exclaimed. "I... I just -"

Flash laughed softly and held his palm against his cheek for a moment before pulling it away. "It's okay, man. It's shallow. Still stings but it's shallow." Taking his hand away, Flash showed how a fair amount of blood had pooled on his palm. "But now I get to prove my point!"

Without warning, he slammed his palm against the box, smearing his blood into the crimson wood. To both of their surprise, the blood was absorbed into the frame as well and the gears began turning again. Flash just gave Dante an expectant look forcing the youngest Demont to shrug and concede defeat.


They both glanced towards the box, utterly surprised as the hidden gears and dials finally set into place and some hidden mechanism seemed to activate. Curiosity overcame Dante and he approached with trepidation. What had his grandfather left him? What was contained within the final puzzle that Jacob warned some other petitioners were after?

He gently grasped the lid... and pushed it open.


He was instantly blinded by a searing, white light. A force like someone's mighty fist slammed into his gut, knocking the wind straight out of his lungs and sending him flying back.


The kitchen wall slammed into his back, sending a burst of pain erupting through his system. His head slammed against the wall, stars flashing before his eyes and his ears ringing with a high-pitched keening. Through the echoes bouncing around in his eardrums, he also heard a second heavy body slamming into the wall beside him. That could have only been Flash.

Physics quickly took over and he fell what felt like six feet to the ground, curling into a ball as his body rapidly began to recover from the trauma of... of whatever that was. Eyes still stinging from the blinding light, Dante lifted his injured hand to shield his gaze from the brilliance that was filling the kitchen. Between his fingers, he could make out some sort of... silhouette.

A deep, thunderous voice like an earthquake's song shook his very core, the airwaves vibrating through his skull and chest.

"So these're th' pups ol' Virgil chose as ta be 'is champions?" A soft scoff followed. "Well, cud be worse, I guess." A big, broad grin appeared across the features of the silhouette. "Gud news, boys."

Suddenly, the pain in Dante's hand intensified just as the light began to fade. Still holding his hand up to protect his eyes, he managed to make out some of the features of the creature in front of him and the source of that voice. The beast had to at least be eight feet tall and brimming with rippling muscles all over his arms and chest. Solid abdominals were covered in softer, brown fur and with some definition taken away by a slightly rounded belly. Powerful legs were covered in short, black fur, all tapering towards immense feet that had fiery red claws jutting from the tips of toes. A boxy, canine head with two, folded ears sat atop a mountainous neck. Smoldering red eyes watched him with a predatory air complimented by a cocky smirk that showed off sharp canines.

"What the...?" he began.

The beast suddenly held up one massive, human-shaped paw, pointing two fingers forward; one at Dante and the other at Flash.

"This is th' start o' th' rest o' yer lives," rumbled the beast, his canine features somehow forming the human words with great ease and a strangely thick Brooklyn accent.

Without warning, there was a loud cracking sound that came from somewhere behind the monster. That noise rapidly intensified before erupting into an outright shattering noise. Chunks of wood and metal flew out from behind the mysterious stranger, orbiting the top of his head like a halo before abruptly shooting towards Dante and Flash.

Out of instinct, Dante held up both his hands and turned his head away to protect his eyes. He turned his gaze towards Flash and was witness to his friend also holding up his arms to protect himself. Those wooden shards veered away from Flash's hands with supernatural speed and control, making a beeline for the scar on his face. The ginger-haired former quarterback screamed as chips of wood and fragments of metal somehow sank into his open wound.

"Flash!" Dante screamed. His own cry turned into a scream of agony as a pain like a thousand fiery needles erupted from his own cut. In desperation, he pulled his hand away as if trying to fling his entire wrist out the window. The storm of splinters and shards followed his hand, actively seeking out the open cut until every last shard vanished beneath the flesh and left his skin burning.

Dante held his hand out in front of him, holding his wrist tightly with his fingers contorted into claws. Tears were forming in his eyes from the pain.

"Th' worst is over, pups," boomed the beast with a hearty laugh. "Now comes th' fun!" Dante managed to lift his gaze long enough to watch the creature reach down and grasp the enormous package he - for the beast was clearly male - was packing. His cheeks burned in embarrassment as he took stock of the huge melon-sized balls covered in the same, short, black fur that dominated most of the creature's features but had a tuft of the softer, brown fur sprouting from the middle of the sac like a 'ballhawk'. What should have been the creature's penis was sheathed in a thick tube of furry flesh as thick as Dante's forearm.

"Are you fucking serious!" Flash snarled through gritted teeth as the beast began to fondle himself shamelessly. "You get off on this shit!?"

With a hearty chuckle and a lick of his lips, the creature said, "Trust me, kids. Yer gonna enjoy this too."

"What do you-" Dante managed to croak before he suddenly felt his injured hand seize up like it had been struck by lightning and every muscle was abruptly struck with paralysis. He glanced down and gawked in horror as a thick, black corruption began oozing from his now blackened wound.

Veins of darkness seeped crawled over his palm in all directions, cutting through the cold feeling of paralysis with a pleasant, throbbing heat. Too horrified to appreciate the sensations, he could only hold his hand out in terror as the dark flesh turned his palm into soft, leathery pads akin to the pawpads of a dog. A burst fire erupted from within his hand but it wasn't painful. Rather, it felt like a shot of adrenaline, a burst of thrill or the ignition of arousal.

His hand visibly and audibly cracked, fingers spasming while his wrist jerked back and forth, possessed by some powerful force that was pushing its way out of his flesh. Each twist caused the flesh to growth, bones lengthening and veins bulging all over the back of his hand. Dante could barely let out a scream as his fingernails began to blacken, harden and sharpen into big claws. The flesh of his rapidly inflating hand swallowed these nails, consuming them to finish the image of claws. Black fur sprouted from the roots of these claws, rapidly spreading all over his hand which was now twice its size and making its way towards his wrist.

"Fuck!" he screamed. "What the fuck!?"

A scream that was not his own brought his focus towards Flash. His friend was clawing at his own face. Flash's fingers was desperately grasping at the wound on his cheek as bright crimson fur began spreading from the injury and spreading all over his face. Dante could only watch in horror as the fur reached the edge of his lantern-like jaw and abruptly turned a creamy yellow color before rapidly spreading down his neck. As if trying to retreat from the spreading corruption, his ears were pulled by their edges and migrated towards the top of his head. The unknowable force of this transformation turned each into a broad, pointed digit similar to a wolf's but there was no escaping the transformation. The fur met with his hair, turning the reddish-brown, youthful tussle into the same, unnatural crimson that swept through his face and quickly consumed his ears.

Flash stumbled forward, pressing his forehead against the cold kitchen floor and covering his head with his hands, his body shuddering with the transformation. Dante staggered forward, reaching for his friend only to realize he was undergoing his own transformation. The hand he had reached out with was the same one that was transforming and he watched in horror as the black fur disappeared beneath the fabric of his favorite black leather jacket. That same incredible sensation of arousal surged throughout his body like his whole body was experiencing the same sensual excitement of his cock being engorged with blood and rising to a stiff salute.

Dante had no time to marvel at the odd sensations wracking his body or why it felt so good that his body was changing. His forearm suddenly swelled and stretched, pulling the edge of his sleeve back from his wrists while the fabric groaned in protest. Black fur covered the swollen flesh. The only discomfort he felt was from the tightness of the leather seemingly trying to resist and keep him human. But the power swelling inside of him was too good to resist and Dante inadvertently bit his lower lip, biting back a moan while flexing his mutated arm. Leather tore and ripped, his sleeve exploding to reveal a huge, enormous, muscled arm many times bigger than its original and brimming with muscles barely contained by coarse, black fur. The weight of this new limb caused Dante to toppled forward, barely catching himself on his furry appendage.

At the same time, Flash threw his head back, letting out a ferocious roar. His features shot forward, nose pulling away from his skull to form a long, square muzzle. Canine's lengthened into ferocious instruments designed to tear into flesh and his soft, tanned flesh vanished beneath red and cream fur. His eyebrows strangely turned the same cream color as his undercoat while his eyes burned with an unnaturally bright, blue glow. The cathartic roar he unleashed rang with more than just his human voice. His spine bunched upwards, muscles exploding out of his shirt and splitting the fabric right down the middle to reveal the crimson fur making its exodus down his back. Everywhere it went, muscles tripled in size. Strange, black, swirl-like markings danced up his right arm, originating from his wrist and leaving tattoo-like markings all up and down his biceps and forearms.

The sight was surprisingly arousing to Dante. His mutant arm suddenly snaked its way towards his crotch completely involuntarily. The warm hands gripped his already erect flesh through his jeans. The strange touch of the alien appendage was like being jerked off by someone else, an experience that was totally new to Dante. The moan the left his lips was completely out of his control. He fell back on his haunches, barely supporting himself on his other arm and throwing his head back. The sensations of building pressure crawled up from his shoulder, the black fur spreading up his deltoids and ripping through his clothes piece by piece. This black arm and the beast it represented was peeling away the human guise and it filled him with the unstoppable, infinitely cycling sensations of arousal, building pressure and then euphoric release with every inch of flesh it changed.

The tightness grew across his chest. Through eyes glazed by arousal, he watched his pectorals balloon out, pressing up against the fabric of his shirt and forming two, enormous square mounds that blocked out all sight of his lower body. His breathing grew more and more intense with his expanding lungs, each breath fueling the fire that was raging inside of him. Dante squeezed his eyes shut, feeling the black fur creeping up from his shoulder and up his neck. He instinctively turned his head away from the creeping corruption in some desperate hope to keep the transformation at bay for as long as possible... or perhaps as a futile attempt to keep the arousing sensations from ending too soon.

Powerful veins carried the power up to his skull, pushing deep into his brain and filling his human mind with alien thoughts. Information about how to use his claws, different kinds of scents and what they meant, how to move a tail he didn't even half yet and the joys of tying with another male pulsed through his brain. Some of these thoughts... weren't even his own. He never had any sort of 'gay awakening' or any fascination with being a 'furry'. There was no subtle attracting to guys that had been building over years and some desperate hope to come to terms with these sensations when he experienced the freedom of California.

California... That was where Flash went.

These thoughts were Flash's.

His eyes immediately sprang open, burning with a brilliant light behind his green irises. A supernatural roar ripped through his lungs, his voice a whole octave lower as his traps swallowed his neck. The sound vibrated through his throat and helped push his muzzle out of his human features. The cry quickly turned into a mournful howl as he tipped his head back and his lupine features overtook the average northeastern features of an undecided American college student.

That howl was cut short however when he suddenly felt a long, flat tongue push into his newly formed muzzle and a much bigger form press itself against him. Flash pushed him to the ground, reaching towards the collar of his strained shirt with his still human hands and pulled at the fabric. The already stretched garment gave way with frightening ease, revealing Dante's massive chest covered in dense, black fur. Flash broke their kiss and buried his muzzle right between Dante's pectorals. His tongue snaked out between his lips and slipped into the tight valley between Dante's pectorals, sliding up the entire length before once again locking with the black hellhound's lips.

Some part of Dante was still struggling to understand what was happening but most of his body had already given itself to throes of the transformation. His huge, mutated paw seized the back of Flash's head, pressing their two lupine features together and meshing their lips in a passionate dance that was unlike anything he had every felt before. There was just something inside of him that wanted to be as close to Flash as possible. He could feel the fires of passion within his friend and the flames within his own body thrashing to join the blaze to become a singular, fiery conflagration.

These twin flames thrashed against their mortal bodies, slamming against the human frames. Each attempt caused another burst of muscular growth of lupine transformation. Both men grunted as the flames surged, twin suns about to go supernova. Dante's remaining arm exploded out of his jacket, the huge, black-furred arm reaching down and seizing Flash's taut, ass. At the same time, that same rear exploded out of the gray sweatpants barely containing them. A long, fluffy, red tail burst out above that rear like an enormous, crimson flag of surrender.

Another blast of power and Flash's chest barreled out, momentarily forcing both men to break their kiss while their erect nippled poked out of their furry chests and brushed against one another. Dante's abdominal muscles tightened, a sound like grinding rocks heralding their solidification into eight, solid slabs of muscular beef that were barely visible beyond his furry stomach. A loud tearing noise came from far below them. Their feet exploded out of the socks they wore, black claws jutting out from the tips of their toes.

Flash lunged forward, grasping Dante's shoulder in his mighty jaws and biting down hard enough to apply pressure but not enough to break the skin. This caused another explosion of passion and power from the flames deep within Dante. He could feel it explode in Flash as well. Both boys thrust against one another and, in total unison, their cocks exploded out of the remnants of their pants. Dante's dick surged forward, growing well past the eight inches he was used to having and exploding into a monstrous sixteen inch long beast with a tapered point and ebony black skin. An extra two inches were immediately added when his knot swelled up, pressing up against his furry, black balls like a third testicle. For Flash, his cock surged forward, carrying some parts of the jockstrap he still wore as it surged up into its full fifteen inches, knot included. Bright red like his fur, it dripped with need and precum. The touch of the sensitive organs against one another spurred the transformation through both boys, their legs erupting into tight, muscled forms that could easily intertwine with one another in their throes of passion.

The pressure of this passion was not abating but Dante could feel that his body had reached its limit. It was still building and as both he and Flash thrust into one another, rutting madly on the kitchen floor, it felt like he was about to explode. Every cell was being filled with this immense power and they couldn't duplicate any more. It was like he needed to cum really badly but just couldn't.

All that energy was just building and building and he couldn't take it anymore.

Then, a new thought entered his mind.


It was not his own thought. It was alien but at the same time, familiar. Another idea that came from Flash but he could sense that with that single word, Flash's intensity seemed to abate somewhat. Desperate for some relief, he latched onto that thought and embraced it.

"Mate," he moaned loudly.

All at once, that power surged into the concept, suffusing his entire being and quickly binding his very existence to the very concept. He wasn't sure what happened but he felt the flames all over his body focus on key parts of his mind, body and soul, burning itself into the idea of 'mate'.

The fur above Dante's brow suddenly turned white, forming a small, downward facing arrow. The thick fur all over his forearms and shins gained white highlights with a similar white crest appearing down his chest, forming a stark treasure trail all the way down to his balls. The hair between his ears turned the same shade of white. For Flash, thick, black ink seeped out of his right shoulder, sweeping out from his deltoid, crawling all the way down his right arm and covering almost his entire right pectoral.

Somehow, that caused the pressure to leave them both even if neither of them understood what it meant. Though their cocks ached, they took a second to break their seemingly eternal kiss and stare at one another, glowing blue eyes meeting illuminated green eyes. Despite the alien features that stared back at them, both boys just knew who it was behind the lupine mask.

"Well done, pups."

They both jerked their head, suddenly remembering they weren't alone. The huge Rottweiller-like creature with the mammoth twenty-inch cock grinned down at them from where he leaned against the kitchen counter.

"I totally expected ya both ta cum," said the beast. "Seein' as ya didn't, Virgil chose right." Then he grinned broadly. "But ya got me hot an' bothered, now. Daddy hasn't fucked fer nearly fifty years." He pointed at his very erect, bright pink cock. "So get ta it."

Their cocks spasmed. All the blood and all the common sense left both their brains and all either Flash or Dante could think of was worshiping that monstrous cock and getting off. Like two wolves in heat, the boys practically crawled all over one another just to get to the monstrous beast, grasping the herculean cock in their muzzles and lapping at it with their tongues.

The monster just grinned.

"I'm Russ, by the way."

The Hellhound and the Reaper

In my travels, there are two entities that I have come to know are my true friends. The first is, I am sure you've already met, Cerberus or 'Russ' as he likes to be called. Yes, he is indeed the legendary Cerberus. Belittled by his fellow Celestials, Russ was one of the few of his kind to join the Godhunters in our battle against the oppression of these so-called-divines. There were others, of course, but they either fell in battle or eventually chose to die peacefully of their own accord.

Russ volunteered for my Hail Mary play. A last ditch attempt to end this war once and for all. I am old, Dante, and when the mantle of the last Godhunter was placed upon my shoulders, I did not want to entrust the fight to anyone else. I have seen what the Celestials can do to mortals. They say that gods made mortals in the image of themselves but the reality of that statement is far more cruel. They will make mortals into the image of themselves, making them little more than mindless reflections of their aspects and power, constantly used to maintain their immortality. Their Thralls.

I do not want to see any more of my comrades fall prey to the Celestials' powers nor do I wish to condemn any other generations to fighting a war that may never end. So I am putting all my faith in you, my dearest grandson.

Only you can end this war once and for all.

But not alone.

Never alone. You will have Russ. You will have the one who opened to box alongside you.

And you will have Jacob Reaper.

_ _


_ _

November 23rd, 6:45 PM, Angelton Outskirts

Nights in Angelton were always eerily quiet. The sleepy northeastern town basically fell into a coma once the sun set and at around 6 PM at night, twilight set in warning all its inhabitant that within thirty minutes, it would be too dark to wander the forested streets that dominated a lot of the town. This didn't stop Jacob Reaper from striding alone along _Beachwalk Road_on his way to his lone home overlooking the beach.

Rain pelted his umbrella making visibility even more difficult. No flashlight was needed. He had walked this same path for the past ten years and he knew his way well enough not to need it. Still, cold air coupled with biting winds pelted his blue and black coat with droplets that made the walk a little more uncomfortable. Thankfully, he had come prepared and brought some rain boots from home when he heard that rain was very likely this evening.

The gloomy atmosphere reminded him of the upcoming dangers and trials that Virgil Demont's death catalyzed. The passing of the Last Godhunter had drawn the attention of countless forces around the world and none of them were benevolent. Jacob sighed to himself softly, his breath condensing in front of his lips. Poor souls would get trapped in the crossfire of what was essentially going to be a divine war. But that was why Virgil had summoned him into the conflict in the first place.

Death was unavoidable. Someone had to take care of those poor souls.

He just wished that this war didn't happen so soon. Angelton was just starting to grown on him.

The lawyer stopped in his tracks, gazing at the lone figure standing a short distance away without an umbrella. The rain seemed to openly avoid this figure. He narrowed his eyes at the entity before him.

"Despite all this rain, you're surprisingly dry, stranger," he said casually. "What's your secret and how can I sell it to make a profit?"

The man placed a hand casually on his hip and struck a casual, almost 'sassy' pose. "You tell me. I didn't think there were any wizards that still existed. I thought your lot died out when the Godhunters were reduced to just one, middling old man."

Jacob let out a soft scoff and strode forward again, passing the man as he said, "You must have me mistaken for someone. I am no wizard."

The stranger reached out, trying to seize his shoulder as he passed. Just an _inch_away from his coat, however, brilliant blue electricity snapped from the fabric and slapped the mysteriously dry man's fingertips. This was enough to cause the man to retreat but nonetheless throw the lawyer a satisfied smirk.

"No other mortal would be able to weave together magic like that without some form wizardry," came the stranger's velvety words. "So did you come to take the Cradle as well? Achieve immortality? Become a god? Is that not what you wizards ultimately strive for?"

Jacob stopped and sagged his shoulders. "Not all wizards are obsessed with power or immortality, Virgo. Not to mention, after the aforementioned battle between the Godhunters and the Circle, wizards have been cautious about being used by Celestials as proxies for their wars."

A soft mirthful laugh escaped the Celestial's full, supple lips. Subtle compulsions traveled with that sound. Weak but still effective enough to caused even the strongest of minds to find themselves at least hanging on every word of the divine creature. Jacob knew of this, however, and continued his stride away from the 'god'.

"So you_are_ a wizard, then. Did you observe the Last Godhunter in his dying years, hoping to swoop in and take the Cradle when he passed? Or did you befriend him and convince him to entrust the Cradle into your hands?" The god let out a taunting gasp. "Or, did the Godhunter convince you to become its next guardian? Are you going to combine the profane arts of the Godhunters with your own perversions of our divine abilities? We are the source of all that is magical in this world, after all."

Again Jacob stopped only so that his words could be heard. "I'm aware. Every time a Celestial is born, they add a little something new into the world. They take on a new Mantle. Adopt a new Sphere. Then, as they grow and age, they learn new ways to change and evolve their given roles." He turned halfway to facing the Celestial before him. "You have the Mantle of the Virgin and the Sphere of the Fresh."

Virgo paused for a long time and without the light to help him, Jacob couldn't quite make out the expression on the Celestial's features. However, he knew he had gotten to the 'god'. Secrecy over Mantles and Spheres amongst the Celestials was one of their greatest weapons against both the Godhunters and any other divines. When you knew where your enemy drew their strength and their exact power, you could form counters against them. That was the greatest strategy amongst the Godhunters.

"Who are you to know such things, wizard?" demanded the Celestial. "You know my true name, my Mantle and my Sphere. Even amongst my brothers and sisters, that is a closely kept secret. What power do you possess?"

The strength of the compulsion was stronger this time. Celestials inherently had this power; the power to compel those not touched by the Cradle to do their bidding. Again, however, Jacob knew of this power and had erected barriers.

"I never said I was a wizard," he responded. "I just so happen to learn their techniques."

Lightning flashed somewhere, momentarily illuminating their features. Jacob caught the moment when Virgo's eyes beheld him and widened in horror.

"You are one of us?" exclaimed the Celestial. "How?"

"You're wrong," Jacob said, a soft smirk on his face. "I'm not a Celestial. You can think of me both as a visitor and one of the Last Godhunter's defenses against the likes of you."

Virgo folded his arms and let out a soft huff. "Defenders, eh? So it was you who put up these rather... sexist barriers around this quaint little town?"

"Oh yeah, they're very sexist," Jacob laughed. "Sadly, this story has been geared towards a particular kink and I'm not about to start rewriting what is already a rewrite. That just makes my head spin."

The Celestial gave the lawyer a puzzled look. "So you subscribe to the 'insane wizard' ideologies? You are very old school."

"Old school, new school, middle school, high school. It's all the same. All some kind of hell."

"I see... Nevertheless, you will submit to me. I am a god."

Jacob turned his back to the Celestial, continuing his walk home. "You treat mankind like cattle, draining them of the particular aspect that you call your Mantle only to manipulate them with your Sphere. You offer nothing in return and just suck them dry until they are little more than reflections of your own twisted perspective. That isn't a god. That's a parasite."

He knew_he got on Virgo's nerves especially when he heard the hurried, angry footsteps of the 'god' rush up to him only to stop a few feet away when the Celestial recalled the barrier Jacob had erected. A fight could erupt at any given moment and while Jacob had some spells and techniques prepared, he was fairly sure he would lose to Virgo. The battle would take a _lot out of the Celestial, however, and force the 'god' to retreat. The best he could hope for was a stalemate when they would both be forced to withdraw.

"Your arrogance has been noted, mortal," growled Virgo. "I look forward to when I will have you on your knees begging for my forgiveness."

"Sure," he replied dismissively. "But before you try, allow me to make a few educated guesses." Jacob turned back towards the threatening man before him simply oozing with divine power. Any other man would have found themselves trembling form the sheer presence of a god but Jacob had encountered more than his fair share of arrogant entity who considered themselves superior and thus invincible.

"It hasn't even been a month since Virgil died and you're already here searching for the Cradle. That either tells me that you were already keeping an eye on Virgil, you were in the area or you rushed here the moment you heard. No matter the reason, I'm willingly to wager that you're completely unprepared. You don't have any reinforcements. None of the other Celestials have backed you and you're racing to get the Cradle before they do. That means you don't have any Thralls or Astrals in the area or haven't set up your Domain. You just sensed that I was here and so you came to face the only other person that could possibly pose a threat to you becoming a supreme god."

Jacob lifted a finger, pointing it straight up. "You had to take this opportunity because if you were forced to cooperate with your brothers and sisters, you'd be forced to share the power of the Cradle with them. You had to be the first because if you didn't, you'd have to form a pantheon instead of a monotheistic religion. If you get the Cradle, none of the other Celestials will be strong enough to oppose you and there won't be anyone else, be it wizard or Godhunter, that would ever be able to oppose you. So..."

He pointed that one finger at Virgo. "You've rushed into this unprepared fully expecting to swipe the Cradle from whoever or wherever it's kept but didn't expect someone guarding it. Further more..."

Virgo suddenly went rigid and he jerked his head to the south.

"What perfect timing," Jacob said with a devilish smirk. "It looks like Virgil's chosen charges have just opened the Cradle."

"No..." breathed the Celestial.

"Yes. They've awakened the guardian that Virgil appointed to the Cradle and have become a sort of Celestial themselves. So now, you've got an experienced Celestial who swore to protect the Cradle, two fledgling Celestials..." He pressed a hand against his chest. "... and me."

Virgo's eyes darted back towards him. The sphere where the rain actively avoided him grew, spreading further until it completely encompassed Jacob as well.

"At the very least I can dispose of you!" snarled the Celestial.

"I really wouldn't be so sure," Jacob responded, reaching into his coat and taking out what looked like a Popsicle stick with some writing on it. He snapped it in one, swift move. The rain suddenly came pouring down around them again, even dousing a stunned Virgo.

"You mistook me for a wizard," said the lawyer. "I bet you're even thinking that I'm a Celestial right about now. What's his Mantle? What's his Sphere?" Jacob chuckled and turned back around, once again striding towards his home. "But I am neither."

"Then what are you?" sneered Virgo, brushing his now-wet hair from his eyes.

Reaper smirked and turned his back once more towards the Celestial, absently waving over his shoulder.

"I'm a lawyer. A defense lawyer."

The Mission

There are still some Celestials out there about but their powers have greatly diminished. They are still formidable. They will pounce at any chance to obtain the Celestial Cradle and once again become gods over mortals. They feed on the aspects that they have come to Mantle, manipulating mortals to satiate their lust for power and maintaining their immortality. They are vampires, leeches, but instead of sucking blood, they drain mortals of certain aspects of their lives and treat them like cattle.

Now, I am sad to say, that I must pass the task of protecting the Cradle over to you. As you may have realized when you opened the box that contained this diary, the box itself is the Celestial Cradle. But when you opened it, you and the one beside you became the Cradle.

There will be a lot said about me, especially from Russ but know that I didn't make this decision lightly. I know it was not what you wanted. I had hoped you would find your own path in this world and here I am, forcing this choice upon you and I hope you will forgive me. As I said, we mortals are full of contradictions. I fought to keep the power of choice amongst mortals and here I am, robbing my own grandson of it.

I hope you will forgive me one day but this is the only way I could think of to prepare you for the trials to come.

I have no doubt the Celestials have been watching me in some way, shape or form. My passing will have compelled them to act. They will be after the Cradle. I did not want to endanger you or your father but I cannot do so in my current state. The only thing I could think of doing was arming you as best I can; with the knowledge contained in this tome... and the very same power the Celestials are trying to control.

Contained within these pages are what I know about the remaining Celestials. Someday, you may encounter one or more of these. It is my hope you will pacify them somehow. They cannot be allowed to get the Cradle.

Good luck, my dearest grandson and remember:

There are no gods. Just mortals.

_ _


November 24th, 6:30 AM, Goldman Residence

Dante groaned softly.

His mouth felt weirdly dry and... bigger than usual. There was something big, heavy and furry resting against his chest and the pillow that he was resting his head upon was very hard but similarly as warm. It was dark but he could see the faint light of dawn coming in through the windows. Another groan left his lips and he tried to sit up only for that heavy thing on his chest to pull him back down and... something lick his cheek.

"What the hell...?" he mumbled.

There was soft grunt from his right, the source of the strange sensations. "Uhm... Dante...?" came Flash's strangely deeper voice. "... Is that... Is that you...?"

He realized that the furry 'thing' on his chest was actually Flash's arm... only it felt bigger and... was he wearing some sort of fur coat? Flash's hand raked across his chest, actively groping the thick pectoral.

Then it clicked.

When did he have pecs?

"Oh shit!" he exclaimed as memories of what had happened came rushing back. He swung to his right, groping for anything and somehow found a lamp. He flicked the switch... and immediately beheld his huge, thick, black-furred arm.

It wasn't a dream.

"What the fuck!?" he screamed.

Flash's own cry of shock and sudden jerking movements told him that his friend had just caught sight of him. When he turned, he likewise jerked away as he beheld the huge, red and cream wolf-man lying naked in the bedside him. They immediately pointed accusingly at one another.

"What the fuck happened to you!?" they shouted in unison.

"Aww, that's so cute. Yer a'ready in sync."

They both turned towards the foot of the bed. There was that huge canine monster that they both remembered seemingly rifling through one of the wardrobes. They stared in mute shock as the creature plucked what appeared to be a large shirt and then tossed it aside absently.

"You!" Flash roared. "What the fuck are you!? What did you do to us?"

The beast turned bright, red eyes towards them, giving them a lazy stare. "My name is Russ. Well, that ain't true. My real name is Cerberus but goin' 'round with a name like that paints a huge ass target on yer back. So I just go by 'Russ'."

Dante's brow furrowed. "Wait... Cerberus? As in the three-headed hellhound that guarded the entrance to Hades?"

The canine winked at them. "That's th' one. Though the whole 'three-headed' thing was ain't true. Clearly." He went back to rifling through the wardrobe. "Do ya have anythin' big that can fit you guys? I'm fine running around in my fur but ya boys are too green an' it might be fuckin' weird. That an' it's raining. I hate gettin' my fur wet."

"Fur?" Flash exclaimed, regarding his hands - or rather his paws. "Oh shit! I'm covered in fur!"

"Yeah, yeah," Russ said, waving a paw absently in his directly. "Ya'll have plenty o' time ta freak out later. We gotta get out o' here. You pups'll attract some bad dudes so we gotta get away from 'ere as fast as possible." He pulled out what looked like a large poncho and tossed it towards the bed. "Here, put this on. Quick."

"No!" Flash was suddenly leaping out of the bed before staggering. He glanced down at his new, bigger feet with their clawed toes. "Jesus... Why is it so hard to walk in these...?" He shook his head and regarded Russ with a fiery stare. "What the hell happened to us? Why are we suddenly like..." He gestured wildly at himself. "Like this?"

The legendary Cerberus once again glanced towards the two before returning to his rummaging. "Ya two 'ave been chosen. Whether ya like it or not, ya just got thrust inta war fer ultimate power that's been ragin' since the beginnin' o' time. The forms ya pups were given is cuz, secretly, ya've always been wolves. It suits ya."

Dante inclined his head to the side. "Chosen? Chosen for what?"

Russ sighed, his huge shoulder sagging. The enormous canine beast turned to them both, crossing his mighty arms. In the dim lighting of the room that Dante recognized as the master bedroom of Flash's mansion, the legendary guardian truly looked intimidating especially with how the light contoured against his enormous muscles.

"A war amongst the divine."

"Like... the gods?"

"Kinda." Russ nodded towards the bed sheets. "Come on. We're running out o' time. We've gotta get going, pups. There's no telling how soon the Celestials will be 'ere so we gotta hurry up an' meet with my contact."


Russ grabbed the sweaty bed sheets, leaving Dante momentarily exposed before draping it over the black wolf's shoulders. "Goes by th' name of 'R3 the Writer of Reality'. Pretentious, I know, but it's fittin'. He's somewhere in town an' if we haveta look for him while dodgin' Celestials or Astrals, we need to make sure yer hidden an' don't start startl'n housewives or somethin'."

Flash grabbed the poncho and threw it over his shoulders. It barely covered his torso, just coming halfway down his abdominals. Dante had to admit, the crimson wolf looked really good in the scant moonlight. "We don't know anyone by that name here," growled Flash.

"He goes under other names," Russ said. "Samuel Reaper?"

Dante's ears perked. "Reaper? We don't know a Samuel Reaper but there's a Jacob Reaper in town. He's the town's only lawyer."

Cerberus let out an exasperated sigh. "Course he is. Where does he live?"

"He lives by the beach. Sole property on a cliff."

Russ nodded in approval. "Good. Isolated. Defensible. He's been preparing." He grasped Dante's paw. "Come on. We've got to go see him now."

"Hold on!" Flash cried, seizing Dante's other paw and pulling him back. "We aren't going anywhere until you explain what the fuck is going on."

Clearly showing frustration, Russ turned back towards Flash, baring his fangs. "I just told ya, we don't got the time. The Celestials could be after us right now and we ain't prepared"

"I don't even know what a goddamned Celestial is! How the fuck are we meant to trust you!?"

Russ pulled at Dante's arm, trying to yank him away from Flash but the latter, smaller wolf would not relinquish the arm he clung onto tightly. "I'll explain everythin' once we get to Reaper's! He's th' only one that can protect us right now!"

"Why?" shouted Flash, pulling him back. "What's out there? Why are we even in danger? Why is the town's only lawyer our own hope? And what the fuck does Dante's grandfather have to do with any of this?"

Suddenly, the lights to the room flicked on, momentarily blinding everyone in the room. Dante grimaced and when he felt the grip of both of the men holding him loosen, he lifted his paws to shield his eyes. Glancing towards the door, he was surprised when he found none other than the aforementioned lawyer stride in.

"That's going to take some explaining," sighed Jacob. "I had hoped I'd have more time to get you both accustomed to exactly what's going on but sadly, the Celestials moved a lot faster than anticipated."

Russ looked frazzled, his eyes widening in terror. "Ya mean...?"

"Yeah. One of them is already here." Jacob grabbed Flash's desk chair and wheeled it over to the bed, taking a seat casually with one leg draped over the other. "I've erected barriers around this house to protect it and I threw a few insults and intimidation tactics at Virgo to get him to back off for a bit but it won't last forever. I figured I'd come here as soon as possible in case someone decides to be overly bold."

Dante was relieved to see a familiar face and draped the blanket over his body a little tighter. "Jacob... what's going on?" he asked. "What happened to us? What was in that box that grandpa left us? What's with all this talk about 'Celestials' and some sort of 'war'? Also, how can we talk with mouths that clearly aren't human?"

Jacob smiled and let out a soft chuckle.

"You're always full of questions, Dante. That's what I like about you and I think one of the reasons Virgil chose you to be his heir and linchpin to his plans." The lawyer took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Okay... Contrary to Russ' assessment, we've got some time. I'll try to be as concise as possible. Feel free to ask any questions and I'll try to explain as best as I can."

Russ stamped a foot impatiently, the force of the blow causing a visible crack in the floorboards. Flash winced at the sight of the cracked wood. "Do we really have th' time?"

"A day at least," answered Reaper. "I like to think I scared the Celestial enough that he'll spend some time gathering his power first." His deep blue eyes turned to regard Flash and Dante.

"So let's start at the beginning..."