Changes in Life- chapter 5

Story by Skye on SoFurry

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#5 of Changes in Life

Disclaimer, if you don't like the whole M/M scene, then LEAVE! All the 18 and up stuff. All Characters in this Story, ideas and themes belong to me, (unless otherwise stated.)

Other then that enjoy!!


All comments and advice are welcome, and can be emailed to me @ [email protected] with the subject line reading; "review"

Hope you like it


Alex awoke; I must have been nightfall because the whole beach they were on was completely dark.

"Skye, wake up," Alex shook him, "We slept all afternoon."

Skye jolted awake, "What's wrong Alex?" Skye asked sitting up, rubbing Alex's back.

"We slept all afternoon Skye," Alex repeated, "Troy's going to kill us."

"It's ok, well just fly there." Skye said reassuringly as he changed into his dragon form, in a blaze of white flames, Alex followed.

"So how exactly are we going to explain all of this to Troy anyways?" Alex asked, gesturing to their dragon forms.

I'm not too sure yet," Skye replied, flapping his new wings and taking off, Alex not too far behind.

A few minutes later...

"There's the barn were staying in for now." Skye pointed to a surprisingly well lit barn just ahead.

"Ok," Alex replied slowly beginning to descend.

Skye landed not too far from the front of the barn, Alex touched down right after.

Troy walked out of the barn, a plasma gun in his hand.

"What happened to you guys?" Spencer asked, walking up behind him.

"We just lost track of time that's all." Skye reassured.

"Skye?" Troy moved his light to see the white dragon, "What the hell is going on?"

Skye closed his eyes, and in a flash of white flames, Skye's human body emerged.

"It's a long story." Skye began, gesturing Alex to change his form back.

Alex closed his eyes and in a wave of black flames, emerged in his 13 year old body.

"Well I think that we should make some time for that story." Troy grunted, gesturing to a room to the far back of the barn.

"Alex, you go and stay with the others!" Troy half demanded.

"No, I want to go with you two." Alex retorted.

"Alex, I said go!" Troy shouted, causing the other kids to look up from what they were doing.

"Fine, be that way Troy, but see if I ever help you when you need it!" Alex stormed off.

"Troy, you didn't have to be so..." Skye was cut off.

"What be so mean to your new boyfriend?" Troy glared as they walked into the back room, closing the door behind them.

Through the wall shouting and some smooth calming voices were debating back and forth.

"Alex," One of the kids called to him.

"Yeah?" he turned around.

"What were you doing with Skye all afternoon?" He snapped.

"Not much, we just walked around the lake." Alex lied.

"Really, I don't think that's what happened at all." A boy with a now bluish hair colour walked up to him.

"You two were up to something." He replied.

"You know what Ben," Alex replied, as he closed his eyes briefly, and he dropped his right had to his side, before snapping it open and closed.

"What are you scared I'm going to tell the other guys here that your gay, or worse; having sex with Skye?" Ben grinned, and placed his index finger of Alex's abdomen, before sliding it down until it touched Alex flaccid cock.

"Ben, get off me!" Alex half raised is voice, half kept it quiet.

"What, come on Alex, if you're going to be screwing Skye at least be man enough to admit it!" Ben started to laugh.

"Ben shut the fuck up!" Alex shouted, loud enough that the other kids looked at the two of them.

Alex thrust his arm outwards towards Ben, trying to shove him, but instead ben stepped aside, and as Alex reached at him again, black flames burst into existence on top of his hand. It clearly was burning hot but Alex felt nothing.

The flames burned daringly close to Ben's face.

"What the Hell?!" Ben shouted backing off.

"Ben, I've had it up to here with you!" Alex shouted, "One more comment and I wont hold back."

"Oh what you mean you're going to burn me if I tell the others that you gay?" Ben tested.

"That's it!" Alex half shouted, the black flames erupted from his hands and swept across Ben.

"When the flames cleared, Ben was still standing there, however he had managed to change his form quickly enough that all that burned was his clothes.

Standing there, at a height of about 20 feet long was a green snake; the flames seemed to have no effect on his scales.

Ben lunged at Alex, who managed to miss the massive fangs bearing down on him.

Ben recoiled him self again before lunching at Alex once more.

However this time he got lucky and landed on Alex, pinning him to the ground and immobilizing his entire body.

Ben opened his mouth again and drew his fangs closer to Alex every second.

A few of the other kids began to cheer him on, the others looking away in fear.

The massive white fangs grazed across Alex's face cutting the surface as they glided; the liquid blood running freely down Alex's face.

Ben drew his mouth back once more, preparing to bite Alex's neck, he tipped backwards and then lunged towards Alex's immobilized body.

Alex closed his eyes, he was fully aware that he could do nothing except pray that it wouldn't be too painful.

Suddenly there was a loud cracking noise, Alex opened his eyes to see before him a bluish coloured dolphin; his arms wrapped around Bens neck holding the snakes fangs, inches from Alex's neck,

The snake managed to turn around, snapping at the dolphin's beak, landing a blow down the side of it.

Ben continued snapping until a white flash of light arced through the air, it was white fire, but it slashed right through Ben's body.

Ben's now headless body collapsed to the ground; the dolphin and Alex turned to see, Skye standing across the room, his hand outstretched and still flickering with the a small flame remaining of the white fire ball he had just shot.

Skye walked over to the two of them, and lifted Ben's life less body off of Alex.

The body glowed brown for a second and Ben's body re-appeared, his head still missing.

A few of the boys screamed. Others winced at the sight, however none looked shocked as Troy who had just walked into the room.

"Skye! What the fuck did you just do?!? You killed him!" Try shouted running up to the body.

"Try, he was going to kill not only Alex but Spencer as well," he nodded to the dolphin who changed back into his 13 year old human form.

"Troy, don't be too mad at him, he did the right thing and saved my life as well." Spencer said. Pushing his jet-black hair out of his deep green eyes.

"Spencer, don't talk!" Troy snapped, "Right now I don't know any of you!" Troy snapped, "YOU THREE LEAVE HERE NOW!! You're no longer welcome here!" Troy shouted as he dragged Ben's body to the back of the barn with the others.

"Fine Troy be that way, if you're going to exile us, just because Spencer and I saved Alex's life so be it, well be fine without you!" Skye shouted motioning for them to grab their gear as Skye grabbed a few of the stolen supplies bags form Joey's base; a few flat screened laptop panels glistened and the other things clicked as they collided with each other inside the bag.

Alex, walked up to Skye, his bag already packed and took one bags from his hands, Spencer did the same.

Together, Skye, Alex and Spencer walked out of the barn into the Black night, lightning flashing across the Skye as they walked.

Skye and Alex both morphed into their dragon forms, Skye holding Spencer in his arms, and Alex bearing the gear, they took off into the night.

Later that night...

The thunder storm had erupted into gale force winds, and a flurry of sonic booms form the thunder and cracking blasts of light erupting as lightening struck down trees around Skye, Spencer and Alex's bodies, as they few through the sky.

"We're going to have to land!" Skye shouted through the hail and pelting rain, "There, in that cave." Skye motioned to a cave on the top of a nearby mountain.

Skye and Alex touched down and walked into he cave, setting Spencer and the gear down, they transformed back into their bodies in the own ball of flames, white for Skye, and Black for Alex.

Alex walked over to Skye, and Spencer, gesturing the bag to Skye, who excepted it.

Skye took out the flat panel that was a touch screen laptop, he turned it on and it began to glow, giving off some light in the cave around them.

"Guys, were going to have to change our names in this system, and change the tracking/homing device on this gear, or else Troy and Joey can still track us." Skye motioned for them to take one each.

Skye walked them through how to changed the setting and when it came time to input their new names, Skye turned to Alex and Spencer; "What do you want them to be?' he asked.

"I want my name to be Seth," Spencer replied, inputting his name then sending it to the other computer screens.

"Mines going to Ares," Skye replied inputting the name and sending it.

"I want to keep my name," Alex replied, "I know what dangers it can lead to but I want the same name."

"Ok then, that's that, now let's get some rest." Skye motioned to them.

They leaned in against the wall; Skye's back facing the cave entrance, protecting Alex, who was curled up tightly against Skye's front side, and Spencer who leaned against the wall beside them.

Alex turned around to Skye; "I don't care where we are Skye, or where we go, as long as you're there, ill go anywhere in the world." Alex smiled before leaning in and kissing Skye's lips for a few seconds, then curling back up against him.

Skye placed his arms around Alex, and pulled him close, "Good night." They exchanged with one another.

They all drifted into a blissful sleep, surprising form what they all had witnessed.

The end...


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, don't worry there's more to come.

