Riding Rutting Raichu

Story by foxohki on SoFurry

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Male human/female Raichu sexings

Special thanks to m...

Male human/female Raichu sexings

Special thanks to my friend Gouka for helping me edit and encouraging the dominant overtones

  http://gouka-fushichou.sofurry.com/  Go check his stuff out!  I really recommend his Leafeon story... ;3

"Rai~~~" I yawn, finding myself waking up in a daze, my mind blurred.Rubbing the back of my right forepaw to my eyes as I try to wipe away the tired feelings, the Pidgey chirp loudly and happily, almost as if making sure I was awake.  The morning sun was just barely shining into the small blue tent where I'd always sleep with my trainer, and it was entirely much too early for this Raichu to be awake!'Why were those feathered rumpholes always so damned happy and talkative this early!  I hate those damn bird pokemon! All of um!  I hate!  Hate......  Why do I feel...  Feel like this...?  So hot and warm...  So...  So aroused......'"Raichu are you awake?"'Apparently they woke up him up as well...'"Raichu rai..."  I tell him in confirmation, our word barrier glaringly obvious as he groggily sits up to stare at me and process my words; but he could at least understand a Raichu yes when he hears it I'm sure!  Extending his right hand out towards me to place his palm on top of my head, he then rubs my fur there and strokes the bases of my ears with his fingers.'Oh......  Oh yes...  Yes yes yes...'  I think to myself while starting to breathe a bit harder my nose; my human companions contact... His constant petting touch...  Rubbing and rubbing the fur of my head...  The tops of my ears being stroked so nicely...Reaching upwards with both forepaws, I grip his lower arm to hold his hand there against me and close my eyes; not wanting it to ever stop, wanting him to feel his smooth skin against my furred form forever..."Oh well...  Err...  Hmm...  You seem to really be enjoying your morning pets today don't you?"  He tells me laughing lightly, I guess surprised after being embraced by me in such away; his voice barely seeming even to come across to me as he continues to rub and caress the top of my head, losing myself in the sensation of his body contacting mine and loving him for not stopping, pettings never quite seeming to have felt this good before...  My quiet snorted breathing doesn't seem to be enough to fan the kind of subtle fire that seems to be burning within the depths of my lower body, and I can literally feel the sensation grow in warmth and size after each fleeting moment passes; this kind of raw emotion gripping my body physically as my human friend continues his pleasurable petting of me, the nagging flame of desire becoming more and more prominent in my crotch and lower stomach.  Opening my maw wide apart to let out a long winded exhale and try to quell my heated body, I pant hard as these seemingly untamed and persistent feelings of arousal rise higher; scenarios of mating begining to play throughout my head like a rapidly spreading wildfire of uncontrollable lusted vision, surprisingly, or not so surprisingly... All of them involving a human instead of another Raichu...  All of them involving my trainer...Continuing to pant hard, my tongue lolls out to the side of my muzzle as I try further to cool my body off.  My tongue now out and about, I quickly decide to make use of it, and tilt my head backwards with forepaws still clinging to my trainers arm to begin licking his wrist and repay his pleasurable touching of me as fingers still continue to lightly wiggle against me.  "I umm...  You...  I..."  My trainer stutters cutely as I lap and lap along the underside of his arm, finding the slight salty flavor of his skin and its smooth un-furred texture quite pleasant.Gently leaning forward against him and leaving his hand's petting touch behind, I plant my warm wet Raichu kisses along the length of his arm while gripping the top of it with my forepaws and moving closer to his chest; quickly wrapping my forelegs around him and nuzzling the side his body as I reach it, replacing the feeling of his rubbing hand on my head with his torso against my cheek fur, and his chest against mine... "Umm...  Raichu?  Are you trying to get intimate with your trainer?  You've never treated me quite like this before...  Quite this affectionately..."'So he has figured me out!  Perhaps he can even smell my arousal...  My wanting aroma seems to have filled the tent without me even noticing...'  I think to myself as I ignore his words for a moment, just continue to feel his body against mine.  'He must know by now it's him I want...  Him the scent is calling out for... Well I can smell his scent in there mixed with mine...  He did always get like this in the mornings...  Naughty humans and their dirty dreams...'  "Rai~~ Chu...."  I whisper in a husky, I'm a female Raichu and I want to mate kind of voice. Letting him know exactly what I want and verbalizing my excitement and eagerness to be mounted by him...Still sitting up in his sleeping bag, I drape myself against his human form to slide my body downwards against his naked chest; I always thought his fur-less body was rather cute, and I did always enjoy seeing him like that whenever he took his shirt off before bed each night...  Coiling and wrapping my tail around his lower stomach so I can feel the entirety of his bodies width there, the rest of my body leaves his for just a moment as I pounce on top of him and dive my head underneath the extra warm and toasty confines of his sleeping bag; instantly being met with his potent male scent, ten times more potent and more wonderful than I could have imagined while catching a whiff of it from outside of there... "Raichu!"  I hear my trainer yelp in surprise, then feel his hands on my back, but don't feel them make any effort to remove me...  Part of him obviously wanting this as well...  Pressing my nose right up to the fabric covering his crotch, my eyes slowly roll to the back of my head as I sniff hard to deeply inhale the pleasant aroma; my snout contacting and bumping into something that a bit hard down here...  Was he hard for his Raichu?  I guess males get like that when they are aroused...  I mean I've seen his male parts once or twice while we went swimming together...  But it wasn't...  It wasn't like this at all I don't think...Pawing at the upper part of cloth that is covering his crotch to try and get rid that annoying piece of underwear and examine the odd human male parts up close, I suddenly feel his two hand grip onto me and lift me up out of his sleeping bag and away from my prize."Listen Raichu...  You're a pokémon!  I'm you're trainer!  This is not something pokémon and trainers are supposed to do with each other..."  He tells me while picking me up and sitting me down on the floor of the tent next to him, my tail slowly uncoiling from around his body in a rejected disappointment; but I am determined...  The heck with what pokémon and trainers are 'supposed' to do...  I need a male, and he's the only want...  I can't...  Can't fight these feelings...  Can't fight these urges...  I will show him how much his Raichu loves and needs him...  "Chu~~ Chu~~"  I whisper as cutely as possible while changing positions, gently laying down on my side next to him with my underbelly and chest exposed and facing his way.  "Chuuu~" I let out a long winded growl so he can hear the lust and arousal in my voice.With my eyes staring into his pleadingly, I snake my tail around and curve it so that the tip of my lightning bolt garnished end is aimed towards my crotch, then slowly lift my right hind leg high into the air so he can see my female parts.  Not breaking eye contact with him for a second, I bring my tail's end inwards to that slit between my hind legs and rest the tip just against the opening before gently pushing against it."Rai...  Raichu~~" I moan teasingly as gently sink as much of it as I can into my body.  "Chu chu chu~~"  I go whine and pant in pleasure as I thrust my tail back and forth through my warm and wet female flesh; entirely more slippery than it's ever been while pleasuring myself like this before and entirely more arousing as my trainer watches me like a dumbfounded Slowpoke...  "Raichu you're...  You're in heat you see...  I'll find...  I'll find a nice poké male for you to mate with if you'd like...  Another Raichu?  Maybe a Jolteon or something?  Anything you want..."  He starts mumbling quietly to me, so obviously wanting to take to the place of any pokémon on top of me...  I could hear the hesitance in his voice...  Smell his musk still wafting throughout the tent, now at a growing rate...Thrusting my tail as deep into my overly excited female hole and leaving it there for a moment, I decide to respond to his words by re-adjusting positions and trying to further encourage him to mount me...  Find my way onto my front side and standing onto all four paws, I then shuffle around and aim my rear end towards; my hot female slit positioned directly at his face so he can get a good view of it as I attempt to make it as blatant as possible that I didn't want to mate with a pokémon male, but a human one...  Lowering my front end and keeping my hindquarters up high, I then look back over my shoulder to stare up at his face and once more make eye contact as I begin slamming my tail into my mating hole again and again; hearing soft wet squishing noises that I've never heard before while pleasuring myself in this way, feeling so much more aroused and turned on then I've ever felt myself be in my life...  Absolutely NEEDING to be mated, and getting quite annoyed with him for not just removing my tail and mounting me already...  "Raiii....."  I sigh in a heated frustration, my crotch and female parts ablaze with an extreme want of everything male, my tail only seeming to make things worse as I prod there myself, merely angering the heat and adding to the itching flames of arousal inside... Removing my tail's end from inside my warm and wet fleshy female place, I then quickly whip around to face my trainer and arch my tail above my body with the tip pointed towards my soon-to-be human mate.  Feeling a drop of my juices drip onto my lower back fur as I slowly move my tail closer towards him, I seem to enter a somewhat playful and aggressive state of mind; an extreme mental excitement and wonderment coming over me as I convince myself that neither of us were going to leave this tent until he left his male seeds inside me..."Raichu Rai!"  I howl as I pounce onto my trainer; quickly gripping his shoulders as I make contact with him and knocking him over onto his back as I force him to lay down on the ground with my flying body weight."Raichu!  I'm not a pokémon!  You can't!  You can't....."  He begins to whine as wrap my hind legs around the side his chest and begin to ever so lightly hump against him just a tiny bit against him, gently rubbing that sensitive entrance of my female place up and down along the smooth un-furred human skin of his as I then attempt to further seduce him by sneakily maneuvering the end of my tail upwards and place it next to his nose, holding it there for a moment before bumping his nostrils lightly and moving it a bit lower to rub his lips so he can smell and taste my female wetness; my trainer perhaps finally succumbing to his lusty Raichu's will as his words and speech die off and he simply lies back not fighting or even talking in protest...  "Rai!"  I yip at the sensation of my trainer's tongue suddenly licking my tail; despite being human, it seemed as though he enjoyed the smell and taste of my special female place as I hoped he might...The side of my head pressed to my trainers body as remain gripping and humping him, I slowly twist it upwards now to look at him as he continues to eagerly lap up the bit of female fluids coating the end of my tail; feeling myself blush as a warmth surrounds my cheeks and I finally get my love returned in that special mateship kind of way, this human who I've become infatuated with finally seeming to accept my less then subtle advances as something I've actually dreamed of and wanted for quite some time comes true in this moment... Stopping my constant hindquarter thrusting motions against him, I climb upwards along his body a ways to see if I he'll let me kiss him; my human lover staring at my passionately as I do so, my tail going away from his face and backwards behind me as I move in to steal a lick across his tongue as it remains just out of his maw.  Licking and licking his lips now as his tongue withdraws entirely back inside his mouth, I can tell he is further breaking down and falling in love with his Raichu as it quickly flicks back out to press against mine; my trainer returning my loving kisses in earnest, finally showing some display of real mate-like affection to me and pleasing me to no end...  "Raiii~~"  I mewl in delight before moving my lips against his to take his short little human tongue into my muzzle, sucking and licking it inside my maw as it moves and wiggles back against me; all other thoughts and sensations seeming to melt way into nothingness as empty all of my emotions into my trainer, only the feeling of pleasure and intense love remaining as I become utterly consumed with the sounds and motions of soft suckles and licks, the annoying happy chirps of Pidgey long since drowned out of my mind by our own happy morning sounds...  Sounds I intend to make with him every morning that we wake up after today...Hot and burning, whining with a constant nagging call to be filled and moved along, my crotch and female parts seem call out to me in an aroused fire of lust; the nagging need grabbing my attention and shaking me from my happy place, my mind become dead set on only one thing...  'There is nothing in the world that will stop me from mating this human now...'  And so continuing our licks and intimate mouthing kisses, I slowly and expertly snake my tail around, and press my lightning bolt end against his lower waist before then slowly sliding it downwards against his body and underneath that annoying piece of clothing covering his crotch.  "Raichu I...  I don't know if we should be doing....."  My trainer stops licking back against as he begins to talk, his words quickly fading away as I wrap my tail around the base of his male part and feel it's oddly hard and squishy texture against me there.Placing both forepaws on his chest and straddling his stomach with my hind legs, I then slowly arch my back and stand on my forelegs to move my licking away from his lips and trail my tongue downwards along his body to plant warm wet kisses along the undersides of his chin and then neck.  Continuing downward to lap and lap at his chest, I keep licking there as I maneuver my lightning bolt tail's end back upwards about half way out of his under clothing, and then push it backwards to slide it off him and remove the troublesome cloth."Chu?"  I chirp questioningly as I quickly press the top of my head against the center his chest to look backwards and peak at what I know was lying beneath his clothing, feeling the slight dampness of my saliva against me there as I stand up a bit on my hind legs to catch his male parts wiggling and jumping slightly within my tail's grasp; the rest of my trainers body seemingly motionless as he lets his Raichu explore his body, joined only by the motion of his gently rising and falling of his chest against my forepaw's pads as he makes a kind of heavy and excited breathing.  Raising my head upwards and tilting it back to stick my snout up high, I sniff and sniff as his uncovered male scent wafts into the air to come tapping on the pleasure center of my brain; human mating parts emitting that same kind of need-to-mate smell that my own pokémon mating hole has been, feeling my inner female flesh there quiver as a single drop of my heated juices escapes to stain my crotch fur, my body must knowing how close I am to mating with him now...  That single drop is soon joined by intense increase of moisture as the fur surrounding my female entrance becomes soaked in arousal liquids, my opening feeling oh so good against his skin as I lower my hindquarters back down onto him and am taken to a seemingly unimaginable further place of lust and need..."Rai...  Rai...  Rai..."  I let long drawn out grunting exhales as my forepaws slide forward to my human companion's upper chest and my crotch remains laying firmly against his stomach, my body continuing to ache in anticipation and drip in need of a male.  Suddenly feeling both of his hands placed on either side of my head, my heart nearly beating out of my chest as his fingers wrap around the bases of my ears and begin to gently pet them."Rai~~ Rai~~ Rai~~" I start to whine as cutely as possible with my heavy exhales in an attempt to encourage him how very okay it is to be doing these sorts of things with his Raichu, and to let him know how very much I want this; still finding myself very short of breathe as I imagine making the move from human and pokémon friends, to mates...Watching as my trainer slowly leans the front half of his body up and off the ground, my forelegs grow wobbly upon him and slide to his sides to the floor below as he brings his head right next to mine to begin licking my muzzle lips; my entire being shaking as I become overwhelmed and assaulted with a kind of intense love feeling stronger than ever before. With a cocktail of indescribable happy emotions surging through my form, I wrap my forelegs around my trainers neck to enthusiastically begin licking back against his lips and tongue; feeling the area around my eyes become as wet as my crotch fur as cant' but help but cry, a huge grin on my face as I awkwardly smile and lick back as best I can while my trainer finally truly lets me know with his body that it's okay to mate with him...  Finally he's blatantly returning those same kinds of feelings that I've showed I have for him...  Language wasn't needed, I could feel it in his heart, feel it in his licking tongue and fingers that never cease to stop their rubbing of me ears in all the most sensitive spots in the best of ways...  Human and pokémon tongues bumping and rubbing as I feel emotionally at one and entirely mentally connected with this being from a different species who I love and feel loved back by just as much, time seems to blur...  The only keeper of it and thing seeming to keep me attached the physical realm being his throbbing happy male part, feeling it jump and press repeatedly against my lower back, no doubt eager to go inside his Raichu lover...  Though none was more eager than I, a flaming entanglement in my lower insides made sure of that...  Spiraling and stirring with a constant movement, a hot knot begging to be touched and prodded...  One that only he could untie...Slowly removing my forelegs from around his neck, my forepaws then find their way back to his chest, where I slowly apply pressure and stand on him; gently breaking our kiss as I push him back down onto the ground to prepare for what I have planned...  Slowly tilting my head downwards, I trail my licks lower long his body as I had once before; my tongue licking his chin and then neck as I feel his lapping tongue contact my fur, warm wet friction running against the top of my muzzle and forehead as my head shifts along his form.  Arching my back as I continue my licks along his fleshy, slightly salty tasting human skin, I force him to stop his lickings back against me as finally reach his chest and press the top of my head against it once more to see underneath us and watch towards our hind ends as I find footing on the tent floor with my hind paws and begin to slowly stand on them; my eyes glued to my white furred underbelly as his continues his never ending ear rubbings and touching of the top of my head, a constant reminder that he wanted to do this with his Raichu and loved her...  "Rai~~" I mewl in excitement as I continue lifting my hindquarters upwards and catch a glimpse at the bottom part of his maleness.  "Chu!"  I squeal as I feel a round fleshy smooth surface suddenly press against my tail hole; feeling strangely good to have it contacting and pushing against that sensitive puckered orifice, but it's not the hole I wanted it inside so desperately...  "Rai.....  Rai......  Rai......"  I go on to release deep exaggerated feral grunts, now feeling that same round fleshy end part of his press lower and lower against my rear end, verbalizing my extreme want as I ever so slowly raising my backside against him and watch as more and more of his male human part becomes visible between the limited vision of our bodies.  "Chu~~ Chu~~  Chu~~"  I quickly revert back to cute little feminine Raichu noises as I feel him now pressing against the very back of my super sensitive slit, more and more of it rubbing against me there as it leaves behind my mound of damp crotch fur entirely to come touch the entrance of my un-furred fleshy hole.  Quickly whipping my head upwards, I find my trainer's eyes staring into mine.  Always the most compassionate and caring human OR pokémon I've ever known, he seemed entirely content to let me do this all on my own...  Just a horny rutting Raichu come to experience mating for the first time with her forbidden lover... His protruding male part softly pressing against the top of my distinctly different female opening so hot and wet today for some reason, I gently stand higher onto my hind legs to raise my rump and stroke the tip of his rod against the length of my ultra-sensitive slit; his bulbous end lightly pressing against my genitals as I run them along each other to tease them with the idea of being connected. Repeating the process and gently crouching downwards with my hind legs and then standing back up, I can feel the tip just barely dip in and enter inside me on one of raising myself back upwards against him motions; pleasure tingling through my body as it presses against the back inner walls of my sex, pressing hard against me before slipping out.  "Chu~~"  I chirp excitedly at the amazing sensation, resting a moment as his pokémon pleasuring tool thumps curiously against the bit of fur between my slit and tail hole; obviously wanting to explore deeper into my depths as much as I wanted it too...'Going...  Back down...'  I think to myself as I lift my hindquarters once more to press him along my slit, my thoughts seeming to become as staggered as my heavy panting.  'Never before...  Has something...  Felt this good...'  I go on, my mind turning to mush as grind myself backwards against his warm fleshy male part's end, lowering and raising my hindquarters with a quickened pace as I hump myself against him and drag that special area of his body against the outside of mine."Rai...  Chu~~ Rai... Chu~~"  I pant and purr as I feel him lightly enter me once more, the very tip of his maleness being dragged back and along my insides as it quickly runs out of room and bumps into both walls of my sensitive flesh hole again and again; a feeling like nothing compared to my tail being inside there...  Having another pokémon...  Another person rather...  Having this HUMAN who I loved...  Rubbing the super sensitive skin inside my female place...  It was entirely different, an entirely new experience altogether...  One that is bringing me to new levels of pleasure of which I've never felt or new were obtainable...  Continuing my constant grinding humps to receive the insane feelings of delight it gave, I find myself quickly wanting more...  Wanting it to go deeper...  To touch parts of me that my tail, with its ineffective shape, could not hope to reach...  So stopping for a moment, I backpedal a few paces with my hind paws to reposition my crotch directly above him; feeling a bit more length of his rod slipping deeper inside me while doing so.  With hindquarters gently squatting down over my trainer and eyes still locked with his, my gaze with finally breaks as I look down towards his stomach and shift my forepaws from their place resting atop his chest to slowly bring them inwards towards our crotches.  Digits and pads gently feeling around between my spread hind legs and brushing into his fleshy pole, I can tell that only about half of it has found its way inside me so far; yet it was already in there as far as my could ever go...Lower, lower, and lower... I slowly and carefully squat further downwards onto my human lover, feeling his maleness slide deeper and deeper into my body to touch previously untouchable places and light them up as if to turn his Raichu on for the very first time; feeling myself emit dull sparking waves of electricity into the air around us, bouncing around harmless as I can't help but release a bit of my energy...  "Chu~~~"  I sigh in in pleasure as finally reach a resistance and can no longer squat further down, promptly sitting on that uniquely furry area of my human's crotch as the entirety length of his male part becomes hidden and deeply embedded within his pokémon lover.Feeling a few of his human crotch furs tickle my tail hole, I rest for a moment to enjoy the sensation of being connected like this to my trainer, then lean forwards against his body to press my chest to his and slide my forepaws along his sides to then hug him there; feeling his body shift inside mine as my insides remain hugging him, and my outsides move to embrace him as well..."Chu~ Chu~ Chu~"  I tell him as I begin licking his chest lovingly, thanking him for letting me do this and telling him how much I love him between my tonguing motions.Lapping at my trainer as his body fills mine in the best of ways and I cuddle him closely, I can feel his male part twitch inside me happily; throbbing and moving all on its own as I become absolutely overwhelmed with the need to feel it moving against me more...  And so with forepaws still clinging to his sides, I now gently push myself forward with the ends of my hind paws to make his fleshy stick connecter part rub along my own super sensitive fleshy insides; feeling just as amazing as it first had while sliding into me there...  "Chuuu~~~"  I whine in pleasure as the length of his maleness continues to slowly slip out of me; still not being able to believe how infinitely better if feels to have him inside there instead of my tail, and just now realizing how very deep it was able to go inside me there as I feel it leave...  "Chuuu~~~ Chu!"  I continue to moan again, only to call out in surprise shortly after as I feel him leave my hole completely, the tip pressing against the top of my slit and hit some kind of extremely sensitive spot before then hitting belly.  "Rai! Chu! Chu!"  I bark happily while laughing to myself in amusement; 'did it want to leave me then?!  I thought it was enjoying being in there!  Such a curious thing...'Clambering off of my human lover and onto the tent floor below, I then quickly whip around to finally examine his male mating parts up close; finding it a bit shiny and wet after having been inside me and noticing how the rounded end part is a bit brighter pink compared the rest of it.  The terribly potent smell of his musk seems to singe my nostrils with a kind of burning lusty allure as my snout moves closer towards his erect maleness; the scent making my own female parts ache and stir in a fast returning heated excitement, almost as if saying: "Put it back in me you silly Raichu!  You can admire and sniff at it later!  Lick at it if you want!  But I need it NOW!!!"  With my lower stomach and crotch consumed by constant uncomfortable glowing warmth, I give the tip of his maleness a swift lick, then promptly jump back up onto his stomach to straddle his lower sides. I can feel my female hole drip and shudder in delight as I gently and slowly lower my crotch downwards and prepare to put him back inside, and it's almost as if I can already feel it deep within me again...  Feel him cooling that damned heated orifice with his throbbing rubbing touch...  Feel it squiggle and squirm inside me as I take it back into my body for another visit...  Feel it...  Feel......"Chu~~  Chuu~~~!"  I mewl happily as I feel the end of his bulbous maleness touch my slit, and then cry out loudly as I back pedal a few steps to quickly take the length of his male part all the way inside me; feeling the stiff yet soft fleshy rod slide along my inflamed, moist inner Raichu parts, rubbing and pressing against all sides of my hole and shooting unbelievable sensations of pure physical bliss into my body like a pleasure lightning bolt, slipping into my body with a soft wet squishing sound and causing a few tiny sparks of electric energy to pulse outwards from my cheeks...  "Oh my god...  Raichu......"  My human mate calls out my name as I slowly stand on my hindpaws to gently release him from the depths of my fleshy grip.  "I love you..."  He tells me in his indistinguishable speech as I lower myself back down on top of him; obtaining more male fleshy friction along my insides and achieving the amazing physical ecstasy that it caused, hearing the raw sincerity in his voice as I feel his body be taken back into mine, those words could only mean one thing..."Raichu rai!"  I confess my love back to him, almost immediately after feeling his lips press against mine as he bends forward with the front half of his body to hug me; his tongue quickly finding its way inside my maw to join his lower part in being inside my body as I continue to hump and bounce against him, moving him back and forth through my sensitive female area.Closing my eyes, I lightly begin to suckle on his tongue as I continue to ride his body as his warmth and love surrounds me like a an emotional security blanket; feeling entirely invulnerable as he remains hugging my upper chest tightly and my insides begin hugging and squeezing back against him, my female hole shutting down around him and clamping him tightly before quickly releasing and doing so again, our bodies moving and meshing against one another's in a dance of passionate pokémon-human matings.  "Chu~~"  I moan against his maw's lips as I feel all pleasurable sensations build and build; my humping motions picking up some I raise and lower my crotch with an increased fervor, furry Raichu bottom meeting squishy round human parts again and again as I move up and down against him like fury attack, taking his special male part in and out of my body with quiet slick slurping sounds and hearing a faint wet smack each time my slitted entrance presses down against him and entirety is consumed within my body to press hard against the most inner depths of my sensitive insides, the act of mating entirely more amazing and pleasurable than I ever could imagined, and the act of being physically loved and emotionally loved by this human whom my heart had belonged to just indescribably wonderful on so many levels..."Raichu...  Something...  Something is going to happen..."  My human mate pulls his head back to remove his lips and tongue touch and mumble something to me.Suddenly feeling his form shake against me a bit, his male part begins to rapidly twitch and squirm all around; his entire body seeming to react as I soon feel something warm and strange being shot up very deep inside me before then spray and coat the insides of my fleshy female hole as I continue to hump and move his maleness against me, not wanting these feelings to ever stop...  As his body continues to stream a kind of hot gooey liquid along the inside of my body, I can oddly enough feel the begging itch I have been feeling deep with there begin to cool; having him do this to my only seeming to increase my pleasure as well, reaching levels I never thought obtainable as I hit a kind of pleasure breaking point.  "Chuuu!"  I cry out entirely too loudly as a kind of ultimate physical bliss washes over my body and vibrates my being, quickly stopping any humping motions to sit perched on top of my trainer's crotch as my female hole clasps and squeezes rapidly against him in a flurry of excitement; feeling his warm liquid feeling stuff continue to lightly squirt so very deep into the insides of my belly.Leaning forward onto my human to press my furred chest and stomach against his naked one, I then  wrap my arms around his back to hug him lovingly; my insides continuing to hug him as well as I shift and my female place continues to gently ripple against his male part, my body and being embracing all that is him.  Suddenly I feel his hands shift to the top of my head as his fingers rub and play with my ears as he liked to do; sending more pleasurable sensations into my body's physical form as he rubs me there so intimately or nicely, my emotional state continue to hum at all time high as I bask in the glow of his love.Needing to feel more of my body against him and better display my gratitude and infatuation of him, I begin to slowly lick and lick at the center of his chest; showering him with all of the wet warm affection that my tongue could give.  "Chu~~  Chu~~"  I purr quiet happy mewlings of contentment between my licks; the streams of warm liquids he shot inside me and the way my body shook with new heights of uncontrollable excited pleasure seeming to have completely douse any heated itch inside me.Moving to gently grip my mate's upper sides with my forepaws, I then slowly push off with my hind paws to pull myself forward slide along the undersides his body and lap and kiss his upper chest, neck, chin and then muzzle lips; slowly removing his body's special male part from inside me as I feel it squirm and jump in between my licks until finally feeling it disconnect completely, a warm mess of wetness stream out of my female hole as its fleshy inner walls close after being left by his invading touch, almost immediately regretting removing him from there as a faint inner stirring calls out in want of him there again.  Moving my forepaws up to the back of his head as my wet bottom sits on his stomach, I then wrap my hind legs around his torso to embrace him and feel as much of his body against mine as I can while I continue to kiss and lick his lips; his own tongue now fervently licking back at his Raichu lover's as we coat each other's maw parts in our liquids, lovingly exchanging saliva as the indescribable nagging call to have our distinctly different lower parts together again grows and grows by the second...  "Chuuu~ Chu, chuu~~~" I whine and pant beggingly as I grinding my crotch against him to press my super sensitive female slit up and down his stomach; feeling the area become increasingly slippery as his soft un-furred human body strokes my entrance in all the right places, one spot in particular near the top seeming to light up and make my body shudder slightly at the sudden sensation.  "Chu...  Raichu..."  Making my way to the side of his head as I lick the side of his right cheek and then ear, I quietly whisper into it how much I love him in my poké speech; my constant humping motions against seeming to have quite the effect on his body as I snap my head back to look over my shoulder to watch as his male part moves and jumps alone in the air, no doubt wanting to go back inside me to deposit more of those special male liquid seed stuff...Stopping my pelvic thrusting motions against him, I begin to curiously prod and tease his moving male part with my tail, when something suddenly strikes me as odd...  'Those painfully annoying Pidgey would always be squawking and chirping for a good couple of hours in the morning...  But now...  Now I don't hear anything at all...  Only the quiet sounds of my human lover breathing hard in anticipation for what his Raichu mate next had planned for him...'  Slowly pushing myself further forward along fleshy un-furred skin, my forepaws find footing on the tent floor above my mate's head as I remove myself from his touch completely; giving him a nice view of my stomach, crotch and female parts as I slowly walk forward past him.  Slowly walking over to the tent's entrance in a love stricken daze, my body still glowing with extreme emotional awareness of being entirely desired and cared for, I then subtlety zip down the fly to peer outside into the wilderness; immediately feeling somewhat awkward as around ten sets of unknown eyes fall upon me. Seven Pidgey perched in the trees high above; they remain oddly quiet and seem to just be staring towards me intently...  Now looking to the forest floor I notice two Mightyena and a younger looking male Vulpix there, all three watching me with a look of shock and awe, I can tell the Mightyena are probably female by their sleek forms, while the Vulpix makes his gender quite visible and pronounced; a little red male part sticking out from between his hind legs brightly against his creamy white underbelly fur.  Simply giggling to myself at the fact that they must have been listening to the going-ons of my human mate and I in our tent, I slowly zip the fly back up to shield any unwanted eyes from falling upon us, then turn back towards my trainer before leaping into the air and pouncing on him; knocking him onto his back as he had apparently leaned forward to look outside with me to find our group of curious spectators.  Licking and nuzzling the upper half of his body, I lustily wrap my tail around his pokémon pleasuring stick to get a feel for where it is as I snuggle him and slowly backpedal along his form to get ready to take him back inside my waiting, wanting love box."Chu...  Raichu chu..."  I tell him as I feel his rounded smooth tip press against my slit before pressing it apart and slipping inside, his length slowly become engulfed his Raichu; 'I don't care...  Let them listen...'