It's A Girl Thing... (Illustrated)

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New Story!!! This one... ah, i don't know what made this one special, but what the hell, me likes it a lot and i hope you do as well. Illustrations done by extremely talented mouse artist Devoid-Kiss

Enjoy, and as always, comments are greatly appreciated.

The cry echoed throughout the almost empty house, any attempt to restrain it failing miserably. It traveled from the main bedroom and down the stairs, before finally reaching the living room in which the young mouse was playing video-games.

His ears perked up. It was a cry of pain.

Timothy dropped the controller on the couch and dashed out of the living room, forgetting to pause the game and leaving his digital character defenseless to the onslaught of swords that converged on him. But he cared little. He knew exactly where the cry came from and who had made it.

Rushing up the flight of stairs, and slipping on the polished wood they were made of, he quickly altered his momentum to swivel on the railing and shoot himself onto the small hallway. His tiny feet echoed in the house as he made a beeline for the door behind which hid the source. It didn't take him long to traverse the short distance, and before the young mouse could even think about what was going on he was barging inside the room. He was aware that he would find his sister inside, and indeed she was there.

But he wasn't expecting the blood.

The siblings, contrary to what one would think, were extremely close to each other. It all began with little Timmy's birth. His mom, a modern and highly educated city mouse, was getting close to her due date on her second pregnancy. She knew exactly what to expect, she had her best friend on speed dial, her husband was constantly checking in with her, and she carried a small towel in her purse for when her water would break. She was expecting an easy labor again, and was actually looking forward to getting rid of that big belly that just knocked everything down.

Laura, for that was her name, was taking a pleasant stroll through her favorite shopping mall, carrying a couple of bags filled with cute little baby clothes for the boy to come, and some dolls for her daughter at home. The first thing she noticed was some pain and discomfort on her pelvis, causing her to drop her bags and bend down in pain. A passerby asked if she was okay, to which she replied that she was indeed, and that she had probably gone into labor. Just when she was about to pull the towel, she noticed more and more people grouping up around her. A couple were dialing 911. She was about to tell them to calm down when she felt a lot of wetness between her legs. Even through the thick jeans, it was easy to tell she was bleeding profusely.

Her husband arrived in record time, carrying two year old Maya in his arms, still dressed up in her cute little pajamas. He found the doctor in charge and began to rapid fire questions at him. But he didn't seem to be too nervous, which set off alarms in the male's brain. Pressing further he found out the truth. Laura's cervical opening had become blocked by her placenta, which combined with a compression of the unborn's umbilical cord had caused massive hemorrhaging and damage. They could stop it, but the medication would kill the fetus immediately. Or they could do an emergency surgical intervention which would give the fetus a fighting chance but drastically reduce the mother's odds.

And so Markus was left with the most horrible decision a person could have. He knew he didn't want to take it, and asked whether he could see her. The doctor hadn't finished saying yes when he was scrambling towards the love of his life. Barging into the room, he saw her lying down on the bed, pale and weak, her eyes half open. He couldn't help but cry, a couple of tears falling down his cheeks. After a couple kisses and reassuring words, he explained her the situation in detail. She carefully rubbed her belly and looked at him as he asked her what should be done.

"Well, what do you think, silly?" She said with that smile that had never really changed since the minute he fell in love with her, before adding the same words she had told him after they spent their first night together.

"I'll see you when I wake up, right?"

Goodbyes were said, the 27 year old mouse lovingly holding her daughter in her hands for some time. Any attempts to explain would be futile so she simply focused on the feel of the little being pressed against her body. With Markus it took longer, since there were several matters to be discussed. Once her affairs were in order, and she had said all she thought she needed to, she nodded to the doctor. Markus could only cry in desperate pain as she smiled, going through the big OR doors, never to return. The operation went as planned, the boy delivered safely into the world. At first it seemed like the mother would survive, but she flatlined moments after the delivery. Doctors would later tell the husband that she passed away at the exact moment in which the newborn began to cry.

The mouse boy was named Timothy, a name that Laura herself had picked months earlier. By the time Maya was 13 and Tim 11, they were both explained in detail what had happened with their mother. Markus thought his daughter would resent Timothy, somehow blaming him for the death of her mother, but it went the other way entirely. Between tears, Timothy asked for unnecessary forgiveness.

"You don't need to be sorry, brother... You didn't kill her. She... *sniff* she died so you could live, so you must be pretty special..." She replied lovingly, hugging him as the two cried softly over their lost matriarchal figure, their father joining in after a couple seconds. From that moment the siblings were inseparable. Since Markus was now a single parent, he had to be away for quite some time in order to make sure the kids had all they wanted. This meant that being home alone was definitely nothing new for them. By now Maya was 15, and they had no more need for a babysitter to be home. Dad was away for work, and would be gone for the weekend. They had good food in the fridge, money for delivery food, video-games and books. They'd be more than fine. But they had no way of knowing what would happen during that weekend.

It started as one would expect: with an itch.

Maya knew the basics of biology concerning her own body, mainly through sex ed on their school. Usually the mother would go into more detail, but for obvious reasons that was not possible. She managed to ignore it for most of the day, but as evening came she couldn't help it. Going to the bathroom for some privacy, she removed her pants. Standing by the mirror, she took a second to admire herself with the naivety that only teen girls know, looking at how her petite body was slowly transforming. Her hips were still not widening, but her chest had begun to bulge nicely, much to the girl's delight. Green panties covered her private parts, and as she pulled those down too she noticed they were wet and sticky, with a liquid that was definitely not pee, but had this strong, deep smell...

"Ewwww..." She made out to herself. She took them off and put them in the sink to wash later. Grabbing a small mirror she sat on the floor, and after some awkward angling she managed to rest the mirror in a way that showed her her own sex, moist and sticky. She grabbed a tissue and very diligently began to clean herself, before noticing something. Whenever that soft tissue passed over her slightly swollen lips it felt... delicious. After being half satisfied with the cleanup, she flushed the tissues down the toilet, but stayed like that. Curious as she was, the girl began to explore her folds. She'd done it before in a much less intense way, but now she saw her sex in a new light. That, and whenever she touched it or rubbed it, it felt extremely good. So good, in fact, that she began to do it deliberately.

The young mouse girl bit her lip and began to awkwardly rub herself for the first time, looking at how her flesh moved under her fingers thanks to the well positioned mirror. In no time her primed cunny began to produce even more lubrication, effectively ruining the poor girl's earlier clean up. But she didn't really mind now. Now she was just focused on how much her touch was soothing that burning itch that had been with her all day... And as she idly masturbated without even knowing what she was doing or why, she began to feel this increase of pressure in her belly. It felt like she had to pee, but something deep in her unconscious self told her to keep going. And she did, rubbing slightly faster, eyes half closed in utter bliss, somehow knowing she was getting close to something big, and just when she thought she was able to reach it...

Knock knock knock

She froze immediately. Unable to hide her slight annoyance, she replied.

"Occupied" she said, ready to resume her activities.

"But I need to pee..." Came the call from behind the door. The other bathroom wasn't working for some reason, and they had to share the one.

"Can you just wait for fifteen minutes?" She said, biting her tongue slightly.

"But I really really need to pee..." Came the muffled voice behind the wooden door. She was about to reply angrily but she simply couldn't. Her mind, once flooded with desire and lust, now held the mental image of her little brother on the other side, paws on his groin and hopping in place, an urgent look in his face. With a sigh and a smile, she took away her paw.

"Be right out bro, hold on" she said softly as she grabbed her panties and put them on again. She'd have to find another time to get them clean. She didn't get release, but the itch was mostly gone. That, and since she hadn't actually done that before she didn't know what an orgasm was supposed to feel like, so she didn't really know what she'd just missed out on. She had barely opened the door when the mouse boy, rushing with the urge of biological need, stumbled his thirteen year old rump into the bathroom. She closed the door and before she could even let go of the doorknob she could already listen to the steady stream and the relieved sigh. Boys were so lucky they didn't need to sit down...

And with that childish thought on her mind, the teen went to the kitchen to prepare some food.

"Sis, you make the best frozen pizza ever!!" Timothy said with his mouth full of delicious and cheesy pizza.

"Hah, how is that a compliment brother?" Maya asked lovingly as she began to clean up the plates a bit.

"Well, dad always burns it..." He said with a chuckle.

"Oh you little... That's unfair, you know he sucks at cooking..." She said, ruffling her little brother's hair. He giggled and finished up his meal, before turning to help with the dishes. It took very little time, and while the boy was putting away the final bits he spoke up.

"Oh, by the way sis? The bathroom smells funny" He said. This made her freeze and blush. Could he have smelled her?

"Funny as in...?" She asked as if it was no big deal. It probably wasn't, the young boy must've had very little sexual education.

"Dunno. Maybe it's the pipes or something. We'll tell dad when he returns" he said in an indifferent tone. Young Maya sighed in relief, she hadn't been busted doing... Well, doing whatever she had been doing. She needed to do some research on it. But said research would require some alone time, some... Private time.

"Sure... Hey bro, since you helped so much... I'm feeling tired, I think I'll sleep in early... And if you were to, you know, play video-games past your bedtime... I wouldn't really notice it" she said with a wink. The boy looked at her funny for a second, pondering whether it was a trap or not. But then, a huge grin appeared on his face.

"I love you sis!" He said after hugging her tightly. She hugged him back just as tight, she couldn't deny the fact that she loved him very very much.

"Do not say a word. I'll sleep in dad's room tonight, you can sleep there tomorrow, m'kay?" She said with a smile but the boy was nodding and dashing for the living room. With a smile, she finished up getting the kitchen in order, and then with a sigh she went to her father's room. The itch had returned, and the video-games would make sure that Timothy wouldn't really bother her. Her tail swayed from side to side as her mind raced with countless possibilities. She could feel her groin get really damp and hot and itchy as she thought about touching it, rubbing it... She made a short stop by the bathroom, grabbing the mirror she had used before and discreetly spraying some air freshener around to hide this exotic scent she was apparently producing.

She walked up to the bedroom and closed the door. She forgot to lock it, however, in her hurry to resume her previous explorations. She neatly folded her shirt and pants, and then did away with her training bra. She was planning to sleep afterwards anyways, so might as well keep the clothes clean. She took a look at her panties, now stained from getting all wet in arousal and then drying out. But now they were getting wet again, and the smell returned. This was confusing for the girl on so many levels... But now she knew what she had to do to take care of the itch... And that was her top priority for the moment. She took the panties off, again noticing how that sticky and clear fluid that her girly parts apparently oozed out stuck to both flesh and fabric. This time, however, there was no "eww" involved. She actually took a bit in her fingers and toyed with it, stretching it into thin strands and letting it coat her fingertip before smelling it cautiously.

"O-oh..." She went unconsciously as she noticed how powerful it smelled. This was definitely the source of that odd odor that she seemed to leave wherever she went. The smell, apparently, worsened the itch even more. And made her desire to... To... Taste it.

"Uck!" She went as she tasted her own arousal. It wasn't bad-tasting, but it was so strongly musky and deep and... It took that itch to unbearable levels now. Her mind was cloudy, she barely managed to place the mirror right under her cunny. She could see her lips, engorged and red, and with every touch and rub that she gave them it only got worse, somehow... She could spot the opening, barely visible. The poor girl lacked the knowledge to tell that that was, in fact, a mere fraction of her real orifice, covered mostly by her hymen.

Her heart was threatening to pound off her chest, and she could feel those same rhythmic beats in her pelvis. She let herself be guided by instinct, biting her lip as her fingers explored beyond what they had ever before, teasing the outside of her vaginal opening, one of them attempting to go in and partially succeeding before she pulled her hand away. It had hurt a bit, yeah, but that feel... That feel of having something inside her like that... At once her mind was set, she knew what she desired. And without even thinking about it she placed two fingers in her opening. Even though her mind told her otherwise she pressed hard, yearning that sensation inside her... And thus learned the hard way what being deflowered means.


Timothy burst into the room. The scene was quite shocking for the boy, actually. The first thing he noticed was that his big sister was completely naked. Whatever curiosity he might've had was crushed once he saw the tiny puddle of blood that was pooling underneath her. He noticed lots of small things at once: her pained expression, her fingers knuckle deep inside her privates, the tears running down her cheeks...

"S-sis?! W-what ha-... Are you okay?" He asked, suddenly in a desperate frenzy. She looked at him, so confused she didn't really say anything. He walked up to her and looked her over, mouth wide open. She simply looked away, the girl wanting to just disappear... This was the most embarrassing moment if her life. Then, however...

"I'll get you some tissues. It's gonna be alright" he said and gave her head a little tap. She just looked, unable to speak, as the boy went for some tissues. He did say he wanted to become a doctor someday, and at this rate he would...

"Here, let me clean up. Don't move, don't want to make it worse... What were you even doing?" He asked, not scolding her or mocking her, just out of sheer curiosity.

"I uh... It's a girl thing, you wouldn't understand..." She said, biting her lip as he began to clean up. She hadn't moved her fingers, mostly for fear that she might cause herself even more pain in doing so. He didn't seem to care that he was rubbing his big sister's private parts, but he did do it extremely carefully. She was in such a shock, she took too long to tell him not to do it. But by the time she had mustered up the courage to, she no longer wanted him to stop. That same electrifying feel that she had gotten while rubbing herself was there, only a million times stronger. And she didn't want him to stop, but she kept that to herself.

"Almost done sis... Hang on..." He said, a bit worried. It had been a decent amount of blood for a first time, and a small pile of red tissues was forming by his side. With her exterior clean, he rubbed on her fingers to get them clean as well. For some reason, the boy's mind was not registering that those fingers were knuckle deep inside his sister's vagina, a private part which he had only glanced at a couple times during bathing when they were cubs... And a private part that seemed to smell quite nicely. He quickly recalled the smell from the bathroom before, but kept quiet about it. As most of the outside of her vagina and fingers were clean, he tugged on her fingers and pulled them halfway out, as Maya let out a whine.

"Oh sorry! Sorry... Did I hurt you?" He asked, ears folded and cute, scared eyes looking at her.

"N-no, no no... Sorry... Here..." She said as she pulled her fingers out all the way. Since her barrier wasn't deep, most of her fingers were not covered in blood. They were covered in her arousal, and the fresh scent wafting through the air got the boy's fur on edge slightly. Had he not been so worried about his big sister he would've had a massive boner. But all his blood was in his head at the time, not in his crotch. Before long the girl was clean, and the boy even took a fresh tissue and cleaned up her tears. The girl helped him take the bed-sheet off the bed, and noticed that they had gotten lucky. The bed had a waterproof cover underneath, and the blood had not damaged the rest. She couldn't help but look at Timmy, who blushed widely. It wasn't a secret that the boy used to wet the bed once in a while, mainly when he had bad dreams. Maya knew this because she had been the one he had approached with the problem, not even dad.

After the bed was clean, the boy quickly took the soiled bed-sheet away. He stuffed it in the washing machine and then returned. Maya, meanwhile, put on her panties. They were still really messy and stuff, but she needed to cover herself up. She didn't have time to really get anything else on before Timothy returned.

"All done..." He said. She was expecting him to ask what had happened, but he didn't. She had indirectly asked him not to, and he was respecting that... And on that moment, the girl simply opened her arms and called him in for a very special hug. He quickly hugged her, and they exchanged one of those sibling moments where they knew that they could always count on the other, for anything. As they hugged, she whispered into her brother's ear.

"Don't-" she began.

"I won't tell dad, I promise." He said. She hugged him a bit tighter. They remained like that for some time, big sister and little brother embracing on the bed. When they finally pulled away, she laid back on the bed, sighing. He looked at her and simply laid by her side, a bit apart to give her space. She looked at him, and immediately saw that he had this curious look on his face. She tried to ignore him, but a small shy smile appeared on her face.

"You know I can't say no to that face..." She mumbled.

"What face?" He said, playing dumb as he made that very same cute beggy face.

"The one you're doing right... Ah, fiiiiine... I'll tell you, but you must not say a word." She cautioned. He was really quick to nod.

"Look, I don't know why, but today my... thingy has been itching really really bad... and for some reason its gotten all red and puffy and... oh gods, why am I even telling you this..." she said, blushing and looking away.

"No no, please don't stop, it sounds like a medical mystery..." The boy said. He was evidently not being way too serious about it, or maybe he was, but wasn't really getting the whole picture.

"Oh... F-fine... So besides that it's been uh... Producing this clear liquid that's like, really really smelly... It's not pee or anything, it's not even that much but... I don't know..." She said, looking at him. Both lying down, talking... It wasn't new to them, the pair was quite close and they often shared deep meaningful conversations like this.

"Hummm... An infection, maybe?" He asked curious. Had she known more about the whole thing she would've probably be offended, but in the moment it seemed like a valid theory.

"Don't think so, because the itch goes away when I rub it... That's what happened, I was trying to rub it away and... This weird impulse that wasn't me at all simply made me stick my fingers into it... And that's when it hurt." She explained. The boy was listening actively.

"Huh... Not an infection then... And it did look uh... Swollen when I uh..." He said, blushing slightly. Apparently now it was dawning on him that he had been indeed cleaning up his sister's genitalia.

"Ha! I knew you were staring at my privates, you little..." She said playfully, in a way that simply didn't come across as threatening.

"E-eh, wha...? But I... I was cleaning, how could I not...?" He began to try and speak in his defense, but it was to no avail.

"Nuh-huh little bro, you stared. And that means I get to stare too. Drop 'em!" she teased. She wouldn't really make him do It, however, since she was not such a mean sister... But she wasn't exactly herself now, so to speak.

"Wha? No! Not fair!" He said defensively, but he didn't move or back off, or seem fully outraged by this daring proposition.

"Yes fair, you know it. You saw mine, now I see yours! Don't chicken out" she pushed. She couldn't believe she was doing this, and she was just about to burst out laughing and declare it a joke when...

"Fine, but only a quick peek" he said. At once the girl paled. She was definitely not expecting him to go through with it... But now she couldn't pull back. In her hormone riddled state, watching her little brother's genitals had an appeal that the girl did not think possible. He undid his pants and put them down, before grabbing the waistband of his briefs.

"Only a couple seconds okay?" He said and she nodded quickly. He then proceeded to pull down until his genital area came into view. She gasped, it was bigger than the little thing she'd seen when they were cubs, much bigger. Had she known better she would have noticed that he was only partially aroused, but all she could see was that... Piece... Of... Red and...

"Alright, I did it" he said as he pulled his pants back up. She nodded, not having expected such a response at all. The situation defused rather fast, and before long they were just talking about what to do later on. Several minutes later however, the girl began to feel that itch again, but this time she didn't have to face it alone.

"Crap, it's starting to itch again..." She said, idly rubbing herself over her panties. He looked at her.

"Is it bad?" He asked curiously.

"No, but it's like... Ugh, frustrating, I don't knoooow..." She said, giving herself even more direct rubs. "I don't know, rubbing it used to help before, but now... Now..." She went, before the wildest of ideas ran into her mind. One of those ideas that was simply so bizarre, so stupidly...

"Bro, can you give me a hand?" She blurted out. Something was definitely wrong with her brain, it was as if it was on autopilot. She bit her lip and blushed, looking away as she noticed how easy it was to simply say out loud what she was thinking...

"Sure, if it'll make you better, I guess" he said. She replied before even registering what he had said.

"Yeah sorry, I know it was a stupid idea, I won't... Wait, what?" She asked, looking at him. Her eyes couldn't hide the hopeful look she had at all.

"I mean, if that's what you really want, I guess I could make it better... Wouldn't know what to do though" he said cutely. She couldn't help herself and downright hugged the little boy as hard as she could. Damn him and his brotherly love...

"I actually would love that... Here, let me..." She said before grabbing his hand and gently moving it down her belly. Shivers shot through her spine, and she once more bit her abused lower lip as he began to carefully rub her folds over her panties, her paw inexpertly guiding him.

"Is this good?" He asked cutely, and she nodded with a soft whimper. Good? Good was not even beginning to describe it. But it was not enough.

"Wait..." She whispered and grabbed his paw again, using her free hand to raise the waistband of her panties. And while she guided his own hand towards her unprotected cunny she wondered what the hell had gotten into her to make her behave like that. She couldn't hear his gasp once his fingers found her unbelievably soft and wet flesh, since she gasped that much harder. The boy, afraid that he had hurt her, tried to pull his fingers back out, but was surprised by how hard he was being held.

"Don't... It feels good..." She said, and once she was sure he wouldn't pull his hand out, she relaxed her grip. He nodded and moved a bit closer, feeling the intricate design of her nubile folds, the soft feel of her flesh and the impressive warmth and moist feel that it had.

"Haaaah...." She sighed softly as she was soothed by his exploring fingers. Every tug on her folds, every single prod and rub... She was almost seeing stars, but the poor boy's hand was cramping from the position, and he didn't wait to tell her.

"Oh... Here..." She said before pulling his hand away for a second and then getting her panties off. He froze.

"Maya, what are you...?" He asked.

"Much easier like this... Besides, you already saw it up close, remember?" She said. She wanted him to see her, to touch her freely... And she didn't know why. It was all so confusing...

"Ok, if you say so..." He said before she returned his paw to her folds. Now, free from the fabric's restraint, he began to dutifully rub her in a way that made her ears twitch, something he had never seen her do except when she ate at her favorite restaurant. She began to softly moan, at first her sounds being a mix of sighs and pleasurable whimpers but slowly turning into delighted groans. She could feel a cold sensation on her spine, traveling down every nerve and making her feel so... But it wasn't enough. Not for her at the moment. With an eager hand she coaxed one of his fingers into her opening, at once thinking she would regret it.

"A-ah, care-careful!" He said as he felt wet and fleshy walls hug his finger, and his sister gasp really loud. But this time there was no blood, no pain, only the pleasured sigh of the female mouse. She kept his finger in, and once he understood that he was still doing ok she let it go. Well, she relented on her grip, but she still managed to control what he did. She was pretty much in ecstasy, somehow that finger was quenching that unnameable itch... But once again, it felt like something was amiss. What it could be, she didn't have the slightest clue. She began to grind her hips onto his finger, keeping it deep inside her, moving out of pure instinct as she tried her best to pleasure herself without even knowing what was going on. Timothy, who wasn't protesting, was quite shocked to see this sudden animalistic version of Maya. She enjoyed this awkward fingering for some time, but she began to get tired, and the itch only got worse. She was about to give up and call dad when little Timothy made a very interesting observation.

"Uh... Sis? I think... I think your stuff is contagious" he told her. She immediately stopped.

"Huh? What do you mean?" She asked, failing to notice the massive tent in the boy's underwear. Tim, in a surprisingly bold move, removed his finger from her cunny and used both hands to remove his underwear. Maya looked with wide eyes as her little brother showed his member without the slightest of shames. It was indeed suffering from the same ailment, being all red and throbbing and with a clear bit of fluid on the very tip... It took the petite mouse girl a second too long to notice that she was literally drooling.

"This... And now it's all sensitive! I don't know what to do..." He told her, as if it was a bother. She was still looking, discreetly wiping her drool off with the pillow. Then it dawned on her. She hadn't connected the dots, her mind hadn't formed the link between... And now it all made perfect sense!

"In me" she said. But then she tried to swallow those words back, to no avail. He looked at her.

"Huh? Whaddaya mean?" He asked. She meant to tell him that it was nothing, that it would go away, but all that came from her was...

"You've got to put it... In me"

"Wait, you mean put my... But that's where we pee from!" The boy said. Maya bit her lip, she couldn't stop now. She hadn't meant to tell him, she now knew she had done something very, VERY forbidden... But now he knew. She had asked... Might as well follow through, or subject to horror when he found out on his own exactly what she had asked.

"It feels really nice, and it'll take the swelling away. I know it" she said. He seemed to mull over it for a second.

"But... Why?" The young boy's curious mind asked.

"It's... It's a girl thing. I'll explain later, I promise. But the thing is..." She said, and then an idea came into her mind. Of course, Timmy was a regular thirteen year old boy... And the best way to convince him was to...

"It's forbidden" she said simply. Now she had the boy's attention. Timothy looked at her in extreme curiosity.

"Why is it forbidden?" He asked her.

"Well, because it feels extremely good, and uh... Only grown ups are allowed to do it" she said. She now had the poor boy hooked.

"Oh... Well..." He began, blushing a bit. She knew he was right on the edge, she just needed to give him a little push...

"I won't tell dad if you don't" she said. That sold him.

"Okay, I'll do it... What am I doing again?" He asked, a cute foolish look on his face.

"Oh silly you, here..." She said as she got on her back. "Lay on top of me... With your hip between my legs..." She said, using her caring hands to guide him into position. A quick look at the swinging cock between his thighs and she felt all hot and itchy. Mice were known for being big, and even at thirteen Tim was as big as any teenager from another species. Once he was in position she grabbed his member with one hand, pulling a loud gasp from the boy.

"Sorry!" She quickly said, letting go.

"No, it's okay... It's just, it's very sensitive... But it kinda felt nice" Timmy said in that young innocent voice of his.

"Okies... so what I want you to do... Is to just carefully press against me with your hip..." She said, slowly pressing his tip on her warm, moist folds. Both shivered visibly at this naughty contact, and Maya looked at him for a second. Her romantic side managed to emerge slightly from the cloudiness of lust, and she looked at her brother's cute little face. So this was the man that would take her virginity... And without even a kiss.

She was about to kiss him when he suddenly moved a bit, causing his shaft to slip inside her well lubed passage. She let out a loud moan, and pulled a bit of grimace as the feel of something big invaded her cunny. That was it, she was no longer a virgin... And neither was little Timmy. He had groaned in apparent bliss, the insides of his big sister embracing his member like a velvety glove, causing him to feel this delightful tingle all over his body. Young Maya, who hadn't been able to kiss her brother, closed her eyes and bit her lip. It hurt a tiny bit, sure, her insides not used to anything in them, but luckily her fingers had done most of the job just earlier.

"Aaah... You were right sis... No wonder this is forbidden" he said with that cute naivety of his.

"I know... Now what you have to do is... Uh, pull back with your hip, not all the way... And then..." She began to explain, but he was already in it. His instinct, still crude but nonetheless present, was now guiding the boy's hips. He drew back a bit and then pushed inside, cutting her sentence short as she was forced to moan.

"D-did that hurt?" He asked, once more concerned for his big sister.

"N-no, it actually felt good... D-do it again" she begged. He did as he was asked to, and repeated the action. Again she gave off a cute little moan, and he began to set a slow but steady rhythm. His hips hit hers with every thrust, his tip barely touching her cervix every once in a while. She couldn't help it as her tail began to wrap itself on the boy's leg, almost out of instinct.

"Oh... Oh Tim..." She moaned out of breath. She wasn't sure if it was her heat, but looking at his face contorting in pleasure she could almost notice that with every thrust, he became cuter. She hadn't noticed how his face so closely resembled her own, those twitching ears that she just loved to tease once in a while... Those eyes that were staring right into her own, deep blue oceans of brotherly love... And maybe more...

"Maya? I think I... Need to pee" he said as he blushed, waking her from her dreamy state. "I should stop" he said with little conviction, his body told him otherwise. Seeing the confusion in his face, she shook her head.

"No, no don't stop, it's not what you think..." She said, but could only hope. She knew boys spewed semen when they came, so she was betting on the fact that what Tim was feeling was the preamble to an orgasm... And hopefully not a real urge to pee. This latter option was actually impossible, but the girl had no way of knowing that. Still, the thought of him stopping was simply too horrific.

"A-ah? S-so what do I do?" He asked, a certain sense of urgency in his voice.

"Just go faster, go faster and you'll see, don't try to hold it back" she said. It was very ambiguous advice, but the best that the slightly uneducated-on-sex mouse girl could give. He took that advice, and began to pick up the pace on his incestuous mating. Her arms wrapped on his back and held him close as her moans and gasps increased their pitch exponentially.

"Oh gods, Tim..." She said, short on breath.

"Sis, I can't hold it, I..." He began, but was cut short by his own orgasm. For the boy it was like a huge tidal wave of endorphins, washing his entire body as he shuddered and began to spurt very fertile seed into his big sister. With his tip pressed on her cervix, spurt after spurt after spurt of cum ended up right on her womb, as he folded his ears and closed his eyes in utter bliss, giving his sister's ear an instinctual love-bite.

Maya wouldn't have come to her own release had she not been on her heat, and further teased for so long without any sort of climax. And so, triggered by the feel of warmth coming from her brother and spreading through her insides, all her sexual energy exploded within her mind like a million Venetian fireworks, making her see stars as her whole body tensed on him, holding him so tight she risked not letting him breathe. It lasted a good twenty seconds, her body just responding and telling her that she had done good, rewarding her for being such a receptive female, even if it meant getting her little brother to ride her.

Timothy finally collapsed on her, panting as he drew back and out of her by instinct. She took a series of deep breaths trying to recover, carefully rolling Tim onto his side so she could breathe. Then, instead of thinking of the consequences of their incestuous affair, or the fact that they had just had unprotected sex while she was on her heat, she focused on the fact that they had no spare linen for the bed, and if it got dirty as well dad would kill them. She imagined Tim's fluid, which she could only imagine since she'd never seen it, leaking from her girl place and puddling on the bed. As she moved a hand to check, she was surprised to find the bed under them mostly clean. Moving her hand up she felt her cunny, which was no longer itching at all, mostly dry as well. It felt odd, and as she touched around her opening she discovered something slightly hard and gooey.

"Of course..." She remembered. They had learned during sex ed that some species had different ways of ensuring conception. Cats had barbs to make girls ovulate right on time, doggies had knots to stay in their girls for some time... And rodents had plugs, little bits of slightly different semen that oozed just as the male pulled out, sealing the entrance for an hour or so.

"How convenient..." She whispered to herself.

"Huh?" Tim asked, thinking she was addressing him.

"Nothing..." She said as she turned to face him. He had the toothiest, most happy grin she'd ever seen him wear.

"That was so awesome..." He admitted.

"I know, right? And it took away the swelling, just like I said" she added as she carefully grasped his cock, which was halfway flaccid by now. He gasped and she noticed it must have been ultra sensitive, so she let it go.

"C-can we do it again sometime?" He asked in that cute little voice of his, as if he wasn't sure.

"Aww, of course we can Tim... I'd love to do it again with you. But remember, nobody can ever learn about this. If someone learns, they won't ever let us do it again" she cautioned.

"Ok, I promise I won't tell anyone we... We... What did we do?" He asked, noticing his lack of information.

"Something two people do when they love each other. And we love each other, right?" She said, just as an innocent question. She knew he couldn't possibly know the depth of what she was asking.

"Yeah, I love you, and you love me, right?" He said.

"Right. We can google the details tomorrow, it's getting late now... Wanna sleep here with me tonight?" She asked cutely, looking at him.

"R-really? Uh... Sure, if you say so..." He said. It was rare to sleep in the same bed, but not totally foreign to the kids.

"Great..." She said, looking at him. She wanted to be wrong, she knew this wasn't right, but every second that she looked more at him she realized there was no denying it. She couldn't help but think herself unlucky for falling in love with her brother but... Then again, she didn't really feel unlucky at all. She then remembered what she was going to do right before he took her virginity, and with a playful look into those beautiful blue eyes she just leaned in, grabbed his ears and kissed him. It wasn't a sibling kiss, it was a real, lovers kiss. He was quick to pull back a bit, making a funny face.

"Eww, why did you kiss me?" He asked. She seemed sad at first, but then smiled.

"It's something that has to do with what we did. I'll explain in the morning." She said, playfully poking his nose.

"Well, I'm just glad you're my sister. Otherwise I would've gotten the cooties" he said as if it was the most natural thing ever.

"Yeah... I'm glad I'm your sister as well" she said, suppressing a laugh before she fell asleep, half hugged with her little brother.

She woke up again at midnight. Her heat was only supposed to last one day, and so it was probably reaching it's peak. A quick feel at her folds confirmed her suspicions. She was horribly wet and sticky again. The plug was gone, and she couldn't really feel a puddle so she assumed her brother's emission was somehow still within her. He was snoring slightly, and in the dim light she could see his member, standing upright like a conquistador's flag on a foreign country. His body, even in sleep, was reacting to the powerful smell that the girl was producing.

She bit her lip. He seemed so peaceful, she didn't really want to wake him up... But after a couple minutes of cunny rubbing she simply knew it had to be done. Her mind clouded in lust, without even being gentle she climbed on top of him. He woke up, partially at least, to the feel of his big sister's lower lips dragging all over his length. She saw him, he saw her, but neither spoke a word. Tim was still half asleep, Maya was too lust-crazed to really talk. Without much ado she grabbed his cock and raised her hips, before impaling herself with it. It was a silent lovemaking, two siblings joined at the hip as he grabbed her sides out of instinct, and she began to bounce on him. At first the only sound was the bed, creaking rhythmically as a testament to the passion behind this pair of lovers. Then, ragged breaths joined the chorus, short gasps for air as the girl came close to her own climax. Every thrust now gave a wet sound, courtesy of the excess lubricant the girl was producing in the peak of her estrus cycle.

She came once, not as hard as before but still pretty mind blowing. Feeling that her brother still went on she kept riding him, using her own body to adjust the angle and depth of penetration to suit her desires. Timmy was still in a groggy state of mind, everything was so confusing, a dark blur of naked bodies and sex and feelings of warmth and moisture. He barely protested when she leaned down and kissed him, this time all by instinct using her tongue as well. The siblings shared their first real kiss in the dark, their naked lustful bodies grinding against each other in a pure drive for carnal pleasure and primal release. Maya came again, on a hair trigger thanks to the impressive amount of hormones that were circulating on her blood. Her cunny clenched but she kept going and going, her tail up and giving wild lashes as she let her wild side ride her little brother into delicious orgasm. He wasn't far behind, giving a short hump and grabbing her back hard as he again emptied the contents of his small furry orbs deep into his fertile big sister, mixing his new seminal fluid with the one from before. He tried to pull out but she didn't let him, panting and moaning softly as she looked at him. The bit of sticky semen that made up the plug ended up inside her, to be absorbed before dawn. More importantly, his penis remained inside her, and with a soft pleased sigh she laid down on top of him, cuddling her little brother as she kept that throbbing, twitching rodent member inside her; and after giving her now sleeping brother a soft loving kiss, she let the feel of his heartbeat transferred through his cock nurse her to sleep.

In the living room, Timothy's video-game character respawned and died for the fiftieth time, and the electricity bill grew steadily.

Three months later

The girl looked eagerly as the car pulled into the driveway. The two males of the family got out of it, her dad and her brother, who carried a large duffel bag.

"Timmy!" She called to him. The boy dropped his bag and ran to his big sister, jumping into her arms and hugging her close.

"I missed you, you little troublemaker... How was summer camp?" She asked.

"Ehhh, same old same old... It was boring because one of the girls had her first heat, and apparently it made the other ones go into heat as well, something to do with the roommate syndrome or something? Anyways, all girls had to be kept separate from us, and so we grew bored..." He said. She laughed softly and kissed him in the forehead as her father grabbed Timothy's bag and began to walk towards the door of the house.

"Sis, you should really do some exercise. You're getting fat" he teased her with a giggle. She gave him a mock slap on the muzzle, playful and harmless.

"Hey, that's no way of treating a girl... By the way..." She said before leaning in to whisper.

"Meet me in my room after dad is asleep. I've got something to show you" she said clandestinely.

"Sure! What is it?" He asked.

"Hmm... It's a girl thing" she said with a smile.
