Taking the treasure

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I'm giving away stories to followers that have some art that either they drew or commissioned. For more details or to see how you can get a story, check this link out.https://www.sofurry.com/view/1969965

This one is for silvergooddragon who had this lovely art made.https://www.furaffinity.net/view/8216192/

We agreed to replace the two gryphons with two of their other characters.

Valeria: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/35614332/

Icesis: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/17377044/

Valeria and Icesis soared through the skies, their sharp eyes scanning the vast valley below for any sign of the dragon's lair. The valley was an expanse of rugged terrain, with jagged peaks and deep ravines carved out by centuries of erosion. As the gryphons flew over the valley, they could feel the cool, crisp air rushing past their feathers, carrying with it the scent of pine and earth.

In the distance, they spotted a series of rocky outcroppings that looked promising. As they drew closer, they could see that the rocks formed a natural barrier around a small valley, with a narrow entrance that led into a hidden cave.

Valeria hesitated as they flew closer to the cave entrance. "Icesis, are you sure we should be doing this? This dragon is dangerous, and we're risking our lives just to steal some gold."

Icesis scoffed, "Come on, Valeria, where's your sense of adventure? We've been searching for the dragon's lair for weeks, and now we've finally found it. We can't just turn back now."

Valeria shook her head, "It's not about being adventurous, it's about being smart. We don't know what we're up against, and we could end up getting hurt or worse."

Icesis rolled her eyes, "Don't be such a chicken and besides, think of all the treasure we could bring back to our clan."

Valeria looked at her skinnier sister, she was always known for getting into trouble and she had a bad feeling about this. But she sighed, knowing that her sister was right. As much as she wanted to turn back, she couldn't deny the allure of the treasure. "Fine, let's do this. But we need to be careful and stick together. And first sign of a dragon, we run ok?"

Valeria and Icesis landed at the mouth of the cave, their sharp eyes scanning the darkness within. Icesis cleared her throat and called out in a loud voice that echoed in the cave, "Hey, dragon! We've come to steal your treasure!"

"ICESIS!" Valeria cried, quickly crouching, ready to take to the sky at a moments notice.

Silence was the only reply, and Valeria felt a shiver run down her spine. "Icesis, maybe we should go. If the dragon's not here, then maybe it's out hunting or something."

Icesis waved a paw dismissively. "Nah, don't be silly. If the dragon was here, it would have come out to scare us off by now. It must be out somewhere. Let's go check out the treasure!"

Valeria still felt uneasy, but she knew her sister was determined. They cautiously entered the cave, their sharp eyes adjusting to the dim light. The walls were lined with glittering gold and precious gems, and Valeria couldn't help but feel a twinge of greed. She had never seen so much treasure in one place before.

Icesis let out a whoop of joy and bounded forward, her teal paws skidding on the slippery cave floor. "Look at all this gold! We're going to be rich, Valeria!"

Valeria hung back, her instincts telling her that something was not right. "Icesis, maybe we should be careful. This seems too easy. What if the dragon is just pretending to be gone?"

Icesis rolled her eyes. "Valeria, you worry too much. Look, there's nobody here. We're in the clear!" She scooped up a handful of gold and let it trickle through her talons. "See? This is going to be so worth it!"

Valeria still felt uneasy, but she couldn't deny the allure of the treasure. "Alright, let's gather as much as we can and get out of here before the dragon comes back."

As they filled their claws with gold and gems, Valeria couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. She kept looking over her shoulder, but there was nothing there except the glittering treasure. "Icesis, hurry up. I don't like this."

Icesis turned to her sister, a grin on her beak. "Relax, sis. This is going to be the best heist ever!"

But just as she spoke, there was a deep rumble from deep within the cave, and the ground shook beneath their feet. Valeria and Icesis froze, their eyes widening in terror. "Icesis, we need to get out of here. Now!"

Icesis's bravado faltered for the first time, and she scrambled to gather as much treasure as she could. "You're right, Valeria. Let's go!"

Valeria and Icesis tried to fly away, but the golden treasures they had greedily hoarded began to twist and coil around their talons, transforming into thick cords that bound their paws together. The gryphons struggled to break free, but the cords only tightened, pulling them down to the ground.

Valeria felt the golden cords constricting around her ankles, squeezing the feathers on her legs painfully. She tried to spread her wings, but the cords had knotted tightly around her body, making it impossible to fly. Panic rose in her chest as she realized she was trapped.

Icesis fared no better, her teal paws tied tightly together with the shimmering cords. She flapped her wings wildly, but the cords only grew tighter, cutting off her circulation. Her breath came in short gasps as she struggled to break free, but it was no use. They were both trapped.

Valeria looked up, her eyes meeting those of the dragon. It towered over them, its scales gleaming in the dim light. Valeria felt a chill run down her spine as she saw the anger in its eyes. She knew they were in trouble.

The dragon stepped forward, its massive form casting a shadow over Valeria and Icesis. Its scales were a deep, midnight blue, glinting in the dim light of the cave. Its wings were a vibrant red, the color of freshly spilled blood. The dragon's eyes blazed with an intense fury as it glared down at the two gryphons.

Valeria felt a sense of awe and terror wash over her as she gazed upon the imposing creature. She had never seen a dragon up close before, and the sight was both magnificent and terrifying.

The dragon spoke, its voice rumbling like thunder through the cave. "It seems treasures are just throwing themselves into my hoard now..."

Valeria and Icesis exchanged a nervous glance, their bound paws preventing them from fleeing. Valeria spoke up, her voice trembling slightly. "We...we were just passing through, sir. We didn't mean any harm."

The dragon's eyes narrowed, its gaze flicking between the two gryphons. "Lies. You came to steal from me."

Icesis attempted to protest, but the dragon silenced her with a flick of its tail. "Silence. I am Bensvelk, the Guardian of this valley. You have trespassed upon my territory, entered my home, and disturbed my slumber, and for that... you must pay the price."

Valeria and Icesis felt a wave of fear wash over them at the mention of the dragon's title. The Guardian of the valley was a powerful and feared creature, renowned for its fierce protection of the land and its inhabitants.

Bensvelk's sharp gaze swept over Valeria and Icesis, studying them closely. The dragon's nostrils flared as he took in their scents, the rich aroma of their feathers and the pungent tang of their fear filling his nostrils. The sisters squirmed under his inspection, feeling exposed and vulnerable. They knew that the dragon could easily end them with a flick of its massive talons, and the thought sent shivers down their spines.

Bensvelk's expression darkened as he took in the sight of the two bound gryphons. He felt a surge of power and dominance coursing through his veins as he realized how helpless they were. The cords of gold were wrapped so tightly around their paws that they could barely move, and he knew that they were entirely at his mercy. A cruel smirk twisted his lips as he realized the extent of his control over the two gryphons. He stepped closer, the sound of his claws scraping against the cave floor echoing through the cavern.

"You are fortunate to still be alive," he growled, his voice dripping with menace. "I could do away with you quickly and be done with it."

Valeria and Icesis trembled under his gaze, their hearts racing in their chests. They knew that they were at the mercy of the powerful dragon, and the thought was almost too much to bear.

Bensvelk stepped even closer, his breath hot on their faces. He ran a paw through Valeria's soft blue feathers and turned to Icesis, his powerful gaze hungry and powerful. "But perhaps I have a better use for you. What would you say if I gave you both my most precious treasure, you look so lovely that I feel compelled to reward your efforts. Not many have come this close to my hoard."

The girls shared a look as the dragon turned his back to them, he rummaged through his hoard, he found two pendants made of shimmering blue crystals. He approached the restrained gryphons and placed one pendant around each of their necks. The moment the pendants made contact with their feathers, a surge of magical energy pulsed through their bodies.

Valeria and Icesis felt their feathers puffing up and their bodies growing hot. They could feel their hearts racing and their breaths becoming shallow. They exchanged a fearful look, knowing what was happening to them. The pendants were imbuing them with the magical power of heat and lust, forcing their bodies into a state of uncontrollable desire.

As the heat intensified, the gryphons' scents grew more powerful and alluring. The rich, musky scent of their pheromones filled the air, drawing Bensvelk closer. The dragon's eyes darkened with lust as he inhaled their scent, feeling the primal urge to claim the two gryphons for his own.

Valeria and Icesis were horrified at the effect the pendants were having on their bodies, but they were helpless to resist. Their minds were clouded with desire, and they could feel their bodies responding to the dragon's presence. They knew that they were in grave danger, but they were unable to do anything about it.

As the dragon moved closer to Icesis, she felt a surge of terror and desire wash over her. Her body was completely at the mercy of the magical pendant, and she knew that she was powerless to resist the dragon's advances. With a swift movement, Bensvelk rolled Icesis over onto her back, her wings splayed out to the sides. As he looked down at her, he could see that her vulva was swollen and engorged with desire. The slick folds of her sex were glistening with moisture, and he could feel his own desire growing with each passing moment.

Icesis whimpered as the dragon loomed over her, his massive form casting a shadow over her trembling body. She could feel the heat radiating off his scales, and she knew that he was about to take her, to claim her body as his own. As the dragon leaned closer, Icesis's scent grew even more potent, filling the air with the musky aroma of her arousal. Her pheromones were like a drug to the dragon, fueling his desire and driving him to take her with even greater force.

leaned closer to Icesis, his breathing grew heavy and labored. She could feel the heat of his breath on her feathers, and she could see his shaft swelling from its sheath.

The dragon's member was a deep shade of blue, its girth and length intimidating even as it continued to grow. At the base of his shaft, a knot was forming, promising an even greater intensity of pleasure for the dragon and his mate.

Bensvelk looked down at Icesis with a possessive gleam in his eyes, his voice low and rumbling as he spoke.

"You are mine now, my little gryphon," he said, his voice laced with desire. "I will take you, and you will bear my offspring. Your body will belong to me, and I will show you what it means to be truly dominated."

As he spoke, the dragon's shaft throbbed with anticipation, and Icesis could feel her own body responding to his words. Despite her fear and trepidation, there was a part of her that longed to be taken by this powerful creature, to experience the pleasure and intensity of his desire.

Bensvelk moved his front paws onto Icesis's chest, pushing her down and positioning himself between her spread legs. She gasped as she felt his weight bearing down on her, and she could feel the heat of his breath on her skin.

Despite the fear and uncertainty that was coursing through her body, there was a part of Icesis that was excited by the dragon's massive size. She had never been with a creature as powerful and imposing as Bensvelk, and the thought of his massive shaft filling her body was both intimidating and arousing.

Valeria watched as Bensvelk's hefty shaft lined up with her sister's tight body, her own body trembling with a mixture of fear and desire. She could see the dragon's muscles rippling as he prepared to take Icesis, and she could feel her own body responding to the intensity of the moment.

As the dragon pushed his way into Icesis's body, Valeria could see her sister's feathers ruffling and her body arching up to meet him. The scent of their arousal filled the air, and Valeria knew that she would never forget the sound and smell of her sister being taken.

The large dragon began to push his massive shaft into Icesis's tight body, she couldn't help but let out a gasp of surprise and pleasure. Her legs kicked slightly as he slowly pushed into her, her body resisting his size and weight at first, but ultimately giving way to his dominant strength.

Despite the pain and discomfort she felt as the dragon stretched her body to its limits, there was a part of Icesis that craved his touch, his dominance, and the intensity of his desire. She felt herself responding to him, her body arching up to meet his, her feathers ruffling as she surrendered herself to his will.

Valeria watched as her sister was taken by the dragon, her own body trembling with desire and anticipation. She could see the look of pleasure on Icesis's face as Bensvelk drove himself home, and she knew that her sister was experiencing something that she would never forget.

As the dragon began to move within Icesis's body, thrusting in and out with increasing speed and intensity, Valeria felt her own body responding to the sight of their mating. The scent of their arousal filled the air, and she knew that she would never forget this moment

He let out a growl of pleasure, relishing the feeling of her tightness around him. His front paws pinned her down, while his hind legs pushed against the cave floor, driving his massive shaft deeper into her with each thrust.

"Mine," he growled, his voice low and commanding. "You belong to me now, little Gryphon. You will submit to my every desire."

Icesis could feel his power and dominance over her, his words sending shivers of both fear and pleasure down her spine. She knew that she was completely under his control, that he could take her and do with her as he pleased.

But there was a part of her that wanted that, that craved his touch and the feeling of being claimed by this powerful and dominant creature.

Icesis could feel his knot beginning to swell, pushing against her tight entrance but unable to fit inside. He was determined to make it work, to claim her completely as his own.

"Such a tight little plaything," he growled, his voice deep and commanding. "You were made to be mine, to take my knot and bear my offspring."

Icesis moaned, a mixture of pleasure and discomfort as the dragon continued to thrust into her body. She could feel the pressure of his knot against her entrance, pushing against her in a way that was both overwhelming and intoxicating.

As Bensvelk continued to push, she could feel her body responding to him, her own desire and arousal mounting with each passing moment. She let out a series of gasps and moans, the sound of their mating echoing through the cavern.

Valeria watched, unable to tear her eyes away from the sight of the dragon and her sister. She could feel her own body responding to their arousal, her feathers ruffling as she surrendered to the intensity of the moment.

Bensvelk let out a primal growl, the sound echoing through the cavern as he continued to thrust into Icesis's body. He could feel his knot pressing against her entrance, and he knew that he was close to claiming her completely.

"Take it," he growled, his voice low and commanding. "Take my knot and bear my offspring. You are mine, little Gryphon, and I will breed you until you are swollen with my seed."

As he spoke, the dragon's movements became more violent, his body pounding into hers with increasing force. Icesis cried out, a mixture of pain and pleasure as she surrendered completely to his will.

The sound of their mating filled the cavern, a wild and primal symphony of pleasure and desire as the dragon claimed his new mate. He let out a feral growl as his knot finally pushed past Icesis's tight entrance. He could feel her body stretching around him, her walls clenching tightly as he claimed her completely.

With a sudden and violent thrust, the dragon pushed himself deep into her body, his knot stretching her wide before finally popping inside with a loud and satisfying sound. Icesis cried out, a mixture of pleasure and pain as the dragon began to thrust into her with a renewed vigor.

Valeria watched, unable to tear her eyes away from the sight before her.

As Bensvelk continued to thrust deep into Icesis, his knot locked tightly inside her, he could feel his own body tensing with the approach of his climax. He let out a deep, rumbling growl as he pushed himself as deep as he could go, his massive member filling her completely.

Icesis moaned and cried out as she was rocked with each of his powerful thrusts, her body feeling like it was being split in half by the sheer size and intensity of his desires. She could feel herself tightening around him as her own body was pushed to the brink of its endurance.

Finally, with a deep and powerful roar, the dragon reached his climax. Icesis cried out as she felt him exploding inside her, his seed filling her completely and claiming her body as his own. The dragon collapsed onto her, his massive form trembling with the intensity of his pleasure.

For several long moments, the three of them remained locked together, their bodies intertwined in a powerful and primal embrace. Finally, as his knot began to shrink, Bensvelk withdrew from her, his member still slick with his seed.

Valeria watched with a mix of fascination and horror as Bensvelk withdrew from her sister, his member still slick and glistening with her fluids. Icesis lay there, her feathers matted and wet around her well-used vulva, her body still trembling from the intensity of their encounter.

As Bensvelk stood over them, his powerful form looming above the two gryphons, Valeria could feel the weight of his gaze upon her. She knew what he wanted, and part of her was terrified at the thought of being taken by this powerful dragon. But another part of her was strangely excited by the idea, her body already responding to the heady scent of their combined musk.

"Now it's your turn, little one," he growled, his voice low and menacing. "Your sister has already been claimed by me. Now it's time for me to claim you as well."

Bensvelk lifted Valeria up onto her feet, her bound paws stopping her from leaving, his powerful claws gripping her firmly but not too harshly. He then moved behind her, pressing his massive form against her back and pulling her tight against him. The weight of his body on her back was immense, and Valeria could feel the heat of his breath on the back of her neck.

With a low growl, he pushed his massive member between her legs, the heat of his shaft almost too much for her to bear. As he began to thrust into her, his weight bearing down on her back, Valeria felt a mixture of fear and pleasure, the sensations overwhelming her senses.

Her body was wet from watching her sister being taken by the dragon, and as Bensvelk continued to move within her, she found herself getting lost in the sensations, her own pleasure building with each thrust. Despite the fear and uncertainty that filled her, part of her couldn't help but revel in the feeling of being claimed by this powerful creature, her body his to use as he pleased.

Valeria couldn't help but look over at her sister, still panting and covered in her juices and his cum. Her once tight body now bulging obscenely with the dragon's seed. Valeria feels a mix of excitement and dread as she realizes that she will end up in the same situation as her sister.

She glances back at Bensvelk, his powerful form looming over her. She can feel him moving inside her, his shaft stretching her in a way she's never experienced before. She lets out a moan, partly from the pleasure and partly from the fear of what's to come.

As he picks up speed, Valeria can feel her body responding to his touch. She arches her back and thrusts her hips back against him, eager for more. She looks over at Icesis again and sees her sister watching them, a mixture of bliss and pleasure on her face.

Bensvelk growls deeply as he picks up the pace, his powerful thrusts shaking the cave. "I'm going to fill you up, just like your sister," he says with a dominating tone. "You're both mine now."

Valeria can hear Icesis moaning and whimpering beside her, still recovering from her own intense breeding. She can feel her own body responding to Bensvelk's forceful movements, her feathers ruffling with every thrust.

As Bensvelk continues, Valeria can feel his powerful knot starting to grow inside her, stretching her tight passage to its limits. She grits her beak and tries to push back against him, wanting to feel him even deeper inside her.

Suddenly, Bensvelk's knot swells up, locking him inside Valeria's body. She feels a rush of pleasure mixed with pain as he continues to pound into her relentlessly.

As his knot swells, Bensvelk moves his paws to Valeria's hips, holding her tightly as he continues to thrust into her with growing intensity. Valeria gasps and moans as she feels his thickening knot pressing against her entrance, stretching her wide. The sensation is both painful and pleasurable at the same time, and she can feel herself growing wetter with each passing moment.

Bensvelk lets out a deep growl as his knot locks them together just as it had with her sister. Valeria cries out, feeling as though she is being stretched to her limits. She can feel the dragon's hot breath on the back of her neck, and she shivers with a mixture of fear and excitement.

As he continues to thrust into her, Valeria can feel her body responding to his powerful movements. She can feel her own orgasm building within her, and she knows that she will not be able to resist it for much longer. Bensvelk's grip tightens on her hips as he picks up the pace, driving himself deeper and deeper inside her. His powerful thrusts leave her breathless, and she can feel the familiar heat spreading throughout her body.

With a final, powerful thrust, Bensvelk lets out a loud roar as he empties himself inside her. Valeria cries out as she feels the dragon's hot seed filling her up, overwhelming her senses with pleasure. The soft protective shells of her many eggs offering little to no resistance as his sperm is pumped into her womb, flooding her complexly and forcing his seed up to her ovaries to claim all of her eggs. She felt her belly expand slightly and her climax washed over her, screaming out his name, her body quivered and clamped down on his hard shuddering shaft. his knot stopping his seed from leaking out.

His masculin growl dominating her mind as he continued to twitch and throb inside her, her feathers puffed up and ears back, her beak gaping as she tries to catch her breath.

He leaned his large head down to next to her face, his dominating presence filling her vision. With a deep growl he told her exactly what she was.
