Lusting for Lions

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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Second Part

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*Hello, my lovelies, fluffies and scalies. I know I've been slacking a bit on my uploading schedule. The Christmas holidays have been packed with all manners of events and tasks that prohibited me from sitting down and doing some heavy duty writing. *

However, I did manage to write a few shorties in between. This story in particular is a gift to the friendly, fluffy, and amazingly feisty kitty hotwert It features his both characters, Mia and Revad, two cheetahs with a love for pleasure and experimentation. This time, the target of their desires are two lions caught in the throes of mating. Will our cheetahs spring on top, or become the bottom bitches of their bigger cousins? Read and find out!

*And if you enjoy the story, please do: *

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Their loud roars spread throughout the savannah.

Mia twitched an ear. She knew that sound well. Two feisty lions, alerting every predator and prey of their blissful copulation

"I lost count," Revad said, turning his head towards Mia. "They mated since dawn, and I think the female might have released twice."

"Think better," Mia slapped a paw between his aquamarine eyes. "Only the first few ejaculations shoot the seed hard enough to trigger a second orgasm. That male?" Mia retrieved her paw and pointed towards the cluster of trees. "He's lucky if he has a few feeble drops to give."

"You seem sure of yourself," Revad pushed his nose against hers. His warm breath rolled over her whiskers in a most enticing way.

Mia licked him once, nuzzling alongside his muzzle. "That's because I am," she sought his ear, which she nibbled gently before whispering softly. "I had you inside me, remember?"

"Too well," Revad purred. He leaned into the gentle nibbling until he stood belly up. His paws spread unceremoniously at the sides, making no effort in blocking the noticeable erection springing above the cheetah's swishing tail.

Mia licked her muzzle at the sight of his hard, glistening cock. A drop of precum slid between his flaring barbs, almost begging to be taken.

"Those lions are getting you worked up," Mia said, making no move in calming his lust. She liked seeing him aroused. The way his toes spread and curled and the bobbing of his member was quite a sight.

"I'd blame it on your scent if you weren't so perceptive, my mate," Revad tilted his head in the direction of the two lions. "Their females are strong as they are wet. No wonder that poor male is squeezing himself dry to inseminate her."

"Maybe," Mia dropped her head on his spotted chest, "I never tasted a lion, nor smelled them." She pictured a young, healthy male with an equally healthy erection. "What do you think they taste like?"

"Like me," Revad winked.

He got another paw in the face for that. "Be serious."

"I am," Revad nipped on her sandy colored claws. "It's the only educate guess since..." he gave her pads a quick lick. "Since I never approached a lion."

Mia retrieved her paw. "Never, as in..."

"Never," Revad nodded.

"You're such a coward!"

"Look who's speaking!"

"You're bigger, Revad, and you're fast."

"I can say the same thing about you, female," he hissed at her.

"Say that again, and your cock goes between my toes," Mia threatened, her paw ready to descend upon his exposed privates.

"Only if you're quick enough," Revad growled.

The two engaged in a short scuffle, kicking and nipping at each other until another roar pierced the silence. Mia and Revad looked towards the trees. Their short leaves danced in the wind, and the grass temporarily shifted, revealing a tawny male straddling his mate.

"They're closer than I expected," Mia whispered.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Revad looked at her with a mischievous smile.

"I wouldn't be your mate otherwise," Mia licked him fondly across his whiskers. "Come now, my horny mate. Let us see what those mewling lions are up to."

They crouched through the tall grasses of the plains. Revad took the lead, tail swishing behind his lithe, brown furred rumps. Mia poked his balls, sniffing the delightful musk embedded inside the short fur. Revad looked behind for a second, then continued shuffling forth like nothing unordinary happened.

He ignored her until they reached within a hundred leaps from the lazy lions.

"Can you please put that tongue back in its place?" Revad whispered between bared fangs.

Mia swiped her barbed tongue over his erect cock before slapping it inside her muzzle with a noticeable slurp.

"Done. Happy now?" she savored his taste.

He lifted his tail over his throbbing erection, then slapped her with it. Mia ducked under, avoiding the hit.

"You're slow. I bet your seed will be quicker."

Revad leaped ahead, then pressed his belly on the ground. His pink cock vanished from sight, hidden underneath two perky balls and a protective tail.

"They'll hear. Don't be stupid," he said, looking towards the lions as if they were death itself.

"I never am, my mate," Mia stood up. "But unlike you, I know their behavior quite well. After all, we shared the same territory for a while."

She knew the two lions were sleeping. She heard their lengthy breath quite well, so Mia took the lead, rubbing her silky tail around Revad's head. The male licked into the fluff, making a sweet comment about her delicacy. Mia knew honesty when she heard it.

She also knew Revad was going to try and take his revenge, and she did nothing about that. Mia allowed that warm, slippery tongue to wash over her lips. She shivered all over, almost spilling her lust in the process. Her claws sunk into the ground, and she awkwardly stumbled forward, tail held high above her shuddering flesh. She didn't agree with her rebellious instincts. Two potentially dangerous predators rested just a short distance away, and all Mia could think of was a tongue to scratch her heated itch.

She turned her head around, catching a glimpse of Revad's glistening fangs.

"Rrevad, d-don't-"

The stubborn male had a hunger for more. He poked his tongue deep inside, rubbing his barbs along Mia's shivering flesh. She drew in a sharp breath and pressed her jaws shut. Liquid heat rushed between her lips, bursting at the same time as her shrilling whimper.

"Too loud!" Revad snarled between lewd slurps. He ate away at her gooey dribbles with ravenous licks, scratching harder and deeper.

Every time his tongue returned, Mia spasmed with delight, forcing her flesh to produce more heated lubrication. Her paws trembled, her tail shuddered, and her eyes barely remained opened. Orgasm took a certain toll, and Mia was too distracted to notice that the lions were no longer sleeping. They got up on their paws, looking curiously at the source of the bizarre noise.


"What?" she blinked lazily, washing off the intense heat with a tongue swipe across her muzzle.

"The lions."

Mia looked in their direction. Both were advancing towards them. Or rather, they ran.

"Run!" Revad hissed.

"Wait! Maybe they-"

Too late. Revad already scampered off. Mia turned to follow him, but her indecisiveness rooted her limbs into place. She looked back at the lions, then at Revad's shrinking form. The lioness shot right past Mia, a blur of fur and muscles.

When she turned her head around, she found herself staring into a large, brown nose, and a lot of whiskers around its widening nostrils.

"Hello there," a deep voice burst forth.

Mia stumbled backwards. Her paws slid underneath her, too numb and unresponsive to maintain proper balance. Mia rolled on her side. No. On her belly. The lion loomed above her, a gargantuan creature almost twice her size. He had a thin yet somewhat imposing golden mane, and a neck thick enough to wield it.

His head approached further, and Mia rolled on her back, exposing the fluffier fur of her belly. Maybe if she appeared weak and insignificant, the lion would take no interest in her and leave.

She couldn't be more wrong. He sniffed one of her paws, then slowly advanced towards her chest. Mia laid her head flat on the ground, paralyzed with fright. She allowed the muzzle of the beast to slide between her paws and around them. He sniffed everything: muscles, joints, her pink, soft pads, before he gently poked her belly.

Mia shuddered. "There isn't...isn't much meat to eat." One of her paws pushed into the male's mane, sinking between the tufts of fur.

"Maybe I'm not that hungry," he rumbled, continuing his exploration.

"I taste bad," Mia mumbled.

The lion said nothing. He slid between her flanks and hovered his flaring nostrils above her sex for a few seconds. Once he took three deep breaths, he revealed his impressive fangs. All felines grimaced when they smelled something interesting, and lions made no exception. The male inspected Mia's scent, dipped his head for another inspection, then poked her wet flesh with the tip of his tongue.

Mia kicked her legs with surprise. She clamped her lips shut around the lion, trapping his tongue inside for two heartbeats. He remained there, with his cold nose pressed below her tail and his tongue inside her lips until her muscles relaxed.

Then, he licked again. Mia couldn't help herself this time. She was being licked by a lion! His muscular tongue had no place inside a cheetah's tight vagina, but the mere thought sent Mia over the edge. Her paws curled and embraced one another as a rush of ecstasy traversed her spine.

The lion licked quicker, and quicker, dashing his large barbs over her trembling lips with long, careful strokes until Mia exploded. She flooded the lion's tongue with female essence, forcing him back. The male shook his head. His muzzle was pelted with two hard squirts before he sealed her squirting lips with his muzzle. His tongue poked in and out, eating Mia's overflowing sex with noisy slurps.

Mia tapered off with a lustful yowl. Her paws relaxed, her tail remained splayed behind her, and her flesh finally stopped gushing out its slimy fluids. The lion cleaned her quickly, then pulled his head up, a few drops of clear liquid still dribbling down his tawny chin.

"You taste bad? I beg to differ," he growled with amusement.

"I wasn't talking about know," Mia rolled on her side and covered her exposed sex. She was suddenly embarrassed to be taken so rudely by her bigger, pesky kin.

"You can calm down," the lion laid next to her. "I never planned on hurting such a beautiful feline such as you."

"You say that only because I'm female."

"No," the male pushed his tail under hers. "I would have tasted your essence equally if you shared my gender."

"Really?" Mia asked, busying herself with a paw. The male intimidated her, young and eager as he was.

"Yes," the lion imitated her, caressing his bigger pads with his tentative tongue. "My pride makes no discrimination between genders, and we value pleasure as much as hunting."

"Do you now?" Mia tugged on the lion's tail.

He wrestled her down and smiled. "We're felines. Tasting every joy is what we do."

"Intriguing," Mia purred softly. Talk of mating and pleasure always put her at ease. "And how do you go about tasting this joy of yours?"

"We lick, mount, tease and paw each other," the lion said, amber blazing with hidden desire.

"Paw...each other?" Mia asked.

The lion lifted a flank and pushed a forepaw underneath until he reached his member. Then, he pressed against his sack until his sheath emerged between two fingers.

"We touch," he flexed his fingers, revealing a sliver of pink. "Then we knead, like this."

Mia held her breath. The way his paws pushed and grabbed around his emerging member and his hard throbs made her wet and lustful. His cock pushed, and pushed, and pushed, until it became hard with desire. The lion stopped briefly, a low growl rumbling inside his throat.

"Do you want me to-"

"Yes!" Mia said eagerly. "I want"

Her words were lost amidst a haze of desire. She never saw a lion pleasuring himself before. His balls were big, but his paw was equally impressive. Cream claws left their sheath, grabbing onto the spheres below as the lion quickened his strokes. His tail suddenly shifted to the side, and his flanks tensed with effort. The lion thrust hard into his paw, securing himself tight inside his warm, padded prison. His cock tensed hard, and the pressure applied by the stretched sheath sent the lion's pleasure soaring.

He roared harshly, unleashing his seed in four separate arcs. Milky droplets flew above his belly, landing between his legs, on his chest, and even on his muzzle.

Mia's tail curled around herself. A small puddle gathered underneath her twitching lips, and her claws were restless with lust. She licked her muzzle once, then pushed her head closer, sniffing insistently at the droplets of seed.

"I'll clean it," the male rubbed his muzzle against hers.

Mia remained stunned for a second. He was so warm, big, and fluffy!

"It's alright," she retreated. "I wasn't curious or anything."

The male cleaned himself quickly, then looked back at her. "You are a bad liar."

"I'm-" Mia stopped. Her eyes dashed between the lion's sex and his striking amber eyes. "Well maybe just a bit."

"I knew you were hiding something," he lay on his back, exposing himself to Mia. "Share your secret with me, and I will satisfy you in any way I can."

Mia wanted a particular part of him lodged deep inside her, but she didn't say out loud. Not yet, at least. She still didn't know what lions were capable of. For that, a proper inspection was needed.

She had to lick, smell, and touch him up-close.

"I want to inspect you," Mia got on her fours, swishing her tail excitedly. "Every part of you."

"Proceed then," the male said. "I promise not to bite."

Mia rushed straight to his tail. She was not embarrassed to lick his puckered tailhole or poke his soft balls. She sunk her nose between them, inhaling the musky aroma of a full grown, fertile lion. Her lips trembled with arousal, and her teeth gently grazed upon his sack.

The male growled softly, and Mia ignored him. She found his tip and pushed a nostril against its wet surface, inhaling the aroma. Savage and strong, just like his muscles. Mia licked around it once. She caught a quick taste, but she wanted more. With a paw, she pushed down upon the lion's sheath just as he did before and dabbed her wet tongue at the moist member hidden inside.

The male shivered. He released a minute ago, and Mia could already feel him growing beneath her tongue.

"So fast?" She asked, half dazed with desire.

"I was never licked like that," the male whimpered. His paws spread, claws revealing their sheath. He reveled in his treatment and Mia licked him until he got fully hard.

She savored his musk, drinking every drop of his lubrication. Heat flared inside her fur, and she wanted nothing more than to mate this luxurious beast.

"Mate me," Mia said, already straddling the lion.

"Right now?" he asked, confused.

Mia licked one of his hind paws, tasting the dust between his pads. "Yes. Now." She slowly advanced towards his muzzle.

The male looked at her. He wanted it. Craved for it. There was no denying about that once his tongue washed over Mia's smaller muzzle.

"A promise is a promise," he said softly, licking her again.

Mia straddled him. She had no patience to switch positions, and she could thrust as hard as any male. The warmth of his belly felt delightful, and his mane so soft. Mia thrust hard, seeking his cock while her tongue slapped wildly around the male's muzzle. She had a fierce crave for this male, and held none of it back.

The lion allowed her to explore his maw however she wanted. He was in no rush since Mia basically had no aim. She pushed into his balls, rubbed his cock, and even kissed his tailhole. She did everything except impregnating herself with the lion's hot seed.

"Allow me."

The male gently pushed her with his paws. Mia dropped on her side, then immediately took the mating stance, belly pressed against the hard ground and tail lifted high above her squelching lips.

The lion straddled her. She washed her neck with soothing licks while his member searched for its mark.

"The tailhole please," Mia said desperately, feeling his member push dangerously close inside her kneading lips.


"It's tighter," she snarled. "Warmer. You'll like it."

"You're a cheetah. Isn't it too small?" the male growled softly.

"Just do it," Mia ended the argument with a needy hiss.

The male complied. He pushed his warm cock above her twitching lips, probing around her tailhole. Mia licked her muzzle expectantly. She expected something hot. Something big and hard.

But she didn't expect such a long, vicious thrust. Once he found her entrance, the lion split her tunnel with a hard, decisive thrust. His lubricated length sunk inside her flesh all the way to the balls. Mia squeezed him hard, securing his cock firmly inside her.

A single spasm was all it took for the overly sensitive lion. He burst with a shrilling roar, filling Mia with heated gushes of leonine seed. His cock trembled and spasmed within her, rubbing its barb-less meat back and forth with each spurt. Even inside such a tight hole, the male hardly remained still. He wanted more from every spurt, so he thrust quickly, energizing his yowling orgasm with fresh reserves of seed.

The barrage of hot fluids weakened Mia's defenses. She too joined the lion's cries, releasing her own pent-up orgasm. Her arousal fled in gushes, wetting the grass below while her muscles milked every drop from her big, strong male.

He remained inside her long after his orgasm ended, enjoying the heat of his own seed.

"I never mated a female in the tailhole before," he licked Mia's scruff with silky strokes of his tongue.

"Now you have," she lifted her head to meet his eyes. "How did it feel?"

"Tight. Constricting," he licked her muzzle. "Amazing."

"You deserved it," Mia purred and licked him adoringly. "When will your mate return?"

"Soon," The male looked in the distance. "Definitely after she is done with the other cheetah."

Mia's eyes widened "Will she eat him?"

"No," the male growled, amused. "But she will drain every drop of his seed."

"I like the sound of that."

Mia dropped her head on the ground, enjoying the filling meat trapped inside her. She hasn't expected any less from a horny lion. Within a few minutes, he became hard again, stretching her walls with that hard cock of his.

"I...I think I'm gonna..." the male whimpered blissfully.

"Not inside the same hole, dear," Mia unplugged herself. "I want to collect a bit of you before-"

Mia's breath cut when the lion pierced her moistened lips. His balls slammed against her, and his seed closely followed. With three gushes he wet her fertile insides, sending his seed spearing inside her shuddering tunnel.

Mia closed her eyes and growled, trying to imitate the lion's fierce roar. She failed, of course, but the intense pleasure coursing through her rapidly spasming muscles was well worth the hassle.