A Brewing Storm --- Part 3

Story by Fenrir Storm on SoFurry

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#3 of A brewing storm

The dirt path through the forest slowly melted away into a cobblestone path. A carriage passed Lucas as he continued walking, still holding his burning side. The driver eyed him curriously, which was to be expected. He was carrying around two clearly visable katanas afterall, with nothing suggesting he was military. Making his way down the road the carriage traffic became heavier and heavier, letting him know he was near town.

Sure enough, within minutes he rounded the top of a hill and in the clearing beneath him, town went about its daily life, moderately stifled by the rain. A few people still ran their street shops, and even fewer still ran about buying and trading. The most lively building in the area lucas noticed, as he drew nearer, was named "Spilled Milk." The smell alone gave it away as a tavern. Loud and boistrous chatter filled the air around it.

Walking up to the door to the tavern, he kicked the Stone foundation of the building, knocking as much mud from his boots as he could manage. Opening the door he steps in, the metal soles of his boots clicking on the hardwood floor as he takes a few steps in. The smell of various alcohols fill his nostrils, forcing him to stop a moment to recover from the initial shock.

Stepping up towards the bar, he is greeted by the bartender, a massive Rhino. His horn was replaced by a silver metal nub.

"What can i get ye?" A thick germanic accent, slurred his words.

"Any black rum will do."

"Paying with?" The barkeep asked as he grabbed a glass and a bottle contaning a dark liquid.

"Royal Shillings." Lucas pulled a coin purse from his belt and reached in to grab a few.

"Havent seen those in years, what's yer story?"

"Rather long and depressing. Whats the cost."

"Fair enough, a full shilling will get you a drink, meal and a room." The drink was poured and he whiped his hands reaching under the bar to mess with something.

"I'll take that then, if you have steak that is."

"Of course. Medium rare i would guess?" When his question was responded with a nod he called back to the kitchen with the order, and pulled a heavy iron key off a key ring he had grabbed from under the bar. "You've got the last room at the end of the hall, enjoy."

Lucas took the drink and nodded to the rhino, walking over to a corner table he undoes the straps to his sheathes, hanging them over the back of his chair, before sitting down and doing some people watching, sipping the glass from time to time.

After a few moments, a young female husky walked up to him, holding a tray of food. She paused a moment after approaching, her eyes drifting to Lucas' fresh cuts on his snout. The rain had washed almost all of the blood off, but the wounds were still visable.

"What happened there honey?" She asked, lowering herself eye to eye with him, setting down the plate of food and tucking the tray under her arm. The way she was leaning down made it exceptionally easy to glance down her corsetted dress and get an eyefull of her voluptuous breasts.

Lucas forced his attention to her eyes and smiled kindly.

"Got in a bit of a tiff during a bounty." During his time alone walking, he had been given plenty of time to come up with a cover story. It was pretty obvious that he wasnt a merchant or regular adventurer, espescially to anyone who knew enough about blades to recognize superb craftsmanship, a bounty hunter would be a much more believable.

"Oh you poor thing." She pulled a hankerchief from her corset and dipped it slightly in the rum, dabbing it along the cuts. The burning of the alcohol on the open wounds caused Lucas growl very quietly.

"None of that now." she continued cleaning the wound before standing up slowly, folding up the hankerchief and setting it with the tray. "My name is Jade, if you need anything you just holler and I'll bring it right up.

"Thank you." Lucas nodded before lifting his glass to his lips again and taking a rather deep drink as Jade walked away.

Eating his steak he nearly drops his fork as the next person walks through the front door. Clayre stood there shaking the water out of her fur and rotating her shoulders. She had upgraded from tight jeans and a sleeveless shirt to a more "feminine" attire.

A hip hugging blood red dress draped from her shoulders. High-heel boots and lipstick threw the outfit together. She made a beeline for Lucas and as she drew near, a perfume could be noticed, just above the scent of the alcohol filling the room. She sat down in the chair across from him and crossed her legs.

"Mr. Storm, I'm glad you were able to meet me here." She spoke as if she had never met him before in person. Lucas was used to covers with his line of work so merely nodded.

"Was the least I could do. I dont mean to be rude, but if we could cut to the chase and speak about that bounty you mentioned in our letter?" Lucas took on a formal tone of voice, pushing the remnants of his steak aside on their plate.

Jade walked up as he was saying this, holding another mug of black rum and hesitated when she saw Clayre there.

"This one is on the house, Mason hasnt had any trouble with the typical rough housers since you came in, he attributes it to the weapons, but is nevertheless pleased with the results." Her tone of voice was very polite and warm, until she turned to Clayre. A fake smile creeped onto her lips "Is there anything i can get you ma`am?"

Lucas could feel the heat from the glares the two women were giving eachother, but he couldnt actually see it. It was almost as if they were trying to construe their hatred to eachother, through kindness.

"No thank you, Mr. Storm and myself were just about to go to his room and discuss our business."

"Alright then, enjoy your night, and Mr. Storm, if you'd like anything later feel free to ask. I'm the night waitress, so I'll be here." She gave another fake smile to Clayre before walking off, her hips sliding from side to side in a rather exaggerated manner.

"Right then, If you could show me to your room Storm, we can get this matter handled."

Lucas merely nodded, and stood, leading his way up to his room for the night. Once he unlocked the door and stepped in, Clayre took the liberty of shutting the door behind her.

"Well it didnt take long for someone to get their paws on you did it?" She chuckled, a tinge of distaste in her voice.

"She didnt get..." He was cut off by Clayre forcing herself against him, pinning him to the wall and forcing him into a kiss.

"I know, I'd have smelled her on you if she did..."

Holding him against the wall, Clayre kissed his neck, and Lucas could sense old feelings starting to rise...amongst other things...