First Move

Story by Jalendragon on SoFurry

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#1 of Coal Black

A normal day downtown, a lawyer rushing to a meeting, a mysterious companion in the elevator... it all leads to the first encounter with... Coal Black.

WARNING: contains orientation reversal and mild off-camera gender transformation.

First and foremost, I want to preface this with the fact that I've not sat down to write anything serious in almost 6 years. Not that I haven't been writing! Oh far from it. I'm deep into the 'collaborative real-time storytelling' circuit... that is, online role play. This was inspired by one such event, one that felt impactive enough to inspire me to put hands to keyboard once again. Comments are encouraged and highly welcome.
Remember, don't read this if you're under legal age in your region, yada yada...

Inspired by a scenario with my dear friend Vishki, upon who's characters Coal Black and Richard are based.

Coal Black: First Move

"Hold the elevator!" the call came. A rather well built rhinoceros in a business suit had made the call, hustling across the lobby of the building to the one open car.

Said elevator had only one occupant, a coal black skunk wearing a pair of tight grey leather motorcycle pants. A similarly gray jacket and silver helmet completed the look, a helmet that was quickly wedged in the closing doors to bounce them back open.

"Thanks," the large pachyderm huffed as he shuffled his way into the waiting car. He pushed one of the higher floor numbers on the high-rise building and settled into the far corner, leaning against the mirrored wall.

Richard, the rhino in question took a moment to examine his neighbor in the notoriously slow elevator car. The skunk was tightly packed into those leather pants in all ways, his rather athletic build more than apparent from where muscle subtly forced the leather to shape around his calves and thighs. His leather jacket was unzipped, showing off a total lack of undershirt and a similarly well built torso covered in coal black fur with a ruff of just as dark fur just under his neck. The skunk was obviously healthy, not overweight like some nor ripped like others. The most striking things in Richard's mind however, were the oddly prismatic eyes... Depending on how the jewel-like orbs moved, the color would shift from green to blue to gray to brown to red. They captured his eyes for several long moments before he felt he was staring and averted his gaze, only to be drawn to the other impressive feature of the male before him. A thick bulge was obscenely apparent against the skunk's left thigh, traveling an impressive way down and incredibly thick.

"Like what you see?" The surprisingly smooth voice of the skunk rolls across the elevator car, up Richard's leg, resonates in his loins, then travels straight up his spine. "I don't swing that way," is his canned and calm response. What's taking the elevator so long?

As the seconds ticked by, little wisps of black smoke wafted from the skunk, subtly caressing the other male's figure before being drawn up into the large pachyderm's snout. Each nose-full carried the heavy scent of the skunk... not the sharp and pungent scent the species was known for, but a musky rich spice that had the male's mind wandering. Richard's eyes wandered back to that bulge as the floors ticked by.

With a sudden lurch, the car came to a stop, the lights flickered, and the exhaust fan kicked out. The increase in heat was instant and oppressive, leaving both males' body temperature rising. More thin wisps of black floated from the skunk, especially from between his legs as he leaned back against the wall on his side of the car, pushing his hips out in a very inappropriate way, or so Richard thought. Enticing, teasing.

The skunk sighed, breaking the reverie of the rhino. "Again? This is the third time this week," the skunk complained, voluminous tail pressed up against the mirrored wall. "At least they should have us out soon." The skunk waved at the small camera positioned over the elevator panel, then turned. "Been stuck in here before...?"

The hanging question keeps the male from focusing too much on that bulge, instead locking on those amazing eyes. "Richard," he responds, "And a couple times. Longest I was ever in here was an hour." Those eyes were so amazing. He didn't break eye contact until he realized his own meaty hand had just brushed the skunk's. When had he crossed the car to get close to the other male? "I don't think I've seen you before?" he says curiously.

The odd black skunk just smiles. "I don't usually come in this time, I'm more of a night critter." That smile could win blue ribbons and made the rhino miss that his quest to get a name was turned aside. Wait, Richard thought, when did his hand take hold of the skunk's? "I take it you're with the big law firm up top?"

A firm nod was the reply as the rhino breathed in nice and deep. The skunk smelled amazing, especially now that he was closer. He felt his hand brushing through that chest ruff, then down over the skunk's abs. All the while the skunk just smiled mischievously, as if he knew something that Richard did not.

"Yeah I do," Richard finally replies, finding himself sinking down to his knees. "Jeeze its hot in here with that fan off. Really starting to sweat," he complains, unbuttoning his shirt and baring his own smooth grey hide. He was no slouch, but he couldn't help the bit of pudge he'd built up over the years. "I'm one of their defense attorneys. Though I'm between cases right now." Why was he down on his knees? Oh yeah, the skunk smelled good. Like male and potent strength and... hmm, that bulge felt nice against his nose.

"Yeah?" the skunk asks, grinning broadly now. "Well, I think I might have something for you to work on, Richard," the nameless skunk replied. "Take a nice deep breath to calm yourself. You like women, don't you?" He cocks a friendly smile.

Richard nods his head, nose pressed against that lewd bulge. "I do!" he says. "Really just can't fathom touching another guy's junk," he adds, even as he snuffles said junk right through those leathers. The mix of leather into the skunk's potent scent is amazing. "I just don't get it," he clarifies.

"Really?" asks the black skunk. "Just not your thing huh? You don't want to just nuzzle and kiss them, breathe in their scent?" that smooth voice drips into Richard's ears. Nuzzle, kiss, breathe. "Look at their bulges, think about their cocks?" Cock... bulge...

"Nope, totally straight," he says, even as he pushes his nose higher into the firm coin purse of the skunk's scrotum, held firmly in those distressed leather pants. The rhino leans back and unconsciously pulls the 'stop' knob, locking the elevator in place even if the power gets restored. Breathe. Cock. Kiss. Nuzzle. "Why do you ask?" he says.

The skunk just grins as the rhino reaches up and grabs his fly. "No reason," he purrs out. The skunk could not help the growing excitement, seeing the male below taking in his scent and reacting as he was. His arousal was threatening to grow in power too fast, he had to make this last a bit longer.

Without prompting, Richard had his hands on the skunk's fly, unzipping it slowly before working the catch above. Once the leathers parted, the darkness inside was almost impenetrable in the low light of the elevator car. There was a glint though, a slight shine of flesh amongst the black of the skunk's thicker crotch fur.

The skunk's response was to merely shift his hips and work more of the leather riding pants off, revealing more of his shaft. This close and with the thick layer of leather out of the way, the skunk's true scent hit Richard square in the face. His eyes opened wide, only to close to slits as he pushed his face into that pubic fur and inhaled deeply. Nothing wrong, he thought. It's just warm, and the skunk smelled good. No one minded someone smelling them right? Or gently brushing their tongue along the soda can thick flesh stalk growing from their loins. It was normal, natural, casual...

A deep moan filled the air from the large rhino, his whip-like tail working a mile a minute as he took over revealing the skunk's prized tool. Inch after veiny inch is revealed, from thick root down to the uncircumcised tip... Just enough foreskin to cover it without being excessive. A further trap of scents to draw Richard deeper, a trap he was more than eager to spring himself.

Leather riding pants and their form fitting selves pooled down around the skunk's paws, Richard had full access to the heavy bulge of two oranges tucked between the skunk's thighs. His nose was in them, his lips were on them. "Straight as an arrow... got a nice girlfriend," he says idly. "But you know, what she doesn't know can't hurt her, right?" He drags his nose up the underside of the skunk's impressive tool, feeling it throb.

For his part, the skunk was mostly passive in this phase of things, watching the gray skinned stud below worship his manhood. But that is what it deserved, worship, praise, love. "Yeah? Bet she loves dick," he says off hand. "Because everyone loves dick. Don't you, Dick?" The rhino blinks for a moment, then nods his head. "Yeah, everyone loves dick." He grins at the 'clever' word play.

A hand grips the skunkcock just behind its tip and tugs. A shower more than a grower, the skunk's thick organ is half hard and easy to manipulate, the foreskin pulling back to unleash a torrent of spice and lustful pheromones. Richard... Dick drank it up as he stared down at the vaguely mushroom shaped head.

A deep breath later, lips were slowly kissing the tip of that cock. Dick's first time.. his first male. His only male. He didn't dare take it into his mouth, not yet. He wasn't sure he could! The decision is made for him, however, as the skunk grips his horn and slowly pulls, forcing the amazing organ into his maw. He keeps his jaws open wide, not daring to let his teeth touch the godly spire filling his face. He was feasting on man meat for the first time and he was nearly drooling with need at the first taste.

The thick organ had gained a little length, but it was the girth that was surprising. It forced his maw wider, nearly as thick as his wrist! A few inches made it past his face, glans resting on his tongue. He quickly licked it savoring the taste, needing to get more. More he got, the skunk smoothly working his impossible cock deeper into the other male's face with a smooth motion, one that worked the throbbing veins crossing the ebony pillar through Dick's lips.

With a needy groan, the rhino pushed his head against that grip, eager to get more of that flesh in his face. He wanted his nose in that thick fur at the base of the cock once more. He wanted to feel those balls against his chin! He... he wanted... he needed this male. It was the only cock he needed.

"That's right. There's only room for one, isn't there Dick?" the skunk's smooth voice drips thickly across the rhino's ears. "Just one... only one..." He pushes almost tenderly, sliding his tip into the other male's throat! He's so big that the rhino has to be stretched, something that shows through his throat as he swallows reflexively.

By now, Dick was throbbing in his slacks, suit coat off his shoulders and rumpled around his waist. The rhino's cock was throbbing down his own pant leg, the right one, and forming a dark stain that was slowly spreading across his thigh. The throbbing of his own arousal grows unbearable, making him grip his belt and pop it open. Then his fly and button, finally the briefs below, all relaxed and slipped off his hips to bare his slate gray manhood.

He was nothing compared to the skunk above, but that was ok. He felt no envy or insecurity, he had the one cock he ever needed in his maw. Inch after inch slid down into his throat, until that nose pressed finally into the skunk's loins. Dick made a soft, content but lustful sound as he gripped his own organ and started stroking slowly, the thick head drooling plentifully.

Black fingerpads caress the ears of the thickly built pachyderm, then the top of his head. A grind of black furred hips later, and he was slowly thrusting into the male below. "This is the one cock you need... there's only room for one, isn't there Dick? Just one... just me..." A single droplet forms on the yawned slit of the dark flesh, deep in Dick's throat. A throb later, it contacts the rhino's flesh. Its an explosion of euphoria, a moment of bliss that brings the enchanted rhino ever closer to a peak.

A few moments of lazy hip stirring later, the skunk mutters, "This is love, Dick. This is pleasure, this is sex..." He trails off and lets out a low groan, his first true sign of enjoying his partner's ministrations. "But it is also power, it is strength, life, food, breath... it is everything. Swallow if you understand."

Dick pauses to listen, attentive to the dark skunk's every word. Yes, it is sex, it is pleasure... it is life, it is his everything. He sucks once, firm and deep. Dick understands. That suck is followed by him pursing his lips, drawing them over the now saliva slick flesh, glossy in the emergency lights and clear as day to the camera, who's feed has not been cut... every moment of the encounter was being sent to the security office, where a uniformed vixen had a hand down her pants.

The skunk murmurs, "You love cock, Dick. My cock above all other. This is where you belong, what you do, who you are... suck if you understand." The flesh moves faster, pistoning in and out of that muzzle in long strokes, spreading the taste of his pre across the rhino's tongue and repeatedly working that well stretched throat.

A single deep suck is the reply. Dick understands. He loves cock, he loves this skunk's cock. He's in heaven. His hands have been steadily stroking his shaft, keeping it teased but not bringing himself any closer as he worships the male above. He's made a mess of his slacks and shirt, unable and unwilling to stop.

"You are wonderful, Dick. Put both hands on me and hold me up. Embrace me, embrace your new life... If you understand, cum, Dick." syrupy pleasure pours over the rhino's mind as both of his hands lift. Each one takes hold of a testicle, giving them a light squeeze. Untouched, his organ at first begins to lose its sensitivity. That is until he's told what will give his answer to his amazing skunk. With a soft grunt, his organ surges.

A thick jet of seed erupts from his manhood, the first arching between the skunk's legs and splattering into the pooled leather. His loins tense, balls lifting up as his cock points back at his slight tummy. A second streamer of seed erupts across his chest, leaving frosty seed to soak into his open shirt and bare chest. A third stream, this one splatters him in the chin! He continues like this, emptying himself on the skunk's command.

At the same time, the skunk is holding back, or trying to. The display below and the passion of the rhino are almost too much and his plentiful pre is rushing along Dick's throat. It's only after the rhinoceros is deep into his climax that the skunk lets go. With a low groan, the ebon male's rod pulses, then begins spilling rich and potent cream into Dick's maw. He pulls back to seed the newly re-aligned male's maw, letting him taste his first seed, then pushes deep again into that throat to properly feed his new convert. "That's my boy," the skunk huffs. "My gay, cock loving Dick the rhino." The skunk's left hand grips the large horn once more, keeping the rhino in place as he pulses over and over, feeding the pachyderm much more than he ever would have bargained for.

There was a thump above, then a loud knocking at the door of the elevator car. "Is anyone in there?" a voice called out. "We're going to get the door open..." the skunk pulled out quickly, shooting his last load across the rhino's face before grabbing his leathers. Calmly, he slips them up, feeling the bit of rhino spunk pressing in against his balls from where that first load landed. A sly smile parts his lips before he, helmet in hand, steps back and evaporates into black smoke. The wispy cloud rushes up and out of the vent, leaving only the semen coated rhino on his knees, half naked and smiling contently in the middle of the car.

A finger presses 'stop' on the playback in the security office, a black furred finger on a black furred arm. The skunk licked his lips and withdrew his copy of the video disk from the recorder before erasing the entire encounter from the server. Below him the newly minted fox tod was happily swallowing the last of the the skunk's load, kneeling in illfitting clothes and sloppy just like the rhino. His second conquest today.

No one would question that something big happened here, that security failed... that someone had easily walked into one of the most advanced buildings in the city and not only violated the top attorney at the most highly recognized law firm in the city, but made a fool of the security team and permanently altered one of their members.

The supernatural skunk left a simple calling card in the security office...

"I won."


The games had begun.