Quick Bite - Alley Way Fun

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#24 of Vore Stories

This is a little something I did for Christmas for both my boyfriend jamesbeast, but also my friends Kumbartha, Jeri and Ni, which I, a bit belatedly, also wanted to share with all of you. Let us hope you enjoy this little naughty and vorish tryst!^^

In this alternative universe story, Kehno, Levi (usually his son), Maverick, my foxie friend Ni, Jeri (as a nameless, cute little cat morsel) and myself as my black cat Malus end up being accosted by a pack of horny predators on our way home from a university party in an alley way - where the six of us just could not keep it in our pants long enough to make it back to our rooms. James, the Bulf, Skylar, the tiger, Beau, the saltwater crocodile, Jaylon, the hyena, Justin, the black panther and Lance, the stallion (all of them of course belonging to my boyfriend and big Bro James), having worked up quite a bit of a sweat and unashamedly showing off their hot, buff pred bodies certainly do not say no to a bunch of appetizing little prey boys who already have been kind enough to unwrap themselves and already smell so delicious of sex...

Sometimes, the best way to relax and enjoy the holidays can indeed be a bit of kinky sex with little pretext and a nice snack after. ;-)

So, I hope you guys enjoy the six of us being put where horny boys with more sex drive than self preservation belong. And whether that is for a night or for good shall be left to the reader's preference.

Alley Way Fun

"Hnnnh, s, stop, wait at least until we are back at the dorms", the black cat spurted out in rather goodnatured protest, gently trying to push off the fox who had half collapsed half leaned into him, the whiskers tickling his ears and a rather pronounced bulge in his pants rubbing against his own waist. "Aaah, but, but you smell soo good, Malus", the fox slurred, his warm body pressing against his feline friend, who tried not to look too flustered, giving the vulpine a few gentle strokes, before attempting to steady him and thus prevent him from toppling over, having them both end up on alley floor.

"Oh, yeah, about that, I, umh, may have gotten a bit too excited, erh, sorry", he said, not elaborating further and not really getting the chance when a young, muscular and red furred lion inserted himself into the mix, muscles flexing, wrapping an arm around the cat in a dominant gesture that only slightly clashed with his very youthful, if very hunky look. Fresh faced, though not really freshly washed... "Hey, I'll be fucking him first, my balls are full enough to burst and his ass demands some lion cum, so, get in line, foxie", he joked, making sure to flex his muscles, putting his arm against the wall to loom over the other two and show off his armpits, sporting a nice bush of black hair.

"Hah, you smell like you'll need a shower first before anyone wants to have you, Kehno", a gray hyena with dreadlocks interjected, having his arms around a second lion, who bore a rather striking family resemblance to the first. While also rather muscular, he sported a less bulky frame, long black hair and a face that was cute, rather than youthfully handsome.

"Well, you're not one to speak there, Mav. Plus, I am pretty sure there will be enough kitty ass for all of you and maybe a nice fox cock for me to ride, what you say?", he grinned, his gaze traveling over to the straggler of the group, a tiny cat whose head was just about on the level of most of the other guy's abs. The little feline seemed more than a little flustered as a muscular arm pulled him right in the middle of the circle, that by now was rather heavily saturated with the mix of sweat and Malus' sweet and spicy scent with its subtle hint of musk. They all were still excited from the party, horny as a gang of young bucks and eager to get back to their rooms to deal with the raging boners half of them had been sporting for a while now, which in more than one case had left subtle sticky spots in their underwear and at least in the young lion's case leaking all the way through his ripped jeans shorts... "Fuck, guys, I think maybe we really should just do it here, I am too horny to wait til we're back at the dorms", the hyena panted, reaching out to take the small cat's hand and leading it to his bulging groin. "Hnnnh, yeah, I really wanna fuck", the fox said, starting to fiddle with his pants, earning him a slightly exasperated chuckle from the cat, who was letting his hands slide down to his lean abdomen, fiddling with his fly. The others were following, the two red lions being the first to have their cocks bobbing in the air, both of them very well endowed, the still rather quiet small cat with the gray-brown fur and rust colored markings the last. While not fully erect yet, he was in a perfect position to be transfixed by the display of eager young manhood, just about mouth level for him...

"Hnnnh, okay, guess we are doing this then", Malus said, tail raised, occasionally giving others a glimpse of his softly pink hole as he bent down to get himself fully naked. "So, Ni, my ass or Levi's?" He looked over to the long haired lion who gave the fox a wink, making his firm glutes flex.

They were all too busy, chuckling and purring in several cases, to notice the shadows blocking out what little light fell into the alley. They all had pretty good night vision after all, so, they only stopped chuckling, giggling and groping when the sharp, musky scent of predator hit their noses through their own haze of sweat arousal and in some cases a bit of alcohol...

"Aah, sorry, little foxie, but I think those asses just got booked by us", a jovial, deep voice came from where the six had entered into the shadowy tunnel between the two buildings. All of them were tall, all of them dwarfed even the red furred lion in rippling muscle and none of them wore more than shorts and a tight muscle shirt, if anything to hide their powerful bodies. All went very quick. They had been stalked and all of them too randy to notice. Shock and an instinctive reaction to the massive bodies

quickly closing in on them stopped them from more than a startled sound. And by then, there was no chance of flight. The red furred lion spun around, having a bit of a snarl on his muzzle, but he was rather quickly shut up when a big hunk of a tiger unceremoniously pinned him against the wall, with much better effect than his own attempt to impress his friends. His Adam's apple was visibly moving as he stared up to the tiger's mouth, spreading into a toothy grin before the larger cat slowly licked his lip, casually grabbing the lions momentarily unresisting hands and pinning them above his head as he sniffed the air, smiling even wider.

"Hmmmh, hi there, tasty, good of you to already disrobe for me. I think I'll have you, you look nice and meaty and we all were thinking that we could use a protein snack after fucking you guys", he winked, letting out a growling rumble as the Kehno looked up with a mix of defiance and flustered embarrassment at his own cock starting to drool. He was not the only one. One of the tiger's friends, a large crocodile who had already slipped out of his shorts, specially tailored to fit his heavy tail, now slapping the ground, had similarly taken hold of the other lion, Levi, running one clawed hand playfully over the pert nipples, teasing them with just enough sharpness to make the feline gasp and moan as he felt a thick, dark green erection drooling over his abdomen. Meanwhile, the black cat, erect and panting, was eye to eye with a looming half canine, half bovine, brown fur stretching over massive muscles, as he leaned in, close enough for hot breath to tickle the feline's ears.

"You shouldn't be out here like that making such a yummy display of yourself, kitty. I think I need to put you in your proper place, what do you say?" The answer was just a whimper. And the cat's spicy sweet scent only seemed to grow more intense as a strong hand groped the globes of his tight ass and he was drawn closer to have his head pressed into the trembling, muscular chest. A shadowy figure of a panther loomed closer, joining the Bulf's hands to run over the cat. It was a spectacle that enticed the red fox, who felt his naked body shivering with heat as he saw his friends claimed, watched a big stallion, his black fur making his white mask and markings show up only all the brighter, cup up the weakly meowing little cat, feeling a mix of arousal and sympathy as he saw the throbbing horse cock rub against the petite body, wondering if the cat could take it without being unable to walk for a week. Only then did he remember that this might not actually be an issue any of them had to worry over... His cock throbbed and ached as he watched Maverick, the hyena he had just gotten to know today, try to make a stand, glaring at the group of frat jocks, the pack of preds, who had just walked in on them, starting to take what they wanted without even bothering to ask whether their playthings were willing, not when their arousal and sounds of pleasure gave all the consent they needed.

"Hey, I am not someone's prey-slut, you cannot just..." but he did not get much further. A spotted hyena, dark brown and making him look downright small in both muscle and size just smooshed him right into his broad chest, muffling his cries of protest and earning a chuckle from the others, even more when they saw the smaller hyena's cock throbbing, earning him a gentle pat from the bigger yeen. "Awh, do you think he will be as tasty as your little bro, Jaylon? Knew you would want to go for the yeen, tell me how he compares", the panther chuckled, stopping in his playful wrestling over the black cat with his hybrid friend to tease the hyena. He got a toothy grin in return, before Maverick was turned around to show off his snarl being replaced with a dazed, lusty expression, cock hard and twitching as the larger hyena groped him. The crocodile meanwhile, could only give a thumbs up, as he already had his mouth full of lion, his cock dripping hot semen as he held up the lion by his ass with his other arm. "You're one to talk, Justin, you're just fighting over that cutie cat with James because he reminds you of your little bro. Well, you guys have fun, I am having myself some nice yeen ass...", Jaylon followed his banter with spreading Maverick's ass cheeks and pushing his leaking tip right into the younger hyena, giving him little time to cry out, before he started thrusting and the sounds slowly turned to pleasure. The panther let out a snort, his wrestling with his Bulf friend finally ending in both of them sliding into the tight, yet very pliable feline ass, sending a delightful shiver down his body.

"Mine at least smells good, so, you go have your stinky yeen, though I guess even he doesn't smell as musky as Skylar's lion! I mean, didn't know, tiger, that you were into that." The banter continued.

Skylar meanwhile was groping Kehno the lion's big pecs, toying with the sensitive nipples as he slid in and out of him, finally having to push one finger coated in his own thick precum from earlier into the lion's mouth to muffle the loud cries of pleasure that made it hard to talk over.

"Oh, don't think I would be in the position to blame a boy for being a little on the musky side. Besides, just adds flavor to a nice bit of lion protein. Hnnngh, yeah, you will just hit the spot, gonna show you who's the real king of the jungle!" It took the tiger just a few more thrusts until he emptied his balls into the firm ass. He was the second to finish. Justin and James were still throwing back their heads, rutting as if to compete who would fill the cat with his seed first, while said cat was already smeared with his own cum and ass starting to clench tight around the two big cocks spearing him, making both hunks throw back their heads as they cried out in pleasure. The fox, the only one currently not pressed against a wall, fucked or half way down a hungry maw was stroking himself, not quite complaining, given that he decidedly preferred having his cock in a tight ass rather than the other way around and unable to resist the buffet of eye-candy he was getting. He watched the little cat moaning and crying with pain and pleasure as he was bouncing on the horse cock, the thick scent of stallion adding to the musky air. The horse grabbed the cat's small, stiff erection, playfully kneaded it between his big fingers, until the feline just could not take any more and came in hot spurts, splattering on the ground. "Way to go, Lance, chug him down, with a cute little morsel like that, you better not finish last!" This was the crocodile, licking his lips, showing off his toothy maw into which his lion meal had already slipped. He was padding his gut and giving the fox a look, as if he was considering seconds, only to be warned of by a joined, post orgasmic growl from the panther and Bulf who were looking at the fox, knowing one of them would soon enjoy having the vulpine squirming in his gut.

"You had one, Beau, so don't you lay a finger on that foxie, he is ours..."

Ni gulped, feeling the eyes on him, a silent command that made him slowly stumble towards the big males with his kitty friend smothered between them. They both parted, just enough to form an opening. They were warm. Very warm. And as he was pulled into the now foursome, he felt his chest pressing against Malus' back. And his cock against the firm ass the two big cocks were slipping out of. He knew how this was going to end, but he also knew he had not the least bit of will to resist. He just felt the warmth of the three other bodies envelop him as big, strong hands took him and his cock slipped into the ass he had wanted to plow all night...

Meanwhile, Skylar and Jaylon were making a little game out of making their meals rub cock to cock against each other as they were already halfway down their respective maws. It was a silly frat thing, but they had never tired of "twin geysers", making your food make the biggest mess, before you made a meal out of them. Sometimes, with especially lithe meals and good positioning, it could even be a game for three. But when Maverick and Kehno shot their loads, they might easily have won out over even such a three man team. Beau, the crocodile let out a snort of approval as white semen went flying everywhere. Then, both preds threw back their heads and chugged. Lion and hyena made nice, tight bulges in their throat and quickly after, equally well outlined bulges in their bellies, firm muscle stretching and shifting to make room. Lance meanwhile polished off the last bit of cat, rubbing his belly with a smug smile, the small feline making much less of a dent in the perfectly sculpted abs. "Hmmmh, I may have still room for a main course to join that little cute appetizer when we go back to the dorms...", he jested, walking over to where the Bulf and panther were the last to finish their meals. The fox was bucking his hips as he felt the feline maw close around him, the pitch black matching the soft fur he still felt brushing against him, almost matching that of his cat friend, whom he was thrusting into with desperate abandon. Claws teased him, he felt a fierce, growling rumble. Too much. He came fast, right into that tight ass, his semen joining that of the panther and the Bulf. The big cat likely had wanted to make sure he stopped moving so much, teasing his sensitive nipples, running a claw down to his navel. And now, now he was spent and too weak to do anything but take in the tight feel of the esophagus around him, slick and warm, tight and hungry. It was the same Malus was getting to feel as the Bulf ate him up. It was the same the two lions were feeling in the tight, squirming gut, ready to

break them down into the ample protein they would provide. The same the hyena felt, head still spinning from the humiliatingly intense orgasm he had just had all over those churning walls. The same the little cat was feeling in the stallion's belly, cock still throbbing and tingling as he used the more ample room to jerk off one more time. All of them now were food for the predators who had just taken them, there and then.

And none of them failed to give some delightful squirms as the gang of six went back to their frat house, joking among each other and giving their full bellies a few teasing pats. Freshmen week was always one of them best times of the year...

"Urp, guess we all better make sure to hit the gym tomorrow!"

The six hunks all laughed and inside their bellies, the last frantic movements slowly grew still...