choose your own erotic Pokemon adventure 6

Story by Questa on SoFurry

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#7 of choose your own erotic Pokemon adventure

sorry for how late this is, i kept putting it off and then i got caught up in some things BUT... im back now!

so A is the winner for this part and remember comments and criticisms encouraged!

He's looking at you as if he's got something planed but you can't tell what, hell you even try asking him but all you get is the same reply "char!"... why can't you understand Pokemon, then it would make things much easier! As you wonder what to do next you realize the time, 9:30 is defiantly too late to do much else at this point than go too sleep if you want to battle the gym leader in the morning. So look for the front desk (pretty easy to spot but still, it's not like you know instantly where everything is!), Brasa by your side although his look is still that of someone _planning _something.

you walk up to the front desk and ask for a room, the receptionist there is a lady that look in her early 30's. "so hun,what kind of room would you like, single or a double room?" she asked looking at you and Brasa.

"uh... erm...uhh one sec..." you stutter tring to think what kind of room would be best suited for you and your pokemon "hey Brasa what do you think?" you asked your orange scaly friend.

"char." Brasa says holding out one claw, indicating that a one bed was fine.

"yea single room please!" you tell the receptionist as she goes and reaches to behind her and grabs a set of keys.

"room No. 15 first floor" she says as she hands you the key with a neat little 15 on it "that'll be 200 poke" she adds as you pocket the key.

After paying the receptionist the 200 poke you start to go upsitars and look for your room. a few minutes later and a complete ring around the inn you find your room. you open it to find a spacious area with a few wardrobes, a desk, tv and complete with a single bed. also in the room is a toilet with a shower and sink. you don't really pay heed to a lot of this however as you take of your bag and leaving it to one side where it can be easily accessed and safe. you start to take your clothes off until your just in your pants and promptly throw the covers over you, say goodnight to Brasa and fall asleep.

Now the first thing you notice when you wake up is that you can't move. No really you can't, for some reason or another your arms and legs are tied down and there is nothing you can do. as you open your sleep encrusted eyes you see a red almost orange Pokemon stare back at you. after a second to get your senses back you can see that there it is in fact a charmeleon staring back at you, which is odd because you swear that...Brasa....was...with you... when you fell asleep. OKAY now what the hell! firstly how and when did Brasa evolve and secondly where in the wolrd did he get the rope from!? the only way you think he would've got it would be if he stole it from a hiker and even then it would look really_ _odd to see a charmeleon running back to the inn while holding on to rope.

Brasa moves now, obviously knowing you're now awake going towards your face. as he get's towards you, you realize that there's someone else who's also glad you're awake. Brasa's cock is erect and seeking attention. and by the looks of where he's going it looks as if he wants to relive some of his excess 'stress'. he stradles your face and puts his cock at your mouth. you can smell his musk very strongly from where you are and it is defiantly having an effect on you. of course not being in a better position you open your mouth and let the member slide in. Brasa shaft was definitely bigger now than before although it's probably due to the fact that he did just evolve from a small 2ft chamander into a 3ft slightly larger charmeleon so, no surprise. as he slides his larger girth into your mouth you can defiantly tell he's enjoying this as it starts to hit the back of your throat. thankfully it's not big enough to hit your gag reflex. he starts to pull out of your mouth untill his tip of his meat is still inside before thrusting back in.

Brasa is obviously enjoying his facefucking you but you're having a bit of trouble figuring all this out at once. firstly all's well for Brasa to ask but this is just plain rude and you think would be considered rape. however there was also the fact that you forgot about him for a bit and it is your responsibility to look after him. you think to yourself before your train of thought is lost as Brasa thrusts particularly hard, spurting some pre down your throat before yanking his member out of your face. you manage to get a good look at his slicked cock and see that indeed he has grown but also in addition there are spines on it, as well as a very thick base.

you gulp as Brasa moves off of your face and walks towards your behind, guessing what he's about to do you try to struggle with your bonds but to no avail. you can see from the corner of your eye as Brasa nears your butt, throbbing, spit lubed cock throbbing eagerly at it's prize you can see a smirk cross his lips. a warm clawed hand touches your ass and you flinch from the touch, not really expecting it to be that hot (goddamn fire types) and then another clawed hand on the other side before you feel Brasa start to spread your cheeks showing what no one has seen since you where a baby. you gulp once more as Brasa begins to rub his dick over your ass, speading your siliva and his pre all over your virgin hole. then the moment arrives, he enters you. the pain is intense but Brasa is going slowly which helps somewhat.

it feels like an age before you feel Brasa stop the slow incline into your ex-virgin hole and then he just holds it there, probably so you can get used to his size before he starts his slow ascent back until all of his cock minus his tip is outside, much like when he had a go at your face only this time you the spines impeded his process and hurt you quite a bit. Then he thrust in again only this time it was hard, and by heavens did it hurt but not as much as when he first went in. Brasa begins to repeat this process for a while untill you can't feel the pain anymore, but the spines still hurt a bit but its a hell of a lot more bearable. suddenly as Brasa pushes in all you feel is pure pleasure, Brasa, noticing this made a half-grunt half-laugh before he retreats back before thrusting in again at the exact same spot. at this you moan out loud for the first time since you were tied down and Brasa did nt show any signs of slowing down now! with every thrust he was getting there. suddenly you scream out as you feel your own cock start to cum, you didn't even notice it untill now, but you are quickly drawn away from it as you hear Brasa cry out before thrusting very hard into you. his ejaculation is almost instant after that and you can feel the warm sticky jizz shoot straight into you and man did it feel good! unfortunately all good things have to come to an end and after a few more minutes of Brasa shooting his come into you he clambers off and cuts the ropes with his sharp claws.

you stay there for a few minutes, basking in the after-glow you eventually knew you had to get up and slowly you walked to the shower. another few good minutes later you were scrubbed clean and all that and with a towel wrapped around you, you stepped out and went to your bag to get a set of clothes and went out of the room with Brasa like nothing happened and into the dining room where you have breakfast and ponder on what you could do next.


A. Go to the toilet ;)

B. Spend some more quality time with Brasa (you know get to know the new, evolved Brasa)

C. Go to the Gym (to beat that Gym leader and get on with the adventure and whatnot!)

D. You decide...