The dangers of the job Pt2

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#117 of Exploration

Waking up was NOT the most pleasant sensation I had ever encountered. My head was sore, my neck was sore, my shoulder and chest was covered in blood, as was Kodey in my arms,his head was covered in blood which must have been from me. My entire body ached like hell, and Kodey was still unconscious. I knew he was breathing, I could feel his little body heave with every breath. I gently shook my head, trying to clear the daze, and instantly heard a voice in my head set.

"Alduin! Are you alright?" It sounded like Ryan Lewis.

"What the hell happened to us?" I asked blearily. My own voice sounded distorted.

"You had a run in with a tank, thank god you're alright. We couldn't teleport to your position, we didn't have a scanner placement. Draco put one down, and Valmeero's converging on your position as we speak. He's flying one of our VTO's."

His relieved voice grated my head ache." Kodey."

"Yes, we were watching. You have no idea how angry Silverine is right now."

"Yes I do." I mumbled, and heard raised voices. Oh bugger, more trouble, and I couldn't lift a finger to stop them. I tried to clumsily remove a scanner from me. Kodey whimpered in his sleep. My hands fumbled with the device, and as I got it out of my pocket, there a voice in front of us.

"What are they?" the voice sounded confused and amazed. I druggedly turned my head to look at eight mantises, all of them holding weapons and wearing military type clothes. I felt like I was under that medonas poisoning, everything just felt so difficult to do.

One of them stepped forwards and bent down next to me, I managed to exert myself and turn to look at him. He gently tried to prise Kodey from me.The unconscious, blood streaked reindeer whimpered as he felt the alien touch.

"Alright, what ever you are, let go. He's hurt."

I managed a delightfully ugly scowl, made worse by the blood on my face, and gripped tighter. Kodey howled rather loudly in protest as I squeezed him, and the mantis backed away.

"O.K., won't let go of the other one. But that doesn't answer what they are."

"tsssss." I tried to utter, but this was impossible.All that came out was a rasping noise of no possible comprehension at all. I realised I was crying, my tears falling down my face, and the military types shouldered their weapons.They knew I was no threat to them, at the moment. They clustered around me and Kodey, but when one of them bent down to touch Kodey's leg, I hissed again, to make him back away. The leader stood, and spoke into his mike.

"We have found the two hostiles, can we bring emergency medical help here, also I think a tow truck."

Hostiles? This mantis was responsible for blowing us off the road, wounding me and Kodey and damaging my Atom. The moment I was in control of my limbs I was going to lay one on this guy, and hard.

"Also, to the idiot who fired at them, what exactly were you thinking?This piece of junk doesn't have weapons on it."

O.K., I stand corrected, he wasn't the guy who did it, but instead of punching him for hurting us, I would punch him for mocking my Atom, fair's fair.

He bent down, and whispered gently to me.

"Come on now, you've had an accident, let go of him, he needs medical care." he once again tried to prise Kodey from my grasp, and this time I gained control of my arm, as a flood of fury and anger kept it swinging around in an arc that impacted into the insect's legs. He stumbled backwards, and amongst general comment got back onto his feet.

"O.K., be a daft fool then." I finally managed to grab my scanner properly, and pressed the button that activated it. I gently let it fall, and lay back against the tree.

There was a roar, and the mantis creatures turned to see one of our ion drive VTO's surge over the hill. It professionally swung about, landed neatly on the grass, and the engines died just as Silverine, Blake and Ryan Viper landed next to me.Since all the mantis creatures were looking at the plane, they were completely unaware of the arrival of my three friends until they heard the sound of Ryan slamming a magazine into his fully automatic rifle. Silverine was carrying a fairly bulky sniper rifle also, and Blake was carrying something that looked like an M4. Valmeero climbed out of his cockpit just as the insects turned to look at the heavy artillery nestled in each pair of arms.

"Oh god, this is not good." the leader muttered.Each soldier's face paled a strange colour at the sight of the tiger, the tiger hybrid and the wolf hybrid.

"That's a fair appraisal." Ryan replied,"On the other hand one of you guys is responsible for both Alduin and Kodey's wounds, and you're still alive, so this might actually turn out well."

Ultimate threat for the win.The C.O. paled even further.

"I did specify only to shoot if there was a threat to our position,someone was a tad trigger happy."

"Really?" Blake smiled, with no humour what so ever," So this trigger happy person is getting what as a result?"

"We haven't found out who's responsible yet." the leader replied, looking at Silverine, and only Silverine.

"So the fact one of your men just shot Silverine's boyfriend hasn't crossed your mind?" Valmeero said, storming up behind them with another rifle. Silverine lowered his weapon at this and immediately turned to deal with Kodey's shoulder wound.

"I'm sorry, who and who?"

"The reindeer and the wolf creature are in love, and you wonder why Silverine's so angry?If I were you, I'd make finding out who did this a Class 1 priority." Ryan hissed. He was in his Seal Uniform too, they could see he was military, Blake was military, Valmeero had military training, Silverine was just purely dangerous, everyone here but me and Kodey were mil or ex-mil.

"Will miracles never cease, I would never have guessed." one of the soldiers replied, as Silverine, having finished with Kodey's wound, dealt with my neck wound.

"Enough of the disbelief talk." Val replied, staring daggers at the man in question."You not only shot his boyfriend, you also shot mine."

O.K., Val was exaggerating, but the effect it had was quite enough. Weapons were hurriedly dropped. I managed to stagger to my feet as Silverine picked up Kodey, and Ryan picked me up under the shoulder.

I still felt sick as hell though, but I focussed on Valmeero.

"So how long have I been out?"

"Ten minutes or so.We had to rush, we didn't know how bad Kodey's situation was, or yours. Your neck looks awful, Alduin." the wolf replied.

"Yes, someone took a shot at it." I scowled at the ring of surrendered military. Kodey woke, and chose this moment to embrace Silverine. Hanging several feet off the ground, and he simply enwrapped himself around the Lupogriff's upper arms. He looked an absolute mess, his plain fur matted with both his and my blood, but he cared not right now.

"You always seem to be getting in the wars, Kodey." Ryan commented,"first Alduin whipping you."

"Continue on that path, someone's going to be flash grenaded again." I growled, holding my head.

"Then the serpent, and now a bloody tank." Ryan completed. The reindeer was let down, and regained his balance.

"It's not my fault on all three occasions."

"True." I admitted."That last one was definitely my driving."

"Speaking of which, how did the car fare?" Blake asked, turning to look at the Atom. It was badly streaked and scarred, but I went over and reached for the starter button.

"If this thing doesn't start, I'm going to blow up the tank that did this, I swear."

Fortunately, it roared into life, and everyone moved aside as I got in and reversed it out of the branches. Two words for the front end, a mess.The front was buckled, all four lights were smashed, the tyres and mud flaps across the top were history, the rims were all that was left of the racing slicks, although the suspension still looked in order.

As we headed further back, lines scored the under seat of Kodey's passenger seat, the radiator grille had a gigantic hole in the middle and behind the radiator grille the dark red was scored with silver.Both rear wheels, miraculously, had survived intact. I scowled at the mess.

"O.K., I'll give the crew one minute to get out, THEN I'm going to use my RPG on it." I said bitterly.

Ryan turned and looked at the damage, wincing.

The insects didn't quite know what to say. Here they were confronted with four hulking feline or lupine creatures with automatic rifles pointing at them, a deranged human who was in love with his now badly munted car, and a reindeer that was still recovering from being shot twice. The day was not shaping out to be good.

There was a bang, and Ryan Lewis, Brendan and Abigail arrived. Brendan and Ryan were both carrying rifles, but Abby was turning to look at the front of the car.

"At least it will be easier to implant a machine gun in the front now." she said, and then decided to lay off the jokes when she saw my expression.

"Most of it's in one piece, All the important components were protected by the metallic compounds. True it looks bad superficially, but change the tyres, beat out the front, lick of paint, no problem."

"That's a mechanic's approach." Ryan Lewis smiled, hugging me," Thank god you're alright."

"I was having enough trouble trying to hold it in a straight line down the hill." I replied, hugging back. Brendan was talking with Silverine, and as he did, yet more stuff teleported in. Two wheels, a Mercedes S-class, that was the official car Silverine drove, the unofficial one being his hover car, Ryan's bike and a, oh my god, is that what Brendan drove?

"I didn't know you got an R10, Brendan." I said casually.

"What?" Brendan turned to look at the Audi R10 TDI,"Oh yes, I borrowed Audi's plans for the car several weeks ago, and me and Abby built it from scratch. Nice car." the dragon pronounced the car manufacturer Ow-die, in stead or Ow-dee which was the true variation, but I let it pass, gazing at the Le Mans racer. It ran on diesel, delivered so much power it wasn't funny, weighed a little more than the F1 car and with the exception of the F1 car was the fastest thing on four wheels we owned.It was covered in sponsoring, they had copied even the names of each manufacturer and sponsor meticulously.

The spare wheels, however, were for me, and after locating a jack in Silverine's boot, Brendan quickly helped me with the task of changing the tyres. This meant undoing five bolts, removing wheel, putting new one on and replacing five bolts,fortunately Brendan was the strong one, he was much better at undoing and replacing than me. Meanwhile the insects were, to their great relief, no longer being aimed at, and instead a very frosty conversation was taking place over by the cars and the bike. Blake's Viper arrived with Abigail's LP-640, it was quite clear we were all going into town together.

Kodey came over to me, and simply flung himself at me, knocking me onto the ground. I looked calmly at the reindeer.

"And what was that for?" I asked politely.

"You saved my life, again." he placed emphasis on the word, grinning wildly.

"It happens in this job." I replied, and watched in interest as Kodey began fiddling with the buttons on my shirt. Due to the fact this was a very public area at current we didn't strip completely naked, just far enough for access to his ass. I penetrated just as the sergeant saw what was going on behind the car.

"Er, good grief.I mean," he stuttered, and Silverine looked over at Kodey.

"Tell me when you've finished, Kodey, I'll give you a lift in the Merc."

Kodey rose and fell on my cock, not allowing me to do any work in this, and replied.

"Silverine, do you mind if I go in the Atom? Alduin's a fantastic driver."

I blushed heavily, and Brendan roared with laughter, the dirty minded dragon was quite clearly coming up with something to say on the subject.

"Something we agree on.How did you stop that thing from rolling,Alduin?" Silverine asked, as most everyone else noticed the reindeer's antics.

"I let it run. Keep it straight, don't use the brakes except gently, and pray." the Lupogriff laughed raucously.

"Although I was impressed by your driving up and over the pass.I will admit this, when you came heading towards that wall, even I jerked away from the projector, I thought it was crash material."

"Agreed, right until he stood on the brakes." Ryan Lewis nodded,"I thought he had lost his for a second, that wall loomed mighty near."

"It stops like it's hit a wall, and rather feeling like it than actually, oh god, doing it." I let the expletive slip as Kodey grinded deeply on my ass.

"My problem is how anyone can pilot out the side of the car, does that thing have wheels underneath that let it drive sideways?" Brendan asked.

"Kodey, hold fire, a moan doesn't count as a reply." I stopped the reindeer," No Brendan, but it is remarkably chuckable, as are several cars at Central, and I know how to get the maximum from my Atom."

"I wish I was as good as you." Brendan sighed.

"There are people on Earth who turned drifting into a sport, and skilled drivers can do some pretty cool stunts.I remember one guy who drifted in very small circles around a second, until he climbed in the car window."

"While in the drift?" the dragon asked.

"Yes.I can throw the Atom sideways and pull it back, that's it.Now if you don't mind, Kodey's getting impatient."

Brendan laid off the questions as Kodey resumed his riding of my cock. I should still argue that both me and Kodey were covered in blood and dirt, this point cannot be hammered home enough times.The conversation over by the mantis creatures was getting more genial, and Draco clicked on to my wavelength.

"That was a spectacular accident, Alduin."

"Thank you, Draco, how are you?"

"Perfectly fine, although we're currently having an argument with the military in this town about our position as a neutral force."

"Are you being fired at?"

"No, but we're in their custody."

"You let yourself be arrested?" I was quite clear in my mind that there was no way in hell they could have caught him otherwise.

"I did, our information has been useful, we found out lots of things while you were unconscious. P.S.Giancarlo wants to know that you're alright."

"I am now, tell him thank you." I replied, and then cut off my headset as Kodey brought me towards climax. He saw me twitching gently, and worked faster and deeper, thrusting himself onto my cock with eager expectation.

Then with a howl that caused everyone to jump, I released deep into the reindeer. He fell down onto me completely, stiffening as he felt the semen fill his ass.I let go five bursts, and then stopped, breathing in a laboured way despite I hadn't been doing any of the work. Kodey slumped down on top of me, and I gently kissed him. The little reindeer was not slow to respond, and as he got off me climbed higher up to make out with me.

This little piece of intimacy over, both of us regained our dignity and everyone saddled up. Two LAV's were parked behind a small dune, and the soldiers got into them. We convoyed up behind him, gently undulating over the grass field. Brendan was not at lengths with this terrain, he didn't want to damage the splitter of his car, so drove very carefully, weaving around the rises. The road was half a mile away, and I led the convoy with Kodey in my passenger seat behind the second LAV.

We got to the road. The bridge was about two miles away, and the Armoured vehicles revved high and clicked up to about eighty.

"Oh please." Brendan said impatiently, and then floored it.

Again, he would have given Valmeero a fair run in his F1, except Val was flying the VTO. I pulled out behind him and gave pursuit. There was the sounds of several engines down shifting, and in my rear view mirror I saw Abigail's Lamborghini coming up behind me, and coming up faster was Ryan on his bike.

He rode hunkered down on the bike, and streamed past everyone but me under the intense acceleration. Then we drove level until the Atom began to eke out a lead on the bike. The LAV's were left trailing, and I waved cheekily to Ryan Lewis as I began to move ahead. Both of us hit second stage, but it had no change on the result to the bridge, Brendan's R10 was a couple of hundred metres up before second stage, and when he got there, it was just a trail of blue fire.

As I crossed the bridge at over 340 kph, I came to a T-junction. I hammered the anchors and flung the car hard right. Ryan slowed down more and went left, and soon I was weaving towards the centre of the village, guided by the indefatigable Kodey, who somehow still had the notes in front of him. The Audi was halted at a four way intersection, no one but me and Kodey, and Silverine, forgot him, knew where to go.

The dragon charged after me, following me. He had me on the straights, but I kept even the R10 fairly level on the corners.Kodey looked behind him.

"We appear to have a racing car on our heels."

"It's a Le Mans racer, it's extraordinary in it's own right." I replied, coming to a complete halt near a park. Across the park was a two storey parking lot, the ramp to the second floor was directly across the park. The road went no further, there was only a small river and then more fields. The park was cleared of everything, it was deserted. Around us were many houses, most of which looked guttered.

I turned in my seat as the Audi racer pulled to a halt beside me. It was a very quiet car, and Brendan looked smugly at me.

"Face it, Alduin, you're outclassed against this thing."

"Name the total miles an R10 does on the roads per year." I said, looking the dragon in the eye, cockpit to cockpit.

"Ummm, 5000."



"No. Still less."

"1000?" Brendan guessed.

"None! They are transported everywhere! This thing on the other hand, it is a road car, that is not."

"It's still better than yours."

"When I see one carrying luggage, then I'll buy one." I replied smartly, opening one of the small crevices to draw out a bottle of Lift Plus, still nicely chilled. I gave it to Kodey, and took out a second. Brendan looked longingly.

"Please, can I have one?"

"Your car can't carry things except a driver, agreed?"

"I know that, but I'm talking performance."

"Then where can you store a bottle?"

The dragon slumped, being teased by me was no fun, ask anyone.

"O.K., yours is more practical.Now can I have a bottle of Lift Plus?"

"Sure, even though carrying of those will dent the 0-100kph time." I smiled. Brendan sighed.

"It weighs a lot compared to yours, true."

I tossed him the bottle, the dragon accepting defeat was worth a bottle. Ryan found us and came to a halt between me and the dragon, giving the R10 a once over with his eyes.

"It's nice, yes, it's fast, yes, but it's not multi purposed. This bike carries more underneath the seat than it could."

Brendan rolled his eyes at the human as he sculled the Lift Plus.

"Whatever." he replied, and Silverine pulled up with the two LAV's. He looked as though he was being guarded by them, the majestic S-Class between the two massive armoured vehicles.

"The Prime Minister's here." Kodey turned around as the car swept to a halt on the other side of us. The front window buzzed down, showing the Lupogriff's relaxed pose.He was wearing shades for crying out loud, and he had been listening to the argument.

"Ryan, you look like a bikie, Alduin, you look stupid, and Brendan, the less said about that car the better."

"And you,"I warmed up,"look like a tyrannical dictator. Do you know how many evil bastard politicians drive Mercs, and especially S-Classes."

"Shows it's the best."

"Shows it's driven by someone who would quite be happy to fuck his populace up the ass." Kodey replied, and Silverine laughed.

"Hang on, I do that all the time."

"I meant in finance." the reindeer shot back,"No wonder the masses are poor, the bastard in the S-Class has all the money."

"True." Silverine nodded," but then, they are human, I am a Lupogriff, there is a difference."

"Remind me just how fast that thing is." I raised a finger in interest. Brendan leaned over his panels, and Ryan leaned off his bike.

"O.K., it is the slowest, the worst handler, but it has style. Something which all of you sadly lack." the Lupogriff teased as the mantis' disembarked.

"Have you seen Brendan's car?"I demanded,"That thing cost five times more than a S-Class, it is pure style, it is styled for style. It's also styled to race, but it still looks gorgeous."

"And beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I love this bike." Ryan L tapped his bike gently as Ryan Viper's CCXR pulled up.

"And as for the Atom, it's meant to look light weight."

"It's unnourished, that's what it is." the Lupogriff retorted. Ryan V opened his gull wing door and looked at me over Silverine's car.

"It is not too thin, it's delicate to the point of beauty.And your Merc is still the third most beautiful car here."

"You surely aren't calling that thing a car."

"No, first is Brendan, second is the CCX behind you, and third is that."

Silverine turned and saw Ryan waving with a grin, leaning against the Swedish hyper car.

"And here's the best of all of us." he sighed.

"Unfortunately agreed, although it can't turn." I nodded grudgingly.

"It's got four wheels." Ryan Lewis added.

"It's got a roof and a boot." Brendan added.

"And it does 300 miles an hour." Silverine completed,"I say we mug him."

"Oi!" the tiger managed to look offended, and then laughed."I like this car."

"It's twitchy." the other Ryan shot back.

"It's not twitchy, it's just prone to over steer."

"It's twitchy." I said firmly,"That thing might be the best here, but it is certainly a handful to drive."

"You don't drive it right." Ryan Viper replied.

"You don't drive it right!" Kodey exclaimed,"That thing bites like Silverine in a bad mood."

"Seconded." the Lupogriff added.

"You are all in denial." Ryan G replied.

"O.K. then,"I challenged,"If it's such a piece of cake, why are you always a minute or so slower up the hill on the test track?"

"You just have a better handling car."

" The Bloodhound SSC is a better handling car!" I laughed,"I took that thing out for a spin, literally, and it damn near killed me."

The soldiers were milling about, looking at this argument in some confusion as Abigail and Blake pulled up.

"O.K., Ryan, you lost your second place in looks." Ryan Lewis said firmly," The Lambo is pure pornography."

"The Dodge Viper just looks sexy." Kodey added.

"True, but they're both slower, and..."

"...the Lambo goes around corners." Abigail replied, instantly getting embroiled in the mix.

"So does this!" the tiger argued.

"Given that said corner is on Bonneville." Brendan scored one back.

"I'm not getting involved in this, the Dodge turns like a pig." Blake leaned in his seat with the window down.

"No, you are power and musculature.The presence of that thing in a magazine causes the sales of Ralph and Playboy to plummet." I boosted Blake's opinion of his own car.

"That is true pin up material." Kodey agreed.

"It's like Javid's Countach, except twenty years on." Ryan Lewis added.

"And what about this?" Abigail queried,"This is a Gallardo with the best bits of the Reventon, and that was practically military look."

"It was military, it was based on MY F-22." I replied," It's sleek as hell, and dangerous, but you could cook on it's bonnet after ten laps. Plus that thing came in lime green, which suggested I had been drinking medonas when I first saw it."

"It's flamboyant. That is just minimalist." Abigail mocked my Atom.

"It is minimal, that is the entire point. This thing was made to pirouette through countless corners. That is agricultural, as is the CCX and the Viper."

"The next time I see a politician in a LP560-4,I will immediately vote for him." Ryan Lewis added,"No suited tie poker face would ever drive one of those."

"It's got awesome ride, better than the CCX."

"On the other hand, you're trying to compare against something that is described as the most hardcore monster allowed on the road." the tiger argued.

"Yes, I agree with that entirely." Brendan shot back,"And like a monster it's liable to bite your own head off."

"Has anyone noticed the jet up there?" Blake pointed, and everyone turned. A solitary fighter was flying this way, and the soldiers shouted, running for cover. Valmeero was no where to be seen, and I ignited the engine. I floored the throttle, shooting past Brendan's nose and Blake's rear spoiler. The fighter was coming directly behind my mirrors, and I watched as my companions scattered. The fighter chose the easiest target, me.

Kodey looked behind him, at the fighter diving on us. I drove straight across the park, towards the parking lot.

"It's getting closer, it's bomb hold is opening!" There was a crackle of machine gun fire, which threw out a plume of dirt behind me as I roared across the grass.

"Kodey, hold on tight, this is going to be rough!" I shouted, driving at full tilt at the parking lot ramp.

"Why can't we ever not get shot at?" Kodey howled, and then shut up as a burst of machine gun fire ripped up the turf next to us.

I looked briefly down from the path ahead, and held my thumb over a red button on the steering wheel.

"I only have one of these, but hold your head back!" I shouted, and then pressed the button.

There was an almighty explosion behind me as the engine suddenly had a souped up mixture of nitrous force fed into the engine. Blue flame spat out the exhausts, and the car began to rise on two wheels, just for a milli second.The second stage kicked in, and I hit the ramp at about 370 kilometres an hour, just as the bomb was dropped and the fighter flew over head.

The car flew up the ramp, over the safety barrier and across the river. Behind me the bomb detonated, blasting the parking lot to smithereens.Bits of rubble and debris exploded past me, and little pieces of gravel rained off the back of the car as it was helped through the air by the explosion. And directly above was the fighter plane, it's sleek shape settling as it's bomb hold shut. And as it did, it banked hard. The car flew through the air gracefully, before landing hard on a flat piece of grass. The car skidded on the grass, went sideways, and finally came to a halt facing the way we had come. Kodey was still gasping for breath, and I hadn't let go of the steering wheel.

"Hah, missed."I said in a tiny voice, looking at one of our VTO's following the local aircraft. That would be Valmeero, and he kept behind the Su-F-1547 with ease, releasing a missile. Flares had no effect, and the plane exploded, vanishing over the horizon.The engine of the Atom cut out, my foot was off the pedal for too long, and I relaxed completely, leaning back against the headrest. Kodey was still having trouble breathing.

"I need Silverine.Alduin, I need Silverine!" he wailed. He was having a bit of an emotional time of things.I spoke into my headset.

"Silverine, your reindeer's having a moment, could you come over here?" I said gently. I placed a scanner on the ground, and Abigail, Blake and Silverine teleported to the car. Valmeero was already shaping to land over the outer side of the city. I undid the four point harness on Kodey's seat, and the Lupogriff gently picked him up and held the sobbing reindeer in his arms. I got out of my seat, looked at Abigail and Blake, and lifted a finger to attract attention.

"Blake, I hate to have to do this, but I just cannot go another moment without doing so."

"What thing did you have in mind?"

I passed out.I don't even remember hitting the ground. Both Kodey and me were in shock from the nearness of the explosion.