A brewing Storm --- Part 1

Story by Fenrir Storm on SoFurry

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#1 of A brewing storm

Well, this is my first attempt at anything like this, so be gentle ;P

Lucas walked through the pouring rain, the muddy path sinking beneath his heavy boots. Lightning flashed, illuminating his wolven form. Black fur covered him, with a blood red tribal design framing half of his right eye. Black jeans held up with a studded leather belt. A blood red shirt hugged his torso, revealing his very athletic build. A pair of katanas were strapped to his back, black handled, and in solid black sheathes. He paused for a moment upon entering a clearing. Looking up to the dark sky he tried to find a scent, unable to do so.

"Damned rain..."

He continued trudging down the hill into the clearing. The hope of finding a town that didnt know his name, or at least his face, kept him going. Having so recently serving as part of the king's secret police had left him with dreams and memories that haunted him. He would wake up in the middle of the night with the screams of the people he had been ordered to kill. The screams brought him a sense of euphoria that drove him to excel in combat. The mere idea of a fight would get his interest, and generally his attention.

Once the effects wore off he would look at his life and feel disgusted. He hadnt even known what those people had done, if anything. Perhaps the rumors of his king being crooked were correct after all, it didnt matter any more. During his last mission he had went on the run, searching for a new life.

"LUCAS!!" the shout from behind him made him freeze in his place. He recognized the voice instantly,

Rake, the commanding officer of his small unit. Asking himself how they managed to sneak up on him, he quickly realized that the rain had made it nearly impossible for him to track a scent, even one so distinct as Rake's. Turning to face his commander, he found him standing squarely in the middle of Lucas' old unit, the other four standing slightly behind him.

Rake was easily the tallest and most muscular of the group. His biceps were each the size of Lucas' own thighs. Being a white tiger, he was naturally massive, but his constant training had resulted in a truely intimidating being. He wore his silver breastplate proudly, and the massive Bisento strapped to his back confirmed Lucas' assumption that he was to be brought back, dead or alive.

On Rake's immediate right was Clayre, his second in command, and Lucas' ex-mate. She stood exactly as tall as Lucas and was also wearing her armor, a black leather that blended into her fur slightly. The Pantheress was weilding her kusarigama with the kama in one hand, and the chain in the other. Her emerald green eyes stared into Lucas' Ice blue ones. To her right at the end was Sylvester the rat, Already tossing one of his many daggers and smirking. As per usual, he wasnt wearing any armor, except bladed bracers.

To Rake's left were two people Lucas did not recognize, one was a burly Pitbull weilding a morningstar, and a Slightly smaller timber wolf, eyeing Lucas up and down as if he were intruding on his territory. His only visable weapon was a single short sword, but the gauntlet on his right hand had a strange bar of metal jutting out from it up the length of his forearm.

"Took you longer to find me than I expected. I'm a little disapointed actually Rake." Lucas said confident that a fight would soon ensue, He crossed his arms and let his weight fall to his right leg, watching the group carefully.

"Yes, well it would seem that even the smell of a traitor can be covered mostly by a good rain." Rake replied with a sneer.

"New recruits, hopefully this isnt their first mission, it would be a slaughter." Lucas retorted rolling both of his shoulders individually.

"Is that a challenge?" the new wolf asked, quickly drawing his blade and taking a step forward, overly eager for the fight.

"Lucas...you owe me." Clayre's cool voice called from the short distance sepperating the two sides.

"A debt that will be payed, but not here." Came the reply.

The rain fell upon the heavy silence for a moment. Then Rake removed the massive weapon from his back, A six foot long blade, three feet wide, and several inches thick atop a six foot pole. He let the massive blade fall to the soft earth beneath him, holding it by the haft.

"The orders have gone out for you, either standing, or on a platter. King Lucerine would be content with either, but if you walk back of your own accord, he would be more than happy to reinstate you with improved benifits. Id suggest that option." Rakes deep voice overpowered the dull thud of the rain as it pounded the earth.

"I've made my choice." Lucas simply replied, arms still crossed. His eyes never leaving Clayre's

"Then so be it." Rake added a nod on the end of his sentence.

The pitbull and wolf lunged forward, quickly closing the gap. The strange gauntlet on the wolf unfolded into a shield as he closed in on his target.

At the last possible second, Lucas pulled his eyes from Clayre's gaze and twisted, drawing one sword and dropped to a knee, gripping the advancing wolf's own wrist under the shield, and brought his arm up above Lucas' blocking the thunderous blow from the pitbull's morningstar. Lucas' own blade twisted into a reverse grip, blocking the advancing wolf's short sword. Mere inches from his ribs.

"To eager." Lucas' eyes flashed from ice blue to a vibrant silver. He stood abrubtly while twisting, launching the wolf over his shoulder, and rotating his wrist holding the sword, slicing a deep gash in the pit's cheek. Finishing the movement with a leap he flew back about five feet, landing heavily in the mud, already weilding his second katana. The blade in his right hand was a blood red, the one in his left, an icy blue.

Rake nodded towards Clayre who sprinted forward into the fight. Whiping her arm forward before drawing it back, launching the weighted chain at Lucas, who just managed to rotate a shoulder out of the way an instant before the chain reached full length.

The wolf had gotten back to his feet, and was sprinting towards Lucas throwing the horribly dented shield off his arm at lucas, who barely had to move to avoid the blow. The pit was likewise charging, from the opposite side.Lucas crouched down, avoiding another whip from Clayre's chain, and slammed his fists into the ground, launching himself up over both of the charging canine's. He spun in the air as the two below tried to stop intime, sliding on the mud and slamming into eachother. He took the oportunity to strike at both as he landed slightly to the side. Each of the victims lost an ear, which flew off of their head and into the mud, leaving a trail of blood through the air.

They howled in pain, the pitbull was the first to get back up, lunging forward at Lucas, a fatal mistake. He landed directly on target, a claw slashing Lucas' muzzle, but unlike the plan, impaled by twin katanas.

Rolling back with the force, The pit was forced off of the swords by Lucas' boot. Ending the roll in a standing position, Lucas glared at the Wolf, who was now charging, his face covered in blood. A chain flashed out of nowhere, tightening around Lucas' throat. And an ice cold voice whispered in his ear as the opposing wolf Drew near.

"Its time to pay your debt." Her lips brushing against his ear, Lucas fully understood every meaning of his "debt." and prepared himself for what was to come.