choose your own erotic Pokemon adventure 3

you contemplate what your going to do in terms of a place to sleep; you think about having a last night in your bed but you quickly decide against it. you've already started your adventure there's no need to go back to square one! if nothing else you...

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choose your own erotic Pokemon adventure 2

you ponder for a second, maybe it was just your imagination, after all you've only spent the past hour with him but. he wasn't this way 10 minutes ago you're sure of it! so what do you do? simple you're about to ask him. "hey,Brasa?" you start to ask,...

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choose your own Pokemon erotic adventure 1

you pick charmander, you just had to pick charmander. seriously whats not cool about a fire breathing lizard that turns into a dragon, who _doesn't_ want a charmander. you pick up it's pokeball, feeling the cool shiny metal in your hands before you...

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choose your own erotic Pokemon adventure 0

today you wake up. today you officially begin your first day as a Pokemon trainer today you can walk out of your home of pallet town with a stride knowing one day you will face up to the elite four, the most respected and best Pokemon trainers in...

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choose your own erotic Pokemon adventure 8

As you thought of what you were going to do next you heard a rustle in some nearby tall grass as you turn to see what it is, when suddenly out from the bush pops out a pidgey. You look at it for a second, staring at the wild pidgey before focusing back...

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choose your own erotic Pokemon story 7

Since Brasa had evolved and you never got a chance to see him fight as a charmelon you're quite curious as to how much stronger he's gotten, but the only other thing is the fiasco in the room this morning wasn't the nicest thing to do but you can't...

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choose your own erotic Pokemon adventure 6

He's looking at you as if he's got something planed but you can't tell what, hell you even try asking him but all you get is the same reply "char!"... why can't you understand Pokemon, then it would make things much easier! As you wonder what to do...

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choose your own erotic Pokemon adventure 5

man, that food at the inn really goes through you! already you need the loo and as you quickly look around the feeling gets worse and worse. not knowing any of the nearest toilets is a big load of crap (and if you're not careful it may as well be...

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choose your own Pokemon adventure 4

in the forest of viridian is supposed to be the habitat of many wild pokemon, perfect for you to train against! and so with Brasa, dare and ali you pit them and agaisnt wild pokemon after wild pokemon. you count numerous weedles, rattata, caterpies and...

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