The Curse Pt2

Story by Atlas21 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Curse

The Curse

Atlas Arcturus

Soon we arrive to a new restaurant. The place isn't that busy yet since the lunch rush hasn't arrived. I look at a chalkboard sign that says, "All you can eat special!" I look down at my stomach and shrug. "I doubt it will get much bigger." I mutter to myself as our group enters.

Patrick grins as he pays for us and we are guided to our table. As we sit down the waiter walks up. "The name is Alester and I shall be your waiter," The waiter states. "What drinks can I get you?" The young man asks as he takes out a small note pad.

We all order soda and the waiter nods. He was quite handsome. Unlike my friends he was tall and had some muscle on him, not bulky though: toned. He had long black hair and his bangs cover one side of his face. His eyes were a little creepy as they were a grey-green. "So you all want Pepsi?" He states in his mysterious voice. We all nod and he walks of. "You can go to the Pizza bar now..." He says as he walks away.

Patrick seems to stare at the guy as he walks away. "Dude that guy was so cool..." He mutters as he looks back at us.

Yin and I stares at him "Right..." Yin says sarcastically as he leaves to get food. Wyrm follows him and the Patrick and I head to the pizza bar.

I look at all the pizzas unable to decide which to try first. I decide to take one of each until my plate is a mound of pizza. Patrick looks back at my glob of pizza and looks a bit disgusted. "Dude... you can take as many trips as you want," He states as we head back to the table. I shrug and sit down and begin eating. I listen to Wyrm and Yin argue about videogames and how good they are. Patrick seems to be listening to them as well, and like me doesn't want to get involved.

Soon all our plates are cleared, Yin is the slowest and the most talkative, so we couldn't leave until he finished his pizza. As I walk about the pizza bar I grab the many pizzas I missed before and go back to find the others back to arguing about the best games... again. I sit back down and take a drink of my soda and start eating again. For about two hours they eat a bit and then just go to arguing while I listen and eat. After the two hours my normal feeling is slammed aside by a feeling of pressure and pain in my stomach. I look down and see my shirt pulled up half way over my swollen middle. It was the size and shape of a watermelon and just as firm. I breathe heavily as my stomach pushes against my lungs and rub it moaning.

Patrick looks over and gasps. "WHAT THE HELL, MAN!? Your stomach is HUGE!" He yells and naturally everyone in the restaurant looks over.

I turn bright red and glare at him. "Thanks for making it obvious to the whole place!" I growl to him.

Wyrm and Yin look over in amazement as Patrick lifts my shirt to expose the light tan watermelon growing on my midsection. Patrick grins a bit. "We haven't had desert yet!"

I gulp and look at him the waiter passes by and glances at my stomach with a hint of shock but keeps on moving. Patrick gets out and quickly comes back with a desert pizza. The pizza seemed to be a massive chocolate concoction with a scent so intoxicating no one could get a whiff of it without drooling. The smell makes drives me mad; I want to eat it but my stomach is so stuffed. He smiles and raises a piece to my lips and I take a large bite and then another. My mind wants more but my gut aches for less. It feels like someone gave my entire gut an Indian brush burn but from the inside of my skin. I give for about 2 desert pizza before they he stops and rubs my more spherical beach ball gut. Everytime he presses a bit hard I let out a big belch.

Yin and Wyrm look completely awestruck as they watch Patrick force feed me and now as he pats my gut. I was in pain but after a bit the pain became a bit less blinding, opening up the arousal radiating from my tenting pants and a bit from my swollen middle. The pleasure seemed just as strong as the pain in my stomach. Patrick rubs my swollen stomach more, fueling my lust. I moan and groan a bit, not wanting to burst out of my pants. "I need to get home..." I mutter as the pleasure and pain torture me.

They all nod and start to help me stand. Wyrm and Patrick put my arms on their shoulders and allow me to walk some. Yin pulls may shirt down as far as it will go: about halfway. Alester walks up and has an even more serious look on his face. "Hmmm..." He says as he reaches over and touches my stomach. The seal that appears on the reflections appears on my skin when he touches, but he pulls his hand back only letting the seal flash. His piercing glance shifts to my eyes. I gulp nervously but then realize his expression is hinting worry now... I blush and stare back before he turns and head back. "Be careful..." he says as he leaves us.

My friends manage to get me out of the restaurant and help me down the mall. I blush and try to look away from all the people as they stare and discuss my pregnant looking gut. I pant and moan as we walk and listen to the whispers and chatter around me.

"Was there an eating contest up there?" one woman asks to another behind us after seeing my stomach. I blush and look down only to get a nice view of my gut. The 2 woman continue to look back as we pass and then chatter like chickens.

"Mommy, can boys have babies?" A cute little girl asks her mother as they pass me. This comment made me laugh a bit and some how made me dislike my gut less. Some boys run up and pat my belly in amazement and argue about who can get a gut like mine first. The attention from the kids makes my friends and I laugh and feel less uncomfortable.

After what seemed like hours to me, we arrive at Patrick's car. Patrick helps me to the front passenger seat as I plop into it and belch a bit when my gut bumps into the dashboard. I stay in the car burping and moaning as Patrick farewells our friends and get into the car. He looks at be and smiles weakly. "Sorry I pushed you... but your weird curse thing is awesome!" He says with a more cheerful tone towards the end.

I stare at him. "Yeah, but you're not the one with the giant aching gut!" I respond a bit mad. He laughs and drives us back home. The whole way I struggle to deal with the pain, and control my arousal and gas. Patrick complains every time the car starts to smell and I turn bright red. Belching and burping was something to be proud of but releasing gas the other way wasn't something anyone I knew honestly enjoyed.

After pulling in front of our dorm Patrick gets out and runs to help me out like we just arrived at a hospital and I was a pregnant woman in labor. I grunt and burp as we heft my body out of the car with all our strength. I shutter as a cold wind grazes my partially exposed gut.

"Damn wind...again..." I mutter as we stagger to the door.

Patrick fiddles with his keys as the cold keeps poking my stretched skin. Finally he opens the door and I barrel in. Slowly he take me upstairs and let's me fall onto the bed. Upon impact I let out a rumbling belch and fall back moaning.

"Do you think you'll be okay here by yourself?" he asks as he pats my massive belly.

"I'll...urff.. be fine." I groan back.

"Okay, I'll go and buy some groceries then." He smiles and gives my gut one last slap before leaving. The slap forces me to belch again and moan louder.

Soon after he left I fell asleep. When I wake up the dorm is dark and silent. I heft myself out of bed having an easier time and see a posted note on a post of the bunk bed. I snatch it off and turn on the light.

"Dude, Wyrm invited me to a LAN party so I'll be gone all night..." I read from the note and sighed. "Well at least he's having fun..." I mumble before noticing my hand looks different. My skinny fingers were thicker... My whole hand was larger! I look over in the mirror and see a buff stud in my clothes looking back. My physique went from model too male gymnast! I grin wide and strip down to my underwear. I gaze at myself in the mirror. My upper body was filled with toned bulks of muscle, my thighs were watermelons and my feet went from size 9 to size 12. I even saw veins bulging on my biceps. Slowly I notice my underwear are way too small now. A large patch of hair is sticking out about the waistband and the fabric is being pulled down by my huge package. It looks like someone stuffed a length of bolonga in on top of two jumbo eggs.

Slowly I start to rub over my bulging underwear as I admire my new muscles in the mirror. The seal isn't in the reflection; I guess it only appears when I eat gain a gut. Grinning I head into the bathroom to have a bit of fun. For hours I rub my foot long sub, milking it for all it's got. After what seems to be all night I finish off my fun and shower up. Satisfied and excited I walk out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel around my waist. Again I flex and look in the mirror as I dry my hair, still amazed with my new build and height; I was a little over six foot now! I manage to pull away from the mirror and start getting dressed. My underwear didn't fit at all now; my manhood wasn't stiff anymore still the same size it was when I was aroused.

"WHAT THE- It's bigger already!?" I yell seeing my oversized endowment. "... I'll need to get some new clothes..." I mutter as I decide to go commando as I pull on some sweat pants and a t-shirt. My large "gift" was still noticeable even in my sweat pants not to mention they end shortly after my calves. My t-shirt was tight against my large torso and stops just on my navel.

I head downstairs and plop onto the sofa and turn on the TV and the Wii. I figure I should practice in Super Smash Bros Brawl while Patrick is away. I actually enjoyed the game a bit more when there wasn't a screaming psycho beside me. I play for about two hours before I hear Patrick pull into the parking lot and park in front of the window. I look at the clock and decide to go and open the door for him, forgetting my new size. I hear Patrick put down some grocery bags and fiddle with his keys and on the door.

"Hey, Patrick." I greet him in a bit surprised he was home.

Patrick looks at my chest then up at my face seemingly a little tired. "Oh sorry dude. I though this was my place." He steps back and then looks at the number on the plaque beside the door and blinks. "Wait... This is my place...." He mumbles and glances at me. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU IN MY DORM, MUSCLE HEAD?!" He roars as the steps forward and pokes my meaty chest.

"It's me Jon!" I blurt as he glares at me.

The sleep deprived Patrick squints and looks at my face and then widens his eyes. "J-Jon!? W-What the hell h-happened!?" He stutters as he looks at my beefy torso and pokes my thick arms.

"I don't know I just woke up big." I state as I let him in and help him with his load of groceries. "Where these in you car all night!?" I blurt as I carry the heaviest in with ease.

"It's winter, man. They didn't spoil..." He mutters as he closes the door and follows me to the kitchen and puts some more bags on the kitchen table. "You scared the crap out of me, man..." He says as he puts groceries away.

"Did I?" I ask happily as I flex and chuckle.

"Yeah..." He says as he looks over and starts to stare at my muscles. "Dude, your buffer than Captain Falcon!" He blurts randomly as he walks over and starts poking my chest and shoulders again.

I chuckle and then get bit annoyed as he circles around me poking my body. "Will you stop poking me!" I yell as he pokes my abs.

"Huh? Oh sorry..." He says and then smiles. "You hungry, Muscle Head?"

I stop and think a bit. I wasn't all the hungry but a snack wouldn't hurt. "Maybe just a snack, I guess." I blush a bit at his new nickname for me, but like it.

He grins wide. "I'll whip something up for you!"

I blink and look at the clock and then at my wide eyed roommate. "Uh... not to insult your cooking... but I wouldn't eat it even if you were in your right mind..."

He laughs and slaps my abs making gasp and rub them a bit. "Don't worry! Just relax and in the den and watch SNL while I work my magic!"

I shrug and let him do what he wants. Plopping back onto the sofa I turn on SNL and prop my giant feet up on the cheap coffee table. For some reason being so big relaxes me, I could picture my old self just propping up my feet and watching TV while Patrick was playing chef in the kitchen.