An exchange of Favor

Story by farath on SoFurry

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This is my first time writing this kind of thing, or indeed, participating in the community at all. Yesterday was halfway through the year and I'd realized I'd not accomplished a damn thing, so I dug up a stack of index cards with story ideas that I'd made over a year ago and never went anywhere with. This is very loosely inspired by a friend of mine (read: I once knew a nighttime security guard). I will restrain from farther rambling here and just say that I hope whoever reads this enjoys it, and crtl+f "Jill didn't want him around at her own place" to skip to the part where they bang if you don't want to read the buildup. Hope I used the tag system right.

A wild howl echoed through the halls of the office as the wolf droved his knot into the eager muzzle of his mate, kneeling a few steps beneath him in the maintenance stairwell of the building. They'd snuck in at night for a bit of psudeoexhibitionist thrill, to fuck on the boss's desk, to brace against the HR postings warning against office romance, to frustrate the janitorial staff with a lingering odor. They'd moved throughout the office during the affair, and it happened to come to a close in the staircase, now as he strained his grip against the railing , the other nearly drawing blood as he reached his peak. Reveling in his moans and howls, she took his cock in, locking her jaw around his swelled knot, his head breaching the ring of her throat on the thrust, making little 'glk grk guk' sounds as she bobbed in time with his own convulsions, swallowing each aliquot as it came.

They redressed as well as they could with the knot in her mouth, waiting for it to deflate enough it could be removed without touching her teeth, their tails swishing through the now too silent air of the stairwell. As her mate bend over to pick up his shirt from a lower stair, he gasped in pain. She'd gasped herself, in surprise -briefly nudging his cock with a tooth, causing no lasting damage- because she now, in the clarity of afterglow, noticed the security camera pointed directly at her face.

"We got to get those tapes. We're lucky enough nobody heard your howling." Jill said, cleaning flecks of cum out of her dark red fur with wads of napkins from the glovebox.


"Well," She stuttered, "Someone might see it."

"Really?" He scoffed, "I didn't think anyone actually watched those cameras."

"Normally no, nobody really gives a shit. But the shift supervisor on Thursday goes through and looks through all the last week's recording." She wadded up the napkins and tossed them out the car window.

"That's weird."

"Yeah he's a doucher. Anyways, I have a plan. Remember Dan Varana from highschool?"

"Oh yeah that big uh," he took his paw off the steering wheel for a moment, stroking his chin as if to massage the memories back to the front of his mind, "Right, I remember him, You know, it's kinda weird, dragons don't normally turn out that... loser-ey, right?"

"Not sure what happened there, no, but what I was getting to is, he loved me back then, and, as it happens, he works night security this weekend. See him sometimes at the office, never talk to him. Still sorta a weirdo, not sure he's ever gotten any. He hangs out at some grimy bar with his codependent best friend. "

"Alright, I think I got your plan now, just promise me you don't bang him."

She laughed, "Oh please, I mean, he's got some nice blue scales, and they're got that natural muscle thing going on, but you've got nothing to worry about, baby."

Mike was a good friend. They sat together in class, they failed to get dates together, they graduated, went to college, and dropped out together, too. Their biweekly ritual was uncomplicated, if a little depressing once they sobered up. When one of them was feeling down, they'd contact the other, "Hey, want to go judge women?" reflecting how they used to try to pick up girls in town, but invariably wound up sitting in the corner, either drunk, bitter, or both, just talking about who they'd rather do. Nowadays they'd usually skip the hopeful part and go right to the drinking too much and sad judgment of strangers.

It saved time.

Tonight was not too much different, they were in their usual corner table, half slumped, bottle in hand, looking up to see any new arrivals in the room, maybe mumbling a numeric rating to eachother, or debating the numbers if the night was still young. Dan was propped up on his arm, looking down into his glass, when suddenly his support was knocked away, plunging his muzzle into the cup and jolting him awake. He looked over at his friend, himself a bit wet in the fur, who had been the source of the elbow nudge.

"Check it," he uncurled one finger from his glass to point at the canine female just now pulling up a stool to the bar, "We don't usually get actual hot ones in here, huh?"

He swabbed his jaw with his shirt, leaning back and rolling his shoulders to shake free his stupor, only to then lean forward and squint through the haze to try to get a better look without being too completely obvious about it.

Jill was wearing a tight little dark blue dress, a little pushed up in the chest, with her tail half wound around the leg of the stool, and holding on to her glass with both hands as though it were her lifeline to a place more comfortable. She had to guess it was the right color, and was lucky there was a seat open in his line of sight. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see his stirrings. A slight turn of the head, a brief and subtle smile, a little twitch of the base of the tail, followed by adjusting the bottom of her dress and snapping back to facing forward towards the bar, and the trap was set.

"I'm gonna go for it." Dan stood up, rolled his sleeves up, and started shifting out of his booth to make his approach.

"It's not worth it man. If you don't ask, she can't turn you down, and it's way harder to beat it to a rejecter. 'Least for me it is." Mark did his best to dissuade him, but the latter half and any further unheard sentences were lost to his glass.

He had the perfect pick up line planned. It came to him in a dream one night. He maneuvered past the other drunks, chest puffed out, hardly even seeming drunk by his movement, and perched himself, one arm on the bar, other on his waist, in the standard pose. He cleared his throat.

"Hey girl, are you my shoelaces," she half turned towards him, managing to contain most of her true reaction either to the other side of her face, except her ears which did flatten against her head as a natural reaction to being crowded by such a much larger man, "Because I'd tie you a big knot every morning."

Several full seconds later, she managed to set her glass down, "Well, now, uhm," She slid off the stool, brushing his tail with her own as she set down on her toes. "Theres only the one seat left at the bar, here, but..." she trailed off, leaning in a bit closer. She didn't remember him being this big, nearly two feet separating their eyes, must just have never gotten this close, but by leaning back a bit as she looked up to him, the view we would get would be to her advantage.

He smiled and let out a short, low growl as he got on the now vacant chair, reclining so that the small of his back lay against the corner of the bar. This was the best result he'd ever gotten, and his confidence, compounded with his thinned blood, was soaring. He roughly clasped a large hand across her back and she climbed up on top of him, sidesaddle. She had him now. She shifted against him, mentally blocking out the scattering of other gazes in the bar, looping one arm around the back of his neck, their muzzles almost touching. Her other arm supported her against his thick knee, until, as she flicked the tip of his nose with her tongue, she worked her hand between her own legs, to grasp at his leg beneath her.

"So how would you like," she slowly breathed out, moving her face past his to whisper directly into his ear, as her wandering hand found its target, giving the thickening bulge a squeeze, "For me to owe you," another little lick on the ridge on the crown of his head as she felt out his knot through the denim, "A favor?"

Dan's heart was pounding as he walked into work the next night. The previous night had ended abruptly. A few more crotch rubs, some chest to chest contact through the clothes, a chuckle as she pushed off his body. She had left him a folded up slice of paper, nestled it between his collar and shoulder.

He'd returned to the table with more confidence than he'd displayed in many years, slamming down the phone number on the table with a flourish, then noticing the instructions on the rest of the note. There was a brief round of high fives between those who'd been in school at the same time, those who remembered who she was and understood the magnitude of his accomplishment.

But now, as he stood in the security office of the building, breathing heavy as he stared at the tape deck. He took out the note again and reread it: 'Just get the tape from Friday night. Don't look at it,' The promise sealed with lipstick. He had been a little apprehensive as to why someone who averted her gaze when he walked by in school would want something to do with him now, but her reassured himself by taking a few victory shots and flexing naked in front of the mirror when he got back to his apartment.

Last night, staring at the ceiling, idly stroking his member, the plan seemed too easy. But now he started to wonder if his job would be in danger. He rubbed his clawtip against the spots on his head she licked, and felt the increasingly tight, constricting hold of his pantlegs, and resolved it was worth it. As he tucked the tape into his pocket he had an idea. If nobody actually looks at these except captain wad, he could replace it before then, and maybe nobody would notice. He grabbed a blank tape, and an extra one, and would trade Mike the details of his night to get him to copy over the contents, then the next day put the uneventful fake back in place. Might as well keep a cope of whatever it was she was looking for for himself, just in case.

At the end of his shift, he tossed the tapes in a bag from the grocery store, made a qick trip over his buddy's place to make the copy, then dialed the number and brought the real tape with him.

Jill didn't want him around at her own place- her real boyfriend lived there-, and doubted she'd be able to hold back sickness at his place, so she'd arranged a motel room on the edge of town. She was waiting there for him, in a loose fitting, lightly translucent, red piece. She'd dyed her furtips on hear head slightly redder, too. Best case, she could grab the tape and ditch him with some scaley blue balls, but if he wasn't stupid she was prepared for worse.

He opened the door, saw what awaited him inside, and closed it behind him with a low laugh. The tape was secure in his waistband as he walked a halfcircle around the bed, slowly unbuttoning his shirt as he surveyed her body. He'd dreamed of this night for years, and his pants could not hide his excitement. Tossing his shirt down on the ground, he slumped down in the chair, and beckoned for her, rubbing his thigh with his spare hand.

She rose from her prone position on the bed and strutted over to him, unclasping her bra and letting it fall to the floor, letting her breasts hand free as she kneeled down in front of him, her shoulders fitting comfortably between his knees with room to work. This might actually be kind of fun, she thought to herself, she hadn't expected him to look this good with his shirt off, and the smell coming off him was almost intoxicating. Licking her lips, she undid his belt, and looked him dead in the eyes as she freed both a low moan from his throat and his cock from its prison. It was quite a bit larger than she'd expected. Similar in length to her usual fare, but quite a bit thicker, and the knot gave her cause to gasp as it popped free from his pants. It was larger than both her fists balled together, and the ridges were totally unlike the canines she was used to.

Her breathing shallowed as her heartrate rose. This wasn't going to be some kind of unbearable chore, it was going to be a treat. She began to run her fingers under the ridges on top of his dick as she kissed up and down the bottom, mixing saliva with rivulets of precum as he massaged the back of her head with his relatively giant hands. A single hand couldn't fit around the shaft, nor could the other fully palm his sack, but both attended as she circled the tip with her tongue, every few loops closing in her lips to gently suck off the accumulated fluid and distribute it across the rest of the mass as she saw fit. She let out a needy moan as she rose up a bit, bringing her elbows to his knees as she pressed her soft breasts around the length, bobbing up and down until her chest fur was completely messed and sticky. When the veiny knot pressed against the bottom of her boobs, she could fit most of the head in her mouth, her tongue lashing against the sensitive first ridge, and tail swaying in sync behind her.

He growled and snapped his tail against her thighs as he pressed his other hand into the side of his head and began to fuck her mouth and cleavage at once, globs of precum occasionally falling from her muzzle. As his knot reached its maximum size, and her front body being entirely soaked and matted with their mixed fluids, she pulled back from his grasp, running her lips down his underridges one last time, swiping run tongue through the crevice between his engorged knot and heavy balls one last time, lapping up the sweet precum.

She put a finger to his mouth as she stood up in front of him, her other hand's fingers fitting neatly in the ridges of his pulsating cock. She had decided to go all the way. The original plan, that she'd convinced hey boyfriend to agree to, was just to blow him, but what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him. Dan vocalized as she stroked with both paws momentarily, contemplating that a dragon's cock wouldn't accommodate a standard condom due to its harsh geometry, but regardless of his strength and size, she was confident his virility wouldn't be able to punch through both the species barrier and the pill, not that she intended for him to release down there.

Climbing up on top of him again, resting her lower legs against his upper, throwing her arms around the back of his head, she held onto his thick horns so that his muzzle was shoved between her breasts. She moaned in response to his long, wandering tongue as it flicked across her cleavage and nipples, and only increased in volume when he grabbed her hips and began to shove his cock at her soaked panties. He let loose a loud snarl as he tore them from her body with a strong talon, and immediately plunger the cockhead into her pussy, interrupting her lower moan with a high pitch gasp and leaving her breathless.

"No, let me..." she place one paw over his hand around her waist, "Let me set pace. You'll split me open like that."

He wordlessly replied with a low, satisfied rumble, and a more passive adjustment of his grip, with one hand stroking her tail, as the other supports her weight by grasping her stomach.

Balancing her toes on his thighs, with one arm around his neck and the other on the wrist that held her tail, she slowly worked her way down his length, ridge by ridge, each representing another stage of girth that her already stretched wide lips had to be gradually introduced to. Partial strokes, from the deepest accomplishment, up to just the head remaining within, over several minutes of panting, followed by mutual loud moans as each new ridge slowly fucked through her threshold. She was already so full, so stretched, with his cocktip nestled nearly in her stomach, her cervix pushed to its farthest limits, but his knot remained yet outside, practically touching her thighs with its width. There was no possibility that it would fit, and even the last few inches seemed impossible despite, the powerful, painful, straining of his hands against her hips as he lifted her into the air with a few final, frustrated thrusts before he collapsed back into the chair, his energy spent for the moment. As he regained his breath to prepare for another round of battering her most inner depths, she decided to solve the riddle for him, and adjusted her stance, resting both her hands on his chest, and her legs saddling his own, she delivered a few full strokes over his entire, wonderful cock, her pussy nearly gaping open as she finally withdrew, just as he began to tense up for his finale.

Sensing he was about to cum, she hopped off of him, landing unelegantly between his legs, and grabbing his knot with both her full paws, shoved his cock as far into her muzzle as wolfenly possible, clamping down as hard as she could without harming him. The first thick rope almost gagged her, as he aided her descent with a forceful shove, letting out a ragged, low roar, and later outflowings required the earlier ones to be choked down to provide more room in her mouth. She slowly withdrew his throbbing dragonhood from her mouth, her cheeks bulging as he filled her mouth to capacity with his cum, and when she could hold no more, she quickly climbed up his body, cradled his head with her arms. His eyes went wide as she suddenly opened him up into a gooey, feral kiss, forcing his stored load into his own mouth. He was hers now.

As he lay in stupor from what happened, cum dripping from his hanging-open jaw, she wiped her mouth and pussy off on his discarded shirt, and grabbed the tape from his pants, which had been kicked off during the festivities. Tossing on her jacket, and leaving her lingerie on the floor as a souvenir for him, she blew him a kiss as she went for the door. "So, I'm sure I can count on you in the future?"