The Life of Another - Chapter 14

Story by Jake Atkinson on SoFurry

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#17 of The Life of Another

Yay, I was worried I wouldn't have time to write but here we are! ^^

I may be busy next weekend so it could be a couple weeks until the next chapter.

P.O.V. - Nick - Sunday 10:30 am Dorm Room

Roger walked into my room wearing faded black jeans and a bright blue T-shirt that was turned inside-out. Thinking he might simply be unaware of it I helpfully mentioned "Hi, Roger. Hey I think your shirt is inside-out." His ears lowered slightly as he swiped at the tablet to say "I don't have many decent shirts. Most of the donated stuff is either out of fashion, stained or the wrong size. I did laundry last night but I want to save the best shirts for days I'm in class. I mean, would you wear this right-side-out?" He waited for the device to finish talking before setting it down on David's bed and pulling his shirt up to show the underside. It took a substantial force of will to tear my gaze from the fluffy white fur on his bare chest and stomach to the image stretched upside-down over his face. I exclaimed "Huggie Kittens?! Ahw Roger they're adorable! Come on, turn it around!" He pulled it the rest of the way over his head and playfully swatted me with the fluffy hug-muggers while mumbling "Then you wear it!"

I laughed and held up my forearms to block the assault. "Ok, ok! Remember not to talk or you'll end up like Batman!" The wolf smiled and rolled his eyes while setting down the wadded up shirt and retrieving the tablet to say "I am so tired of this damn tablet! If I end up sounding like a depressed superhero the rest of my life it might be worth it just to talk again. I guess I'll try to follow Dr.'s orders but it's going to be really awkward in class." I looked away from his bare chest only to find my eyes drawn inexorably back as I said "Since we can't go off campus why don't I show you where all your classes are so you won't be lost tomorrow? Do you have your class schedule with you?" Roger swiped at the screen, the fur on his arm gently rippling to hint at the toned muscle underneath. A few moments later the synthetic voice intoned "It's back in my room, we can grab it on the way out. I... was in a bad place mentally when I took my placement tests. It's pretty embarrassing, I wish I could retake them now. Maybe if I do well they'll reconsider and let me advance." He started to walk through the adjoining bathroom and forgot his shirt. I smiled to myself and picked it up as I called after him. "Hey, you forgot your Huggie Kittens!" He turned and stuck his tongue out at me before taking the shirt and holding a finger in front of his muzzle in a "shhh" gesture.

He quietly opened the door and stepped over to his backpack on the desk where he begrudgingly put his shirt back on, still inside-out, and started rummaging in his bag for the list. Jim was sleeping in, his glowing head barely visible above the dishevelled comforter. Roger found the list and grabbed his hoodie before we headed into the hallway where I softly shut the door behind us.

He passed me the schedule and started swiping at his tablet as we walked. Wow, these classes are kinda... basic. I hope he's right and can advance out of them soon. Hey he's got Auto Shop, I don'tknow _ANYTHING about cars except to put them in "D" to go forward and "R" to go backwards. I think the garage is over near the gym... M_y thoughts were interrupted by the artificial voice as we started down the stairs.

"I've got a ripping headache. I seem to get one from every session with Ms. Thurlington. You said you spent some time with her awhile back right?" I nodded and added "Yeah, when I first got to the school I had a few appointments with her, she was just starting then. I think she sees every student at least a couple times when they first arrive. I thought she was nice." We rounded the bottom of the stairwell and Roger resumed typing to say "Yeah, I think she means well but I'm kinda uncomfortable the way she uses her talent like that. She gets my moods and inhibitions going every which way. One minute I think 'No WAY am I gonna join G.L.A. and the next all my inhibitions drop and I'm like 'Hell yeah I'm gonna join, if people don't like it, it's their problem!' She doesn't change my thoughts per se, she just pushes my moods and mental filters all around." My ears perked forward as I tilted my head to the side and said "Really? I never noticed anything like that. Are you sure you aren't just being paranoid? I mean everyone has internal debates about stuff, especially with difficult decisions." I pushed the main door open and we were greeted by a bright blue Spring sky. A few soft clouds hovered gently above barren trees but the air seemed warmer if still brisk. We stepped down the path and his tablet intoned "No, she flat out told me she was doing it. She said it was kinda like how psychiatrists use medications. She had me stare at her pen while she did it once but I could tell she was doing it other times too." I blinked and responded "Really? I remember that pen, she was always fiddling with it, but she never had me stare at it or anything." Roger nodded and swiped to respond "Was she flipping it around in her fingers, like over her knuckles and up and down and stuff?" I nodded and said "Yeah, she was really good at it. It was kinda distracting but I didn't really mind it that much." He chewed his lip in thought as we rounded a bend and typed "I think there's some sort of connection but I dunno, I'm probably over analyzing it."

A group of 3 guys passed us on the sidewalk. Ryan, a huge Grizzly Bear with fur stripped like a zebra, bumped my shoulder despite my trying to sidestep out of his path. He muttered as he kept walking, "Watch out f#ckin' f#g." The whole incident barely registered on my radar. My thoughts were wrapped around replaying my last session with Ms. Thurlington for signs of her supposed treachery. Roger, however, exploded. He spun around and took a step towards Ryan. Remembering what happened only a couple nights ago I grabbed his forearm and hissed his name low enough that the other guys hopefully couldn't hear. "Roger, stop." Bright sunlight masked the glow from his fur but vague light distortions danced around the edges of his frame like heat waves.

Thankfully for all involved the group failed to notice their near brush with disaster and Roger stopped the moment I touched him. He kept his back to me and took a slow, deep breath. I let go of his wrist and focused my talent just in time to sense his rage slide bizarrely into tranquillity. I stood dumbfounded as he casually turned around and slowly patted my shoulder. His eyes looked overly soft and he smiled sloppily with one ear half-cocked towards nothing. He heavily lifted the device to talk, typing out "Ms. Thurlington taught me some technique about concentrating on the cabin to relax. Don't worry, not yours. At first I thought it was the answer to all my problems but it's total b#llsh#t. I figured it out last night when I was having dinner with my Aunt. That Fox set up some sort of emotional trigger for when I concentrate on the cabin. Whenever I do it I feel like I've been doped up on valium and ecstasy."

I blinked and rolled everything over in my mind while we resumed walking. I said "Wow. That's really... I mean, I guess it's helpful." I had to slow my pace, Roger was falling behind. He caught up and hit enter causing the tablet to intone "Sort of, I mean I guess I'm in control of it. If I don't concentrate hard on the cabin it doesn't happen so I can rage all I want but still... it creeps me out. Look how slow I'm moving. It wears off after awhile and then I feel kinda jittery and paranoid. I don't plan on doing it often."

We walked in silence until we got near the gym where I asked "Has she been able to help you learn how to control the light patterns from your emotions? Besides that way?" He tipped his head in thought a moment and then shook it side to side before typing "This morning she taught me a bit more about people who connect emotionally to their talent but I'm still really confused. It's so different." I asked "Different from what?" He startled and quickly began tapping at the screen to say "I only had one person to learn from back home and he connected spiritually. He tried to give me advice, and some helped, but what he described was really different." I shifted my weight and grabbed my wrist behind my back before saying "I've never met anyone with that connection before, it's really rare. What did he say about it?" His ears swivelled reflexively to catch the sounds from a passing group of students in the distance while he typed "The stuff he taught me about capacitance, focus, polarity and spin all seem to apply when I'm connected but stuff happens even when I'm not connected, like the flashing fur bit, and that's where I'm lost."

I replied "Maybe you'll pick up something in Talent Training class." I wonder if I should tell him I connect emotionally? __I'll bet I could help him. Of course then he's bound to ask what my talent is and people tend to get weirded out by that. Still, h_ e's been really open with me, maybe he'd be alright with it. I'll bring it up again later._ I decided to change the subject, saying "How was your supper last night? Is your Aunt doing ok?"

The Wolf leaned his back against the gymnasium wall before swiping to respond. "Yeah, I mean considering everything that's happened she's holding up alright. We went out to eat at the Buk N' Cluk." My tail wagged as I thought of their extra crispy drumstick special and exclaimed "Oh I love that place! I can't believe your Aunt took you there, it's kind of a dive but the chicken is awesome." He licked his lips exaggeratedly and typed "Yeah it was really good, I think someone at the school must have recommended it to her and she thought I'd like it. It was ok at first but some people seated behind me kept talking about my tail. To make it worse my Aunt chastised me for not covering it up like she said to before we left. I was all sorts of angry and humiliated which started my gray fur flashing and that REALLY got 'em all going." His tail tucked and his ears folded, I didn't need to use my talent to know he was reliving the scene in his mind. I rested my hand on his forearm and said softly "I'm sorry, that sounds awful." He swallowed and nodded slowly before typing out "So I did the cabin trick and ended up like I am now, feeling all dopey. At first Sue was relieved I had finally stopped making a scene but then she flipped out because she thought I was on drugs. She wouldn't believe me until I finally got her to contact Ms. Thurlington. After they talked on the phone for awhile she finally calmed down. She's alright, she just freaks out easily. Things were ok between us when she left this morning."

A couple girls in cheerleader outfits exited the gym door, each with a bag over their shoulder. Jenna the ferret waved and smiled but her friend, a Jackal with pink ventral counter-shading glared at Roger and said "Get a room, f#gs!" I startled and reflexively withdrew my hand from Roger's arm. Jenna jabbed the canine with her elbow and said "Ashley, what are you doing?!" Ashley stomped away while saying "Ask Splash!" Jenna smiled defensively and said "Sorry! I uh... I'll talk with you later!" I waved my hand dismissively and shrugged. I never really liked Ashley but Jenna was super. "Don't worry about it." I said and added "Better catch up with her, I'll see ya later." She mouthed 'sorry' again while looking at Roger and hastily stirred her short legs to catch up with the marching Jackal.

I was all set to palliate Roger's temper but as I turned my focus on him I realized he was feeling ashamed and embarrassed, albeit in a drunkenly way. Hmm, I guess he's still thinking about last night... wait no. That's right, Ashley was with Melina when we were in the cafeteria and Roger made that scene! Geez, she really carries a grudge! "Roger, I'm sorry. Don't take it so hard. Jenna is super cool but Ashley is... well Ashley. It's stupid of her to carry a grudge that long over something like that. Besides, I know better than to touch you when people can see us. I just do it sometimes without thinking."

The full, bright sunlight warmed our fur as it reflected off the white gym wall. It's brilliance washed away any chance of seeing Roger's fur glow but I'd swear it pulsed subliminally fast in blue-white light. His eyes sparked alive with mischievous energy and he grabbed my shoulder with his free hand while wrapping the other around my back, still holding onto the tablet. He tipped his head and locked his muzzle around mine before thrusting his tongue in my mouth. I was totally stunned, standing motionless as the kiss flowed from my mouth to my toes and back up again to settle in my heart. He withdrew slowly and stepped back to whisper "Don't worry about touching me, EVER!"

My pulse was racing, I never felt more alive in my entire life. The scent and taste of the kiss lingered as he grabbed my hand and started me down the path towards the garage. I felt as though I could jump into the air and fly the rest of the way. Oh my god, that was amazing! I couldn't contain the energy in my soul and quickly passed up Roger, dragging him to the garage entrance. We stopped and I tried the door but it was locked. My heart thumped with zeal and I realized I was panting despite the cool air. Standing still seemed next to impossible. I danced impatiently, shifting my weight lightly from one paw to the other as I looked up his next class on the schedule. I said breathlessly, "Your next class is over in the science building, come on!" Poor Roger didn't seem to be over his counsellor induced stupor yet but he seemed happy enough as I towed him along.

Halfway there he pulled me aside to sit at the base of the school's flagpole. The last thing I wanted to do was sit and talk but when I yanked on his arm he planted his paws firmly and shook his head with a reluctant smile. Begrudgingly I stood next to him as he sat on the cement ledge and typed. A moment passed and I grabbed the pole to swing myself around in a playful arc before the artificial voice said "Nick, I'm sorry but I think something happened just now. Can you hold still a minute? I need to fix something... Hmm maybe I should wait until this relaxation b#llsh#t wears off just to be safe." The Wolf started to look really down, his ears drooped and his tail sagged as he typed "Nick, that's gonna wear off at some point and you're going to feel like crap. I wasn't thinking clearly, I'm still not. But, look, I meant what I said, I really did but something happened by accident. Maybe I should take you to the medical wing. You're really starting to pant." I whirled a final time and came to stop in front of him to say "What are you talking about? This is amazing! I can sense what you're feeling, what those birds flying by are feeling. I can even tell what those people in that dorm over there are feeling and wowie wow are two of them REALLY feeling SOMETHING if you know what I mean!" I winked exaggeratedly while Roger stared at me intently, well he tried to but his focus was softened. He was starting to sober up but had a ways to go. He exhaled with a hint of frustration and tapped at the screen to say "Nick, I'm afraid to fix it right now. I can't focus that well and I'm concerned I could make things worse. Do you have your phone?"

I rummaged in my pocket and produced my phone before saying "Sure, here ya go!" I bounced from the ground to the top of the cement ledge and back again several times before swinging around the pole some more as I heard the speaker phone ring. Ms. Thurlington's voice mail picked up and Roger groaned as he hit disconnect. I stopped swirling around the pole and was more than a little dizzy as Roger grabbed my shoulder and steadied me. He gestured his head to the East and finally started walking. As soon as he gave me a direction I was off again, bounding steps ahead only to circle back impatiently while saying "Come on, it's in the same building as the Medical Ward. You know where that is!" I barely had to focus my talent to see he was really down. His mood dragged at me a little but exuberance still filled my heart, I tugged at his arm, trying to motivate him out of his slump. "It's ok, don't worry about it, I feel fine! What are you so down about?" He gestured to the door in the distance and I danced ahead to try it but it was locked.

Roger pulled himself up to sit on the low wall running alongside the staircase to the entrance and typed "Nick, when this wears off I really hope you can forgive me. I kinda zapped you, I didn't mean to. What with the way that stupid trick has me feeling and the way kissing you suddenly made me feel I... it just sorta slipped out." I tried to console him. "Roger I feel fine, I'm a little breathless but it's in a good way!" He smiled half-heartedly and slid his finger around the display to say "If it takes the same amount of time for that stupid relaxation trick to wear off as it did last night it'll be about 10 more minutes before I can fix... what happened. Can I see your wrist a sec?" I hopped and spun in mid air to land on my rear right next to Roger before dropping my hand in his lap, my aim was a little off and it bumped against the denim right over his sheath. Roger startled as I grinned sheepishly. I was glad to see him loosen up as he lifted my hand and checked my pulse. After that he grabbed my ear, holding it for several seconds in his cupped hand. I laughed and pulled away, bounding to my paws and turning to stand in front of him. He tapped away and the tablet said "It's not nearly as bad as the last time I did that to someone but you're still pretty jacked up. I guess you'll last a few more minutes until I can fix it though." I exclaimed "Fix what? I keep telling you, I'm fine! I'm better than fine! What's your next class? Oh, right, I have the schedule! Hey why'd you grab my ear? Not that I mind!" I looked at the paper and darted off while saying "Come on! It's over in the Admin building!"

Roger got slowly to his paws, following in my wake like a tired father chasing after his exuberant cub at a theme park. After a few minutes we were almost to the Admin building. Well I was almost there, Roger was 30 meters back. I trotted down the path and pulled at his arm, saying "It's not THAT far old Wolf, pick up those paws!" He exhaled forcefully and stepped off the sidewalk, gesturing with his hand towards the space between two buildings.Hey, he's feeling a little aroused since I grabbed his arm, I'll bet I know what he's thinking! "Roger we can't go the cabin, I told you yesterday, Bea's there with her friends." He shook his head and continued his trajectory until we worked our way around to the back where he stopped and began typing.

_Ugh! All this standing around! Hey I could show him the..._The artificial voice interrupted my thoughts with "I'm recovered enough, let's get you back to normal. Just try to hold still and close your eyes until I tell you to open them ok?" I glared at him playfully and said "What for? Are you going to be a naughty Wolf?" My tail wagged excitedly as he replied with the device to say "Yes, I'm going to be terribly naughty but only if you stop dancing around and close your eyes. It's hard enough for me to concentrate right now with them open. I get self-conscious when people watch me do... stuff." I squeezed my eyes shut theatrically and stood in front of him with my back to the empty rolling hills and trees. A couple seconds passed and I said "Roger? What..." My heart started beating even faster and I was convinced I'd feel his warm tongue any second. "What are you keeping me waiting..." Slowly my world started to fade, my heartbeat calmed, my breathing diminished. The joy of sensing everyone's emotions at a glance evaporated and I went from feeling cold and excited to being unpleasantly warm and tired.

Just as I was opening my eyes Roger encircled me with his arms and wrapped his muzzle around mine. His tongue was gentler this time, caressing lightly at my lips before softly pressing in. My heart didn't race the same way as the previous kiss but I still felt a giddy rush and lifted my arms to embrace him. His hands lowered to the back of my hips and pulled me forward until I could feel his erection straining against the denim between us. Roger drew his head back slowly and our eyes met. He smiled, suddenly shy, and let go before squatting to pick up his tablet. He swiped at the screen and it said "Let's go back to the dorm. I have a feeling you'll be wanting to lie down for awhile. I'll explain on the way."