I Invited My Boyfriend Over on a Full Moon And...

Story by DireWulfAlpha on SoFurry

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Hadn't written anything about werewolves before, and I thought it'd be fun, so here's this! Hope you like!

Peter just couldn't figure it out. It had been, by his account, a good evening. A great evening, even - of course, the same could be said about every moment he'd spent with Tommy thus far. This boy, this man... he'd made Peter into a completely new person, it seemed. Peter never found himself this happy before, and he felt like he was radiating pure joy whenever they found time to be together. During the past three months, since they'd "officially" decided to be a couple, it had seemed Tommy shared these feelings. Now, something was just off.

Peter looked up at his companion as they walked down the sidewalk. He wasn't that much shorter than Tommy - just a couple inches - but it felt like a lot at times, when he wanted to look him in the eye. Or kiss. The thought brought a smile to his face. The sun was just setting even though it was getting to be rather late, as it tended to do on these late spring evenings. It was partially hidden behind the tallest of the buildings in the background, but still cast its luminous glow over the whole scene, silhouetting Tommy against the sky and darkening the color of his auburn hair and tanned skin. It was a beautiful evening. Seemed like it was going to be a full moon, too, lovely to look at outside his window on such a clear night. Peter ran a hand through his own blonde bangs to get them away from his eyes while he tried to read his boyfriend's face; even in this light, he looked how he had looked through most of the evening, both at the movies and at dinner: concerned.

It didn't make sense. It was their three-month anniversary! Anniversaries were supposed to be happy and romantic and wonderful, and the previous two had been. All through dinner it had been like this. Tommy would half-heartedly respond to Peter's attempts at small talk, and politely smile here and there, but it was a departure from the normal, fun-loving man he was continuing to fall in love with. Something had to be stressing him out, but Peter didn't want to push; the last thing he needed was to come off as overbearing or make his boyfriend focus on what was bringing him down.

Now, at least, they were headed back to Peter's dorm. In his last semester as a college senior, he was able to have a dorm with only one other roommate, who luckily enough had decided to visit his family back home this weekend. This meant, he thought with a smile, that they had some time all by themselves. No school, no people, nothing. It was rare, with both of them having full workloads from school and Tommy working part-time at the bookstore, for them to be able to get some time like this, and Peter intended to take full advantage of it. A romantic dinner was nice, but if that wasn't enough to take his boyfriend's mind off his troubles, he knew a few more... intimate things that might. They always seemed to work in the past, even though he had never seen Tommy quite like this. He had given Peter some lame excuses like work the next day and a test on Monday to try and weasel out of coming over, which he thought was rather odd, but it didn't take too much convincing to get him to change his mind. Any apprehensions he had would soon be cured, Peter thought, and besides, what's an anniversary without some fun alone time?

"Just leave your shoes over there by the door... yeah, there you go," Peter said, looking back over his shoulder as he walked through the entryway into his dorm, Tommy in tow. "Steven's gone, like I said earlier, so we have the place to ourselves."

It wasn't much, just a basic living space with a couch and TV connected to a small but functional kitchen. Both Peter and his roommate's dorms sat atop the stairs, along with the bathroom.

"You want anything to drink?" he called from the kitchen area to Tommy, who had flopped down on the couch and spread out.

"Um... water's fine. Thanks."

Peter wasted no time in pouring a tall glass of water for his boyfriend and coming over to where he was sprawled out on the couch, setting his beverage on the small table in front of it. He looked a little more relaxed like this, at least, but still not completely comfortable like he had been on so many other visits to this very dorm.

"Oh well," Peter thought. "That'll change."

He knelt down next to the couch and gently stroked over Tommy's t-shirt-clad torso, ending with his hands lightly resting on either side of his face. He leaned in slowly, Tommy looking at him all the while, closed his eyes, and tenderly planted a kiss on his soft lips. He felt himself wrapped and pulled closer by one of his boyfriend's toned arms. Allowing himself to melt into the half-embrace, he parted his lips and gave Tommy access to his mouth. Their tongues lazily played and stroked over and around each other for a minute before Peter pulled back, just a thin strand of saliva connecting them. His boyfriend was smiling warmly back at him when he opened his eyes and that, in turn, brought a smile to his own face.

"I'm gonna be right back, stud," he said softly. "I'm just gonna clean up quick."

"Sounds good to me... I'll be right here when you get back," came the reply, and with that, Peter stood up and made his way to the stairs.

As nice as Peter knew showering with Tommy could be, he actually wanted to spend most of the time in the shower making sure he was clean - this time at least. Also, slipping into something a little sexier than the unflattering boxer shorts he had on currently didn't seem like a bad idea. He grinned as he hurried up the stairs, imagining his boyfriend's face when he reappeared, covered up only in some tight, pink, rump-accentuating briefs.

Before long, Peter had the hot water running and his clothes off, slipping under the stream and letting the warmth wash over him. He scrubbed every inch of his slim body, cleaning the typical dirt and sweat off his skin and washing the day's stress down the drain with it. There really was nothing like a hot shower, he thought while scrubbing his hair with shampoo, then conditioner. It had to feel nice; Tommy did like to run his fingers through it.

After he was done washing, and paying special attention to more private areas he turned off the water and stepped out, grabbing a towel from the rack. It had only been about ten minutes, which wasn't too long compared to the majority of Peter's showers. He gave himself a quick once-over with the towel before quietly opening the bathroom door and slipping out and around the corner into his bedroom. He thought he heard some movement downstairs. "Must be Tommy getting himself something else to drink," he thought. "Or getting ready for me himself... hmm..."

It was for the best that Tommy hadn't gone upstairs - Peter wasn't quite ready. He had an idea that might just take his boyfriend by surprise, and it involved the bottle of Astroglide on his nightstand. Tommy had been more than a little eager a few times in the past, and it had been over a week since they'd been able to have enough time together for sex. He moved his naked body over to the bed. "Might as well save him some trouble," Peter thought with a smirk, popping the cap and squirting a bit onto his index finger.

He braced himself with his right hand on the mattress and lifted his left knee to rest on the bed, effectively spreading his butt cheeks. Within seconds, his practiced left hand reached around and found his own hole, freshly-shaven and smooth in his crack. He let his slick finger smear the cold liquid up over his opening, shivering from the sensation. It definitely wasn't new to him, but it had been a while, and he was eager for more. He applied a little more lube to his finger and dove back, penetrating himself a little this time.

"Ahhh," he sighed when the digit disappeared an inch inside him. He loved this feeling.

He gave his backdoor a few practice thrusts, clenching his hole around the digit to milk it of every bit of lube and really get his inner walls slick for Tommy before pulling all the way out again with a wet schlick.

"Don't wanna have TOO much fun without him," Peter thought, looking down at his newly formed hard-on. He didn't bother taking the lube with him; he was practiced with Tommy, and spit should be enough, which he was happy to provide.

Peter made his way over to his dresser and pulled open his underwear drawer, having something special already in mind. He dug around, passed a few sexy little pieces that wouldn't have made his ass look bad by any stretch, but eventually pulled out the tight pink pair he was looking for.

"Yep," he thought, "these will be PERFECT."

Wearing nothing but his underwear, Peter tried to walk as silently as he could down the stairs; he didn't want Tommy to hear his sexy surprise coming. Peter, however, did hear more rustling that sounded like it was coming from the kitchen. This perplexed him a little - hadn't they just eaten dinner an hour ago? What could he be doing?

It sounded like Tommy was banging into things, Peter decided, as he got closer to the bottom of the staircase. And wait, was that... panting? Was he out of breath? Peter became concerned that there was something actually wrong with his boyfriend. Maybe he was sick with something, and he hadn't told him. That could have been what was bothering him! He rushed down the final couple stairs and spun around, looking for his boyfriend, but he wasn't in the living room or behind the counter of the kitchen.

Peter panicked. "Tommy!? Are you here? This isn't funny!"

Tommy didn't answer him. What did answer him, however, was a low growl.

A growl and a black-furred snout, peaking from behind the kitchen counter. Followed closely by two yellow eyes, staring right at him.

"Holy shit."

Peter did the only thing that seemed reasonable to him at the time - he made a running leap for the door. There was no time to process what this thing was, or where Tommy had gone. Maybe Tommy heard it coming somehow and escaped first, unable to warn Peter; hell, maybe this thing ATE Tommy. Peter didn't have time to even register that possibility before he was halfway to the door, but this creature was faster. He heard a snarl, and looked in time to see the black... wolf, he decided... make a pounce at him.

Peter let out a shrill yelp, but didn't have time for much more before he felt like he'd been hit by a train and came tumbling to the floor in a mass of fur and muscle and saliva. This wolf was huge. WAY bigger than himself, and covered in muscles. It bit him, hard, on the shoulder as it tackled him, sinking its teeth in menacingly and holding him in its grasp. He lay sprawled out on the hard floor, under this massive animal and could only squirm as he felt the wolf place both front paws on his chest and lift its torso up, releasing his shoulder in the process. In the heat of the moment, his brain somehow processed that these paws felt like they had fingers. He hesitated a look down while the wolf gave a triumphant bark, and was shocked at what he saw. Humanoid paws! But there was something else even more shocking on the wolf's hindpaws: socks.

Or rather, the torn and tattered remains of what looked like they had once been socks, covering up part of the wolf's ankles. And judging by the markings, these were the same athletic socks Tommy had been wearing earlier. He knew his boyfriend's clothes when he saw them, and his blood ran cold as he looked up into the wolf's yellow eyes.

"...Tommy?" he whimpered.

His boyfriend was a werewolf.

Tommy, however, didn't seem to register what Peter had said in his current state. He responded only with another growl, though now, at least, Peter didn't quite feel like his life was endanger since he knew the wolf currently pinning him down. Within seconds, though, the beast was making a move, lifting himself off Peter's chest and instead wrapping two giant, furred arms around his naked back, lifting him up completely. Peter nearly screamed again, but tried to hold back - the last thing he needed was a concerned neighbor wondering what was happening and coming in to find himself almost completely naked with a giant werewolf holding him. He couldn't help but let out an "UMPH," however, when said werewolf decided to use his strength to throw him unceremoniously over the table and onto his couch.

He bounced on the soft cushions upon being catapulted, but his gaze went immediately back to Tommy, er- the werewolf. It took the opportunity to stand up on its hind legs now, giving Peter the opportunity to see just how massive it really was. The thing had to be eight feet tall fully stretched out, now that he got a good look. Any taller and Tommy would threaten to burst right through the ceiling. The height was one thing, but the muscles; Tommy had been fit before, but it was nothing like the beast before him. The werewolf was covered in black and dark grey fur, sure, but besides that (and the ears and tail), it retained a human-like musculature. Bulging pecs, eight-pack abs, and biceps the size of small watermelons were just a few of the things that nearly made Peter's mouth water, despite how menacing the werewolf seemed. It was no wonder Tommy had literally burst out of his clothes when he made the change.

Clothes. This word rung in his head as the enormous werewolf began lumbering over to the couch. Peter's eyes darted downward to the wolf's crotch. He just had to know what he was packing. Some dark, curious desire deep within him forced him to, and he wasn't fully prepared for what he saw.

Instead of a dick, there was a pouch. He'd heard that many animals had sheaths before, but he never really looked into anything, and this was the only first-hand experience he'd had so far. The pouch was dark and furred, like the rest of the werewolf's body, but God, was it thick. Below it, clear as day, was the plumpest pair of balls he'd ever seen - though, to be fair, he'd only seen human ball sacs up to now.

The thing that really caught Peter's eye was what was sticking out of this sheath: a red tip. About an inch or two of what he could only assume was... well, dog dick... was already poking out of the black-furred pouch and glistening, tapered and blood-red in the dim lighting of the room.

"Oh my god, this thing's HORNY," was all Peter could think.

Well, at least he was fairly certain his life wasn't in danger anymore.

All he could do was wait for the werewolf's next move, and it didn't seem that he would have to wait much longer, with the wolf coming ever closer to the couch. A deep rumbling was coming from its chest and its muzzle curved upward, looking like a smirk with barred teeth. The wolf's yellow eyes were fixated on him the entire time, and as he got closer, Peter could see that it was even drooling, clear saliva dripping from its muzzle and landing on the carpet. Something about the whole situation, as frightening as it was, was giving him a familiar stirring sensation in his underwear. He supposed, now that he wasn't particularly afraid for his life, that he was simply reacting to the visual stimulation of a hot, naked, muscular body approaching him with lust in its eyes.

Of course, those eyes were yellow, and this muscular body, hot as is it was, was a werewolf. There was something about the whole situation that made him feel wrong and dirty for being aroused, as the werewolf stood next to the couch, reached down with its muscled arms, and yanked Peter so he was sitting up regularly. Even dirtier, as the werewolf moved so it was facing Peter crotch-to-face. The dirtiest he'd ever felt, as he inhaled deeply and got a lungful of the deepest, hottest, and most masculine musk he'd ever smelled.

Fuck it. He was going to see where this went. Not that the wolf was going to give him much of a choice in the matter.

While he savored the musky scent of the beast in front of him, he felt one of the black-furred paws on the back of his head roughly shove it forward. At the same time, the canine looming over him aggressively slammed his muscular hips forward in a thrust. As a result, two more inches of thick wolf-- escaped their furry prison and the veiny, red cock smeared its sticky fluids all across Peter's left cheek, marking him. He kept inhaling more and more of the beast's scent, and even wrapped his hands around the canine's firm ass, squeezing to test for more muscle and getting a low grumble of pleasure from the wolf. The wolf delivered a couple more short thrusts, and its dick, in turn, delivered more shots of pre. Peter took the opportunity to hungrily lick at the drippings nearest his mouth, curious at the taste and finding it very much like his own; at least, close enough to want more and more.

The pressure of Peter's own cock, rock-hard by now and straining against his underwear, was becoming unbearable. He licked all around the werewolf's fuzzy sheath and low-hanging balls, then stroked his tongue up the massive pole sticking out of the wolf's sheath. Thanks to the attention he was showing to the wolf's nether regions, enough was protruding now to dwarf Peter's own six inches, much to his delight. He'd never dealt with something this size before, and was loving the taste and feel of this new cock. He couldn't even touch his fingers to his thumb when he wrapped his hand around it, eliciting a throb, hump, and growl from above. Nothing against Tommy's own usual hefty package, of course; the opportunity to lick and suck and maybe even take the ten or so inches leaking around his mouth just couldn't be passed up.

Soon enough, the werewolf got bored of his ministrations - that, or he just wanted to move on to something else. To Peter's disappointment the wolf pulled his cock away from his eager tongue, but that disappointment was soon replaced with anticipation as the wolf picked him up with ease and dropped him over the side of the couch. Peter's brief-clad ass was pulled back so it stuck out over the side, and he grabbed a throw pillow to rest his head on for comfort.

Peter heard another growl of approval, from behind this time. He supposed the wolf enjoyed seeing his ass on display as much as his boyfriend usually did, even if he might not recognize it at the moment. He was proud to have the same effect on this creature as he did on his boyfriend, but was interrupted from these thoughts very abruptly when he felt claws rake down his sides. He let out a quick yelp as they dug in near his waistband and the wolf attempted to pull them off. Unfortunately for Peter, this only resulted in the claws getting caught in the sides and the ripped remains of his underwear falling to the carpet. Luckily, he was officially too horny to care.

It felt like he was hyper-aware of every sensation he was experiencing. The pillow he was resting his face on, the arm of the couch pressing into his boner; the feel of large, furred paws shamelessly groping his ass and spreading his cheeks apart, and soon enough, the warmth of a hot, moist, exhale caressing his slightly lubed opening and raising goose bumps all across his legs. He let out a moan. He couldn't help it. Everything just felt so damn good, and he was even a little ashamed at how such a simple act caused him to react. As he was soon to realize, though, far greater pleasures awaited him. The next caused his eyes to snap open and made his body writhe in ecstasy, and it took the form of a wide, hot dog tongue delivering a slow lick from his balls to the very top of his crack.

The feel of that tongue when it bore down and dug into Peter's hole was indescribable. Peter could only moan and whimper as he was hungrily eaten out for all he was worth. Warm slobber and drool coated his ass and dripped down to his balls, the low rumbling of the wolf and lewd squelches of tongue against butthole turning him on to a whole new level. Since he had already done a little bit of fingering in his bedroom and the wolf's tongue was doing such a good job pleasuring his rim, it didn't take long for him to relax enough to allow it to slip inside. He could feel the wolf's snout press into his crack as hard as it could between his spread cheeks to gain better access. Peter let out another uncontrollable moan when he felt his inner walls wracked with the pleasure of a long, skilled tongue stroking, licking, and prodding his most sensitive places. All the while, the wolf used the rim job to slicken everything his tongue could reach, getting Peter ready for the fucking that was sure to follow.

Peter couldn't wait for that fucking. Peter loved his boyfriend as a human - really, he did! - but there was just something about this werewolf that was making him hornier than he remembered being in a long time. It was like Tommy had transformed into the most carnal beast on the planet and it was breeding season. The wolf seemed intent on making the nearest living creature its bitch, and Peter was more than happy to oblige.

With a final slurp and more hot, wet suction around his entrance, Peter felt the tongue recede. His hole felt gaped just from the thorough tongue fucking he had just received. He could only imagine how it must have looked to the wolf, his new bitch planted on the couch, butt raised and cheeks spread, asshole winking enticingly as it dripped the wolf's own spit. More fluids were soon to be added to the mess, Peter found out; the wolf behind him grabbed his hips roughly and thrust his red-hot wolf-meat between his cheeks like a hotdog. Spit lubed this fake fucking, though Peter could feel the cock shoot more pre on his lower back as it was sandwiched between his butt cheeks. With the sheer thickness of it, it was a wonder that it even fit between his cheeks, let alone in the orifice the wolf was sure to shove it next. That didn't stop Peter from grinding back on the dick as well as he could in his position, whimpering and practically begging to be impaled.

"A-ahhhh... Please... fuck me!"

Okay, literally_begging to be impaled. Either way, the wolf wasn't going to disappoint. It was unclear to Peter whether or not Tommy, in his new werewolf form, understood Peter or simply acted on his primal instincts to rut the hot, spit-slickened hole before him, but on the next thrust, that's exactly what he did. The tapered tip of the thick canine cock lodged itself inside his entrance and instantly sunk a good three inches deep, with a growl from the werewolf and a moan from the human. Peter could feel more drool pool on his arched back, but was more focused on the feeling of being spread open; besides the sheer _girth of this monster-cock, being fucked by someone of a different species was... indescribable. The texture, the shape, the dirty little want and need that had made Peter feel so ashamed at first, but so slutty and good now - it all added to the experience. It made him moan, it made him beg, and now, it was making him push back and let more slide into his depths and fill him up.

Spurts of hot liquid moistened Peter's walls as the werewolf grunted and pushed deeper and deeper, never relenting. It wasn't long before the fuzzy sheath came in contact with his wet rump, signaling a complete filling. The wolf didn't hesitate a second before pulling out all the way to the thick tip, leaving Peter gasping and feeling wholly empty. A deep, hard thrust cured him of this feeling another second later and forced a needy groan from his lips, as well as more pre from the wolf's engorged sac.

This thrust gave birth to more, each growing harder. For the werewolf, playtime was over - now, it was about need. His immense stature gave him the ability to thrust down into Peter's upturned ass, pummeling his prostate every time he hilted and sending shivers up his spine. Peter was in complete bliss, precum shooting uncontrollably from his cock and staining the arm of the couch; a mess he'd hopefully remember to clean before he had to explain it to Steven on Sunday.

"Ah, a-ah, AH! Oh, fuckyeah!"

The fucking continued. Peter's whimpers and moans matched the slam of furry hips into ass. The wolf bred his ass wildly, grunting and focusing all his strength on driving home thrusts as powerful as he could muster, intent on fucking his bitch to orgasm and filling him with his seed. Peter could sense it wouldn't be long, at least for him. He knew what the pressure building in his own cock signaled. What he didn't know was why each thrust was getting more difficult. It was like the wolf's dick was starting to be ripped from his hole with each thrust instead of sliding out naturally. Was it GROWING? The wolf already had an unnaturally thick tool, and Peter was more than a little proud of himself for taking it as well as he had been, but any more was seriously pushing his limits. Still, the sensation continued. His abused hole would be stretched by the thickness of the shaft as it delved back into his guts, but then it would pop in and back out again, stretching him wider than he'd ever been stretched before and knocking the air out of his lungs. Each thrust brought a wider stretching than the last, and Peter was sure that eventually, his ass wasn't going to let the wolf have his dick back.

All of a sudden, that exact fear came to life.




Peter's eyes opened in shock, his ass clenched harder than he'd ever felt it before, and the wolf growled in dominance. He was locked in.

The werewolf bore down on Peter and gripped his lower neck and shoulder in his maw, biting down hard and showing him who the alpha in the room was. Peter might have screamed if it weren't for the moans forced out of his lungs by the sudden knotting. The pressure deep in his ass was far too much to handle, and he lost it when the wolf continued rutting him just as hard as before with his knot tugging on the inside of his hole. Cum sprayed everywhere, wetting his stomach and making a dripping mess of the side of the couch, and Peter barely registered a howl being forced out around his bitten neck and a gushing warmth filling his intestines.

Between the sheer power of his own orgasm and the complete filling of his backside, Peter's brain couldn't take it anymore and everything faded to black, warmth continuing to fill him up.

A dull ache in his shoulder caused Peter to finally open his eyes. "Shit," he thought, "How long have I been out?"

He found himself lying on the floor in the living room, staring at the table in front of him. Lying on one side all night must be why his arm hurt, but... ooh! His ass hurt, too! He gave a hesitant clench and let out a whimper as his hole came into contact with a still-hard dick shoved up his ass and the memories of the previous night came flooding back.

"Mmmmrph... morning, hon."

"Tommy? Is that you?"

"Yeah, of course it's- oh. Oh god. What happened last night!? Did I..."

"Transform?" Peter offered. "Yeah, uh... yeah, you did. And we fucked."

"Jesus, I'm so sorry, Pete! I had a feeling this might happen, and it's why I didn't really want to take the risk on a full moon. I'd only changed once before and I thought maybe if I stayed away from windows, it wouldn't happen, but I guess-"

"Shhh. Don't worry about it," Peter interrupted. "I know you must think I'm pissed, but I'm not. I can't really explain it, but the sex, it was... wow." Peter moved his left hand to rest over his stomach, feeling the warmth of a full load of werewolf cum slosh around inside him. "I think I may invite you over on the next full moon too, if you don't have plans. I don't know how busy werewolves get."

"Heh, if you say so, hon. I guess I'll just have to take your word for it on this one. I gotta say though, waking up like this with you is nice... wait, what's that mark on your neck? Did I, uh... bite you last night while I was feral?"

"Oh! Yeah, I forgot about that. I thought it was a mating thing," Peter giggled. "Why?"

Tommy's heart nearly stopped.

"Um, well, you see_,_about how this whole werewolf thing started with me..."