Feral Protection Racket

Story by WaterSinger on SoFurry

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Ever wondered what would happen if wolves turned gangster? Well this story has that...plus the double dealing of wolves!

As darkness fell in the forest, silence was usually lunging at its heels...but not this day. Darkness was followed by the sound of voices growling and the savage snapping of teeth. Closer up, the object of the fight watched, holding pole position over the pack of wolves, currently roiling about in a ball of ferocity and a lust to win. The two main contenders were yet to reach each other, but they were prodigious fighters and stronger for their bond- they were brothers and allies normally.

The she-wolf watching the fight with excitement in her eyes was blocked by the elder females. She was stood and watching the way the grey males snapped and snarled at each other, teeth slipping across the muzzles of less-dominant but ambitious younger wolves. As tensions rose fast and strong, the two males stood side-by-side before their eyes turned towards the hidden female. Their looks were identical.

Grey fur trickled across their bodies, tipped with silver and the occasional white flash split their chests and highlighted the amber eyes they had in common. They were scarred, marked with the fights they'd undergone in the years before and now stained with blood as the younger, less experienced wolves around them scurried with their tails between their legs, thoroughly beaten and their ambition knocked from them.

"Give her over. She'll belong to us both, and we will keep her safe." Their voices rang out as one, the twin males holding no acceptance of the coming refusal in their eyes and the bristling of their fur. Instead, their voices melded almost seamlessly into a low, rumbling snarl. Their heads dropped low and their ears perked before the elder females split, allowing the slender, black-coated female to step forth from their ranks.

Coats bristled all around as she advanced on silent paws, her head lowered subserviently as she approached the two winning males. Finally, close to their reach, she rolled on her back. Her chin tipped back as she whimpered her submission to the pair and they turned matching gazes on her quivering body. Their wet noses touched her stomach, pressing into the skin there before a long, slow lick trailed up each side of her body to her throat. They didn't bite her, as her flinch showed her expecting, instead nudging at her to stand up.

Rolling onto all fours was done slowly, her body stiff as she stood but her head was still lowered as they watched her. Eventually she relaxed, lifting up startling gold eyes to meet their own. Small smiles trickled across their faces before they relaxed as her gentle tongue felt soothing when she began to groom the blood from their coats. Soft growls on contentment slipped from their maws as one after the other, they were soothed.

His hips shuffled about for a moment, shifting until he jerked forwards and stuffed the tiny red shaft inside her. He swelled swiftly inside her, his hips thumping swiftly back and forth as she rocked back and forth, torn between the occasional yelp and a soft groan. Watched by the other male, pacing anxiously, her yelps became quicker in succession as his hips rolled against her and his knot began to swell. He was swift as he jabbed at her, now locked inside by the tight clutch of her sheath.

His growl turned guttural as he moved once, twice...three times. His tail lifted and curled as the furred orbs between his hind-legs drew up and clenched tightly in time to his rough thrusts as his teeth clutched her scruff and tugged her back against him. Even as he turned, still spurting inside of her, his brother mounted her head, his hips rolling against the top of her muzzle as the tension got to him. She was drenched from the pre-cum slipping from the tapered tip of his shaft, his paws locking against her shoulders and pinning her to the ground as his cock eventually ran across the soft fur between her ears.

She grunted softly, nonsensical as the pair of wolves used her entirely. She yelped as the one currently knotted inside her slipped free, the ground beneath them awash with the pool of fluids that slipped from her slightly gaping cleft...but not for long. As the first wolf cleaned himself off, with prodigious licks of his still swollen shaft, the other wolf slipped home inside her drenched, sore sheath. She cringed slightly underneath his weight as his teeth locked instantly on her shoulders and his hips began to thump roughly. Each thrust forced bubbled seed from his brother, and her first mate, past his swelling shaft to gather on the lips of her swollen, heated sheath.

He was rougher than his brother, forcing himself home inside her and ignoring the yelps of pain when his knot forced her wide open...and even louder when he pulled out. He used his knot time and time again to widen her, spreading her before plugging her with his knot and humping almost violently into her body, working himself as deep as he could go. As her maw opened, his brother took use of it, snarling softly as he hunched himself deep inside the wet warmth of her muzzle.

The pair lost themselves to the pleasure of their new bitch, using her for their own and making sure not just she, but the pack she had come from knew it. Their bodies worked in synch, taking it in turned to thrust inside her. Her yelps were muffled now by the swollen shaft working its way systematically through her maw...but her eyes were narrowed as the shorter jabs of the wolf on her back began to spark pleasure through her body.

She began to whimper, the sound distorted as he continued to thrust, even through the rough movements of his hips. His own furred sac soon twitched and drew closer to his body, marking the start of his climax while he continued to hump at her- though as her whimpers became quieter. His body twisted and she shrieked, even through the maw-full of wolf-cock she currently had halfway down her throat. As his leg slipped over her body and they rested, tails twining as they waved back and forth, she choked on the sudden swelling and the resulting flood down her throat. His brother yanked his hips back in time, as her teeth clashed together, but his seed spurted over her face, marking the black with the viscous fluid.

Claimed so utterly, she trembled, held up only by the swollen knot of the wolf inside her. The pack watched on in astonishment as they once again shifted together, his shaft slipping free as he growled commandingly. Seemingly lost to their influence, her body turned and his tongue lapped slowly at the seeping shaft. He gave another growl, lower this time before his hips thrust automatically and his head tossed in the air.

Her tongue was gentle as she lapped, cleaning him off- though not fast enough for the copious fluids wetting it quicker than she could clean him. His grunts alerted the pack around him to what was happening, and despite themselves- they leaned forward to watch as the former-princess of their pack was painted once again with the seed of her new mates. Finally sated, he shuddered over her black body, making his dominance clear before sitting beside his panting brother and waiting until she slinked her own way towards them.

"We've taken tribute from you before, but never before has your tribute to us behaved in such a manner. As such, she'll be staying with us, and you will receive a whole eight seasons free from needing to give us tribute again." The pack looked relieved until the second male spoke, a sneer on his face as his tail wagged slowly.

"And don't worry, we'll be back, once a moon until her womb quickens to show you how much we appreciate your offering and what she'll offer to our pack." The relieved looks on the wolves surrounding them fell as they realised what they had offered their prime female into...but nothing bothered her as she sat with her head lowered before them. When they stood and shook themselves off, she followed in their wake without a single hesitation. She didn't look over her shoulder, nor offer any kind of reassurance to her pack...her old pack, but they were sure she'd be back sooner than the males had promised...

However, had they seen her later that night, or maybe it should have been early that morning, they would have been stunned. She was whimpering and tossing her head back and forth as one of the brothers rutted her, sinking his knot into her body and pausing for a second to make her gasp, before pulling entirely free. Each thrust was rough, and enabled the entire shaft to sink into her body past the knot before she shrieked in pleasure and her body quivered. Then he took to gripping her sore neck and yanking her back on the harsh thrusts he gave her. With his hips a blur, he used hard, punishing blows to force her into his body, only for their voices to twine in a slow yelping howl.

As soon as he dismounted, her body slipped to the side...but she wasn't left alone. The second male crouched over her body, his shaft swollen and leaking as he probed at her before slipping entirely inside her seed-drenched body and filling her again. His teeth gripped her shoulder roughly, clenching into the skin until blood spilled- and he humped her limp, unresponsive body hard and fast.

Not too long passed at all, maybe a dozen or so rough thrusts, before she was stiffening and her tail was flagging helplessly, watched by amused golden eyes as the almost entirely male pack drew in around her to watch as their alphas mated the she-wolf- against her will or not, they didn't care. Instead the males watched, hunger growing in their eyes as they watched on almost enviously as the now slackened sheath failed to hold the knot inside until she clenched around him and he yelped his pleasure to the air.

It was clear it wouldn't be long for their seed to take- but the twins watched in enjoyment as their newest pet-female lay, sated and unconscious for the time being and they were relieved- this seemed to be one they could keep, one of the few who enjoyed not only the roughness of their matings but the fact that they teamed up on each female and used them multiple times...but not once had she refused them.

As they watched her sleep, exhausted from the countless mating they had pushed upon her on the short journey home and the subsequent mating in front of her new pack, contentment swelled in their hearts and as one, their tails wagged back and forth before they blanketed their black-coated beauty, awash in their scent and sticky from the seed they had pumped across her coat to mark her. Sleep came easy to them all as they moulded themselves around her, not willing to let her go, even in their sleep.