The Chronicles of Sethros: Chapter 5

Story by GRYPHandMAHI on SoFurry

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#5 of The Chronicles of Sethros

Chapter 5:

I slowly regained consciousness to find myself in a bed near a window, the rest of the world a too hazy to make out. I groaned lightly, a dull throbbing pain radiating from my head along with the sharp, burning pain of my wounds. My eyes started to clear as I felt a glass vial pressed against my lip. I swallowed the semi-sweetened elixir as I tried to figure our who had poured down my throat, knowing better then to argue, at least at for the moment that is. I looked up into the seemingly glowing, ice blue eyes of the hooded figure that I had seen before I had fallen unconscious. I couldn't see much of his face, still wearing the long, molted green cloak. From what I did see I could tell it was a black wolf, tall and lean in figure. He wore thin, flexible leather armour underneath, with sheaths for four throwing knives along with a long knife on his hip.

"Who are you?"

"A me Alex..."

I groaned lightly as I sat up in the bed, peering to around to find we were still in a tavern, the rain still pouring down outside. I looked around to find this was most likely his room, a hunting bow and quiver filled with some 12 arrows sitting in the corner. My own possessions sitting on the table next to me, thankfully what few cloths I had were still on.

"Well...I'm Sethros by the way...thank you Alex...I owe you a lot. If you don't mind me asking did you see a tigress around after I went unconscious, about an inch or two shorter than me, wearing a green dress?"

I asked as he turned to a few things on the table, returning to a few things to his belt's pouches.

"Hmmm...? Oh yes, your tigress friend...Zephira I think is what she said her name was...I got her a room after the Inn keeper came around, I doubt she would have liked to see you in pain. By the way, I had to use a bit of your gold to pay the local healer."

"Not a problem...I guess I should be thanking you for saving me..."

"None needed..."

I slowly got up, checking my wounds to see I had mostly healed and the pain was almost gone, thanks to the elixir. I went over to the table, returning all my possessions to their regular place on my person.

"How long was I out for?"

"About a day or so, I'm going to head down to the Inn to grab some food, care to join me?"


I soon follow Alex out the door, down the steps to the main area of the Inn where it was once again filled with people eating, drinking and talking. I spotted Zephira sitting by the bar, two empty stools by her as I motion to Alex to follow. I sit down beside Zephira and Alex joins us.

"Zephira, I'm sure you've met Alex here?"

"Yes, He was quite helpful after you went out. I was worried about you; those two were pretty strong..."

"Yeah, that wolf was pretty close to finishing me off....I guess I need to sharpen a few skills..."

"Not in the least...I doubt I could have done what you did. I just happened to show up a the right time......So are you two travelling somewhere? Or are you two from the village."

I looked at Zephira, wondering what she had told him if anything. She shrugged and ordered some food, pulling her long, flowing hair back around her ears.

"Were travelling, what about yourself? If you don't mind me asking..."

"Not at all, I'm heading to Caesin"

Caesin was a large city in the lush northern highlands of Talos, surrounded by valleys and dense forests, rivers and lakes dotting the land. From one of the large, almost mountainous foot hills one could see for miles around, the breathtaking view was said to fill even a stone cold heart with passion and love again. The people were hard working and loved parties. Their warriors were some of the most skilled in the land. I exchanged glances with Zephira, mouthing a few words to each other as Alex ordered some ale and food.

"Err...Alex? Would you mind if we joined you on your way to Caesin? We could use a third to keep us company..."

I say with an almost joking, toothy grin as Alex takes a swig of his ale, not once removing his cloak strangely enough. I thought not to question him though. The man had saved both Zephira and I and I owed him a lot.

"Funny enough I was going to offer you the same thing. It gets lonely on the road..."

From the small part of his muzzle showing I could tell he was smiling. I soon ordered a mug of ale and a basic meal of bread, meat and cheese.

"When were you planning to leave this village?"

I ask after taking a swig, my mind filled with thoughts of buying a few provisions and such as I guessed the weight of the gold filled pouch.

"This afternoon actually...Were you two planning on staying a little longer?"

"No....Not really...We need to pick up a few things but otherwise were ready."

Zephira chimed in, her sweet, angelic voice ringing out over the laughter and conversations of the tavern. I smiled before taking another sip of ale and a bite of the meat I ordered. We ate happily, not really saying much as we devoured our breakfast. From the looks of it, neither Zephira nor Alex had seen a proper meal for days and I shared their hunger. After we ate I fished a gold coin out of my pouch, paying the Innkeeper for all our meals.

"Do you want to come with us or should we meet you somewhere?"

I asked Alex as I got up, Zephira already on her feet as we waited for Alex before heading to the door.

"I'll see you two in an bit, how about we meet at the village's North gate...How about around lunch time?"

Alex asked as we exited the Inn, we had a few hours before lunch, guessing by the suns position and I figured that would be plenty of time.

"Alright, sounds like a plan. We'll see you at the North gate."

I wave as Zephira and I head off into the crowds. I kept her close to me, wrapping one arm around her lovingly, almost protectively as she seemed to nestle herself under my arm. She looked up at me and grinned as I leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose lightly. I smiled warmly as she blushed a bit before turning my attention to the shop we had just arrived at. I murred contently as she nuzzled me, looking around the shop which seemed to be a mess of fabrics, leathers, patterns and various tools. The shop keeper, a middle aged husky, turned to great us. I eyed a few of his wares. His shop may have been a mess but he certainly knew how to tailor. Not to mention his leatherwork.

"Oh...uh hello, what can I do for ya?"

He asked, a little flustered as he hadn't quite been expecting customers.

"Just looking around....wouldn't happen to have a pair of leather bracers would you?"

"Are you looking for something fairly pricy?"

"No, nothing in particular really, mind showing me what you've got??"

I asked as the shop keeper started to lay out a few pairs, ranging from richly decorated braces made of the softest leather to the cheapest, frail bracers I had ever seen. I eyed a few pairs as Zephira had a look at a few dresses and such, eventually picking out a beautiful yet simple white dress. After a few more minutes I picked out a pair of rather sturdy bracers with a simple Celtic knot design etched into the leather.

"Good choice, probably one of the stronger pairs I've made. I reckon it will stop a sword if your arms able to take the blunt force..."

He smiled at Zephira as she brought the dress over.

"You look stunning my dear...I'm glad everyone found something...."

I grinned and quickly picked out a few small pouches for my belt as Zephira folded up the white dress, it was a miracle but it somehow seemed to shrink until it could fit in one of my pouches. I raised an eyebrow as she handed it to me, putting it in my pouch before paying for all our things. As we walked out I looked at her curiously.

"I'm a mage, not formal training but I'm not half bad..."

"Could be useful if you can pull off tricks like that, what all can you do?"

"So far I've mastered altering objects like that, I can heal minor wounds, all the basics."

"Heh beautiful and skilled...."

I say with a smile as I wrap my arm around her, letting her nestle into me as we started walking again. Every now and then I would lean over and gently kiss her on the forehead or muzzle, loving the low content rumble of her purring she made. Over the next few hours we made our way around the village, stopping at a few different shops to pick up a little food for the road and a few minor things before heading to the north gate. I waved to Alex as we joined him

"You two ready to go?"

He asked curiously as we walked to join him. I could see his glowing eyes glancing the new things we had bought as he adjusted his hunting bow.

"Yeah, let's go. We'll be camping out tonight if I'm not mistaken."

"For a few nights actually, we have to head through the forest since the only road from here goes south. Either of you two have a problem with that?"

Zephira and I exchange glances, almost like were silently conversing


With that we headed out the gates and into the lush, dense forest with hills and valleys that seemed to fade off into the horizon. This sprawling woodland would become our bedroom, battlefield and so much more for the next few days.