"Welcome Hooah!" Chapt 1- Welcome to Ft Jackson

Story by akfurryart on SoFurry

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#4 of Welcome, hooah

The introduction and chapter 1 to my story. I will add more images as i draw them ^^



** At some point in everyone's life you question the idea of join the military. Most will not go through with this plan; however, at age 17 I did. I went to Basic Combat Training for the Army at Ft Jackson. It was not the average experience though. I met a few individuals who would become great friends, and excellent lovers. Now keep in mind this is the furry world, so not everything is the same as the human world when it comes to rules, regulations, and life itself.**

Chapter 1: Welcome to Ft Jackson

The lights buzzing, people are chattering, and my cold Java Monster does not look very appealing to me anymore. It is 11:00P.M. at the Columbia Airport. There is around 20 other people sitting in the hallway with me. We had all arrived from different states and cities; some of us from the Midwest, East Coast, South West, and even the U.S. Territories. All of us have one thing in common and that is we signed out life away to the United States Army.

I sat next to a male and listened to music with him. His name was Kevin, but we had to call him Smith. He was a decent looking canine, but had no interest in a female. Don't Ask Don't Tell no longer applied to us. I looked down at my watch to check the time; our bus was due to arrive at 11:15. From here, we would travel to Ft. Jackson for our first round of training. Yes, I was excited to go.

You can hear the brakes on the bus as it comes to a stop by the door. A short female otter walks into the hallway.

"She must be the driver," Smith said with a chuckle, "well, let's go".


We followed the crowd onto the bus and sat down in the back together. This was our chance to get to know everyone before we are controlled. Before we knew it, the pair in front of us turned around to chat.

"Hi, I am Mackenzie," said a lioness, "This is my friend Duncan".

Mackenzie pointed to the lion next to her. Smith and I introduced ourselves to the friends. "Hopefully we will all be in the same platoon," Smith said with a smile.

Duncan grinned at Smith, "It would be nice to know some other soldiers!"

It was not long before the bus came to a stop at a gate. We watched as a MP walked onto the bus. I quickly looked for my ID in my pocket to show the guard. Everyone was quiet and nervous as the MP walked down the bus aisle to check everyone. We knew our freedom and fun was now gone. The guard made his back towards the door, but came to a halt before getting off.

"Welcome to Fort Jackson" he said with a cruel laugh, and then stepped off of the bus.

The doors closed and the bus accelerated down the road towards the reception point. This was where we would stay for a couple days before going to our Training Company. The idea of Reception is to get us vaccinated and tested before letting us go perform any strenuous activities. This sounded like a easy introduction into Basic Training.

The bus pulled into the battalion area and then turned towards Charlie Company. It was quiet, dark, and gloomy outside. For February it was not that bad outside, around 45 degrees probably. A male NCO stepped onto the bus. He was a grizzly bear, but you could tell he did not do much PT around here. He quietly looked around the bus at all of us.

"Soldiers," he began softly, "You have 2 minutes to get off of this damn bus and line up in formation!"

In a panic, everyone grabbed their bags and ran off of the bus. We did our best to make up a formation in front of the building. The Drill Sergeant was pacing back and forth watching us scramble. I felt odd as I looked around at everyone. It looked to be that we had 100 males and only 30 females. Everyone was different though in my opinion. We have foreign females, butch females, preppy females, awkward females, and so on. Other than Mackenzie, I was not sure who I would get along with well in the group.

After Drill Sergeant Hunter briefed us, we were sent up to our barracks. The rooms were old, dirty, and cold. Our bunk beds were rusted and the doors to our lockers were bent. This was not the best set up, but how could we really expect more? I picked a bottom bed and through my pack down on it. We were not allowed to go to bed yet, we could only put our belongings away in the lockers. The rumors we had heard told us that we probably would not sleep for another day or so.

"All new soldiers, formation is at 01:00. Change into winter PTs," Sgt. Hunter said over the intercom system.

At 01:00 we all rushed down stairs to the breezeway for formation. We figured first we would be getting out gear. This would probably take awhile and be very boring. I sighed as I stood at parade rest in the light. I looked around to find Smith. He was standing at the other end. Sadly, males and females are separated in formation. Fraternization is against the rules, though Smith is obviously gay.

We march to battalion, which was only a quarter mile up the hill. We went downstairs to the supply warehouse to start fitting for uniforms and our gear. It was a long, dirty, tiled hallway with benches running all the way down. 130 soldiers were going to go two at a time into this room to get sized for uniforms and bag up our new gear. This process was going to take forever.

Luckily after I got my gear, I was sitting next to Mackenzie on the benches. It was now 04:00 and if we whispered quiet enough we could talk without Sgt Hunter hearing us. After making sure no one was around other than the company, I looked at her to start a conversation.

"So what is the point of the fraternization rule?" I asked her.

"Apparently it is to prevent lower ranked soldiers from dating officers or something," she smirked, "I think it is dumb to separate all of us just cause of that. No one in training is an officer."

"All the NCO's that I have seen are fat and old anyway," I giggled.

We both got quiet when we heard the outside door open. Everyone had been issued gear by now, so it was time for something else. Expecting another NCO to enter the hallway, we heard someone yell "Attention! Good Morning Sir!" We jumped up to attention and carefully watched the officer.

"Sit down privates," the male smirked as he took his PC off of his head.

The male was about seven inches taller me, muscular, and maybe around the age 27. I watched as he turned around so I could see his rank. He was a captain, a very attractive captain for that matter. He had shiny black hair and a bold smile. He removed his sunglasses and I could see his deep brown eyes. The best part was that he is a shepherd. Sheps were my favorite at this time. I watched him walk around the front of the hallway. He seemed to be inspecting all of his soldiers. Everything was perfect on his uniform. His boots were clean and every time he took a step my heart paced. When he got to mine and Mackenzie's bench he paused and turned; our eyes met and I quickly looked down.

"What's your name, private?" He asked with a cocky stance.

I jumped up to attention, "Private AK, Sir!" I was nervous and sweating at the palms of my hands as I held them tight to my sides.

All I could think about right now was what a hot mess I looked like. My face was red, I was sweating, my eyes were tired, my hair was in a messy bun, and I had no clue what he was going to say next. I stared directly in front of me, which was his chest. He stood there for a minute just watching me. This is where I wish ACU's were tighter so I had a better idea of what he looked like under them.

"Sit down," he chuckled. He shook his head and walked back towards the front.

I sat down and let out a sigh of relief. I looked at Mackenzie who was giving me a glare. This was not an evil glare though, this was a I know what is going on glare. She shook her head and grabbed her duffle bag. I picked mine up as well once I realized we were about to leave this section of Battalion.

I could not stop thinking about Captain Ricks while we waited in line at the chow hall. I was always attracted to older males, but never like this. Captain Ricks had picked to question me, why not someone else? I was one of the few females, and the only soldier who was 17 years old. Now, being 17 in the Army is not that big of a deal. You are considered an adult and of age once you join the military. As I reached the buffet, I quickly picked out what few things I wanted to eat. All I wanted to do was eat, finish processing, and go to bed. This seemed impossible at this point.

I sat down at a table with Mackenzie, Duncan, and Smith. We were actually allowed to talk a little while eating. I took a sip of my sports drink and started working on my fruit. Mackenzie whispered to Smith and started to giggle. I glanced at them.

"So AK, I think you got a crush on the Captain," Mackenzie said holding in her laughter.

"Hey, I'd hit it too girl!" Smith chuckled.

I looked at the two of them blushing, "That kind of stuff is not even allowed. Hush you guys."

I continued eating my breakfast. Smith shook his head with a smirk on his face. I did not want to discuss anything about the captain at this point. I felt embarrassed and nervous talking about the officers.

Sgt Hunter began shouting at the company to hurry up. I took my tray to the window and walked outside to our formation. The last thing I wanted was to stand out by being last in the chow hall. I stood at parade rest and looked around at the area now that it was daylight. The buildings were faded brick with landscaping around them. A flag pole stood in the center of the pathway from Chow Hall to Battalion. It was a decent looking place for being so old.

"Soldiers," Drill Sgt Hunter began, "we are going to go back to our barracks and go through our gear. During this time you organize your gear. Your uniforms and PTs you will set out separate. Everything else will stay in your duffle. If you do not know how to make your bed, then ask a battle buddy. Understand?"

"Yes Drill Sgt!" The company shouted.

We marched back to the barracks in unison. Hopefully we could slip a nap in before more processing. I was really tired at this point. I walked up the stairs slowly from exhaustion, making my way up to the third floor. I fell to my bunk, and passed out...