Baby Sef Part 1

Story by ArmaFoxWuffie on SoFurry

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#3 of Baby Sef

"Stupid jerk," I mumbled aloud as I walked home from Jackson Middle school with my black paws in my pockets, the denim going up to cover most of the black sleeves of my mostly red-furred arms. My fluffy fox tail waving behind me, twitching in anger as I stomped home.

"Hey! Wait up, Sef!" my best friend called out, chasing after me, finally catching up. "Are you okay, Sef?"

"No! That punk has done it for the last time!" I snapped in rage.

"Sef, no one saw, it's okay, the Principal will believe you over him"

"Yeah well that's only because I'm the one with the swollen eye. Principal Larz hates me," I pouted, being only thirteen years old.

"Sef, I'd be more worried about your father than the principal."

"I'll just go right to the bathroom to take care of this eye and then to my room."

"Sef, I don't think-"

I Started running home before John could finish, darting across the street while I had the chance to reach my home block as fast as my fox feet would carry me. I made it to my yard and slowed quickly to a stop at the bushes of my yard, peaking around them for my father, adjusting the straps of my backpack once I could see he wasn't anywhere in sight.

I snuck to the door and opened it with my ears perked and I began to tip-toe to the stairs, but I soon cringed when I heard the wooden door shut behind me and my dad's heavy footsteps approaching. I grabbed onto the rail of the stairs and started to dash up but before I knew it, I was snatched up by my backpack and held with my footpaws an inch from the ground with my dad's deep blue eyes staring into my own brown eyes. My dad was a very large and imposing figure of a black wolf; my mother was a fox.

"Principal Larz called five minutes ago. I suppose it was to explain to me why my son would be coming home with a swollen eye," he said very calmly, his large muscles rippling under his tight black t-shirt and denim pants.

My ears folded back "Dad, I... I didn't start it I swear!"

"But you damn sure finished it didn't you!" he snapped making his muzzle wrinkle as he snarled. "Jason's nose is most likely broken and the Janitor has a lot of blood to clean up out of the halls and the main office thanks to you." He said putting me down on my feet. "Go sit on the couch! We're going to talk"

"But dad!" I whined.

"Don't whine! I taught you how to defend yourself not fight!"

"But he started it!"

"I said go sit down! Now!" He leaned down right in my face as he shouted this time and I nearly wet myself. I skittered over to the couch with my tail down and curled between my legs.

Dad sat down next to me, the weight of his body causing the springs and wood of the couch to creak as he sat next to me, his muscles bulging. I blushed when I saw his large muscles strain against his shirt and his pants tighten between his legs. "You hit him because he hit you first, right?"

"Yes, sir, but he and his friends wouldn't leave me alone they kept calling me a daddy's boy and a baby and-" I shut up when my father lifted up his open paw calmly to show me he wanted me quiet

"Why did he hit you first?"

"Because..." My ears folded back. "Because I cursed at him and his friends"

"I thought so. You've been whiney all week, Sef. How do whiner's get treated?"

"Like babies..." I said whimpering, knowing my dad was going to make me sleep in his room in the small bed in the corner.

"This time you'll REALLY get treated like one now go to my room, take your pants and shirt off and get ready for bed."

"But daaad!" I whined, which got my dad even angrier and he stood up quickly and reached for me as I jumped up to run, but once again was caught by my back pack. He threw me to the couch so I was bent over the edge on my knees and he ripped my pants down my legs with my underwear to expose my furry rump.

I tried to cover myself with my tail, but he fixed that by grabbing it and lifting it and it was only shortly after that I felt the sting of his large paw and claws on my rump three times.

He let me go and I got up and ran to my father's room sniffling. I opened the door and dropped my backpack near the small twin bed and removed my shirt and walked to my small provided dresser and grabbed another pair of boxer-briefs and slipped them on.

I sat on the bed, wondering what he meant by "REALLY get treated like babies." The room was large and the bed was so small with embarrassing kiddy prints on the blankets and sheets. I sat there in only a pair of boxer-briefs waiting for my dad with my ears splayed to the sides.

He came in and the room was dark, but i could see his eyes. He had a bag hanging on his shoulder something cylindrical in his paw. "Lay down." he said.

I laid down and he picked my legs up and sat next to me and pulled me to be cradled in his lap and I tried to sit up but his large paw forced me back down in his lap. "gah! Dad wha-" My muzzle was then suddenly plugged with a rubber nipple.

"Suck on it. This is your dinner for tonight, my baby boy," he said calmly to me.

I tried to turn my head away and protest but he swatted my leg hard and I whimpered and began to suckle on the nipple and my eyes widened. It wasn't milk or apple juice.. it kind of tasted like milk, but.. it was .. different.

After a few minutes I felt myself slowly calmed and my ears went back and I closed my eyes.

"That's it, son. You've always been such a baby, a big baby... but you're my baby," my father said in a strangely lovingly way. I knew my father loved and cared for me but he had been so distant since my mother passed away.

"Your mother always cared for you when you were a baby while I was out making enough money for us to survive... " my father's voice was growing softer and more caring, and slightly.. broken.

"I've always wanted to hold you like this... but by the time I could start spending more time at home, you were too old to let me."

I whimpered softly at his words and he calmly stroked my face, and then I felt it; drowsiness. It was creeping from behind me and filling my entire body with weakness and making my eyelids heavy, keeping me form opening them until I felt like I fell into a soft cloud of comfort and the nothingness while my father's words slowly faded away, the last words I heard were a faint, "good boy."

I slowly opened my eyes and began to collect my senses, trying to recover from the heavy shroud of drowsiness I figured was caused by a drug. While gathering myself, I began to smell something comforting and familiar... "was it... " I thought and then my eyes sprang open wide .... "Baby powder?!" And... something thick was around my waist and... I reached down and grabbed at myself and felt my boxer-briefs crinkle... "wait.. those aren't boxer-briefs....they're..."

"Yes, son... you're in a nice thick, clean... diaper," my father whispered into my ear and pulled me against him, back into his thick muscled arms.

"A di- DIAPER?!" I began to freak out and I kicked and pushed my dad away from me and scurried away only to fall off of his bed and look down at myself. The diaper was tightly taped around my waist and had a playful little fox on the front in a diaper as well playing with toys.

"DAD?! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" I yelled and tried to claw at the thick plastic only to have my paws grabbed by my dad's single large paw and yanked back up onto the bed and onto his torso as he sat up partially.

"Son.. what did I say earlier?" he asked with a grin.

I thought for a moment and then I whimpered loudly "that I'd REALLY get treated like a baby?"

"Correct, but.. this isn't punishment, my baby boy..." he said as he rolled over onto his side and pulled me back against him. "I think you'll find that you like it.

"What do you mean.. it's a dia-" my words were interrupted by my father's paw on the front of my diaper, squeezing and pushing it up against my young sheathe and balls, making me moan softly.

"That's what I mean... and you should be using your new underwear soon."

I whimpered and struggled but he held me close and kisses my forehead as I realized my bladder was more than full.

"Shhhh it's okay... all babies wet themselves."

"But dad, I..." I was interrupted again as he began to rub the thick padding against my sheathe a bit and then stopped.

"You can't wet if you're erect, son, so I'll stop teasing you for now," he whispered as he held me close and began to nuzzle me cheek to cheek and into my neck, holding me as tight and as close as possible.

I began to wonder why this was all happening, why my dad suddenly wanted to hold me, why he wanted me in a diaper and every image or thought that came to mind made me blush and then I realized... he did love me after all and I had always loved him and... I oddly always found my own father secretly attractive... could he have thought the same? Or did he just want his baby boy back?

My cock finally receded back into my sheathe and I whimpered, trying to keep myself from wetting the diaper, but my dad's paw moved up to firmly press and squeeze my lower torso, forcing me to begin to wet the diaper. My ears went back and I arched my neck, and began to whimper, but my whimpers slowly became soft moans as I felt warmth spread over my crotch and under my balls and slowly across my hips as I felt the urine drizzle back to my backside, slowly filling every last bit of gel in the diaper with my hot, yellow fluid.

"mmm that's a good boy... don't worry.. I won't let you leak on the bed, son. I didn't give you enough apple juice while you were asleep to do that."

I finally stopped releasing into my diaper and my dad pulled my muzzle so we were looking at each other and he smiled and kissed my lips softly, slipping his tongue into my muzzle, making my eyes go wide but then... slowly close in the moment as I kissed back and began to suck on my daddy's tongue.

He reached his paw down to the front of my diaper and squeezed it over my sheathe and I realized I was already hard again, straining against my soaked diaper.

"mmmm my son is a big boy for his age just like his dad," he said as he broke the kiss and smiled down at my brightly blushing face. "And it seems my baby boy needs a change... unless..." he squeezed the hot front of my diaper against me again and made me suck air through my teeth and then moan. "my baby boy likes to be wet."

I whimpered as my dad got up but then smiled again as he picked me up in his large strong arms and carried me over to a table that I didn't think was in the room before I had fallen asleep. He laid me there and smiled, spreading my legs and patting the front of my diaper making me whimper-moan again before he gripped the front of my diaper and ripped the front from the tapes and let it flop down and expose my soaked, erect 9 inch member and bits.

"mmm as I said.. my baby boy is big for his age like his dad. If only the other 11 year olds knew, hm?" he said as he pulled the diaper from under my butt and rolled it quickly and tossed it aside. "And I forgot wipes so that means only one thing," he said grinning as he pinned my hips down and I meeped as I suddenly felt my dad's large tongue and hot breathe passing over my lower body, cleaning every inch of fur around my sheathe and bits.

I began to squirm and whimper and moan, but he held my hips down firmly, cleaning my crotch thoroughly and purposely ignoring my erection, my balls, and my sheathe. Instead, he went lower, licking just under my fuzzy sac and lapping his way down to my tailhole, making me whimper more as he breathed his steamy breath over my tailhole and sniffed at it softly.

"Hold on, son.. you're going to like this all too much," he said just before making a single long, hard lick up my puckered hole and then another and a third, licking faster and now at slanted angles and then straight up again, cleaning every bit of my tailhole, making my hardon throb as I gripped onto the sides of the changing table and dug my claws into the plastic and wood materials. "ohhhh!"

"mmm my son still has a small hole. That's good," he grinned and I felt him force his tongue into my tight hole making me cry out in pleasure and grip at the table's sides even harder as he moves his tongue around rapidly inside me and begins to pull it back and forth and then pressing his tongue all the way into me until his teeth are grazing over my tight pucker.

"Ohhh daddy!" I finally cried out in the middle of my moans, which caused him to pull out and grin, licking his lips.

"Mmm I've always wondered how that would sound coming out of your muzzle, baby boy," he said before leaning back down and taking my small sac into his muzzle, sucking and licking the fur clean, again making me gasp from the new sensation, my chest feeling cold and my heart beating in my throat, almost unable to believe what my father was doing to my body, but not complaining one bit.

He finally pulled off of my balls and began to gently lap at and clean my sheathe while I breathed heavily, catching my breath from the last bit of teasing as my arms and chest managed to relax, as well as my toes which I had only just realized were curled up tightly.

"Ready for me to clean the rest, son?" he asked deviously with a devilish grin.

I couldn't answer and I didn't have time, within that moment, my father's tongue was all over my erect shaft, licking it up and down and swirling his large tongue around the head and I could barely keep my eyes open to watch him as he seemed to hungrily lick my cock before finally take it all the way into his muzzle and diligently nurse and suck on it, making me squirm as he pinned my hips down again.

"nnng... mmmnnf daddy.... Daddy it.. it feels..." I couldn't possibly get any coherent sentences or full words out even, the feeling was new and exciting and the fact it was my dad doing it to me made it even better. My moans and words seemed to excite him and make him suck harder without moving his head. I could feel his lips tightly latched around the base of my cock, below my immature and undeveloped knot and his large tongue licking all over and tugging the underside of my cock as he sucked me down into his throat and constantly swallowing my pre, making his throat move around my cock head.

I tried to sit up and buck into his muzzle but his large paw came up and forced my chest back down and he finally began to bob his head up and down on my erection, making me squirm even more and writhe under his grasp as I felt pleasure rising inside of my body as his warm muzzle, tongue and lips ran up and down my shaft, feeling his tongue lap against my member while he sucked and swallowed me and continued to bob up and down.

"Da...daaaadddyyy...," I whimpered out as he growled and made me vibrate in his throat as I panted heavier and began to quiver under him as I felt my balls draw up close to my body, which were soon grasped and massaged in his paw, making them fill with semen even quicker until finally...

"ah.. ahhhh!" I felt the thick goo crawl up inside of my shaft and shoot out into my father's throat where he swallowed it and murred deeply, pulling off of my shaft while sucking hard, his lips coming off the head with a pop.

I laid there panting, looking at my father with half-closed eyes as my cock slowly retreated back into my sheathe and my dad licked his lips.

"Mm good boy... you tasted good, just like me," he said rubbing my sides to relax me. "Now let's turn you over and clean your backside a bit more before I put you in another diaper," he continued while turning me over onto my stomach and leaning down to gently lick my rumpfur clean.

He had to hold me still as he licked the base of my tail and made me moan again. I was too relaxed and worn out from the shear ecstasy of getting a blowjob from my father to protest against having another diaper put on me. Having any intimacy with him at all oddly made me aroused and feel... warm inside.

He finished cleaning my rump and then powdered it and rubbed the powder into my fur firmly and roughly, making me murr. He then turned me back onto my back and lifted my rump and placed another diaper under me. I looked down at myself and the diaper and at my father, watching and blushing a cherry red under my fur.

"I know you enjoy it, Sef just relax and let daddy take care of you," he said sweetly before powdering my front and rubbing the powder firmly into my fur again and then pulling the front of the diaper up between my legs tightly and taping it in place securely. He then tucked in the padding between my legs to secure it and give it a more comfortable fit before patting my crotch, making me murr again and picking me up into his large, strong arms and cradled me, carrying me to the bed.

He laid me down and slipped his shirt off. I gasped and blushed deeply when I saw his strong, ripped upper body. I loved staring at my father's body.. and I had never realized it until now, but I found something I liked to stare at more when he unbuckled his belt and slipped down his pants and revealed his thick, engorged, heavy black-fured sheathe and large balls.

"Now, Sef... I've seen you watch my muscled bulge before... do you think you can worship them like a good pup?"

TO BE CONTINUED...........